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The Battle for Vega IV

Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"On it!" Linda calls back as she pops from her cover the fire a few rounds at the same Harbinger. When the shooting had started she had gone for the nearest cover, which for her meant a alcove leading into one of the buildings. It provided plenty of cover from the rooftop Harbingers, but the ones advancing from the street were going to prove a problem if they couldn't be taken down fast enough...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo takes cover behind a nearby vehicle, pulling out the side view mirror as he thinks to himself (Shit... Somebody already took a hit?)

Over his comm he yelled out "Don't stay in one place... Keep moving! Plasma eats through cover!"

Then to the Driver appliing First-Aid "Need you on the Turret... And keep your head DOWN this time... We'll see to your friend..."

And sending a final message to the only civilian among them, "Doc. Cheese, or Chase... Or whatever your Goddamn name is... You med Cert?"

While sending these rapidfire coms Kenzo scans the building with the sideview mirror, getting a good read on where the Harbinger's are holed up

(Well... Lets go fishing...)

Kenzo opens the door and lays down across the front seats, sending a few bursts up through the shattered window before pushing back off and increasing the cover between them...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Seeing the passenger turret unmanned and figuring they team could take advantage of it's superior firepower Aelin wastes no time in jumping into the LAAV and manning the turret controls, concentrating on taking out the two approaching Grunts and providing covering fire while the team advances.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Arioks display smiled, and he immediately opened up a communications pipeline, sending messages through the Zaftras comm system to the other ships in the fleet as the Admiral gave him permission to use the system. Within three and a half seconds, each of the ships in the fleet would receive instructions to form into a loose cone around the Harbinger vessels with the Zaftra in the center and the smallest vessels on the ends. The decks guns hammered as one into another Harbinger vessel, while the rest of the fleet concentrated its fire on another, and shortly after both vessels shields crumbled, followed swiftly by their hulls. With two less enemy vessels to return fire, the rest was just mopping up, which was good, considering that by the time the first ship had been destroyed, the Admiral had given his next orders.

"Of course Admiral. I took the liberty of arming the gunships as soon as we entered the system, and now the pilots only need to prep them for launch. Your orders have been sent to the hangar, and the gunships should be prepared to leave within three minutes and seventeen seconds." Meanwhile, Ariok once more set much of his unused processing power into decrypting the data packets, checking every piece in case it should hold something dangerous as he decrypted it.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Chesse was ready to get out the car and join the battle until the guy named Kenzo ask him if he was med cert, he just nod and said when he get close the injured soldier Yes, i can handle this easily and just call me Dr or Doc if you want With caution to dont be shoot, he used the cars to reach the pacient, if the place was dangerous he will move him with caution to a better place, then he will start to stabilize him, it was a luck that the first aid kit had the nescesary to do the job, how many persons had to die to improve it and do it usseful in this kind of battles, certainly it was not the time to think about these things now, even when it was certainly courious to had reached too many planets and they had not created better weapons, at least this war was helping to solve this problem.

The wound was not so letal, maybe this was a luck day for the soldier, after a long time helping to cure the injured soldiers of the ship, Chesse could do this job easily, even in the midle of a battle like this, he had worse cases where the pacient was in a really critical state and dont had the nesecesary to cure him, it was a luck that his studies were an aid in the medicine area. Chesse start his job to cure the pacient enough before return to aid in the battle, after this battle he can had more time to end of cure him.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

One of the grunts advancing on the group began to falter as the overwhelming firepower hit him. Aelin's post seemed to be proving useful as the second grunt's shields soon dropped, and the snipers soon took notice, aiming their plasma weapons at the LAAV, as a Vanquisher swooped by overhead, the gunner in backseat managing to drum up enough courage to climb up from behind the vehicle and aim the launcher for a lock-on, firing the remaining missile in the weapon and cursing as he squatted down to avoid fire "HEY! This thing's only got three shots! I need help loadin' some more in case they make another pass!" the gunner yells out over the radio, as the Vanquisher he had fired at takes the missile and begins to veer away.

Up on the ship, two large gunships began to lift off from the deck, largely resembling old AC-130 aircraft from Earth of old, were it not for the large Anti-matter engines attached in place of their old propellers. As they prepared for takeoff, the few ace fighter ships they had, which looked much like old Harrier jets, except armed with two nose-mounted lasers and using specialized jet engines to assist with their VTOL and with in-atmosphere fighter operations, began to lift off as well. The two gunships and 9 fighter ships all exited the hanger, and began descending towards the planet, the best chance of support that the ground teams were going to get.

Ariok, meanwhile, was met with heavy resistance. After cracking the first layer of encryption, one piece of information was revealed: A planet scanner which could scan an area of the planet and track it in real time to a level of precision much greater than any human surveillance technology could pull off. If Ariok read it right, it would be able to track a 10 square yard area precisely, or up to a fourth of a planet. All of it fed into a large table that seemed to be hidden below the Bridge floor. And, after having gained access to the file, Ariok could now access this scanning system himself, as well as the table. The encryption, however, seemed to automatically complicate itself every time he cracked a new level.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Terra packed up her gun, stand and equipment and as quickly as she could followed Linda until she diverged course and ran to another building, running up the stairs till she got to the roof and quickly mounted and loaded her rifle. Then she promptly lied flat prone, waiting for the battle to begin. As soon as she heard the Harbingers arrive and begin firing at her comrades, she swiftly propped up some and and began firing at the monsters converging towards her friends.

(Short Post is short, but again, just getting back on the ball. Sorry for my delay.)
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Had Ariok been a living thing rather than an AI, he would have glared angrily at the increasingly encrypted data. Variable encryption was unheard of in human space, and the alien data only made things more complicated. The AI began hunting for some sort of pattern among the encryption, going over both the new data and his memory banks in an attempt to discern the encryption key. The scanning system would be of little use at the moment, given that the space battle continued to rage, blocking any scans. Still, it might become useful if the ground operation required intelligence, so he quickly prepared a dossier on the scanning system and sent it to the three admirals personal networks.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"Jesus Christ..." Kenzo spat into his helmet as he overheard the gunners complaints on needing a fresh ammo supply...

Kenzo sprayed another volley of suppressive fire upon the snipers and began to make his move, moving his focus onto the remaining grounded grunt as he dove between cover to get to the back of the truck...

Unclamping the loading dock the used crate fell way, Kenzo kicked it away as he grabs a fresh crate and hefts the heavy load into base of the launcher, proping it up with his leg as he sets the clamp...

"Theres three of the alien bastards holed up in the second and seventh window of the third floor! Fuck them up!"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Linda spares a moment to put two shots into each of the fallen grunt's heads to make sure they don't get back up, then has to duck further into her entrance as the snipers above take more than a healthy interest in her. The cement wall starts to falter under the beating of the plasma, so she tries the door, finding it locked. A few shots to the hinges and a sturdy kick gets her inside in time to avoid any harm.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

As the first ground Harbinger falls, Zod switches fire to the second, following the same firing protocol. As the second falls, Zod relocates to new cover as the car is mostly totaled. As he takes cover, he helps fire suppress the snipers.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

After end to establish the soldier, Chesse prepare his own weapon and heard the instructions of the soldier in charge, he had not been seen completely by the aliens and the soldiers are now in a disadventage against the snipers in the building. The Dr. crawl and use the cars to hide himself until found a nice place to shoot his sniper gun kind, it was a look that the aliens are busy shooting to notice him. He then is hidden and aim to them, shooting and hiding himself the most quick that she can to dont turn into a target.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

As suppressing fire begins to hit the Sniper's positions, they begin to focus fire in a form of 'shoot enough bullets, you'll hit the target' maneuver. Though when Kenzo orders the gunner to shoot at the building, he notices the two muzzle flashes from the plasma weapons in close enough proximity, and aims the targeting optics between the three. "This ain't gonna kill 'em, but it'll sure give 'em the idea to get the hell off our case!" he yells, firing a missile at the building, the black smoke filling the air behind it as it streaks towards the building, then impacts, exploding between the three snipers, leaving a large hole in the building as the plasma fire ceases from that building, the other snipers backing off and retreating.

Meanwhile, the squad might hear the loud roar of the fighter jets flying overhead, engaging the Vanquishers that were standing by as the two Gunships continued their descent into the atmosphere. Kenzo would then get a call from Control, one of the many operators who helped lead the fights in different directs. "Bravo, this is Control. Our two gunships just entered atmo and are warming up their weapons. They'll be ready to provide support within minutes. Have your laser designator at the ready. Control out." And with that, the male voice over the radio cut. If they looked up and behind them, they might see the two gunships slowly descending, but they were small specks in the sky at that distance.

Ariok, however, was left to contend with the heavily encrypted data that was giving him almost no lee-way. And out in space, the Harbinger ships began to turn away as their shields began to flare to the breaking point. But it was too late, as a Deck Gun's round impacted one and smashed through the shield, crumpling the ship like a soda can before it detonated. The rest of the fleet began to mop up the remaining fast-attack ships and large attack vessels, the space battle over, for now. Harris, on the other hand, was going over everything that had been fed to him, and something caught his eye. He began to investigate it, and soon he found out everything about the scanner and table, thanks to finding the dossier from Ariok. He then activated it, the entire center of the bridge depressing slightly then retracting, a table popping up in it's place. The table began to power up, first a 2-D image of their fourth of the planet, and then it began to take shape as it scanned more and more. Stukov was, to say the least, very impressed. "Ariok, how long were you going to keep this from us?" Stukov asks, Harris speechless as he beckons over some of his control staff to man the different table operation areas.

The table begins to zoom in on the city of Tillan, where heavy firefighting and harbinger presence area a given. "Ariok, can we program this to detect friend/foe?" Harris asks, his hands on the table as his examines the table, genuinely impressed.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo re-moves the spent cartridges and reloads a new shell canister into the launcher as he looks over the freshly made hole in the wall...

Too much concrete dust to tell whats beyond... If there were any EKIA or EWIA... But they stopped fireing... That was a good sign...

"Stay frosty! They may have bugged out!"

As Kenzo gets the message about the air support he grins a bit,

"We got ourselves a firebird!"

Kenzo extends his suits link umbilical and drawing his sidearm, inserts it into the butt of the weapon... His HUD updates with the amount of ammunition held in the weapon...

Kenzo squeezes the trigger halfway a few times, testing out the link as his laser sight briefly lances across his vision and onto a nearby building...

(Yea... That seems to be working... Now to find something worth blowing up...)

Kenzo bangs on the cab of the truck.

"Alright! Lets move on up! Next position, GO!"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Ariok glares up at Stukov as he replies; "I didn't keep it from you, Admiral. I sent each of the Admirals a dossier on the system several minutes ago, just after I discovered it. I did not believe that it was prudent to distract you all with it while we were in the middle of a space battle." The deck guns cease firing as the last of the large Harbinger vessels explodes under the combined fire of the fleet, the AI allowing the other ships to clean up the lesser Harbinger vessels. At Stukovs words, Ariok combs through the data once more, and then the various persons visible on the display flash briefly, colored triangles appearing on each of them. Red for Harbingers, green for friendlies and blue for unknowns. "For our own men, I can just check for FoF tags, while the Harbingers have unique energy signatures that make them easy to identify with the scanning system."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"Sir, yes sir!" Niles replies as he leap frogs to the next position of cover before providing cover-fire for his teammates to move ahead. With snipers around, it was always better to advance to the next checkpoint slowly and safely.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"Yes Sir!" Linda calls in confirmation, scooting back out of the building she had taken cover in. She in turn was covered with a thick layer of rock dust that had shook itself free from the explosion, but was otherwise fine. She took her position and kept an eye on the building the snipers were in, in case they wanted to try their luck again.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

After shoot some times to the snipers, Cheese cover himself when the explosion happen, many little rocks hit the cars that he use as shields and then heard the orders of the soldier. With a nice view and great hideout the doctor protect the soldiers with his sniper weapon ready to shoot any alien who attemp to aim the humans. It was a luck that he dont get to much away of the truck and he wil go to it trying to dont be seen be the mosters after the last soldier get away safe of the aim of the sniper creatures.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo watches as his team dusts them selves off briefly, taking careful steps to watch the demolished wall for any movement.

He performs a quick sweep to make sure everyone still has all there limbs intact before they set back off... But somthing catches his eye.

The new Conscript Dr. Chase making his way over the ruins of the blown out wall... Without the injured gunner in his care...

"Chase, just what the hell are you doing? Aren't we forgetting something?"

After seeing the doc's pulled face he continues

"Around 80 kilos of something, you bandaged up just to leave in the dirt?"

Kenzo shrugs his arms like What the hell?

"Is he dead? Go grab his ID for later confirmation! If he's not? Get him the fuck over here!"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Chesse always had problems to remember what was doing before start focus himself in other and it was always his weak point, of course that he had tried to solve it but it was useless and will be maybe a part of him until he die, maybe.

O-Oh yes i was doing something before this....

The doctor take a moment to remember and then make a surprise sight Shit, the soldier with caution he return to where the poor soldier is and after take some little rocks, he lift him with caution to dont be aimed by the aliens, but then return again to recover the first aid kit... Now both close the truck he just shrug his shoulders and then put the secure in his weapon. I think that its all, right?...or i forget something? he said to himself as he try to dont be shoot.