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The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Eliza starts stripping on her own, Helena steps back and picks up the song again. When Liz turns around, Helena grins at her and hugs her briefly before leading her outside, where the entire camp seems to be partying.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Liz squeaked in surprise as Helena suddenly hugged her, and proceeded to tug her along out of the tent before she can react.

Outside, the blue-haired woman’s mouth fell open slightly as she saw the state of the camp, which had taken to nearly full on party mode. Everyone in sight was either engaged in impromptu, laugh-filled dances with one another, indiscriminate of gender, or loosely seated around the various campfires that dotted the camp, engaged in song and keeping the mood as they watched the dancers, with many of them – men and women alike – giving appreciative looks to their fellow comrades as they danced. Even in the memories the EGG implanted into her about Black Company, Eliza couldn’t remember ever seeing the camp quite like it was now. Song and dance often broke out among the mercenary group as the day fell into night, but never quite to this scale.

Be it Helena’s influence or not, Eliza could feel her worries drift away as the mood sank in, and before she knew it, she was smiling and laughing right along with Helena and the rest of the camp as her legs and hips began to sway, her own lovely body no doubt stealing some of the appreciative looks of any of her fellow mercenaries that happened to look her way.
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Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Many eyes turn towards the pair of beautiful women, and as soon as they get close enough to feel the heat from one of the fires, Helena spins Liz around and starts dancing with her, the rhythm going straight to her bones. Helena wears a knowing smile, and keeps looking Liz in the eyes as the pair dances, sometimes getting a few feet away, but mostly staying close enough for the blue-haired girl to almost expect a kiss.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza begins to blush again as the pair continue their alluring dance, the times when she twirls or briefly steps away allowing her to notice the various sets of eyes that have taken an interest in them. A blush that only continues to deepen with how close she and Helena remain to one another throughout, causing the blue-haired woman to almost expect the other woman to close the distance at any moment and kiss her.

This thought, combined with the knowledge of the various eyes watching them, began to cause the warmth within the mercenary to rise once again, her slowly growing arousal remaining apparent thanks to her nipples poking at the confines of her t-shirt. Liz’s mind began to wander briefly as she fantasized about where the night could lead, and none of them involved her going to bed alone...with a few of them even involving more than just Helena or Mel...

As they continued to dance and Liz continued to lose herself in Helena’s beautiful eyes, to her own surprise, she found that she wasn’t sure she would particularly mind any of those outcomes...
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Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

The music seamlessly flows into a slow part and Helena stops dancing. The blonde's arms wrap around Liz and she slowly pulls her into a deep kiss, her tongue slipping into Eliza's mouth and their bodies pressing together gently.

Suddenly the music picks up again and Helena spins Liz away, to the hands of a ruggedly handsome man who the blue-haired girl thinks she recognizes as one of the archers. The man grins at Liz and starts dancing with her, while Helena seems to be dancing with another.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As the song began to slow, Liz’s eyes widened slightly when Helena finally pulled her in close and captured her lips with her own, causing her to instantly melt into the mysterious woman’s kiss as she felt their bodies gently pressing together, causing her blush to deepen with the knowledge that she was sharing her second ever kiss with another woman in full view of anyone who was looking. Even so, the kiss ended all too soon for the young mercenary as the song suddenly began to regain it’s earlier pace and she finds herself spun away from the beautiful blonde woman and into the arms of a man whom she hadn’t noticed there before.

As Eliza looked up at the man, a sense of familiarity came over her as the EGG began inserting bits of information about him into her mind. There was very little in the way of specifics about him – only that he was an archer himself, as well as a few memories of times she’d noticed him looking her way as she practiced her archer, or during the typical downtime among the camp as her companions talked and ate their meals – but it was enough to let her know that he had eyes for her...and might have for a while.

“H-H-Hi...” Liz stuttered out as the man began to dance with her, the warmth in the pit of her stomach beginning to grow again at the sudden realization of how handsome she found him. “I...I’m Liz...” she finished, following his lead as they danced, noticing that Helena had found another dance partner as well, although with someone she didn’t recognize offhand.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

The man spins Liz around with a slight smile on his lips. "Hi. I'm Ryan," the man answers in a low voice, continuing the dance as the song approaches another slow part.

A gust of wind whips around the pair suddenly just as the slow part comes and Ryan leans towards Liz slightly, still smiling.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“It’s...nice to meet you,” Liz replied kindly as she hears the slower part of the song approaching again. As she’s pulled in close to Ryan again, a gust of air wisps around them suddenly as the song slows, lightly blowing her hair like a scene from a movie. As if to complete the moment, the man began to lean in towards Liz slightly, still smiling as she met his eyes with her own.

Entranced in the moment, Liz could only stand and blush with her lips – still tingling from the kiss Helena had given her – slightly parted in anticipation of what Ryan’s next action might be.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Eliza starts to blush, Ryan leans even more forwards until their lips meet in a soft and quite modest kiss, before the song picks up again and he pulls away, holding Liz in his arms as they continue to dance until the song fades away and Ryan stops, still with Liz in his arms and smiling slightly. Someone, somewhere in the camp starts singing another song, and soon people are joining in left and right. It's an old song about a soldier coming home to his loved ones only to find everything changed so much that after a brief time he turns and heads back to the only life he has known. The rhythm is quite slow and though it's somewhat melancholic, there are hints of joy and brotherhood mixed in. "Would you like another dance?" Ryan asks hesitantly.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Liz closed her eyes briefly as Ryan closed the distance between them and kissed her, enjoying the sensuality of it. There was less...heat and passion behind it compared to the kiss that Helena had given her, but the feeling it sent through her was no less pleasant. As the moment passed, the pair continued to dance as Ryan kept her in his arms, his soft smile never fading as the song finally began to wind down to a close.

In the brief silence afterward, Liz simply stood there blushing slightly as she looked back at Ryan, who still held her in his arms. After a few moments another song began to fill the air, with Liz taking a moment to look around to search for Helena, noticing people quickly joining in on the song as she did so. Whether she spotted the mysterious other woman or not, her search ended as Ryan spoke up a moment later, asking if she would like another dance.

Liz then looked back to the man, smiling softly before giving a brief nod. “I’d love one.”
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Looking around, Liz spots Helena walking away hand in hand with another man, talking with a low voice.

As the music starts, Ryan against pulls Liz onto his arms and starts the slow steps of a dance, one that Liz finds easy to follow.

The music and the dancing continues for another half an hour before finally fading away in the failing sunlight. The gentlemanly Ryan gives Liz a final kiss before letting go, though his eyes are still fixed on Liz. Eliza can see Helena behind Ryan, watching the pair.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza blushed lightly as the song and dance that had overtaken the camp finally wound to a close, with Ryan offering a final gentlemanly kiss before releasing her from his arms, although his eyes still lingered on her. Over his shoulder, Liz could see Helena standing nearby, watching the pair. She had seen the blonde woman earlier walking and speaking with another of her comrades, but he was nowhere in sight now.

“Th-Thank you for dancing with me,” Liz said, blushing as she smiled back at him softly. “To be honest, I...don’t usually partake in this kind of thing, but... It was a lot of fun...” she said, hesitating for a moment before resting her hands lightly on his shoulders and kissing him on the cheek. She then blushed again before kindly stepping passed him and began making her way towards Helena, wanting to go thank her as well for helping push her into having this fun...with a part of her hoping that – as she subconsciously glanced back over her shoulder at Ryan – their night wasn’t quite done yet...
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Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel sat there on the outside line, a few of the other people keeping watch in her sight, reassuring her that the party hadn't enveloped so much of the camp that they were completely defenseless. She felt the excitement and longing slowly seep out of her, convincing her that is was indeed Helena who had been influencing it. And she had left the tart alone with Liz... It's just a game after all, and Liz was having fun, far be it for her to ruin that.

Letting out a little sigh, Mel leaned back in the grass and looked up at the stars, listening to the sounds of the party behind her, far louder than the sounds of the forest in front.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Eliza looks at Ryan, she sees the man heading to one of the archers' tents, with graceful steps and head held high. "Good looking, isn't he?" As she turns her head back towards Helena, Liz sees the blonde walking towards her, smiling widely with a twinkle in her eyes.

As the sounds of the music start dying away, Melbara becomes aware of something moving through the forest towards her.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza blushes lightly as she hears Helena’s comment, turning to face the other woman a bit embarrassed at having been caught practically staring back at him as they parted ways. “Y-Yeah...he is...” she replied sheepishly, smiling softly and looking down at her feet for a moment before meeting Helena’s gaze again. “So...what about you? I didn’t really get a good look at whoever it was you ended up dancing with...”
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Movement along the bottom of her vision brought Mel's gaze beack down from the stars and treetops to ground level, her body suddenly on high alert. She let out a low whistle, turning her gaze away long enough to meet the gazes of the watchmen on either side and motioning then towards the woods. In her mind, whatever was out the was aiming for her, being the only PC in the area, so she made sure she had what backup she could, drawing her bow and getting ready to fire at whatever appeared.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Oh, he was alright. You know, a lot of people here seem to be interested in you." Suddenly the air is pierced by two short whistles followed by a long and a short one, signalling a disturbance in the east side of the camp, and immediately the reserve watchmen leave to check it out.

As Mel catches the watch corporals eye, he signals for help without leaving his post. Soon Melbara can hear the sounds of men coming towards the corporal. Meanwhile in front of her, a spidery head pokes out through the bush, staring at her.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Liz blushed again, deeper this time, at Helena’s words. “W-What do you mean?” she replied, glancing shyly around the camp at the thought of her companions looking at her, the warmth in her stomach rising as well at that same thought.

A sudden whistling sound snapped the mercenary back to reality, however, knowing that something must be wrong if the watchmen were signaling. “W-What’s going on? Is something here?” Liz said, growing worried about Mel as she remembered the other woman having gone out to the perimeter watch earlier, but not knowing on which side of camp or if she was the one in trouble.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel kept her eye on the movement, until she saw the spidery head poking out. Reinforcements had already been called, and she groaned a little, holding her hand up in a fist to let the people coming know to hold. Once she was certain the thing was safe enough for now, she gave the spider a shooing motion, trying to wave it back towards the forest. "Go on, git! Helena aint coming out tonight, shoo!" She said, not getting any closer to it than she already was, just in case.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Looking around, Eliza sees that most people don't seem all too worried about the alarm, and when it's not sounded again, they go back to what they were doing before. Helena dismisses it with a shrug. "Looks like it's nothing too important. As for your other question, I'd be happy to arrange a demonstration." the blonde says with the mischievous smile that seems so natural on her face.

The corporal on duty seems a little annoyed, but merely continues watching Melbara, and the others stop getting closer. The spider on the other hand seems delighted to have found Melbara, and slowly scuttles closer.