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The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Melbara calls out to the woman, it is the spider who turns to look at them while the girl stops before suddenly turning and waving at them with a smile.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza blinks for a moment as the spider turns to look at them and the girl turns and waves at them with a smile, not appearing to care about the spider that she must have seen by now if she didn’t know about it before. Was she right, then? Was this spider actually friendly? Still a bit surprised, Liz raises an arm and slowly begins to wave back. “Um... Hi?” she replied, both to the girl and the spider.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel's brow furrowed as her mind went through some darker route. Was the girl maybe under the control of the spider? The delay in her reaction and the completely uncaring reaction to a pair of mercenaries pointing arrows in her direction seemed to say so, to her. Despite that, the reaction left her pretty well at a loss for words.

"H-hey! I said to look out!" She repeated, her shock showing through in her tone.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Hi! Uh, could you tell me where we are? I'm sorta lost..." The woman moves next to the spider, starting to scratch it from behind its eyes.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Or that could be what's going on, Mel thought wryly.

"Here isn't really anywhere remarkable, I suppose. We could point you towards a river crossing, but not much else, and I'm not sure the people there would appreciate your pet." She told the woman, lowering her bow again.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

‘Holy crap, it is friendly...’ Liz thought to herself, considering what to say in reply for a moment before Mel jumped in with her own thoughts, to which Liz could do little more than nod in agreement.

“Yeah, we don’t know too much about this area ourselves, to be honest. We were just on the way back our campsite to wait for the rest of our group before moving on,” she added, pausing for a moment to think, not wanting to leave the lost girl alone in the woods like this...even if she did seem to have protection, of sorts. “I...suppose you could stay with us for a while, if you like... At least until you’re able to find your way...” she finished, glancing over a Mel to see the other woman’s thoughts on her proposal.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel bites her lip almost imperceptably at Liz's suggestion, giving the other woman the smallest moment of a wide-eye stare before nodding. "Yeah, that could work for a while. Dunno what the boss would say back at the main camp, but I guess it's fine until then, at least."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

The woman seems visibly relieved. "The rivercrossing is nearby? Oh, thank god! That means I haven't been going in entirely wrong direction." When Liz mentions staying with them, she smiles. "That would be wonderful, at least for a while. It's always nice to have company. My name is Helena, by the way." As Helena looks directly into Eliza's eyes, she finds her thoughts starting to wander towards the earlier encounter with the tentacle monster.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza gave a cheerful nod at Helena’s response. “Right, I guess it’s settled then. I’m Liz, by the way. It’s nice to meet you,” she replied, smiling softly. As she and Helena’s eyes met directly, however, something caused Liz to blush suddenly as her mind began to wander back to the lustful encounter that she and Mel had shared earlier with the tentacle beast. Liz began fidgeting slightly in her saddle as a result, wondering why she was thinking about that again, all of the sudden.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"And I'm Mel, nice to meet ya." The other woman responded, shifting to finally put her bow away. "We're on our way to camp right now, the rest should be meeting us there. Worst happens and the head honcho doesn't want you around, we can at least point you towards the river crossing from there."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena's smile is quite warm and pleasant, all for Eliza's eyes. "Can I ride behind you? I wouldn't want to slow you down by walking."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Um... S-Sure, you can ride behind me if you want...” Liz replied, trying not to blush as Helena continued to capture her gaze, not understanding what was making her feel so warm all of the sudden.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Eliza gives her permission, Helena walks to Eliza's horse and easily leaps behind her, even without the help of a stirrup. Though the woman's arms are quite appropriately around Eliza's waist, Liz can't help but feel the ample and incredibly soft breasts pressing against her back, begging to be attended to. "Is this fine? I can move closer, if you want me to."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“I-It’s fine...” Liz replied, her blush deepening slightly as she felt Helena’s breasts pressing warmly into her back. “You can...make yourself comfortable.”

“A-Anyway, let’s get going, shall we?”
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel stole a glance over at Helena's apparent pet, checking to make sure it wasn't about to try the same thing onto her horse. Satisfied that it seemed content to follow on the ground, she nodded. "Yeah, let's get moving."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza can almost feel the woman smile as she shifts closer, just a little bit.

As Liz and Mel start riding to the campsite, the spider follows them for a bit before disappearing into the forest. For Liz, the ride feels considerably longer than the thirty-odd minutes it lasts as dirty thoughts keep invading her mind, and even Melbara catches herself daydreaming during the trip. Luckily the ride proves uneventful, and the three women find their way to the campsite, where the mainforce is already setting up the camp.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Eliza was both a little surprised and a little relieved to see the rest of their company having already arrived and begun setting up camp as the pair returned, glad that they had in fact found the correct rendezvous location earlier. The trek back had been incredibly awkward for Liz, due in no small part to the scantily-clad woman pressing against her back as they rode atop her horse, the constant contact – and dirty thoughts – keeping her body somewhat warm with the hint of arousal.

As they made their way into the camp, she dismounted as casually as possible before carefully helping Helena down as well, looking over at Mel a moment later. “A-Alright, let’s go give our report to the sergeant. He should be pleased to know we found a village with a ferry that we can use to cross...even if they are weary of us...” Liz said, looking a bit disappointed as she said the last part. “Hopefully he won’t react poorly to Helena or her spider-friend...” she added, before following Mel as they made their way into camp in search of the sergeant.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel was extremely wary of their new friend. She just seemed so... Sluttish, to be frank. That didn't stop the woman's eyes from roaming over Helena's backside every ten minutes on the trip back though...

"Yeah, sounds good." She agreed with Liz, dismounting and passing her own horse over to the stablehands, leading the other two women towards the tent that held their sarge. "About your friend, he gonna be alright out there until tomorrow? guys on the perimeter are more likely to shoot something like that than ask questions, do you think he'll get lonely and try to come in for a visit?" She asked as they walked.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Helena gets easily off the horse, and looks around in the camp before starting to follow the others. "Don't worry about him, he knows to stay hidden."

Mel and Liz would find the sergeant in his tent, playing cards with some other senior officers - the company's doctor and two mages. As Melbara looks inside, the sergeant calls out without looking up from his cards: "At ease, corporal. Report."
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel nods and walks in. "Sir. We've located a river crossing, in a small town built around it around two klicks downriver from where we met it. The locals were... Confusing, to say the least. We should be able to secure passage without issue, though." She explained, giving a slight pause before continuing. "We have also picked up a passenger, pending your approval." She tells him, nodding towards Helena, who had likely entered the room following Liz.