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The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Melbara
Age: 23
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise 0
Description: Tall and lanky, Melbara is currently employed as a cook in a small-town restaurant. Cheap living allows her to pretty well live like a hermit when not at work, as she spends most of her time on video games.

Attitude: Quiet and businesslike, likes to be efficient. Some people call it mild OCD, but what kind of personality trait isn't a mental disorder, these days?

Extra Notes: Made the person, not the character. if that's backwards, lemme know, i'll change it up XD

Name: Eliza (Liz)
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Bow Expertise
Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=591&pictureid=8878

In real life, Liz is a fairly shy and reserved girl. She’s not a particularly serious person, and has a playful and cheery attitude with the people she knows, but she’s slow to warm up to new people due to her shyness. She also loves video games, manga, and online RPG’s, finding it easier to communicate with people more openly – and intimately – through the anonymity that cyberspace provides, and that combined with her appearance solidifies her status as a nerd by most all accounts.

She is still a virgin, having never openly been interested in any of the guys she’s met – or girls, for that matter – which her few friends like to tease her about now and then. In private, however, her imagination runs wild with sexual thoughts and fantasies, sometimes imagining herself being taken by any number of her male or female acquaintances, and often picturing herself in the place of various women she sees in porn and hentai on the internet...especially those with depictions of rape and sexual enslavement of female warriors. Just imagining what it would feel like be in their place, fucked into submission and covered in the cum of the monsters, beasts, orcs, and other various slaver races depicted in them greatly turns her on.

After receiving an invitation seemingly out of the blue, Liz now finds herself at the EGG testing facility for that very reason, as from what the invitation said about the EGG it could allow her to actually experience those sorts of things in a fun, fantasy video game-type setting. It was like the perfect storm for her.
Because I like to be fairly thorough when coming up with a character. :rolleyes:

Melbara and Eliza had both received their invitations only a few days ago. On this sunny morning Melbara finds herself standing in an EGG chamber with two pods, apparently waiting for an other tester. Pretty soon Liz walks in and the instructor hurriedly introduces them to each other before seeing them to their pods.

Then a screen pops up for both of them separately: "Welcome to EGG beta program!" After a while, the screen flashed and showed a list of selections.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futanari option? Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?

followed by options:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels

Defensive Levels
The Black Company(?)
City Under Siege(?)
Dark Castle(?)
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Uh, hey there!" Melbara says with a hint of hesitation in her voice. "I go by Mel, usually, nice to meet ya. You play a lot of games?" She asked, trying to be friendly.

She examined the interface with a critical eye, feeling out of her element in this odd pod instead of back at home in a comfy chair, but getting into the feel of the situation nonetheless. It didn't take her long to set the preferences to her liking, which just left the difficulty. She paused for a moment, considering. It was a toss up between wanting to see how challenging combat could be, or blazing through as much of the story as she could. In the end, story won out, however.

And there was a level selection at the bottom as well, which she nearly missed. She simply selected the first one, assuming the others to be shortcuts to later on in the story. She wanted to see it all, after all...

Humans: Y (3)
Male/Female: Y (4)
Female/Female: Y (2)
Futanari option? Y
Pregnancy: Y (2)
Birthing: Y (1 [no humanoids])
Non Consentual Sex: Y (4)
BDSM: Y (3)
Slavery: Y (2)
Corruption: Y (4)
Body Alteration: N
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y (5)
Beasts N (Anthros 1 or 2, but no horses or dogs)
Roughness: (3)

Difficulty (?): =Easy= | Normal | Hard | Insanity

Defensive Levels
=The Black Company=
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Hi, Mel... I’m Liz,” she replied, hesitating herself before giving her name. She then smiled at the other woman’s question. “I do, yeah. It’s a great way to unwind and forget about the stress of the day. The stories are often so fun and interesting, and I love it when they’re challenging,” she continued, making idle chit-chat as she settled into her EGG pod next to Mel.

As she familiarized herself with the interface she saw Mel quickly enter her own settings, which were lightly visible off to the side, causing her to hesitate as she read down and thought what she wanted her own settings to be. It was embarrassing to know that this person she just met would know her most personal kinks as soon as she entered them, but given the nature of the program she forced herself to enter them since she would likely learn about them soon enough anyway. Once those were set, she saw the difficulty options and hesitated again upon seeing Mel’s set to ‘Easy’. She liked a challenge, herself, but if Mel didn’t want one it might ruin the experience for her, and she didn't want to do that. Maybe the developers expected something like this, though, and the game would either average things out or be able to separate their individual settings somehow. With that, she set her own difficulty to ‘Hard’ before following Mel’s lead in regards to her level selection, choosing the ‘Black Company’ level as well. No sense doing a multiplayer game if the two would be split up right off the bat.

With everything set to her liking she waited for the program to respond, her excitement growing as she anticipated exactly what this EGG was capable of.

Humans: Y (5)
Male/Female: Y (5)
Female/Female: Y (5)
Futanari option? Y (2)
Pregnancy: Y (3)
Birthing: Y (3)
Non-Consensual Sex: Y (5)
BDSM: Y (2)
Slavery: Y (5)
Corruption: Y (3)
Body Alteration: N
Monsters: Y (3)
Beasts: Y (3, preferring real-ish animals over anthros)
Roughness: (2)
Difficulty (?): Easy | Normal | =Hard= | Insanity

Defensive Levels
=The Black Company=
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Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Everything goes dark as Eliza finishes her selections. After moments of floating in void, the pair hears thunder crashing in the distance, followed by another just overhead and the Eliza and Melbara find themselves in a mostly dry tent with heavy drain drumming the canvas as well as the muddy ground outside. Both are wearing plain, black uniforms with corporal's tabs on their shoulders as well as worn but well-cared for chainmail vests, with short bows hanging on the back and sword on one hip, quiver on the other.

Memories rush to their minds suddenly, as the game gives them their background information: Black company is a famous mercenary company, currently consisting of about two hundred elite soldiers. The last employment has gone sour, so now they're trying to get out of the war-zone with minimum losses.

They don't have long to wonder before their sergeant, an aging soldier who is tough as an old oak, barges in: "You two! Get off your fat asses. You're on scouting duty, so you need to be on your horses five minutes ago! Now listen up. We're still heading north and there's supposed to be a river about 15 miles from here, so head about a mile north-west before turning to north and go all the way to the river. Try to find a bridge or someplace where we can ford over. Five miles, max. And I don't need to tell you to be careful, even if there shouldn't be an enemy within fifty miles. Now move it!"
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel frowned a bit as the memories rushed in. Odd way to give backstory information, but incredibly efficient, at least. Should be interesting, at least.

The sergeant walked in, and she gave one glance over to Liz before falling into character, snapping to attention as she listened to the orders. "Yes sir!" She said smartly, double checking her things to see if there was anything she was forgetting, before heading out once Liz was ready as well.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Liz felt the ‘memories’ suddenly rushing into her mind to fill in the backstory of what and where they were, she found herself amazed by the method alone. It was a far cry from the cinematics and walls of text that other games used to provide the player with background information, and she wondered briefly how it was even possible before their sergeant barged in through their tent, explaining their current situation and giving them their first duties in the EGG.

“Sir! Yes, sir!” Liz replied almost reflexively at roughly the same time as Mel, catching herself by surprise at how quickly she’d seemingly fallen into character.

Shrugging the feelings aside for now, Liz quickly familiarizing herself with the gear the EGG had equipped her with before looking over a Mel, who appeared to have just finished doing the same. “Well...I guess we’d better get going?” she said, rising to her feet and following behind her partner.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"No sense not to." Mel replied casually, Shrugging as she made her way out of the tent and into the rain.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

As Mel and Liz step outside, they see the camp buzzing with activity, as sergeants are barging orders to soldiers packing their equipment, the physician is seeing the wounded to wagons and the lieutenant is overseeing that everything goes smoothly. Most horses are in the picket lines, but theirs are already saddled next to the tent and the other scouts seem to be preparing for their tasks, as well.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

After a moment of awe at the level of realism of rustle and bustle of the Black Company encampment, Liz shook her head and refocused on the task at hand, finding her own horse tied near the tent before moving to prep him to leave. Once everything was in order, she climbed into the saddle resting upon steed’s back and – once Mel was ready to go as well – set off alongside her companion in a north-westerly direction, as per their orders.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel noticed Liz's gaze around the encampment. "Pretty well done. I wonder how much is scripted, if we stuck around, would the run out of things to do, I wonder?" She asked as she climbed onto her own horse, and following Liz's lead out of the camp, keeping a careful eye out.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Heh, now that you say that, it kind of makes me wonder what the sergeant would do to us if we lazed about or took too long to leave,” Liz replied, giving an amused grin at the thought as they began to ride. “Most games just sort of mindlessly pester you or leave you with nothing else to do in order to keep you on track. This EGG, though...It feels so much more open than that, like there might actually be some sort of consequence if we took our time or disobeyed orders. I’ve never seen realism like this in a game...and with those...um...s-settings we had to enter at startup...” she trailed off, blushing slightly as a few less-than-appropriate thoughts flashed through her mind.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

The heavy rain quickly soaks into the uniforms and soon the pair is dripping wet. The horses move easily on the flat ground and for the moment it seems like the ride promises to be a boring one. The land turns more forested further north, though the trees are still far enough apart for the horses to run at full gallop if needed. It takes Liz and Mel about 10 minutes to cover the first mile and they're just about to turn North when a large mass of tentacles appears in front of them.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Yeah. Should be interesting, eh?" Mel said with a chuckle. The woman seemingly had no shame, apparently.

Her time on the horse looked a little awkward to begin with, but she seemed to collect herself and get good at it rather quickly. Maybe she had previous experience, but was just rusty. The tentacles appeared from out of the brush, and she stopped her horse, starting to turn it around. "Preety sure we can outpace it on the horses, and just take it out with our bows. Sound good?" She asked, starting to pull hers off with one hand. Firing was going to be tricky, but taking their time and making sure they had enough space to aim should make this an easy win.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Liz was half-lost in amazement towards the detail of the world the EGG had put them in when a sudden rustling snapped her back to attention, seeing an odd looking mass of tentacles appear in front of them. She quickly drew her bow and retrieved an arrow from her quiver as Mel spoke, giving a plan of attack. “Sounds good to me,” Liz replied with a confident grin, following Mel’s lead and preparing to fire.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

T 3 vs 3 | 20 vs 4
L 14 vs 5 M 6 vs 18
T 9 vs 19

Mel 4/5 Liz 5/5
Tentacles 10/11
As Mel and Liz turn away, the tentacles grab Mel, pulling her off her saddle. Liz manages to do as she planned, her arrow sticking off in the middle as Mel does her best to regain her standing.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

“Hah!” Liz announces triumphantly as her first shot in the EGG connects with the tentacled beast.

Her moment of joy is short lived, however, when she realizes the thing seems to be otherwise unphased by the arrow and had managed to pull Mel off of her horse before she could move away. Liz quickly draws another arrow and prepares to send another shot towards the tentacle monster, aiming carefully so as not to hit Mel.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

"Whoa-Hey!" Mel yells as the thing grasps her and pulls her down off the horse. She drops the bow on the way down, not wanting to land on it and snap the thing. Instead, she drew her sword as the appendages slid around her, trying to cut her way free.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

M 5 vs 13 L 22 vs 7critical
T 18 vs 6

Mel 3/5 Grappled: -2 to attacks Liz 5/5
Tentacles 8/11
Melbara has no luck as the tentacles seem to anticipate her attack and one of them grabs her arm, getting slime on her uniform. Liz shoots true again, her arrow hitting what seems to be the center of the monster.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Mel starts cursing as the tentacles continue to wrap around her, a few lengths sliding around her sword arm and impeding her swings. She continues to fight it though, not able to think of a better option.
Re: The Art of War(Melbara/Shrike7 & Eliza/xgkf)

Liz cheers inwardly as her arrow finds its mark again, but curses under her breath as she notices Mel struggling to land a blow of her own while the tentacles take advantage and begin trying to grapple her, smearing some sort of slime on her uniform and getting a grip on her arm. ‘Damn it,’ Liz thinks to herself. ‘I knew I shouldn’t have set the difficulty the way I did. That thing is going to ruin Mel’s EGG experience because of me...’ she thought, wasting no time before taking aim at the creature with another arrow.

Sorry for the delay. Lightning fried my modem and I had to wait a day to get it replaced.