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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin felt it, it was unnatural. She dodged to the side and came up to her feet with a snarl on her face.

"Hey, fuck head, we're on the same side."

He fists tightened around her swords, ready for a fight. Fuck, this guy would be something else.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave adopted a combat stance. The darkness was returning to him, forming a flame-like aura around him. "Do you think that I care? If you have a problem, I'm always ready."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito had long since arrived at the wreckage of the downed Hive ship, turning over pieces of metal and material as he searched for any survivors in the smoke-clogged wreckage. As he searched, a loud hiss was head from behind him, a Wraith with a silver dagger charging at him from behind and stabbing him in the gut, only for the knife to break on impact with his metal body. Burrito simply chuckles as he grabs the Wraith by the same hand which holds the knife, locking his hand in a vice-grip as he punches the Wraith in the stomach with his free hand.

"My, My, My, aren't you a vicious little toy soldier?" a voice says from the smoke as light footsteps are heard, a figure appearing in the smoke to Burrito, his scanners trying to find his identity as he scanned, finally deciding to stop with all the scans and focusing, clapping both his hands together and causing the smoke to blow away from the area.

Burrito's expression changed from that of seriousness to that of horror. "Not you!" he yells, the man practically appearing in front of him, grasping him by the collar and tossing him against a wall "Now, now. Is that the best you can do?" the man asks, looking around at the area "Where has your little friend gone? He tried to kill me." the man says, chuckling as the smoke began to slowly return to the area.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had finally had enough. Pushing Oni away, he stormed between Grave and Sin, giving both a hard shove out of the way. "I hope you weakened that enough Grave and both of you KNOCK IT OFF!"

His voice, while more human, still retained a slight tint of the hybrid he'd once been. He then gathered his viral energies, his hand beginning to shudder. They'd notice his fist suddenly become a mass of flame, yet the hand was still there, very much visible in it's black glove.


He leaped into the air, then came crashing down onto the weakened part of the gate full force, channeling everything he could muster into his blow. The hit rang true, shattering the section of the gate, the portal snapping shut with enough force to vaporize the Wraith near it.

When he walked away from the gate, all hell began to break loose. The remaining Wraith suddenly bolted. A sudden charge filled the air, and an enormous blast rained down, striking where Siphon had been standing. Luckily, he'd felt it and had moved, and the blast merely smashed trees.

"MOVE! We can't dodge inside this area!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin glared at Siphon for interrupting something that shouldn't have involved him, but inside she was somewhat thankful. She hadn't been sure if she could handle Grave.

Regardless, Siphon was right, and they had to get the hell out.

"Me and you can settle this... calmly, later," Sin called out to Grave. She waited to see if he needed help before running. Any misgivings she had with him had to be shoved aside for the moment. He was on her team... apparently.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave looked up into the sky, his face getting very grim. He didn't move, but the darkness he gathered suddenly surrounded him, covering the darkweaver.


The darkness moved, and Grave moved along with it. It was like a path he could ride on without putting too much effort into this. For some reason, Grave didn't attempt to fly. Those who paid attention would notice that the darkweaver's movements were slower than usual.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Though Sin hadn't been around him often, she did know he had come in here a lot faster than he was leaving. She chewed on her lip, conflicted. He had tried to kill her, so she could easily justify leaving him to die, but...

She moved over to him, ensuring to stay away from the shadows.

"Are you okay?" she asked.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito's fight was interrupted by the chattering of a full machine gun firing.

After that, John appeared, quite angry. "Who the fuck are you asshole?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"John! No! He's too strong!" Burrito yells, trying to stand up as the man in the smoke chuckles, all of the bullets seemingly missing him "Ah. Another sacrifice." the man says, his right hand reaching down to his left waist, and drawing what appeared to be a sword of some kind, long and straight "Die!" the figure yells, seemingly sliding forward in a thrust aimed directly for John's chest as Burrito manages to stand, his legs shaking as he groans and watches onward at the scene unfolding.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The sword sunk deep into John's chest, yet he didn't seem to be in pain as he ripped it out. "Dumbass, that won't hurt me."

He then bit the guy on the arm, extending his vampire teeth.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The man leaps back as John digs his fangs in, tearing out parts of his arms as he looks at the sword on the ground "So. You're one of THEM. I see." the man says, raising his left hand and snapping the fingers on said hand, a low roar being heard as soon as he does, a hulking behemoth of a man slowly appearing in the smoke, his eyes glowing bright red as he balls his massive hands into fists. "Take care of them. I have business to attend to." he says, smiling as he disappears into the mist, Burrito growling as he looks at the monster in the mist "Take care of this thing! I'm going after that man!" he yells, taking off in a dash after the man who had attacked both him and John, his right hand up on his radio "Siphon! Anyone! I've found someone who may be able to tell us what the hell is going on! Hurry to the wreckage of the Hive I shot down. John is under attack, and he's going to need your help." Burrito says as his footsteps fall heavy on the ground.

His run truns into a slow stride as he emerges from the smoke, the strange man turning to face him, his dog-like ears hanging down on his shoulders as he twirls a cane with a diamond embedded at the top in his hand, his suit slightly discolored from the dust and smoke of the wreckage. "So. You're the infamous robot everyone on that Hive was worried about. I'm very grateful you managed to destroy that Hive. But anyone who knows I'm still alive must die." the man says, tossing his cane up and catching it in his left hand, his right hand grasping the diamond and pulling, revealing a smaller sword than the one he had used earlier "Let's see if you're as dangerous as the Wraith say." he says, twirling the blade in his right hand "You've caused my people a great deal of trouble. You brought the Wraith here. You gave them the technology to destroy your entire group of followers. Why?" Burrito asks, his right hand coming up and grasping the handle of his blade and slowly drawing it, a scowl on his face "World domination, my dear cybernetic failure of an opponent. I intend to rule the world!" he yells, pointing his sword upward as Burrito clenches his left hand tightly "Many of my friends died because you brought the wraith here. They died because of you! Your life will be a fitting tribute to their deaths!" he yells, charging at the man, not realizing his radio had been on and the entire conversation had been broadcast to his entire squad. "Your sins shall be punished! Toonpimp!" he yells, jumping up and then crashing down towards the man, attempting to slice him in half.

The result was a loud clang, followed by a series of what sounded like several sword slices clashing together. "Why do you fight your soon-to-be king?" the man asks, stabbing at Burrito and being deflected by the cyborg's sword "Because I believe in freedom!" he yells, slicing at the man as he began to move backwards, each blow being deflected by the man's masterful swordsmanship. "You can't possibly hope to defeat me, the future ruler! And your friend will soon know the wrath of my friend." he says, deflecting one of Burrito's attacks and quickly countering it, sending Burrito flying backwards with a massive gash across his chest. Burrito smashes through a piece of hull, into a room inside the Hive section, gripping his chest as he stands and begins to run from his entry point, hiding within the wreckage.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon's reply was short. "Can't at the moment, the other hive has commenced their attack." Then there was an explosion, and nothing but static.

John growled, turning to face the beast. "So, just you and me huh? One on one, I like that."

He attacked quickly, striking hard and moving back out fast, more of a test than anything.

Sparky had heard Burrito's call, and began making his way toward John's position, stopping only long enough to grab a dropped Devastator weapon.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Sweet Jesus," the vampire spat out, scrambling away from the clods of earth that were getting torn up by the blasts around them. Thankfully, that had interrupted the fight between Grave and the newcomer. Of course, two things became paramount after that: getting the fuck away from the blast zone and...

"I'm going for John!" she shouted as she sprinted alongside him for a moment before her speed kicked up a notch further. It was difficult, trying to run and focus on a connection that was barely there, but it was better than nothing and it would, hopefully, guide her to where she needed to go.

Or she could always just wait for the sounds of more explosions...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Going to brush over this scene or Siphon's lot will blow up the hive before Host can even ally with the forum… which would cause a lot of problems.)

It took some effort to stop Aika from getting Host killed, but after Host managed to convince Aika that his alarms were disabled, his guards unconscious, and his room full of Lurker-aligned ninjas, things began to go somewhat smoother. The precedent of having tried to ally in this same method before made Aika somewhat more open to the idea, and read through an old fashioned document detailing the agreement (bio-pockets for the win). Host even managed to convince Aika that Burrito had agreed to the parts involving him (and that if he hadn't he could always ask him later).

Convincing him of the existence of the trap, and that the Lurkers had a way to take out the super-hives if they could only distract the hive long enough had been somewhat harder. It had only been resolved when Aika sent a scout to look over the area, being intercepted by Lurkers who had been exactly where Host had said they would. There really wasn't any beating Host's argument; if they were going to fight the hive anyway, they might as well let the Lurkers take some of the casualties. Besides, he argued, that stunt from Burrito had drained too much power for a second shot any time this week (recovering from his shock at the first shot and modifying his argument in record time), and Siphon couldn't connect to his ship since the transformation. They were utterly out of weapons able to so much as penetrate the shield; they might as well go out fighting in the chance that the Lurkers really did have something able to take the hive out.

And so it was that the radio of every ULMf soldier crackled active with the voice of Aika, directing 'all the good soldiers of ULMF' to a location between the hive and forum, 'to join with our allies and defend our homes'. The announcement states on no uncertain terms, that 'this is our last defence, our last opportunity to save our forum from the coming onslaught'. It then continues in the (to most) unknown voice of Host, proclaiming that 'on this day, as in the past, the Lurkers stand with you once more.' and even adding 'we will not allow anyone to take out forum but us.', tempered with just enough humour to stop it from sounding sinister.

The location in question seems mundane, with only a moderate number of suited Lurkers present... but since when has anything to do with the Lurkers been what it looks like?
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike stared at her readout with a look of disbelief on her face. "Right, well, guess they-" she started to say, but was interrupted by Burrito's transmission, as well as the hail of shots coming from the last hive. "Nevermind. Ariana, how well do you feel flying a distraction?"
Shouldn't be a problem. The A.I. answered lazily.
"Good, I'm hopping out at the location of Burrito's last signal, then I want you to go up there and hassle that hive ship. Put self-preservation high on your list, and don't spend any ammo we can't replace, clear?" The woman stated, already heading towards John.
Perfectly. Should I take a few shots at whatever is bothering him as well?
"You aren't made to hit such a small target, and we'd risk hitting a friendly in any case, so don't worry about it. Now pop the hatch, and fly a bit slower, I'm hopping on the wing."

Once they got closer, the wash from the engines blew the smoke away once more, giving her and everyone else there a clear view of the threat, if only for a moment. Shrike stopped a moment to examine the situation before jumping straight in, throwing herself at the enemy, blades appearing in her hands as she did so.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave cast Sin a short glance. It seemed that while he was still in a bad mood, his previous anger was slowly disappearing. The warrior was emotional, but for him, change always came quickly.

"I'm fine."

The answer was short, given in a tone of voice that suggested that no discussion is welcome. It was partially true - Grave was fine, at least physically. Mentally, however, he was worn down, and he wasn't sure whether the power loss he suffered because of the interrupted ritual was permanent or not. Grave feared that he had lost a part of soul - and a part of his power with it. It could be just a temporary disruption, though...
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin raised an eyebrow knowing that Grave wasn't entirely telling the truth but she knew his tone was nothing to argue with.

"Very well," she said, and started to move off to follow the woman who had once been a wolf.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon heard the transmission and altered strategy. "Make for the forum, we'll make a stand there since they've got the last one going now. It's shooting us there anyway, may as well lead them right into whatever they've got set up."

((It's not that Siphon CAN'T connect with it now, he wasn't able to before due to the mental changes, which are now fixed. Hence how he'll control the ship one final time in this battle. Unfortunately, it's not the flawless control he had before, which is part of the reason it will be destroyed.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito, having managed to hide within the bowels of the wreckage, adjusted his radio's frequency to a personal radio "Silvers, you know that friend of yours? Get him to bring in his army. We're going to need it." he whispers into the radio, a chuckling on the other end "You got it, sonney." the old man on the other end responds, Burrito sighing and switching the channel back to the regular frequency in time to hear the orders, as a loud crash was heard within the ship "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" the mysterious man says, his blade at his side as he pushes aside wreckage "You really think hiding will save you? I can rip this Hive apart with my bare hands at this point! What makes you think a tin-man like you is any different?" the man says, Burrito slowly moving away and trying to find a hatch to escape from

The beast John now faced came into view as the smoke cleared. A massive creature, barely human in it's appearance, almost completely black save for blood-red streaks running up his entire body, his massive arm muscles twitching as it bared it's massive set of white teeth and began to chuckle "Little man. You can't stop me." the beast says, raising it's right fist and slamming it down towards John.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Well this sucks," Oni says, seemingly to no one in particular whilst calmly walking out of the danger zone.

"You're tell me. We haven't had to burn a soul in years, it's going to take ages for us to replenish our energy." The demon replies, again audible to everyone around Oni.

"Wait, did I hear something about this planets future rule? Fuck no, no one's taking my position! Where did they say they were?" Oni asks the group, running to catch up with them.