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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Hey, thick skulls! I thought I was supposed to go only with Sinful!" Grave obviously wasn't going to let others spoil his fun. "You just keep those f***ers occupied, it doesn't seem they will stop coming soon. I have a structure to blow up. As for your question, Oni - those guys are wraith. They've come to kill us, feed on us and drain the planet of all resources. Kinda like space vampires."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"So, technically they're trying to achieve what I've been doing on every other planet I've been to. By all accounts I should be working with them, after all they may end up wiping you all out and it'll be a simple job for me to kill them all myself." Oni makes no effort to actually stop killing the Wraith, he's simply pointing this out.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"No, you destroy things. They drain them, then move on. If life returns and blooms, they drain it again. You apply the permanent solution. So, you're thinning their cattle, and they might be quite unhappy about that."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((It's alright, you can swear on the internet. Your mother's probably not going to read it.))

"You're the guy I spoke to earlier, Grave, right? Well I've been wandering blindy around this wasteland for god knows how long, and now that I've finally found people again, I'd like a decent challenge rather than a never ending wave of cannon fodder. It's more like a battle of fucking attrition than an actual threat, and if you actually need other people to keep them off you, you're in the wrong place. So if you have a reason besides your ego as to why I shouldn't tag along, do tell me."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni speeds up to keep up with Bartnum. "Heh, you want a challenge? Then how about taking me on?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I don't believe we've been introduced. Bartnum. If you want a fight, that's fine with me. But maybe later. Like, say, when we don't have a horde of insect-men trying to kill us."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((It's a habit.))

Grave sighed as he ran. "Well, I might have no reason to stop you, but your friend Siphon may have. It was an order, you know?" The warrior shrugged. "And yeah, you have the right person. Besides, I doubt you'll have to fight, unless they put some guards. Either way, there won't be enough stuff for us all. As for that bit about my ego..." Grave gritted his teeth. "I think it just earned you a looong stay in the hospital. Just wait until this is over."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"The name's Oni. I'll let Siphon or Burrito fill you in on what I do, unless you're unfortunate to see it yourself beforehand." Oni then turns to Grave. "And he said he wanted a challenge not a walk in the park, Battery."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Bartnum simply grins at Grave.

"Bring it on, Junior. Besides, he ordered you guys to go. He never order me to stay. I fail to see how I'm not following orders."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

They reached the spot before any solution was made, and Siphon's eye shot up when he saw the ring, and what seemed to be about a thousand wraith pooled around it.

"Hey Grave, that comment about there not being enough at the thing for all of us? Might want to reconsider that thought, have a look ahead."

Even as he spoke, more poured through the device. It was then he remembered reading in the Wraith hive what the thing was, and what it was made of.

"Oni, tell me you have enough power left in you to destroy Naquadah. We don't have the tools to blow that thing up, it's made of a material that absorbs most explosive material."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Destroy what?" Oni asks, confused about what Siphon is talking about. "Well I can, but not in this form. Destroy my body, that may push me into my other form, though don't blame me if you all end up dead afterwards."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave cursed. "Siphon, is that material able to absorb darkness? If not, I might be able to erode it to dust. I will need a lot of time, though." The warrior prepared for combat, sharpening his claws and tentacles by changing their structure a little. Grave growled at Bartnum as he did that. "Watch it, grandpa. You haven't seen me really pissed off yet."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon hesitated a moment, then admitted, "I have no idea Grave. That's never been tested. And how long do you need?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Who care's how long he needs? I'll destroy it in less than three minutes!" Oni rushes at the thing that was creating all the Wraith, at least that is what he thinks Siphon was talking about whilst laughing maniacally.

((My last post for tonight))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave focused on the ring, trying to estimate the time he needed. "Well... Fifteen minutes, at least, if we're dealing with something similiar to normal stone, and if we need to destroy it completely. Ruining a single segment takes less time. If the material is somehow protected on molerular level or absorbs darkness, it'll be more difficult. I might run out of juice if it's too tough." The warrior gritted his teeth. "Anyway, I'm perparing to engage!" He charged forward, preparing to fight the guardians of the ring.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon growled. This wasn't going well, and he didn't even know if Oni COULD destroy the thing without going berserk. Grave was the best chance unless ....

Could his new viral strength be enough to smash part of the gate, and break it's containment? He couldn't believe it was possible but ... what if Grave or someone else could weaken it? Then it might be enough.

"Try to weaken that thing's molecular bonding, I'm going to see if my viral strength will be enough now. Probably won't be, but doesn't hurt to try. Engaging the enemy!"

And so he did, beginning a whirling dance of death.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave lunged forward, striking with all the power he could muster. He had to get close to ther ring, preferably on top of it, and remain there for at least a few moments. He'd have to create a shield that'd stop the wraith... And perform a dangerous process that required concentration at the same time.

'Tch. No pressure. Absolutely no pressure... I'm going to die here.'
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito stood there, monitoring the radio for some time, looking over at Pale as he flexs his fingers, testing the reaction time "It's about time I got in on the fun." he says, cracking his neck to the right, then the left "You guys take down the source of the Wraith. I'm going to go find out if my theory is correct." he says over the radio, then takes off in a skate towards the ULMF Headquarters "I have an idea as to how to take out one of the Hives. But, it could leave the entire city drained of power. If it doesn't fry my brain circuitry."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin was running much faster than any normal human could. Indeed she seemed much more interested in the wolf than the others around her. As she noticed it's fur change colour, she couldn't help but bare her teeth, suspicion filling her mind.

Baring her teeth also revealed her canines, much too long and too sharp to belong in a human set of jaws.

She ignored the banter of the others as they ran towards the mysterious ring. She didn't entirely know what was happening, nor did she really care. She fell into her blood lust, letting her swords do her talking. She even jumped upon one wraith and tore his throat out with her teeth, swallowing the chunk of meat and letting the blood run down her chin.

A feral grin spread across her face as awareness crept back into her mind. She spotted the wolf, and Oni, and Grave. She'd protect Grave whilst he did his work, and get a meal for herself doing it. She launched herself at the wraith nearest Grave.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon saw Sinful and what she did, an amused grin on his face. So he'd been right, the woman was a Were. He'd only ever met one before today, and that one had been a total asshole. He only hoped she wouldn't be the same.

Noticing some of the Wraith moving towards Grave, he moved in to assist the young woman, knowledge as well as determination in his fiery eyes.

"Do your work Grave, leave the bugs to us two. Bartnum, try to make sure they don't move in with weaponry that can attack at range. Copper, might be good to go human form and blades again."

A single wraith was struck by his palm, flying back into another grouping of his companions, collapsing one wall of their lines. He couldn't help but taunt them. "Pathetic!"

Still, he knew they could only hold this off for just so long before one got lucky and hit the Darkweaver.

"Pale, I need an assist here, got a portal gate contained in a ring of material that's invulnerable to explosives. Might be a good time to overload it."