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The Adbot's Revenge!


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

They problem with Grave was that in the long run, he was very impatient. Shortly after settling down in his hiding place, the warrior felt an urge to do something - and the adrenaline released into his body during his escape didn't help at all. Bored, Grave decided to find himself a proper task - and started a spiritual long range area scan as he looked up, watching the sky. Suddenly, something caught his attention. It could have been a meteor - but Grave remembered about the shit from outer space he had to fight recently, and decided that this might be worth checking. Besides, he knew where to look for Silvers... And he could get the info he wanted in more than one way. Grave moved out, trying to get a couple of buildings away from Burrito and others. After increasing the distance, he dropped the shroud and launched himself into the air, constructing a glider to fly like before. Grave activated his radio and took a look around. He wasn't absolutely sure where the damn thing landed, but he'd find it. The sky was the best vantage point.

"This is Grave. I saw an unidentified object fall from the sky. I'm going to locate and intercept it."

Grave didn't want to share the possible entertainment, but at least now no one would question him if Burrito brought up the subject of the strange spy. The warrior moved out in the direction in which he saw the strange object, continuing the spirit scan. He picked up a faint signal in front of him - possibly a living being. Grave grinned as he went after it. This was going to be fun.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sinful's fingers clasped the cocking handle and snapped it back before releasing it. Inside her C8 carbine, the bolt slammed forward, picking up a round from the magazine and pushing it neatly into the chamber.

She had pulled a dark brown cloak on, somewhat concealing her form. She kept the hood down, wanting the better range of vision. No need to cut off her peripheral at the moment.

With C8 hidden beneath a flap of her garment, she started to walk away from the crashed pod, not sure where she was going, nor what she would run into.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave scouted the area from above. His eyesight wasn't good enough to spot the girl from a big distance, but as he got closer, the signature kept getting clearer. He knew that he was dealing with a human... Or rather, something very human-like. Grave moved towards the source. Soon, the girl would notice a strange, bird-like black object in the sky, heading towards her and carrying a young man in black clothes on top of it. Grave would notice Sinful later.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Sinful, you just gave me an idea as to why they dropped her.))

"Copy that Grave, I saw it as well. I'm moving in to provide cover, secondary Wraith squad out .... AH SHIT."

Siphon had conducted a sweeper scan of the Wraith squad near the objects drop point, and discovered now that it wasn't a scouting squad. No, no, it was a hunter squad, the kind that hunted tagged humans for sport and entertainment, as well as training. So whoever had been in that pod, it had to be a person for a squad like that to be out, was about to get paid a visit by twenty or so heavily armed wraith.

"Grave listen carefully, you have a heavily armed Wraith Hunter squad, the kind that hunts humanoids for sport and the like heading your way, towards whoever was in that pod. I'm on my way over to help intercept, but I probably won't make it there before the shit starts flying. I just might make it there before all the 'fun' is gone though."

He took off at a dead sprint, using his speed to his advantage.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave cursed. "Roger. As soon as I spot them, I will show them a game that's more than a match for them." The warrior decided to stay up for now. He focused all of his senses on finding those hunters. They'd be greeted with a rain of spikes... Or worse things.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sinful looked over her shoulder, and noticed something in the sky. It almost looked like a bird, but there was something odd about it. She frowned, it seemed to be coming towards her.

Her grip tightened on her carbine, until an unfamiliar scent caught her attention. Sin turned towards the wind, and cocked her head. She heard something coming, it wasn't too far away, they were trying to be stealthy. Something wasn't right, their scent screamed hostile to her, and so the woman took cover behind a large rock nearby, wondering what was to come.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The Wraith moved out from cover, each one seemingly not much affected by the spikes coming off their armor, fanning out to cover more ground. It wasn't long before one of them spotted Sinful, letting loose a battle cry to alert the others. As one they moved to open fire on her, which would force her to fully leave cover ....

And the Wraith closest to her, close enough she could see his face and eyes, suddenly was missing his head. A blur of black had suddenly moved in, kicking it's head clear off it's shoulders. Said wall of black suddenly spoke, apparently having seen her. "Well, are you going to cower and let these two legged bugs one up you or fight back?"

At that point the other Wraith fired at him, and he simply moved at impossible speeds, dodging, while at the same time cracking his knuckles. "Poor performance indeed."

Another Wraith quickly lost it's head, throwing more confusion into the mix.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Fucking hell," Sinful muttered, before emerging from behind the rock and raising her carbine. With finger settled on the trigger, and eyes looking through the sights she found her targets.

Two shots went into the first one. Double tap, the bullets tearing into his skull and scrambling his brains. There were much more though, and not enough cover for the weapons these... things were wielding.

Sinful popped the tube of her M203 open, and slid a grenade inside. As she snapped it shut she looked up and saw one of the creatures before her, rifle in its hands. She could smell its fear from whatever the black thing tearing its comrades apart was.

She launched the grenade, which impacted the monster's chest, and bits of it flew through the air. Sinful smiled, even as a few others fell from the shrapnel that cut open their skin and shed their blood.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Siphon, two things. First, I didn't fire yet. Second, I was tthinking about spikes at least 0.5 m long and quite heavy, falling from a considerable height. You really think that my character would try to be subtle? Hell no. He always uses big guns.))

Suddenly, something black appeared above the wraith. Grave noticed the battle and joined quickly, diving in and changing the glider into power. He landed with a big bang, using half of the power for a shockwave to decelerate. On the ground, Grave raised his hand, focusing the remaining energy. Black claws materialized over his fingers as the warrior thrust his hand into the ground, driving the energy into the soil. Suddenly, black spikes erupted from the earth around him, impaling a few wraith that didn't manage to move away.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As the black shape pounded into the ground, Sinful started backing up, not sure whether it was friend or foe. Its spikes impaled many of the original attackers, their blood now coating the ground, and Sin started to pick off those that remained.

She was slowly moving back towards the rock, but heard a foot press into the ground, and fingers scrape against the rock. She smirked; fucking thing trying to sneak up on her.

She dropped a hand from her carbine and grasped the hilt of one of her swords. As the creature reached out for her, its smell becoming almost overpowering, she spun, pulling the blade from its sheath. Steel bit through flesh, and warm blood spattered across her face and cloak. The creature's head fell from its neck and the body collapsed to the ground.

Sin quickly sheathed the blade and turned again to see what was left of the creatures.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Oops, sorry about that. Ah ... well, it's unlikely he'd have gotten all of them like that. Sorry about the mix up.))

Siphon smirked slightly when Grave entered the fray, thinning down the numbers of the Wraith to a small handful ....

Which quickly became one after Sinfuls grenade, Siphon shooting her a look of 'well done'.

Shrugging, he suddenly became a blur again, darting towards the final Wraith at alarming speed even as it tried sneaking up on Sinful. Even if she didn't notice it, which he knew she probably had, it didn't get the chance to do whatever it had intended. Sinful found herself gently pushed aside by the blur, and face to face with both the Wraith and the man in black....

Only the Wraith was no longer amongst the living. She quickly noticed the man in black had simply punched his fist straight through the hunter's chest impaling it through the heart. Even as she watched on, the man withdrew his fist, tearing out the heart of the bug man, tossing it to the ground before adjusting, of all thing, the brim of his sun shades on his face with his clean hand.

"Nice of you to join Grave, and nice entry. There's more heading this way, but they are a good half mile away. As for you ...."

He turned to fully face Sinful, and extended his clean hand. "Name is Siphon, welcome to the ass end of hell."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave smiled as he dematerialized his claws. "Heh. Those guys are pathetic. Can't wait for the rest of them." The warrior approached the pair, avoiding bodies that were scattered everywhere. The spikes he created disappeared, letting the corpses fall. Grave bowed before the girl - or rather, made a parody of a bow. "Name's Grave. The strongest darkweaver in the entire world at your service."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin raised an eyebrow but took the hand anyway. She looked down at the corpse of the final wraith for a moment before turning her eyes back up to... this stranger.

"Indeed... I have to ask though, why tear out the heart of something I just decapitated?" she asked, taking her hand back and wiping some of the blood from her cheek.

As she waited for an answer she looked at the crimson on her fingers tips and licked at it with her tongue. Tasted weird as the things looked. As Grave approached and introduced himself she wiped her hand off on the fabric and nodded.

"I'm Sin," she said.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. "Well, nice to meet ya... I hope you don't mind telling us a bit more." The warrior scratched his head. "How did you end up here? Did you fall from the sky or something?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

He grinned slightly. "I was already in motion before you reacted. Had I stopped I would have veered too close to you and sent you flying backwards. I didn't want to do that."

He noticed her lick the blood, and tilted his head slightly. "Interesting."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Sin looked back and forth between the two before reaching into her cloak and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Slipping one between her lips she quickly lit it, and took a drag.

"Yeah, I came from the sky. Some fuckers decided to drop me off here for whatever reason... smoke?"

Sin held out the open pack wondering if either would take one.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon shrugged. "Sure, why not."

He thankfully accepted one from her, taking things slowly and thinking.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shook his head. "Nah. Thanks for the offer, but I don't smoke." The warrior stretched, then used his radio. "This is Grave. I've found our guest... It's a woman. She's been dropped here by someone in a pod or something like that. The wraith were after her for some reason. She's a good fighter. By the way, Siphon's here as well."


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

After Siphon took one, Sin slipped the pack away. As she listened to Grave speak on the radio she gently inhaled and leaned against the rock.

"So, how many folks are there here? And what exactly is going on?" Sin asked.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave sighed. "Long story short - war against everything that wants us dead. Didn't pay much attention to details, Siphon here knows more than I do. As for numbers..." The warrior paused to think. "One cyborg, one..." Grave looked at Siphon. "God knows what, actually. One winged mage, one vampire, one hacker, one mentalist, one world destroyer... Also, Pale found someone today. Don't know the details. Ah, and there's that warrior, I think an old friend of Siphon and the rest. I'm kinda new here."