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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Either the same virus, or a totally different one. Not quite sure. And if there is a resemblance between me and that thing that might be a bad thing. At least .... looks wise."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave was getting bored with simply hanging in the air. He began to move down, turning the platform he was riding on into some sort of a glider. "For the love of all Evil and Unholy... Burrito! Siphon! Where the f*** are you, jackasses?!?" Grave descended, gaining speed. He intended to perform a quick sweep at a fairly low altitude, and rain death upon everything that looked unusual. Even if he failed to find his commanders, Grave would at least draw some attention to him.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Keep your god damn panties on, Grave." Burrito says angrily "Siphon's here with me and this other guy who took down that third hive. We have other hives to kill, and a war to stop. Now, are you going to go around being a jackass all day, or am I going to have to have you reassigned to cleaning toilets for a week?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Grave? There's one of him on this planet too? Man was that guy a pussy back home," Oni let out a long, dry laugh at the memory of the Grave from his world.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Must I remind you I'm merely an ally, not a sodier? And if you do that... Grave was pretty much pissed off. "And who the Hell are you talking about? The Lurker leader? Oh and by the way... Could you please tell your loving squad where the f*** their failure of a C.O. is exactly?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Awwww, Grave didnt hear Oni's outburst?))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Still searching for the lot of you. Could someone finally give him a hand?))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale, on the other hand, had no difficulty whatsoever locating the small group. In fact, she wasn't far away at all...

A ShadowWalk covered her form.. hiding her heat signature, heartbeat.. even her bio-electrical field, effectively concealing her from the oblivious group. They might pick up the occasional shift of weight, a foot scraping the ground, but it was easily mistakeable for a movement of the three visible.

"Listen carefully if you want to live.

The scrambled voice breathes directly into Host's ear, soft enough to pass unheard by the rest of the group.

"Your life is in danger. You need to come with me. If you accept, scratch your right ear.."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Who're you calling failure, mister 'I can't control my motherfucking temper?!'" Burrito practically screams into the radio, his left hand balled into a fist as his face begins to turn red with anger "I have no damn clue where I am. Seeing as how you're so fucking concerned, why don't you come find me!?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"And just the f*** you think I'm doing, mister "I have no idea where my ass is"?" This day certainly wasn't going well. Someone was going to lose a limb... Grave continued his sweep. He wasn't concentrating on spiritual scanning, however, he picked up traces of something... Foul. Dark. Horrible. "Holy shit." This new trail suprised Grave - and disturbed him as well. He remembered the vision he had while unconscious. His rage disappeared, pushed to the back of his mind. "Hey, scrapman. You found anything strange, perhaps? Something dark, evil and so on?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

To Host’s credit, a stone would show more outward signs of shock than he had after hearing an unknown voice whisper towards the side of his head (his ear took some finding; no outward extrusions make it little more than a black sunken area, about the same size as the black scales around it, and not in the least easy to distinguish). For a few moments, he made no reaction to having heard anything. Then he whispered, “Affiliations…” though it would merely sound like a light sigh to anyone more than a foot or so away… but then scratched at his right ear anyway, though admittedly while breathing “Proof…”
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"My affiliations lie with anyone on this planet interested in not dying. My name is Covert Agent 45.. Now. Prepare yourself."

There is a sudden burst of energy, and an explosion blossoms from nothing - directly where Host was standing. Not a particularly big blast, but enough to send up dirt and debris, as well as interfere with the sight of everyone around.

When the smoke clears, Host is gone - yanked backwards through a portal neatly concealed by the smoke. The reptile would find himself standing, apparently alone, on an empty helipad he might recognise as being Aika's private landing zone.

After a moment, though, the voice speaks from nowhere.

"Now. We can talk. I beg your forgiveness for the sudden exit, but you were in danger. The forum member known as Grave has decided to kill you on sight. And that cannot be allowed to happen. If this shadow that has fallen upon our world is to be defeated.. you must live. I need your contacts, and more importantly.. I need you."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The sudden explosion had surprised Oni, he turned once the dust had settled to find Host had disappeared.

"What the fuck? Where the hell did Mr. Belt go?" He half-shouted, trying to find the source of his disappearance.

"Heheheheheh, looks like there's more to these hicks than we thought, eh?" The voice inside Oni's head sneered.

"Dammit, there goes one of my leads. Whoever's done this will regret it," Oni said, his body shaking with rage.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Host coughs a bit on arrival, purely for effect. He had been in the middle of smoke, after all. He nods sagely when the voice mentions Grave. On the latter half, he remarks to himself, "How very 'ancient prophecy'-y...", with understandable portions of amusement and confusion. Host closes his eyes, and doesn’t open them much for the duration of the conversation.

"Consider my forgiveness begotten, Covert Agent 45. Thanks to you, I'm currently alive and without likelihood of that changing too soon, what with the primary threat to my existence likely still going for my previous location."

"Your help was fairly unexpected, as from what I could hear of Burrito's conversation with you, it seemed you wanted my side dead." Host remarks, with a reasonable amount of dry humour. "Of course, the fact that I'm still alive rather precludes that assumption."


"There are so many questions to pick from right now, and all want to be said first. It's making this quite difficult. ...You're proposing something, but I don't yet understand what. I need more information."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

A laugh, that seemed just a little familiar, and the figure moves. This time, the mage under the cloak doesn't bother to hide the sound, and one can hear the air rush with her passage. Not far though.. simply pacing up and down the helipad.

"Not at all. Our commanding officer is a fool. As for the proposal.. I want your help in redirecting and neutralising this, newest threat. The Shadow creature whose company you just left... I want your agreement that he represents our biggest threat."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The explosion didn't faze Siphon as much as one would expect. The simple fact he was wearing shades helped prevent anything from getting in his eyes, and anything kicked up by it was easily avoided with a burst of speed. If anything, he seemed mildly amused by this. He had an idea of what had just happened, but chose not to say anything about them for his own reasons, which would not be revealed.

"Interesting. Leads eh? Care to enlighten me as to what your looking for that he would have been able to help you with? Perhaps I'll know something of it, perhaps not. Doesn't hurt to think or ask."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Host’s mind worked as furiously as ever. The laugh was undeniably something he’d heard before, and the person had said our commanding officer – which could mean a couple of things, but the one Host was betting on from the familiarity the speaker seemed to have with using the term, was that the speaker was in Burrito’s squad. Of course, that also means they’ve managed to figure out something they really shouldn’t have, he thought, but put that to the back for the moment. Of the squad, there were four people socially capable enough to pull off this kind of deception, three of those with the means… but only one naturally predisposed to this manner of acting.

Host seemed to actually take a moment to think about whether or not the reality destroyer really was the greatest threat, a fairly absurd action however one looks at it. Once more, Host drops his happy and carefree aspects in order to show the seriousness of his answer. “He represents the most powerful individual threat to myself, the forum, Lurkers, the planet… and threatens both this and all other realities. I’ll do what is needed to stop him, milady.” The humour comes back. “Within reason.” He smiles. “I think I now understand why you wanted me, specifically, as opposed to just my contacts… at first I thought you were simply taking the opportunity to pit two villains against each other.”
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There is a sigh, and starting at the wingtips, the Mage Pale shimmers into existence on the lonely helipad, facing away from Host. She shakes her head, silver hair flicking back from her shoulders, then coming to rest once more. What's more, when she speaks, the distortion has faded away - no need for it after all.

"I don't think you're a villain.. not as such."

Grey eyes turn slowly to face the reptile, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I think... you're a psychopath. What you said to me turning away pretty much proved it. And that's the only kind of person who can do what I have in mind."

Of course.. if you also happened to die during the execution of this plan.. congratulations, you're a hero, and that's one less problem for me. Thing is, he'll be planning the same..
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

“Hah ha hah! An apt assumption - though I prefer sociopath…” he ‘Cheshire cat’s. “It’s more socially acceptable.”

“I’ll certainly hear out your plan – though I don’t know if that would require more secrecy than provided by as open a location as this...” Host said, forced into using a highly roundabout statement to manage to voice his concern politely.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The grey woman matches his grin with her own, already shaping the spell she had in mind. She'd used it before, for a very different purpose... the HorrorCage. A blue-black sphere that showed visions of the target's fears and nightmares.. and kept all outsiders from entering.

"I have a plan in place... if you'll allow me.."

The sphere starts small. A ball in the palm of her hand. The mage blows on it, and it suddenly expands, shutting off the sky's light with a rippling blue-black.

"Don't look at the black too closely. Focus on me.."

(Now going to PM for secrecy reasons :p)