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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni squints his eye's at Burrito's claim. "You really think that I couldn't kill you with just this sword? This sword that has ended the lives of entire planets? You 'fit into this equation' because you've never been on another planet. I've seen everyone who's ever or will ever exist and despite that this is the first time I've seen you. Therefore you're somehow the answer to me attaining peace. And I'm not waiting, I'll take you by force if I have to."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Got ya. Sorry about the no warning too but .... eh, spur of the moment thing."

He searches for a bit but doesn't find the weapon at all.

Elsewhere, if Host's people were still monitoring the super hives they would note both hives had altered their courses, and were now heading directly for what was left of the TP forum, the reasons unknown.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito sighs, then reaches for his right wrist and begins to pull his glove off "If that's the way you want it. Fine." he says, ripping the glove off and clenching his mechanical fist "I'll pound you into paste." he says, taking his other glove off, sliding them both into his pockets "Host. You may want to stand back." he says, tilting his head back and forth, then cracking his knuckles "You sure you don't want to let me stop a war that could very well destroy the planet you hope to achieve peace on?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Don't force me to do this. I do want you alive, and if you push me there's no telling what I'll do. This planet's very existence is in danger if you push me too far." It sounds as if Oni is being deadly serious about this.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You may destroy the planet. But if I don't stop this war, the planet's doomed anyway. So how 'bout you help me stop those giant things flying around up there, and then we can talk about saving the world from you." Burrito says, servos in his fingers still moving as he loosens them up and begins to think to himself "This guy seems serious. I better pick my words carefully, or he'll kill me." he thinks, realizing something wrong with his legs and arms, some of the parts not what they should be "Host. Please tell me those Lurkers of yours didn't modify my body." he says, turning his head to look at Host
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Giant flying things.....?" Oni says, his voice trailing off as he looks up. "Heh, they look like they may put up enough fight to keep me amused for a while. And think of all the negative energy I'll get from them!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave sighed. "I'll shout if I find something interesting enough." The truth was, he didn't really want anyone's help. A solo mission (and possibly, a massacre) sounded nice. Grave focused. For a moment, he was building up dark energy under his feet. A large shroud of darkness began to materialize, covering more ground with each second. After a moment, it stopped, then quickly retreated as Grave was launched upwards by a raising pillar of darkness. This primitive catapult sent him flying high into the air - and the darkness followed, forming a floating platform for the dark warrior. Once Grave reached a satisfying height, he began to observe the area, looking for anything weird - strange objects or figures, traces of landing... Anything.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Help me take them out. I can cripple one of them, but the other one will require a great deal of energy. Can you handle it?" he asks, his back straightening as he awaits the stranger's response "If possible, I'd like to warn my friends of what may be happening. I'll get on the radio and see." he says, reaching for his radio and turning it on "This is Captain Burrito, can anyone hear me out there? I need a pick up and a sit-rep." he says, checking to make sure it wasn't damaged
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave was suprised by the fact that Burrito suddenly decided to contact the team - however, he was probably the first one to reply. He still had a lot of steam to release, and now his anger found a target. "Well, about damn time you bastard decided to call! Just where the Hell are you? I'm trying to track down some Lurkers that got into the forum, so I do hope you're nearby... Because I'm not going to make a f***ing detour!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito's reply is a burst of static, followed by a crackling voice.

"Burrito? Where in the fucking hell have you been? You left me for dead, you bastard!"

This is followed by a short pause, and then a laugh.

"Great to hear a friendly voice again. How have you guys been holding up?"
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon grabbed his radio and spoke. "Nice of you to check in Bartnum, we thought you'd run away or something. Burrito, be advised there are at least two super hives, they blew up vault mountain just a little while ago. What's your twenty?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Bartnum?! You sonuva bitch, I knew you were still alive!" he says back over the radio to Bartnum, obviously pleased that someone got his radio message and didn't yell back at him "Also, Grave, don't make me come over there and kick your ass!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale glances at her radio, then holds it up to her ear between thumb and forefinger, almost disdainfully.

"Taco. This is Pale. The forum is secure, but we have Hives overhead. We've just survived an encounter with a combination of possible Lurker forces, commanded by some kind of reptilian humanoid, and a Wraith bioweapon. May I ask.."

The mage pauses for thought, then smiles.

"...Can I ask to speak to the reptile, please?"

If her thinking was correct, that could be the only explanation for both Burrito's disappearance, and Host's easy withdrawal.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Siphon, nice to know you haven't shot yourself with that Virus Needler of yours yet. And that's true actually, I did run away. I got seperated from you guys when we raided that hive, then they ambushed me. By the time I found my way out, you'd gone. I've been a solo guerilla ever since. Whereabouts can I find you?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Vault mountain, about two miles east of the main forum gate, but still inside the forum limits. Burrito, repeat what's your twenty?"

Siphon in the mean time had brought out a small device, using the carrier wave of the radio signal to try tracing it, just in case.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave growled. "Hey, scrap man. You can try to get a piece of me anytime you want. Just don't whine if you're left without a limb or two." The warrior listened to Bartnum's voice. Grave didn't recognize it, but it seemed that this person was a ULMF warrior. That was good news. "Also... Bartnum, correct? Name's Grave. Aeris Lives, 3rd generation: Evils. Ally of ULMF. Nice to meet you."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I didn't understand a word you just said except that your name was Grave and you're an ally. Nice to meet you too. Though if it's a rumble with my commanding officer you're after, you're going through me."

"Hey, I'm not too far from there. I'm on my way. See you in a few, Siphon."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave chuckled. "Fine by me. One corpses or two, what's the difference?" Altough he was alone right now, those who met him could surely picture the warrior smiling in a nasty way. "However... We'll have to locate him first, and I have another person at the top of my list."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I have absolutely no idea where I am. Siphon, you're the one with the giant ship, have it scan and find me." Burrito says over the radio, turning to look at Oni "Once they know where I am, we can kill those giant things, and then you can get on with your life."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Get on with my life? I've been trying to that for over FIVE HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS! And I'm not leaving your side. You're obviously to do with me achieving peace once." An evil grin then spred over his face. "But make sure you stay out of my way when I really get into fighting. Otherwise you may end up getting killed and then this whole planet is doomed then."