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The Adbot's Revenge!

Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Yes, and I woke up outside, so gods only know what happened to it. Anybody feel like going and checking?" she asks of the group. "Otherwise, somebody take this guy and I'll go look for it."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave smiled after listening to Pale's description. "Sounds like fun... I do hope he won't mind living without limbs." He, of course, didn't care about the prototype, and he didn't want to carry the body either. Grave focused on scanning the area again, hoping to pick up any traces of the enemy.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon thought for a moment, and was saved from saying anything by the sound of approaching people. Moments later John and Sparky arrived, fashionably late. Both stared at Siphon who simply said, "DON'T ask."

Raised eyebrows, he quickly filled them in on the current situation, and Sparky took one person while John took two, including the one Copper had. Siphon turned to her and nodded. "Alright, you wanted to have a look at that proto-type? Let's go. The rest of you ... stay out of trouble, ok?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Thank you," she tells John, arching a brow slightly. True, she had added strength, thanks to her nature, but John seemed to surpass her on that level. Of course, she'd been a bit jacked up when she sired him, so maybe that took things into account. Just one more thing to ponder if she got bored.

"Yeah, just want to see if they left it or if they brought it with. What was that about the stairs being out?" She starts walking with Siphon back to the house. "Any trouble, radio me, guys. Or try giving me a shout directly." That last part directed a little more toward Shrike.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The prototype wasn’t there, no matter where they looked. The Lurkers apparently hadn’t forgotten that, at least. When Pale speaks through the radio, her voice can be heard from inside the house – it was found discarded in the entrance room, and had managed to get hidden behind some furniture. Apparently, whoever was carrying it had dropped it in favour of something else. Grave found nothing with his abilities. Well, nothing but what he would normally find… either the Lurkers were hidden, or out of range.


Host jumped when Oni crushed the throat of the mage. “I thought we had come to an unspoken agreement…” he shakes his head. “Chaotic bastard,” he adds, though with more awe in his voice than anything. “I’d be angrier, but you can kill me all too easily for me to believe that anger would help any.” He pauses for a moment. “…If that’s all you need, I do have somewhere to be… I’d spend more time trying to learn about you, but if I don’t complete the mission I’m on within a reasonable amount of time, there’s a chance the world will end… and compared to that, learning about you just doesn’t compare.”

(Oh, Host, you unfortunate uninformed fool.)
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Unspoken agreement? I kill who I want, when I want." The stranger gave a cruel smile when Host mentioned about the world ending. "You'll just be disappointed then, because this planet is doomed now that I'm on it." For once he seems solemn once he'd finished speaking though something suddenly catches his eye.

"What the fuck?" He says, pushing past Host and grabs Burrito by his shoulders. "Who the hell is this?" The stranger stares into his face, his mind rushing with faces of every person he's ever killed. "Why aren't you in my memory?" He then spins back around to face Host. "Who the hell is he? I've never seen anyone who looks like him in any of the other planets and dimensions I've been to."
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Oh dear... I make up a personality trait and don't expect it to get used for ages, if ever... and you triggered it in the second scene with the character. :rolleyes:)

In a moment, Host goes from calm to fully enraged. "DIMENTIONS!!!" He shouts, storming towards Oni. Then he seems to remember his situation, and simply fumes on the spot for a short while, before returning to normal. "Our silent friend is Burrito of DOOM, commander of a squad of ULMF members. He's largely cybernetic, maybe that's why you don't recognise him..."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You've got a problem with me being from another dimension?" He asks angrily, holding his ground.

"No....no, I remember everyone's face. And I don't remember his face. And who are these ULMF members?" He asks, seeing that Host has calmed down.
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Host flinches and growls when Oni says 'dimension' again. "I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, here, and assume you really did come from another dimension. After all, you're an ancient traveller, surely you would know the difference between a dimension and A UNIVERSE!" Host sounds reasonably inane with anger for a while there, but manages to calm himself again to answer Oni's second question. "Siphon, Copper, Tsuki... Bartnum - up to a little while ago, anyway - and recently, Pale, Grave and Shrike, are all the people Burrito commands."
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Oni smiles, knowing that he's managed to push Host's button. "Universes, dimensions, reality's.....I'm a destroyer of these so of COURSE I know the difference. After all the very first universe that I destroyed was my own. This may very well be an alternate universe to it." He then waits for Host's reaction before talking again. "So, what do these people do?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!


"Greeeeaaaat..." Host sighs. I'm barely coping with keeping everything running as is, now I've got a reality destroyer - who's very existence would seem to indicate that no reality has beat him before - dumped on me, and I'm going to have to find a way to stop him. Great.

"I probably should have expected that."

"Currently, Burrito's squad, as with the rest of the forum, are fighting off addbots created by Wraith... before that they were fighting with The Lurkers."

"If this is an alternate universe to your original, shouldn't you already know a lot about the people here? More accurately, do you know the names of any of the people I just told you about? Or Aika? Nunu? ...Wait, was I there?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I know them all, well did. Some of them intimately, others not. You were one of the one's I didn't know that well. But in the end they all fell to my blade. But for some reason, him," He points to Burrito. "Is the only one that I don't remember." He pauses for a moment. "This planet....And him...." Oni then spreads his arms out and laughs maniacly, it echo's across the area.

"I've decided! This world shall become mine!" He says eagerly, unable to contain his excitement. "He's the link in this, I'm sure of it!" Oni then draws his sword and points it in Hosts face. "This ULMF Squad, why do they fight the addbots?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon nods to Copper. "Yeah they collapsed on my way out the last time, so the only way up is to fly or jump. Hmm, I'm curious, hold on tight!"

He wraps his arms around her waist, then leaps as best as he can towards the second floor. Shockingly, they both make it to the ledge in one piece, where he releases her once safely inside. "Ok, that did work. Interesting."

((Oh man, I have to wonder if poor Oni there knows of what's become of Siphon, if that happened in his dimension or not. Or if the Super Hives occurred there. This should be fun.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

((Lol nah none of this happened in his reality, and I'm not too sure if he would fully recognise Siphon. He'd recognise the voice, just not what he looks like.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave entered the building, looking for his radio. He remembered the place Pale's voice came from and after a brief search, he picked it up. "Ok, it seems that I have a radio again... If you don't mind, I'll go and scout the area. I don't trust those Lurkers and I'd really like to have a chat with them. Pale, you talked with them, right? Which way should I go?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito just sat there through the entire event, his eyes darting back and forth between the two speakers as he stores every bit of info he can "Different dimensions. Destroyers of worlds. Not killed me?" he thinks, standing idly by as his left hand comes up to grasp his chin, his right hand holding his left elbow "So. You destroy worlds. But why is this one so different from the ones you've destroyed? Why take it over if it's going to become nothing more than a slag puddle?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Thats an easy question," Oni says, his attention now on Burrito. For once it looks as if there's a semblence of sanity on his face. "Everywhere I've been I've inevitably destroyed the planet. What I'm looking for is somewhere that I can be at peace, somewhere that I wont be disturbed." Oni pauses for a moment, then all traces of a normal human leaves him again. "And you're the missing link in it all! Anyone who tries to stop me will end up on the sharp edge of my blade!"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Siphon grabs her, Copper lets out a noise, despite how careful he's being and once they're on the second floor ledge, she shoves him--hard--in the chest (even if he doesn't move), letting out a growl. "I'm shot, idiot," she snaps. "Be more careful. Or at least warn me." She stops while she listens to Grave, resisting the urge to go "Which way did they go, George?"

"Affirmative. Be careful." Not that she worried overmuch about Grave, but it was just habit. "Let us know if you find anything interesting."

"Let's see if we can't find that gun." Whether Siphon follows her or not, she heads inside, getting her bearing in the hall and heading for the room where it was supposed to be kept. "I'll look in here. Check elsewhere and see if they didn't do something stupid like drop it on the floor or something."

((Yeah, *we* know the gun is gone, but charries don't yet. Just catching things up to speed.))
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As ever, the grey mage seemed distracted, listening to something far off, not really focusing on what lay before her eyes, but she starts as her radio echoes with Grave's voice.

"Uh.. wh.. Oh! Them? No idea, sorry. They used a shroud to get away, I have no idea where they even went.. I guess you could try the radio.. maybe?"
Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I doubt a blade could hurt me." Burrito says calmly, his eyes half-closed in thought "And how do I fit into this equation?" he asks, his arms moving to cross in front of his arms "Also, I think if you wish to speak with me, it has to wait. I've got a serious matter to attend to. And a war to stop."