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The Adbot's Revenge!


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale cocks her head, curious for a moment, before she clicks... They must mean the big thing with the rocket launcher.

"Um.. Monster.. you mean..? Big thing with a chaingun and rocket launcher...? Oh, that. The Lurkers sort of helped me kill it. No big."

She waves the gratitude off casually, though, nonetheless..

"Sure you guys could've put him to sleep in -your- sleep.. Not really even worth mentioning, to be honest. He had a big gun, though. It's probably somewhere over in that crater.."

A wingtip indicates the gently steaming crater in front of the house where the Nemesis had fallen. Or been thrown down.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon lets his eyes wander over to where Pale pointed. "Hmm. OK, I want to check those weapons out. I know it ran out of ammo but ... We might have the munitions for it back at base. Be back in a few."

This time he forces himself to move at a jogging pace, and reaches the area a few minutes later. True to her word, both weapons were still there. He inspected both of them, and was caught up in doing so for several moments before he suddenly realized something. He was holding BOTH weapons at once, and that creature certainly had been some kind of bio-weapon, viral created if what Sparky had told him applied to this creature as well. A chill ran up his spine as he realized that could only mean he too had been infected. Luckily it wasn't airborne but .... This wasn't going to go over well at all, though ... he was in control of himself, did that mean he had some sort of immunity to the mind warping side effects?

After about five minutes, Siphon returned carrying both weapons for the others to inspect. He did not drag them, simply carried one in each hand. Placing them on the ground, he sighed loudly then said, "OK, we have a problem."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave's eyebrows raised after he heard the name "Lurkers". The fact that Copper, and apparently Pale as well, knew what those Lurkers were, interested him. When Pale mentioned that the leader was a psycho, his interest increased. "Hey. I don't want to bother you but unlike the rest of our little happy group, I have no idea what the Hell you're talking about. Explanation, please." When Shrike greeted Grave, he simply shrugged. "I want to kill something really badly. And I think someone took my radio." After saying that, Grave stopped paying attention to the conversation and focused on scanning the area for any kind of suspicious spiritual signatures. The warrior was concentrating so hard that he missed the fact that Siphon took off, returned and apparently wanted to speak with the group.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

(Ha ha, ‘soon’… when I say anything involving time, never believe the time aspect. Also, Host is a total ass sometimes… (Sometimes?) And to Oni, yes Burrito would be visible.)


I meant to wait to see what he was after, not wait for an opportunity to attack… Oh well, that works too, I suppose. …Except, of course, it didn’t. Host is strangely and distinctly unworried, though...

The mage Oni grabs starts trying to use a spell. This is plainly obvious as energy crackles from his hand.
“Wait!” Host shouts to the mage. “He cut through an invincibility spell like it wasn’t there. You’d be throwing your life away.”

Host takes a moment to think. Then he turns back to the man and snarls.
Do it, he means nothing to me!” The mage starts struggling. Host grins like… well, like his appearance dictates he should. “…is what I really feel like saying, just for the reaction… but it’s not worth it over directions.” The mage goes limp again. You think you hear cursing, even through the suit…

“This is the Internet, that is ULMF, the land is owned by V-bulletin… this is planet Earth, youuuu’re looking at planet Earth?” Host sighs. “Did you really have to kill them? You could have just lopped their arms off… I recommend it. It’s easier to heal, and just as incapacitating, but far more painful.” Host gives a happy little smile. “About eight times funnier, too. Not as much so with the suits, though, I suppose.”


Siphon finds no traps. He does find three places downstairs where there probably were traps, but all have been replaced with a card stating, “there was a trap here, but we disarmed it.” Then on the next line, “NO FREE GRENADE FOR YOU.”, followed by Adom’s Lurker’s symbol.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The stranger stares at Host for a minute, his not loosing his grip on the mage.

"ULMF? As in Line Marvel?" He asks, shock in his voice. He then lets out a laugh. A deep, long, maniacal laugh. "Oh how LONG it's been since we've heard that name. Must be, what? Over five hundred years now." The stranger goes silent for a moment. "We admire you, not everyone show's a liking for inflicting pain and suffering as much as well do."

"You? Like inflicting pain? Since when did you stop being a whiny pussy?" A voice whispers to the stranger, unheard by anyone else.

"Shut the hell UP!" The stranger growls, either not registering that the others couldn't hear the voice or didn't care. "In fact, this is only the second planet or dimension we've been to that even uttered the phrase ULMF." He said, his attention now on Host again. Without looking the stranger crushes the mages neck. He closes his eyes for a moment and when he opens them he lets out a sigh. "Ahhh, nothing like good energy after a kill."
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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike raised her hands in a 'Don't shoot!' pose, upon hearing Grave's reply. "Well, I still don't have a radio, so don't look at me." She says with a small chuckle, before turning to Siphon. "What kind of problem?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You do that?" Copper asks Pale as she motions to the crater, having seen the mage pull off a few boom spells on occassion. "Nice, if you did." She seems a little impressed with the things mentioned arsenal, though she doesn't look too pleased at the mention of the chain gun. Those with her on earlier missions will know why.

"What do you need ex...plained?" Copper asks Grave, though she trails off on the last bit as he seems to be concentrating on something. Not wanting to interrupt, she lets him go, putting her attention on the notion of the radio. If it were still nearby, they might hear any transmission coming out of it. If not,the other possibility was someone did take it and they'd have to change frequencies.

She glances up at Siphon as he comes back. "When don't we?" she says of his 'problem' statement.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale nods to Copper, then admires her fingertips for a moment. When the mage is finished contemplating her nails, she deigns to answer Grave's question..

"Psycho-path. It means someone without a sense of morality or conscience. They usually understand morality very well, and emulate them to perfection. Most of the time. Generally if they're not acting, they're about to kill you. It happens every so often among my people.. standard practice is to exile the psychopath as soon as they are unveiled. No exceptions. Oh, and if you're thinking of killing their leader, that's fine. But I have first call.. As for the radios.."

Pale holds her own up, and smiles.

"Testing, this is Pale, calling Lurkers. I repeat, Pale, calling Lurkers. We're having a party for you, you should come on out. There will be cake."

She releases the talk button, and smiles.

"Who could resist such delicious bait?"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave stopped scanning the area. He turned his head to Pale. The mage talked with those so-called Lurkers, right?

"Hey, Pale. Care to describe that guy? You know, he leader." He wanted to have a good idea of what he was going to slaughter.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There was silence for a moment, then Siphon spoke. "Remember Sparky told us that some of the creatures we fought, namely the leech men were created through some kind of viral weapon?"

After they nod ((They WILL know, it's easier this way lol.)), he speaks only seven more words before turning and walking away towards the crater again, to be alone in his thoughts. "I think I've been infected with it."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave looked at Siphon. "Say what?" This could mean that the group was about to face all kinds of trouble... "For the love of all Evil and Unholy... This is, without a doubt, 100% worst day ever. Do you have any idea what kind of shit it might be?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon stopped dead in his tracks, thinking for a long moment. Finally he admitted, "no, I don't know for sure what's going to happen to me. It's entirely possible though that the physical changes and the power addition may be all it does, the guy who injected me acted as if he expected it to have a much more profound effect, and in a very short time. He tried approaching me about fifteen seconds after he injected me, and he's dead for that. My guess is he was expecting it to completely immobilize me or make me willing to follow his orders, so chances are he's injected humans or wraith with it before. Being I was a hybrid of the two .... it's possible I could have some kind of semi-immunity to whatever the virus does, or maybe it mutated after injection, though that would be a damn fast mutation. Before you ask, no, I don't have any urge to harm any of you, so that's a good sign I take it. It's really weird, if I couldn't see some of the changes right in front of me, and feel the surge of power, I'd almost think I'd had a nightmare or a vision."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave shrugged. "Mental changes are hard to notice by yourself. It's good you're not insane, though. Saves me the trouble of killing you for now, I suppose..." Altough he said that in a fairly light tone, his eyes were serious. Grave probably pointed out what most of the team could be afraid of right now - fighting against one of them... Especially someone as strong as Siphon.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

A cock of the head, and the Mage casually skips a couple of steps away from Siphon, smiling uncomfortably.. Instead, she replies to Grave.

"Tall.. Looked like a giant lizard. Course, I didn't get to see his eyes, useful as that would have been. Didn't look that dangerous in combat, to be honest. That's not where he gets his strength.."

One hand flickers with a white flame before Pale glances at it. With her annoyed gaze, the flame extinguishes itself as if chastised, and she smiles brightly at Siphon..

"So.. you're stronger, faster, and now you don't look like a freak? Except for the eyes, but sunglasses will fix that.. sounds like good news to me. As long as you don't try and rape our hacker, we'll be fine. Speaking of... where is Tsuki?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon glared at Pale for a moment before replying. "Back at the forum, she's taking some time to recover from what happened. Giant lizard you say? Hmm .... Heard rumors a long time ago regarding a lizard man, but always thought they were just a fabrication .... Never put much thought into it, figured someone like that would be seen a mile away. Then again, I managed to hide for years myself before I finally revealed myself so .... maybe he did just that."

He shakes his head then adds, "let's get these people out of here and get the hell out of this place. Whoever dropped that viral creature probably has a backup plan and is sending something else. We probably don't want to be here with KO'd people if and when they do."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike stood there through the conversation, dumbfounded and speechless. Finally, she simply shook her head as if to clear it, and hefted the unconscious homeowner again, heading back towards HQ speechlessly...

((Couldn't think of anything appropriate to say. *shrugs*))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

As Pale spoke into the radio, Copper strained her hearing to see if Grave's was anywhere around or if, indeed, the Lurkers had taken it with them. ((Which is up to Host, really. He had it last.))

"I dunno. They might think you're lying." She smirks.

"But, for now, we've done what we came here to do. Sort of. Shrike? Did you happen to see the prototype weapon up there or did they walk off with that, too?" She doesn't look to happy about that, but then, whoever decides to test the thing will be in for a happy little surprise. "Let's get these folks back to base and into the infirmary." She looks over at Siphon. "You probably ought to spend some time there, too, if you think it will help. And, since you're not feeling any different mentally, we'll just keep with the original plan." She flashes him a toothy grin as she carefully hefts one of the troops over her shoulders in a fireman carry. "You go batshit and we can't fix it, we'll put'cha down."

As she starts to walk away, she can be heard muttering about hoping this doesn't take as long and being hungry enough to drain an anime character.
(Who, coincidentally, have about 20 gallons of blood, per limb, if certain series and movies are to be believed.)


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike had been staring at her feet as she walked, looked up at mention of her name. "I'm sorry, what was that?" She asked.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"I said do you have that fifty dollars I lent you," the vampire replies, her grin a clear indication she's fucking with the other woman. It turns into a grimace and from the fact that one of her few remaining (visible) wounds looks like it's bleeding again, she either irritated it or it's healing and she's going to lose another bullet.

"Why couldn't they have been through-and-throughs? Fuckers," she mutters. Her voice picks up as she puts her attention on Shrike again. "The gun. The one they were working on in there. Did you see it?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike chuckles before answering. "The prototype? There were a couple unusual guns pointed at me, but I don't think it was one of them. Wasn't it supposed to be in your guys' room?"