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The Adbot's Revenge!


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave concentrated on holding the position, killing every single bot that got too close. His body count exceeded 400 and it seemed that it would increase. However, the warrior was getting really tired. If anything stronger than a regular bot attacked, Grave would be in a lot of trouble.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Once Pale had gotten over the euphoria of a successful casting, the fatigue had begun to set in, affecting her just as much as everybody else. The mage wasn't able to do much more than sit, blood-soaked, on the top of her apartment complex, and stare out at what was becoming a rout. Her exhausted voice cuts over the radio.

"People. We've done a lot. Killed a lot of bots. But there's just too many - we're getting annihilated down here. Our leaders are down, we've got people MIA, and these fuckers are STILL flooding the streets. I've got enough in me for one more spell, but it's not enough. So here's what we do. I'm gonna expand my bubble to the city limits. That should keep any more from coming in - I'll make it a globe so they can't tunnel through. If you lot can kill the ones inside the perimeter, I should be able to buy us an hour or so. Maybe longer."

With that, and her mind made up, the crimson mage turned away, forming the relatively simple spell shape in her mind. After a long, pregnant pause, light cracks upwards from her building, freezing like captured lightning in the air, before spreading out in every direction. In seconds, a massive bubble encloses the city, letting nothing out, and nothing in. Holding it together through sheer will, Pale sits down to wait, and pray her comrades can pull through.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had finally finished regenerating, and stood. He had sensed something was wrong even as he was only half fixed, but had refrained from doing anything knowing he would do no good if he dropped dead half way through it.

Standing up he strode out with a purpose, shattering the first bot he came across into pieces with little effort. He could see Grave slowing down, and Burrito seemingly out of commission, and waded in.

Just as Grave was about to have to fight a rather mean looking bot, it ended up with it's head blown off. If he spared a glance, he'd spot a rejuvenated Siphon coming towards him, shooting bots in the faces every few seconds. "What's going on?"


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki looked around as her name was called. But, she couldn't find the source. Shrugging, she returned to the battle now that the lull of the mass of dropping bots that Siphon shutdown.

She swung the umbrella out and it quickly changed shape into... a heavy chaingun. With a seemingly innocent smile, she raised it up to face the oncoming hordes, that were now finite thanks to Pale's shield, and just swept across the area in front of her. The bots were felled in rows.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon continued mowing down the thinning crowd. "What the hell? The hive is gone, they SHOULDN'T still be popping up! Unless.... SHIT, could their core have survived that?"

Pale, is there any way one of us can get outside the shield? If that core is still active, it may be 'reviving' these things.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito's body begins to have spasms, his eyes shootiung open, a dark green glow in them. when he spoke, it was as if a computer and a male both spoke together "Primary systems repaired. Secondary systems badly damaged. Initiating protective countermeasures." he says, standing and looking over at one of the bots "Strength systems at 100%. Primary leg movement is functioning. Secondary leg movement inoperable. Commencing self-preservation countermeasures." he says, taking off into a sprint towards one of the bots, his footfalls pounding on the ground as he winds up and clotheslines a bot in the neck, tearing clean through it and decapitating it. If one looked at his movements as he sprinted into the enemy lines, they would notice them to be much more sluggish than Burrito is normally capable of.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Given the situation, Copper was going to keep an eye on Burrito, leaving the bots to Grave, but with their commander's sudden 'get up and go' initiative, it looked like that was out of the question. And if what Pale said was true, all they had to do, then was clear the streets. Until Siphon had to burst that bubble.

"Good to see you back up." She took up a position at his back, blades out and at the ready again. "Next time, bring better news with you, okay?" She lightly jabbed her elbow back, catching him in the side. As they moved, she took stock of her teammates again: Grave and Tsuki were up and kicking ass. Siphon and Burrito were good, but likely at half-speed for the moment. Pale was covering defense. Shrike was still unaccounted for and that was starting to worry her. Still, there wasn't time to look. They had to get rid of these damn bots before anything else, though the thought did strike her.

"Hey," she called to Siphon again. "You've got mental mumbo-jumbo. See if you can find Shrike. I haven't seen her since we started. Don't want her dying on us just because we can't find her. Not all of us have a fair for the dramatic like you." She smirked. Plan of action was to help her if she needed it, otherwise, she'd go with the original idea of keeping an eye on Burrito. The last thing they needed was him collapsing again in the middle of a bot swarm.

((also, pale, is it still raining or did that stop with the shield?))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There was a slight grin on his face until she mentioned Shrike, then that fell off quickly. Nodding quickly he split his mind to hear both Pale, and reach out to Shrike. Shrike, if your able to answer me please? Where the hell are you?


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale glances at her radio, lying on the ground not five feet from her, and slowly, makes her way to it, maintaining concentration. Finally reaching it, she steps on the transmit button.

"This is Pale. Shield will allow things out.... but not in. Your funeral."

And, indeed, the rain still came through. Armed with Pale's unique magical signature - it could penetrate any defenses of hers.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike winced at the mental contact, and answered briefly.

Digging myself out of a pile of bots. Took a solid crack to the head, been out cold awhile.

A couple seconds after saying this, she spots light out from between a couple bot limbs, and pulls herself out of the scrapheap. She picks up one of the guns from the fallen bots, and carefully begins picking bots off as she heads over to where the bulk of them are now. Luckily, most of the bots in the area behind the new line are already trashed, so she has an easy time of it.

Just pulled myself out, be there in a minute or two.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave continued to fight the bots, thinking about the situation. The leader was... In a different state of mind. Sub-commander was ok, but a bit worn down. Other fighters were propably tired as well. The warrior slashed his way towards Siphon. "This battle is lost unless we stop these things from appearing. How come there's so many of them?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon answers Grave, never taking his eyes off the bots that are still few and standing. "One of the things I managed to learn from my own created core was that these bots are directly tied into their mother hive's systems, allowing them to.... I suppose the best term is self replicate upon shutting down. The core of the hive they are tied into, in this case being the one we just shot down, controls their ability to respawn. If that coding is no longer being sent to the husks, then it SHOULD shut down their respawning abilities. I would have thought that the core would have been destroyed given the explosion we saw, but if these things are still respawning then there are only two explanations. One, they weren't tied into that hive and there is another, though that is unlikely or my core would have picked it up. Two, the hive aboard the hive we shot down somehow survived at least partially intact. That is the more likely of the two."

He stops a moment, filtering Pale's words carefully, then nods.

Fair enough, just don't overdo yourself here. Meet with Grave and the others, not me.

He nods back to Grave then says, "do me a favor Grave. Take care of this place for me while I'm away, take care of my friends and family here."

From the tone in his voice, he's referring to all of the others here as family to him, a unique concept for fellow soldiers.

Finally he speaks over the radio. "Thank you Pale. If I'm right, then there shouldn't be any funerals at all save those for who have already been lost. I need EVERYONE who can still fight to hold down the lines, keep the other bots away from Pale so she can maintain the shield as long as possible. Your probably wondering where I am going by now to ask this. The simple truth is, I believe the Hive's core survived the destruction of it's ship, and if I am correct, taking that out should stop these bots. It has already once before, and it seems to be in their control scripts. Even if you hack them, the script forces those fallen to return as they were. That I believe is why these things have SLOWLY been getting smarter. They ARE capable of learning, assuming what I know is correct. So how do we stop them you ask? Simple, you hold the line. I will do the running and destroy the core of the hive we shot down, thus ending their respawning ability. I wish everyone the best of luck, and remember. This is OUR home. We will fight until there are none of us left, we never fight alone. Take pride in our lives, and stand up to these bots. I know most of you are weary and tired, and frankly I am as well, but I will be damned if I'm going to let a bunch of worthless scrap metal take our home and lives away from us. As long as we can still breathe, there is hope. Never lose sight of that."

He closes the channel then shouts over to Burrito, "I'll be back as soon as I can, this HAS to be done or we'll never shut them all down!"

Then, without another word, he bolts out, running through the shield and doing a total leap over the bots trapped outside, a few of them in hot pursuit, but most staying behind to bang uselessly on the shield Pale had cast.

He chanced one final thought, projected to Shrike, Copper, Pale, Grave, Burrito and Tsuki. Good luck to all of you, I've drawn a few with me from the shield, and am on my way to the wreckage. ETA to it, ten minutes at current possible speed.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave nodded after listening to Siphon's request. He concentrated on the bots, giving the Wraith one last salute with his katana as the soldier ran through the shield. Afterwards, only one thing was left to do - holding the line. "Come on, you pieces of scrap... Come on! I'll tear all of you apart!" Fueled by a new surge of rage, the warrior charged at his enemies like a berserker.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito stops, the glow from his eyes fading as the machine in him begins to fade "Siphon. Stay safe." he says quietly, his right hand drawing his sword and his left clutching his shotgun "Alright, boys and girls! We're going to fight to the last man! Don't let these scrap heaps get Pale!" he yells over the radio, charging into a group of bots, his left arm flying up from the recoil of firing his shotgun, a group of bots falling over from the viral pellets as he skids along the ground, slicing another group of bots with his sword "Grave! Protect Pale! Make sure those bots don't get a chance to hurt her!" he yells over the radio, his blood-soaked body a red flash through the bots as he chuckles and slices them


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave didn't have a radio. No one bothered to give his such equipment. Fortunately, he was close enough to hear Burrito. The warrior moved towards Pale as fast as he could - of course, the fact that he had to mow down the bots in front of him before moving kinda slowed him down, but Grave managed to reach Pale's location. Afterwards, he executed the second part of the plan - killing everything hostile.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Pale was certainly glad for the support. Although some might call her "safe", sitting on top of her apartment complex, the mage was anything but. Already, the bots had begun to scale the building, in numbers - and although she was making her dagger useful in stabbing the fingertips of those that made it to the top, there was no way she could cast. Not while maintaining the shield.

"Assistance.. is.. appreciated. Not.. going to last forever.."

Stopping to find her radio proved a mistake. A particularly daring opponent yanked itself over the parapet, and closed the gap between them in a flash. Hearing footsteps, the winged woman whirls, in time to take the thrust intended for the weak spot right between her wings, in the chest.

For a moment, they stood, and stared at each other. The one in disbelief, the other, in cold triumph.

"I can't believe.. you stabbed me! You actually.. stabbed me.."

And of course, everything transmits across the radio, still clutched in her left hand. The bot, however, makes one, fatal mistake. It leans closer, mechanical jaws grinding in a robotic jeer. Close enough, for a swift twist to break its balance, then a wingbeat, to send the android toppling over the edge.

Of a sudden, dark blood wells up along the blade, and Pale slumps to the ground. A red cough, then a weaker mage transmits.

"Pale here. Taken a... taken a hit. Shield is up. Over."

Now, all she could do was wait, and cling to the shield form - hold it, with everything she had, and everything she was.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike responded to Siphon as she sprinted up the stairs of the apartment building.

Good luck, and remember, you die out there, I'll kill you.

She reaches the top and crashes through the rooftop access door just in time to see Pale collapse, and dashes over, placing a hand on her chest and spending the last of her focus to project a shimmering field over the cut, stopping the bleeding and gritting her teeth against the pain in her head. She started firing at the bots one-handed, but her slim frame wasn't enough to keep the kickback fully in check, and she only downs a couple each time. The gash in her side had re-opened and was slowly dripping blood as well, landing softly on Pale and mixing with her blood already there. Without taking her eyes off the encroaching bot horde, she speaks through clenched teeth. "So, how long do you wager we have?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Siphon had absolutely no idea what was going on yet, having not heard anything mentally from the others. Had he known, he likely would have just tried going faster, though it was hard to top the hybrid's speed right now.

His pursuers had been left in the dust by the determined hybrid, still trying to catch him even though he had out distanced them by over half a mile now. Soon he reached what was left of the hive, and was stunned to see a rather large chunk, about a quarter mile long had indeed survived. What was worse was, it seemed to be slowly growing again.

"Mother fucker. The goddamn thing can REPAIR itself? I don't remember seeing THAT in the specs I saw."

He was surprised when he heard nearby, "that is because I didn't turn it on until you started shooting at us!"

From inside the wreckage a single form leaped out, landing ten feet from him. When it stood he could tell the creature was similar to him, but why couldn't he sense it?

He got his answer a moment later when the creature fully face him. Half of it's face was metal, the other flesh. There was no mistaking this, this creature was a Wraith/Bot hybrid.

Letting out a growl, Siphon spoke to it. "I don't have time for your puny games. Stand aside pemtahk."

The hybrid smirked at him and waved a hand, the bots that had been chasing him turning and leaving. "I think not. You want inside that hive, you will go through ME first!"

With that it charged at Siphon, taking a swing and nearly hitting him.

Dodging out of the way of the incoming fist and kicking out at it in return, hitting the bot hybrid and forcing it to back off a moment he snarled, "SO BE IT!"

Moments later the two were exchanging blows, and soon after that, the bots that had been sent away returned to the town, bashing into Pale's shield.

Shrike and Copper might catch the faintest SON OF A BITCH!, from Siphon in their minds before it went quiet again, with no elaboration on it at all. As far away as he was now, it was unlikely Copper could reach out to him, and Shrike might find it difficult to maintain the connection given her headache.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The mage manages a soft smile, seeing her rescuer.. a soft smile, that becomes a grimace as Shrike, too, collapses. She wasn't dead, though, and as such, had time for a wisecrack...

"Well... If you keep lying on me, affecting my concentration... then about ten minutes. If not?.... About ten minutes. So stay where you are, there are worse ways to go."

She stretches, to one side, reaching for a fallen bot pistol.. to no avail. With a grimace, she stares at it, decidedly, and the weapon skims over to her. Pale picks it up, and reloads it with a strained smirk.... then hands it to Shrike.

"I think.. you're better.. with this thing."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

That's my line, Shrike. Don't go stealing all the good ones. And you, Copper says through the mental link before Siphon nixes it, get back here in one piece.

Focusing her attention on taking out the remaining bots, she simply finds a target, puts it down, and moves on to the next one. One advantage she had was not getting winded from all the fighting, but it was pretty clear that she was burning through what blood she had to keep up the strength that was needed to take them down quickly. Though Pale's rain was nice, it was damn near impossible to stop and grab a drink.

Hearing the 'conversation' over the radio, she spit out a curse, then got on her own. "Hey, Tsuki! If that blood-blob of yours works on everything, you might want to haul ass up to Pale!

Seeing the bots scaling the walls up to where she'd seen Pale go, she let out a growl. Fine, if that's the way they want to play it... Downing the nearest bot, she shut her eyes for a moment, her body seemed to ripple and shrink, replacing her human form with the raven. Letting out a harsh cry, she winged her way upward, changing back into a human even before she landed, which, of course, left her rolling a little on the rooftop, blades out again before she even regained her feet. Something inside her twinged, but thankfully, the bloodrain managed to mask the fresher blood she could smell up here.

"Try not to bleed too much, you two. I'm starting to get hungry." She flashes them a grin and sets about sending the bots back over the roof. Not all of them were getting taken out, but it still meant less of them around to cause problems up here. After throwing one of them over the side, though, she stops at the mental call.

Dammit, Siphon! What's going on out there? Pale and Shrike could probably hear her growl, her attention off in the distance of the downed Hive until she snapped back to attention and started in on the bots again.

((Reach or not, she'd still think it.))