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The Adbot's Revenge!


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike had faded into the background as Burrito had arrived, sitting against the wall and successfully evading a specific order. She wasn't trying to shirk duty, She just felt she knew what she could do better than anyone. At mention of her name she stood back up, and walked over to Siphon, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever you need, I'll do what I can."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Christ, I didn't even know you were still here. Alright, here's the idea, I'm going to try and pull something off using Daedalus, but I haven't tried it before, so it may be a little much. Basically, I may need a bit of patchwork on my mind if this goes sideways."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Alright, never done that before, care to show me how it's done first?" She asks blandly.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"War. They have a ship roughly the size of the city, and god knows how many fighters they have. We're going to fight them off to the last breath." Burrito says, the megaphone still in his hand "Until we secure our future, we won't stop."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"All you really need to do is if I suddenly drop in my tracks is initiate a link between minds and focus on repairing damage. Your own abilities should kick in from there. I can't really show you since there is no mental damage to either of us now, but just trust your instincts."

Over the radio he added, "alright folks, my guess is our weapons won't have much, if any of an effect on that hull just yet, I am to try and change that. Please, if this works, don't shoot the little one."

He then waited for confirmation.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Alright then, I'll see what i can do then." She says, starting the mental link now. She settles herself in physically and mentally, then waits.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki just peered at the datapad awkwardly. "Thanks?" She started to thumb through various bits of information, skimming it.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"You hear that ladies and gents? We got an ace up our sleeves!" Burrito says over the radio, a smile on his face "You heard the man! Don't shoot the little one! Concentrate all fire on the Hive!" he says, the hive finally close enough for their weapons to work "FIRE!" he yells, the long-range artillery and AA batteries firing off all at once, a thunderous crack through the air "Blast that SOB out of the skies!" he yells, the weapons firing as fast as possible, shells and bullets hitting what appeared to be a shield around the hive "What the hell?" Burrito exclaims, the shield flickering with each shell that hit it "Motherfuckers have a shield."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

There is a soft growl from him, and then his eyes void again.

In space, there was no change for a moment, then suddenly Daedalus leapt forward, heading right at the Hive.

As their shots pinged off the shield of the Hive, it returned fire, blasting away a chunk of the wall to the city with a single shot, it's aim having slightly been off. What was worse though was the size of the blast of energy had been almost the size of five blocks of the city.

Suddenly, the hive's shields flared up brightly as six blue beams came flying out of nowhere. The Daedalus herself had joined the fray, and while the hive was still there, two of the shots had gotten past the hive shields and ripped out chunks of hull. This was followed by a few missiles from tanks impacting against unshielded hull.

The hive of course returned fire on the smaller ship, but for the moment she was too fast and maneuverable for it to hit. This was when the drones began popping out, only a few dozen this time, but enough to start tearing into the hull, leaving open spots for other weapons to shoot into.

Inside the lab however, Siphon was visibly struggling with this control, and Shrike likely could feel it too being as she was already linked to him. He had sat down, which was a good thing, because his body was close to convulsing, obviously stretching beyond what he was able to handle right now. Yet despite this, his will was as solid as steel, and he refused to stop.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Drowsy as she appeared, Pale was not, in fact, asleep on her feet. A fact that would be proved, a moment or two later, as a rain of minor debris clatters off her recognisable bubble-type shield, extended to cover Burrito, his command vehicle, and all nearby personnel.

"Hey, might not be much... but I just woke up. Not really up to saving the world at the moment.."

And if I'm honest, I don't particularly like the look of that thing, either. Might be best to start making escape plans..


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Shrike immediately started helping, starting off by distancing his mind from his body in an attempt to slow his convulsions, then by moving around his mind, shoring up places she felt were slipping and boosting any capacity he was straining in with her own focus. For the time being, she was pouring all she could into helping Siphon, not seeing any other effective way to help in the battle, and as such not saving anything for later.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Copper pounded out of the complex on Burrito's heels, following him to the lines and doing what she could to help get things prepared. Her own thoughts seemed to echo Grave's. Being more adept at melee, if she were fighting, it meant the city was in a bad way. Still, she couldn't help but feel pumped with Burrito's speech, until details on the Hive came down the line.

Just what we need. She also wasn't particularly happy with Siphon's plan, but was glad that Burrito set him straight.

As the ship itself came into view, she elbowed Grave. "You feeling as under-dressed as I am?" She spun one of her blades around in her opposite hand. Still, she felt strangely calm about the whole situation. These things could be destroyed. Granted, it'd probably take all that they had, but it could be done.

The flicker of the drones caught her attention, watching as they tore into the hull. The hive wasn't as invulnerable as the bots thought. Good. If it bleeds, we can kill it.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito simply stands atop the tank, tapping his right boot on it twice, the turret turning and aiming at an open area "All units. Concentrate your fire on the open areas that were damaged by the Daedalus. Make sure that you don't end up unloading on the smaller one." he says into his radio, the tanks and AA batteries opening up on the Hive, large explosions seeming to rock the small ship "Artillery, why aren't you firing on that bastard? Long-range artillery? do you copy?" he asks over the radio, something obviously wrong "We copy. We ran out of shells during the last attack. Our apologies. We just got some more. Commencing fire." one of the marksman from an artillery position says over the radio, a thunderous crack resounding throughout the city, all the artillery seeming to fire in unison all along the city walls, the hive seeming to lose it's strength "Keep on 'em! they're bound to be up to something by now!"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave looked at Copper and smiled. "Hey... A sword is all I need." He unsheathed his katana and slashed the air. "Well, I expect that sooner or later those bastards will try to drop their ground units on our heads, so maybe we'll have a chance to fight." The warrior watched the battle that took place above his head. Suddenly, his face went a little pale. Grave approached Burrito and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey... What are we going to do if that bastards falls on the city?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Burrito gulps at the thought "I haven't planned on that............." he says, a stroke of fear crossing his mind "If it does fall. We're doomed." he says calmly "No need to worry. Whatever happens, happens."


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Grave sighed. "Ah, that's good." He moved away from Burrito, just to be outside of the soldier's reach. "It's good to know that our lives are in your capable hands... We're all gonna die."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

The convulsions seemed to abate for the most part, but unknown to him, the damage had already begun. He continued to exert his control over Daedalus, firing as many drones as he could control, trying to at least disable to hive ship. In the mean time though, unseen to him, but perhaps to Shrike, his nose had begun to drip with blood, most likely from the strain. Yet still, despite this, he refused to break the link, obviously figuring that if they were screwed, it was better to go out fighting.

The hive itself took a number of hits, gigantic chunks of the hull ripping apart, exposing a gaping hole in the bottom part of the forward sections. As the drones impacted a second salvo, more tears formed along the underbelly of the ship and at the front of it. This was when the hive changed tactics.

There was a sudden charge of energy in the air as suddenly one of the AA turret positions was simply blasted off the face of the planet, gone in an enormous blast of blue energy. It was unlikely anyone had time to escape the area, and the hive continued firing in seemingly random directions, though that was the only place inside of the city it struck. It seemed that the damage they had caused might have taken out their weapons guiding systems, meaning it was manual fire only, and that was tricky with a large ship moving like that.

Grave had been right about land troops, as suddenly a mountain of them appeared just outside the gates of the city, beginning to charge. As more shots ripped larger chunks of the hive apart, it suddenly turned, in an almost limping style, angling away from the city, seemingly trying to escape intact.

Siphon had seen this, and for the moment allowed the thing to move away, fearing he couldn't vaporize enough of it to protect the city if it came crashing down. Yet Shrike could tell, despite the danger to his own well being, he was only biding his time for another attack, and not stopping.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

"Hey, take it easy there, I still don't know what I'm doing here." Shrike says in a joking tone, reaching out and pinching the bridge of his nose while she tilts his head back. All of her mental focus was on keeping his mind clear, but she could almost tangibly feel the massive hive ship moving away, which she felt was a good sign.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Tsuki kept skimming through Siphon's notes. She felt useless. She had to do something! Not as if she could help control Daedelus or effect the Hive Ship from here... or could she? Since the hive cores were linked, couldn't she try and expand the connection more? Siphon was right there for the DNA thing (since I don't remember him making the DNA thing and accidentally made the core instead), so couldn't Tsuki just do one epic hack job and get into the actual Hive Ship?

With that thought in mind, she kept working through the notes as she tried to interface with the core. Although it might be a little late anyway....


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Adbot's Revenge!

Surprisingly enough, the core responded with almost fluid ease to Tsuki. Evidently he had worked out the bypass after all it seemed. She would soon find herself able to peek into various systems, including flight controls and primary weapons. While complex, the flight controls were self explanatory enough if she wanted to, she might be able to cause the thing to slam into the ground away and wreck it badly, if not destroy it in it's weakened condition.

By this point the hive had moved off some, taking a few more shots at both the base and Daedalus. Two shots struck the shielding of the smaller ship, her blue colors flaring up like a disturbed vipers nest. Yet despite the onslaught, her shields held, at least for the moment, even as she returned fire once more, blue beams of light ripping into the hull and creating several massive explosions along the hive.

Siphon in the mean time, it seemed was more than just mentally connected to the ship. At roughly the same time the hive struck Daedalus, his body jerked twice, the exact number of times the ship had been struck. What was more was there were two medium sized wounds on his chest now that hadn't been there before, and the strange tealish blood he had was slowly seeping from both, evidently not healing due to his mental usage. While they didn't appear to be life threatening for him just yet, it wouldn't take much to realize that somehow, his body was connected to that ship, and the more hits she took, the more wounds he would get. Yet despite this again, he didn't back down. One might begin to wonder if he was just that tough, if he was suicidal, or if he were just that desperate. Or could it be that right now, he couldn't feel it? It might be hard to tell, at least from the outside looking in.