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Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Other than the demons corpse, there didn't seem to be anything of interest obviously presenting itself in the house. She couldn't find any trace of the woman she'd followed here, at least not without a more thorough search. Looking out into the street, she found it just as it had been when she'd entered the house, empty and dark and rainy.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

"Dammit." She said to herself. Today sure is full of bad luck, she figured that if she stayed any longer, she's just gonna be even more open to more attacks, so as she stepped away from the house, she finally decided to find a better place to be other than here.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Stepping back out into the street, Resilia could go right, back the way she came, or left and look for someplace new.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Figuring she should move on she went left and hoped she can find something useful soon.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Looking to her left, Resilia spots a light in one of the windows of a nearby house. The light looks like the light cast by a a candle, or perhaps a lantern, and is on the third and top floor of a large house across the street and two houses down.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Wondering if she could find people (and shelter, maybe some clothes too!) there, she hurried to the house.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

The houses door is closed, but not locked, and the room she walks into is practically pitch black. It might be a little difficult to navigate without some kind of light, but she can just make out a flight of stairs going up over to her right.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

(Isn't she a cat [kinda]? So shouldn't she have night vision?)
She stood there and listened for any sound.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

(She does, but there's no light in this part of the house, so even a cat can't see.)

Perception: Success.

Resilia is able to hear what sounds like very light footsteps upstairs.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

(I totally didn't forget this, nope, nah uh.)

Feeling as if something bad was about to happen she stayed where she is and continue listening to the footsteps trying to determine if it's going further or closer.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

The footsteps seem to be pacing up above her, first going one way and then the back.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Annoyed at just listening to the taps. She tries to sneak up there to see if there's something wrong.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Stealth: Success.
Perception: Failure.

Slowly and quietly creeping up the stairs, Resilia loses track of where the footsteps were coming from. Getting to the top, she finds seven closed door in the upper hallway, as well as a bend in the hall which she can't see past.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Staying hidden she listens again...
For footsteps or maybe some other noise from somewhere else...(like inside the rooms)
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Stealth: Failure.
Perception: Success.

Pausing, Resilia hears the footsteps again, coming from behind the second door in the hall, but they suddenly stop a second later. Had she been detected? She wasn't sure, but whatever was in the room wasn't trying to attack her yet if it had sensed her presence.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

She stood still, if it was a monster or whatever she would defend herself, if it wasn't, she'd simply explain her situation and hope for a good outcome.
She waited... if it wasn't gonna come to her, you'd just try to sneak a peek again.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Perception: Success.

Resilia hears a faint creaking sound, like someone opening a window, from within the other room. Who or whatever was hidden there must be trying to flee.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Not knowing if it's just a bait or she misunderstood, she tried to sneak a glance inside the room while trying to keep stealthy and alert.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

Resilias Status: HP = 38, P = 32, EP = 30, Pregnant

Perception: Failure.
Stealth: Success.

Resilia doesn't hear anything as she sneakily peaks into the room from which the sounds had been coming. She doesn't see any movement, and the window is wide open, suggesting that whatever had been in here had fled. The room itself looks like a mix between a study and a bedroom, with a bed and a desk with a chair next to it.
Re: Test of Preparation (ZeroSpace)

She slowly edged the door open, it could still be a trap. But even if they did jump out, she hoped that they wouldn't run into something bad like she did.