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Terror in Old Edo!

Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"You could say that. I was in fact adopted by my parents, who found me when they were moving to the country. My mother was so desperate to have a child that she was overjoyed when she found me. They took care of me for many years until...well until we fell on hard times. To make a long story short, I've been working as a maid to pay off some debts. But...I'm not mad. I've moved past that and I'm only looking forward to the many opportunities this job affords. I've gotten to meet so many interesting people."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria giggle and write at her notebook what the others order. Good choices, it will be an ice tea, a red tea with sugar, a green tea and... The blonde elf was ready to take her misterss order but then Comma asked to both from where they had come. Aria was very focused writing so the silver elven was the first to answer.

Aww, all will be fine Yumiko and im sure than your family dont tried to cause you this problem.

Ehm, as for me, i have a huge family and even when sometimes we have little missunderstands or ways to acomplish something, i love then and do my best for all.
Adria sigh and think at her past before continue closing the notebook before continue Ehm, im not from here and i had many jobs in others towns before this, yet this is my first work as a maid, even then i will do always my best to serve you my mistress and i hope than we can build a great family The blonde elf end in a cute smile, looking lovely to her Mistress as she prepare to write the order.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Aria white tea attempt: Affection 8 + Will 4 = 12 vs TN 12 Success

"I would like a warm cup of white tea please, Aria." Sakuya requested demurely to the elven maid as went about everybody's orders. She would find her self to have an easy time preparing the green and red teas, but the mistress's order of white tea, which was somewhat new to her and had would give her a sloght difficulty but she would manage to knock it out. Saluya daintly and refinedly sipped her tea before letting out a little sigh of content, "Aaah~ You did very well Aria. Whote tea is different from most teas. You have to get the bud from a tea plant with several hairs, whither them, dry them and then finally broil them to get the best tea. But you handled it nicely." She informed the maid. " I prefer white tea due to the many health benefits and my own poor health." The other maids would also fin the tea served them by Aria to be just fine as well; and just as relaxing. After the tea was finished she would take them on a tour of the facility.

((Aria recieves 2 favor from the successful preparation of the mistress's tea!))
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

As you wish Mistress, Aria answer as she smile making a bow and write to have all ready for her job. For some reason all had decided a different tea and even when this sound difficult, Aria never expected than the Mistress drink could be so hard. But even then she dont give up and made her best to follow the instructions and after a hard work she manage to acomplish the whole orders.

She then tried to place them as a waitress at the desk, giving her best manners and giving a sweet touch at each move and drink. Sorry to make all wait. Aria say as she place each tea in front of every young woman and even placing one for her to refresh after the hard ordear. But she could not calm down as she remain wishing than the mistress tea has all what it must.

Fortunately Aria hard work made result and the sweet words from her mistress made her get more relaxed and happy than any tea could had made. Im so glad than you had loved the tea, Mistress. Ehm before get up and as we enjoy our drinks, can i ask from where Miss Comma and Miss Ritsuko come? i will love to know more of each of them.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Ritsuko watched with the slightest hint of jealousy as their mistress complimented the new arrival, concerned of if she would ever be able to fulfill a request such like that. A sour look started to form in her face, which she tried to hide by taking small sip from her own glass, setting it down carefully as she looked at the others, who, if by any chance turned to look at glasses girl, would come to find a light blush on her stoic face, a telltale sign she had been delighted with the treat she’d been given. Although it appeared the girl herself hadn’t noticed it herself; she did feel the need to express her satisfaction, however, with a slight nod of approval.

Then came the elf’s question, prompting the stoic maid to divert her eyes slightly for a moment toward their mistres, as if deciding on something, before taking the lead on the answering. “Lady Sakuya helped me out of a situation. I’m repaying her kindness.” Was all that came from Ritsuko’s mouth, as even though she held her unmoving features, the girl quickly lost the rosy shade in her cheeks just from remembering her past situation.

Mostly because she didn’t really know what she should be saying or not, it was difficult to discern when she should be talking of something touchy or not when she had never been taught about tact through her life. She looked at Lady Sakuya, wondering what to do, not even her mistress had asked anything about her past, so she had figured it wasn’t anything that was necessary to recall or talk about at all, but maybe it was?
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Once at her chair close the others, the blonde elf remain looking happily how all looks to enjoy her tea, she was a maid after all so she should at least be able to do this but as she dont have experience this was even great for her and she nearly forget to taste her own tea.

However Ritsuko answer make her recover herself and focus on the glassed girl. Oh, i understand, i suppose than you are from this city them. Miss Ritsuko can i ask if it is also your first day here or has you been a while living with our Mistress? Aria ask trying to dont ask more of Ritsuko past and focus in something more actual

Ehm, changing of topic, its interesting than Miss Comma is also wearing the same uniform than me, we look so cute is not Miss Comma? Its the ussual uniform? The girl add getting up and making a twist to show her back and front side dress cutely
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“I’ve been here 14 days.” Was the reply Ritsuko offered, before she fell back to enjoying her own drink silently as the questions jumped in Kommatzio’s direction, a small hint of interest shinning through her glasses. She’d never wondered before that day, but now that people were asking questions left and right, the atmosphere was kind of getting to her as well. Though she did not understood why she was feeling the need to know, and also now wondered if her response had been satisfactory or not.

She quieted her train of thought with another sip of her tea and reduced to listen to the others with her curiosity starting to develop slowly.
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Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Well seeing as two of us are wearing it now I guess it might just be." Kommatiázo said as the blonde elf showed off her costume, which didn't clash with the elf's hair like Kommatiázo's did. 'Lucky little girl' She thought as her angel wing drooped at her envy.

After taking a drink from the green tea, which she had to admit was quite good though she thought she could make one better (and her devil wing twitched and perked up at the idea of competition), Komma continued "As for where I came from... Well lets just say its not from around here, and I got here 3 weeks ago incase your wondering."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"I was quite surprised to have Comma-san and Ritsuko-san appear at my door step a couple of weeks ago. Though I was most glad and grateful for the extra pairs of hands. While my grand father supplied workhands to help me run this establishment, it is certainly nice to have young ladies my own age to see to my needs as well as help run the pub. It seems to be getting late, so I believe we should head towards the cul de sac to retire for the evening." She said as the group would notice dusk turning towards night. "Ritsuko would be kind enough as to lead us to the wine cellar?" Ritsuko would push the chair through the wine cellar where several barrels of ale and sake were lined around the wall stopping when they arrived at a wall leading to the end room of the cellar. Sakuya would pull on a mounted candleabra, causing the wall to slide open revealing a hidden passage. "This secret service tunnel leads toy mansion proper. You girls didnt expect me to have you sleep in the bar did you? Besides i doubt theres enough room for all of you there." She said as lead them down a plain stone hallway with a red carpet path lined by cableabras.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

“With pleasure, lady Sakuya.” Ritsuko obliged at the request of her mistress, moving the wheelchair with as much care as she could and sending the group into the wine cellar, not bothered in the slightest by the place’s dim illumination. Whereas similar situation used to happen all the time where she used to work, ghosts product of imagination were the least of her worries at the time.

“This place… was a surprise when Lady Sakuya first revealed it to me.” The girl commented without thinking too much of it, her monotone voice never changing that much in intonation in whatever she said. “Through here, please.”

It was clear the young inexpressive girl wouldn’t win a prize for her commentary, but she at least tried to say something, if often times obvious or slightly unnecessary, to fill in for the lapses of silence caused from the quietness that was only broken by their voices and footsteps.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

Yumiko enjoyed her drink, hearing out the other two maids and the mistress. Seems, at the very least, the trio had been together for at least a little while, putting the two elves in a rather awkward position. But she had to think of the future now. The group moved into the wine cellar and she had to admit, there was something odd about all this. "A surprise? Just waht could possibly..." Before she had a chance to say anything else, the secret passage revealed itself and the elf was wide eyed. "You've...You've got to be kidding to me! How could something like this exist under the bar? How could a whole mansion be underground?" Being from the country, things like this seemed outrageous. How could mistress afford this?
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The answers of both maids werent enough for Aria yet she suppose than they havent too much time together to get opened so she just nod and drink until end her tea, then heard her mistress and in part she wonder if anyone else live with her, maybe the Misress' grand parent or anyone else relative, after all Sakuya looks to have problems to move for herself, it must had been heaven what made the two first maids to come if she has been alone all this time.

Oh yes is getting late already, let me wash this and close all. The blonde maid ask as she suppose than there must be a room to sleep at any place or maybe they will go to a near little house to sleep after close the pub. Wash all the glasses was easy and fast and even when this make Aria get a little behind the others, she still manage to reach close them when the hidden door get opened, making her get amazed Wow, i never expected it... its really a mansion at the end of this passage?... Well, i was expecting than we all could sleep in a room at the side of the bar but i never expected this really, is just amazing! O.O

Aria end to talk as she follow them taking with her all her belonggings. Trying to dont dirth the red carpet as they walk. So we will have only a room to sleep? im fine with that, its hard for me rest well sleeping alone as i come from a huge family The blonde girl ask, as she suppose than if there are many rooms she will need to sleep alone as Comma and Ritsuko looks to dont be of th type than loves to cuddle with someone in an inocent way.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Ya I don't think anyone could come here and not be surprised" Kommatiázo said from the rear of the group, ducking down through the doorframe before making sure the entrance closed behind them, "Just wait till you see the actual mansion, you'll be even more impressive."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The maids would finally come to the end of the underground passage, where they would ascend a ladder and find a long brick road leading to a large and luxurious home surrounded by sunflowers. The house itself was a pale canary yellow color, white trim and window shades with a red shingle roof. There were numerous large beautiful trees in full bloom around. Sakuya took in a deep healthy breath of the fresh outdoor air once they came out, "Aaah~ It feels so good to get out from under the ground. Where ladies, here we are, home sweet home~" They would make their way up the brick path to their new home and step inside to find a large checkered marble floor with a beautiful royal purple carpet waiting for them. The house was immense with many rooms, more along the lines of what the two newcomers were expecting. "Komma dear, please take me to the grand hall so we can inform Aria and Yumiko of the key duties, then I will need Ritsuko to show the new girls to the sleeping quarters. We will need to get our rest for the new work day."

((Large bedroom in map ))
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Yes Mistress" Kommatiázo said as she took over pushing their mistress' wheelchair from Ritsuko. Turning her head to look at the two new maids, hoping to catch a glimpse of their reactions to the place itself, she added "Right this way please."
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

While Yumiko was more than ready to head to her new room for the first time, she could not help but marvel at the sheer wonder of this building. The sunflowers, the beautiful trees and the wonderful colors of the mansion itself. All of it was amazing for the country elf. The fanciest building she had ever seen prior to the mansion was a temple close to her home. But this? This was something else entirely and the elf couldn't help but have her curiosity peaked. "Mistress, if I may be so bold to ask, how could you afford such luxurious accommodations? I mean, you're a priestess aren't you? Are people paying handsomely for your services? It's just hard to believe a bar in a red light district could fund such a building and the rooms within." The maid tried not to be rude or make any signs of hostility or jealousy. She was merely curious.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

With Adria lifting her luggage, she just frown as the door get closed behind her, not licking the idea of be surrounded and only have a escape route, it could be really dangerous if an earthquake happen but she tried to calm herself with jus some soft whimpers as they continue until reach the other side, she quickly get out as fast as she could with all the weight at her, she ended all tired but glad and amazed by look the beautiful garden outside the tunnel and the huge house in front of them. Wow is so huge and cute! said smiling and getting the strengh to continue.

The huge mansion and theirs many rooms were more what the blonde elf was expecting, she looks really happy to see where she will live and for what she noticed the mansion looks to be a safe place, yet its really strange than only her Misress and them live in this huge house, not like she hate the idea of clean all but more likely she has heard than her mistress is really popular and she should have more people here unless she want to hide her personal life of the townpeople or maybe something mysterious than she must find out.

So which will be our bed? i will be fine if we share too. Say to Komma as she turn to the silver maid.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"If you would care to follow me." Said with a subdued voice the depressive maid with a slight curtsy as the spotlight fell on her again. And then she took off, at a manageable speed, through what could look like a labyrinth for anyone who stepped in for the first time.

It didn’t take long, as she stopped in the middle of a hallway and turned to both new arrivals in a slightly mechanical, practiced fashion. “These 2…” She said, pointing at the 2 doors at each side from her, opposing doors. “… are your rooms, you can decide which ones you want. You might find both rooms in the same state. I’ve made sure of that.” Ritsuko said with the slightest hint of pride, happiness or anything, really, even as she pointed out her own work to the other girls.

“I hope you find the room you choose to your liking.” She said somewhat falsely, as if saying something she’d previously memorized, even if that wasn’t the case. “Kommatzio’s and my rooms are just slightly farther back, if you need something.”
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

"Now that we are all here, I will go over the various responsibilities and tasks concerning maintaining the mansion. All staff is responsible for making their beds each morning, all of you will need to take turns handling the laundry each morning and evening. The sunflowers and garden needed to be tended to and watered everyday, unless rain comes. The hot springs are back behind the mansion. A different maid will be required to drain the water out every evening after use. You will all need to work together to dust the interior once a week. Also, due to my health problems, I will need a maid to help me into the bath and other issues as well. Each of you may take turns preparing the meals each day if you wish. Also we will need to visit the vineyard and orchard on the property to prepare the wines for the pub. But for tonight, I will let you get settled and get some sleep." With that Komma took the mistress to her own bedroom as Ritsuko showed the new help to their quarters.



Sakuya would stretch out hard and long, yawning loudly as the warm glowing sunbeams shone through her window alerting her to morning. Once she had cleared out some of her cobwebs and achieved some level of cognition, she would ring her service bell for one of the maids to help her out of bed.
Re: Terror in Old Edo!

The night ended quickly for Yumiko, who was quick to put her things away and settle into bed. She had her own little routine that she settled into back home and now would be no different.

By the time the morning sun entered her room, Yumiko could be found getting herself ready for her day. She had already made her bed and was in the process of doing some stretches. Just a little way to keep herself limber for work. Those finished, she would dress herself in her uniform and spend a few moments fixing her hair and making sure she was in order. Just as she finished, her sharp ears picked up the sound of the bell coming from the Mistress' room. Not sure if it would be right for her, she also knew that leaving Lady Sakuya waiting would be a terrible first impression for the new maid. Following the sound of the bell, she entered the Ladies room, stopping to bow and greet the lady. "Good Morning, Lady Sakuya. I trust you slept well?"

Regardless of what she said, the elven maid would approach the bed with the rather lavish wheel chair. "Allow me." She said, hoping she was going about this properly.

(Use Athletics than Affection if that will impact it to assist Sakuya out of bed.)