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Abandoned [Tereria]Reborn Hero(BasicBugTest)

OP does not meet standard, requires; gameplay description. PM a mod with an update to, or when you have updated, the OP.

I understand that you're early in development, but even if it's only tentative you've gotta have an idea of what you want the gameplay to be like, add that in, we want to know! Also you've gotta pick a genre, it's only in very rare cases that we allow for multiple genre prefixes, since you've got no description I can't really pick it for you.
Thread moved back to GUC.
When demon reacts to you when you were down, the sprite of demon was in the wrong layer(it goes under you)
Your own shadow wasn't animation normally, but I presume it was just undone yet.
You won't able to get back up after you were down.
No button related to menu (if it was even done), and the talkbox choice couldn't be chosen with mouse, but the graphic looks like it should be.
Thank you for testing and The feedback. Yes The menu and shadow arent done yet. How many times did you press e when downed? You should be able to get up after 6 when you had no energie and 12 after all your health was lost. The no mouse was intentional but if it is an inconvenience i could Add it again. Thank you again very much.
When you push something, she goes commando again even when you got clothes.
It's not permanent though, happen only when you push something.
When you use your sword for like 12 times, you can't use it again for a while.
Maybe, adding some stamina indicator would be good.

When I throw the stone to the monster I got an Error.
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Thank you very much for The feedback. Yes, I have to Add The stamina gauge. Since I had it in The console I somehow forgot to Add it....
Will look into The mentioned issues.
is this still being developed? I would love to see more of it, especially with the art style!
yes it is still developed. Thing is this is a sideprojekt and real life doesnt allow me to work much on it. I have the pregnancy system already implemented, but i need to make some art and wanted to implement some other stuff and bugfixes before i upload an update