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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


What's the worst that could happen? :p
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. The white tentacles will be out for vengeance and we'll want to be well rested for an encounter. Also Viki needs to rest and could probably use a shoulder to cry on right now.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Feeling Like Viki ehh MoT?
did the tentacles get you too?


A. Accept the kind offer

"Well in this moment it's hard to say no to such offer."

"excsssellent, jusssst followss our lead."

The caster naga began to drag the stumpy on while the two other naga's took the chest and began to move east. Linda and Viki followed em up with Linda helping Viki when needed.

It wasn't long till they saw a familiar place, it was the beachy river side they were before, expect.. more souther. There was a rock formation near by that the naga's went to, rolling one of the stone's away it was revealed to be actually a cavern! Pretty cleverly hidden.

The entrace area of the naga's cavern was bit creepy, it had a few humanoid skeletons and dried blood on sides. As they went a little bit deeper the cave widened and heigthened up significantly revealing a nice cave made to look very room like.

Near the entrace tunnel on the left there was a pile of various junk, broken tools, broken armor.. scraps of leather, silk, dirty broken dishes etc..
Bit further from it there was an altar of sort that had several herbs and weird vials going by with slightly magic tingle going about. Further to that on the left upper corner there were two chests, one of them was chest from before.

On the right there was a smoothened rock area bit above the ground level of rest of the cave this was appereantly the resting area.

The roof had some sort of weird moss growth that gave out a slight glow that gave the cave enough light, bit like a mood lightning. There were also a lot of small holes where fresh air went in.

The walls had plenty of coral decorations. Overall this place wasn't so bad as the girls expected.

"Ssssstay at home." the caster naga said as she tossed the stumpy to a wall above the altar, as the vines made her holded against it.

Viki immidiatly eyed on the right side of the cave and began to climb in to make herself as comfortable as she can get on such rocky surface. Maybe she was used to it or just really that exhausted cause it didn't take much for her eye's to get closed.

Linda shrugged and smiled a bit botheredly while she looked at the nagas and decided to just climb by there aswell.
The naga's just looked at her a bit in a odd way but went back to doing somethings.

Linda had bit trouble getting a good comfortable resting pose to go by and looked a bit what the naga's were doing while trying to do so..

The caster naga was appereantly doing something that caused small varying lights to go off about at the altar, Linda could sense a bit of magic going about.
Stumpy above it just glared downwards.

The two other naga's were just sorting things around the chest, taking various items and throwing them to the junk pile. Linda could notice the other naga of those two everynow and then looking at her way with a smile.

Rolling her eyes a bit, Linda finally fell a sleep..

Linda started to have dreams that were affected by the white tentacle semen exposure for her dreams were all as wet they can get.

Jumping the lines of nightmare and dream, her dreams pretty consisted of the large white tentacle creatures doings to her before. Changing from pleasurable to panicing.

During her dreams, she found anything done to her breasts to feel extreemly realistic and the dream tentacle monster aimed at them a lot more than during the real encounter.

Her dream felt really long as the dream monster had so many ways to go through with her that she didn't even know she could imagine..

As Linda began to slowly wake up, she felt something was touching her breasts. She jumped a bit, just like from a nightmare she feared to have come true! Oh. It seems its THAT naga again. That naga that had played with her yesterday was coiled around her and was asleep, sleepily cuddling her chest that was still under the largening effect. Her boobs were exposed as the naga had opened and moved the tunic away from em during the night.
Linda nipples had stopped lactating luckily she felt but she felt they were rather.. wet.

Linda carefully uncoiled the naga around her, carefully placing the still sleeping naga away from her and sit up on the edge of the smooth area.
She began to properly place the tunic to cover her breasts.. But as the fabric touched her hard nipples, Linda clinched her teeth as a high amount of pleasure jolted through her!

"eehhhhhh...!" she quietly whimpered

Her nipples had turned extreemly sensitive. Lot more than so before! As the tunic properly once again covered her breasts, her nipples still shined hard through it. Linda face was red from the blushing she was going through.

"Sssso, other magic ussser ssssleep lesss too huh?" The caster naga said as she was appereantly still at the altar. Linda only now noticed her.

Seems Viki and the other nagas were still sleeping in the smooth rock area. Apart from the stumpy that was still above the altar, but also a sleep.

"Uhh, no actually, I just kinda had a sudden wake up.. thanks to your sisster there. "
'oh wow did I just lengthened the s on sister'
Linda thinked by herself.

"Oh I ssseee.. I don't need sssleep at all."
The caster naga had something on her hand as she came near Linda.
"Nosw that you're awsake, I'll havse you help me swith thissss experiment"

"Experiment..? Uhh, care to tell me a bit more..?"

"SWhatss the point? I ain't givsing you an option to decline anywsay"
The naga slammed something sticky on Linda's forehead as Linda's mind started to race as images of agressive magic started to raise in her head..

Pseudo level up time!

Choose one;

A) Force. Linda's Arcane bolt does slightly more damage and lot more knockback on impact.
B) Conserve. A bolt that misses gives its mana back. Bolt that is broken by enemy's defensive means gives half of mana back.
C) SafetyThird. When Linda fires two bolts on short amount of time, third bolt is added on for free!
D) Focus on thoughts of fire. Learn: Firebolt (15 mana, deals fire damage, small splash can ignite)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

D. Fire! Burnburnburn!
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


EDIT: While burning things would be much fun, it's likely that eventually we'll learn to cast magical balls of burningness later anyway. Therefore, C
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

D! Firebolt!

Edit: Votechange to:C! Just so we get more bang, bang and bang for lower prices.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C safety third basically we are getting a mana discount

just in case of a tie Between A and D I will vote A

We have the fire book to let us learn those type of things
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Edit: Changing my vote to D. in light of MoT's response
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C (If we've got that book and learn now the Fireblot, will we have a more powerfull spell to get with the book ?)

Edit : By such, I change to D.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

The scroll basicly teaches you fire stuff as you go by and makes it easier to learn fire spells. So if you did not have the scroll, the firebolt option would not be there. It's kind of a boost to the learning of the spell from the fire knowledge.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

D. Buuuurrn buuuurn

As Linda focused her thoughts, the secrets of fire she was studying came more clear, as she felt to have opened a new spell..

"Wow.. That was great! I feel I learned so much magic from that!"
"...Magic? Thatssss not swhat it swas ssssuppousssed to do.."

"Wait, what was it suppoused to do?" Linda looked at the naga confused

It was then when she felt bit weird, as her chest tingled.
And suddenly, they yet again grew by one size. This size was nearly ridicilous! It was barely kept in her tunic.

"WHAT!" Linda was absolutely shocked.

"It sworked! Racial injusssstice hassss been plead!" The naga happily proclaimed

"HEY! FIX THIS RIGHT NOW!" Linda yelled angrily but the naga ignored her and went excitetly back on her altar.

"umfh.. whats with all the racket" Viki slowly crawled next to Linda, still sleepy.

"Look! Just look at what that naga did to me!" Linda still steaming about pointed at her near ridicilous chest.

"..." Viki had no idea what to say.

"Oooh darling!" Linda heard the most familiar noise behind her
Before able to react that naga again grapped her big boobs from behind
"They're evsen bigger than before~~!"

Linda's frustation just grew and grew but unable to get mad she just didn't know whenever to laugh or cry anymore.

Eitherway, thise akward moment slowly started to sort themselves out as Viki and Linda still ate one food ration at the naga's place and began to departure again.

"Come again honey~!" That naga waved at the cave as Viki and Linda began to walk by to find their way to the road.

Linda had not noticed it before at the cave but Viki's stomach had began noticeable bigger. Viki was extreemly bothered by it aswell as they went by, it wouldn't be suprised if those creatures would start to be born soon..

With Linda's extreemly sensitive and largened tits and with Viki's pregnancy, moving was to be rather diffucult, Linda's tunic didn't offer the best support as it was.

They were able to find the road and began to go north towards Noffinhood as they originally planned to.

After walking about a mile or so, Viki suddenly dropped to her knees.
"Aaaaghhhhh..!" she yelled out and began to grit her teeth.

"Viki whats wron- Oh no.." Linda went to her but noticed her lower stomach had lot of movement going about.

"eeeehhhhh. All.. this. horrible. Kill em. aaaaaagghhh "
Viki moved her body forward to position herself bit bendover like way and lowered her leather bottoms down as she lift her tail from the way..

Slime began to burst from her vagina as a small white tentacle creature bursted out and dropped to the ground making disgusting sounds.

Linda took out her dagger and stabbed the thing as it shrieked a bit and left a puddle of slime. Before raising her dagger from the ground, three tentacle creatures bursted out from Viki that screamed a bit. Thise creatures jumped towards Linda. One of them tied it self around her neck, one to her arm where she hold her dagger and one to her waist.

Linda ripped the tentacle out of arm and threwed it away with force and sliced the one in her waist. The waist tentacle shrieked and began to run away as did the one tossed away. Linda wasn't fast enough to get the one in her neck as it slipped in her cleavage.

"Hey!" Linda felt the slimy creature go down her tunic trying to dig down her pants. And succesfully did, Linda could feel it trying to penetrade her, but was able to take out of there and sliced it in half as it was hanging from her fist.

During this time two more small creatures had popped out of Viki. Though they had noticed what Linda was doing to the one in her hand, they fled rather quickly.

Viki had collapsed on her stomach on the ground next to the road they were at and breathing slowly.
"...hhuuuuhhh.. it's over... horrible.. children.." Viki silently said with a tear dropping from her eye.

Linda helped Viki up as Viki put her leather bottom back on, she seemed rather ill once again and drained. She really didn't want to talk about what happened and just shook her head.

Linda supported Viki a bit during the walk towards Noffinhood though she was able to go by herself after a while. Viki just did not talk at all and seemed very saddened.

They finally reached Noffinhood and its lumber gates. It had two human male guards that could not help but to notice Linda chest.

"Well hello twins!"

"Just dont. Can we just get in, we've kinda had rough morning already.."

"Oh right, right. ahem." The guard snapped out and opened the gate to the town.

As expected it was a dock town. It was clearly build by humans, but it had suprisingly lot of lizardkin. The docks however seemed to be closed as most of the docks were surrounded by spiked wire wall. There were a lot of warning signs about entering the water and plenty of guards patrolling the docks.

Other significant for adventurers this town seemed to have a chappel, an inn, few fishing stores, a general goods store and a hunting shop, there was also a guardhouse but seemed bit smaller than that in CB.

A) Visit a store
1. Hunting
2. Fishing
3. General.
B) Visit the chappel
C) Visit the inn
D) Ask around the locals outside about whats going on
E) Visit the guard house for information.


125/125 mana. 15+ from elven crystal wand.


Slowfall. 35 mana,
Haste. 45 mana.
Arcane Bolt. 10 mana.
Firebolt. 15 mana.

-Fire knowledge in studies- Can light things up.

Linda is well rested.
Linda is not hungry.
Naga spit major + white tentacle curse minor + naga expirement, Linda boobs have grown by two sizes and her nipples are extreeemly sensitive.
Peasant tunic and pants. Necklace(enchanted). Introducion to Fire. Purse. A small sac of shells and clamps. Enchanted pants (???)
Sharp Iron dagger. Elven crystal wand. Lion signet ring
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 gold 43 silver 78 copper worth money.


Viki is somewhat energized.
Viki is not hungry
Aftereffect. Viki has minor illness going about..
Wearing Well stitched Leather Pants and a well stiched Leather Top.
Copper Crossbow. 50 copper bolts. Decent Iron sword. Lion signet ring.
Medium backpack. Holding peasant tunic. peasant pants. 10 white panties. Slightly used roll of rope
3 food rations. Very crude map.

Hidden money pouch holding, 35 silver, 21 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C First thing first report about the white tentacles.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. Rest up, tomorrow will likely be even worse.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Probably a good idea to report those tentacles. so B or C.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C! Report what the white tentacles have done and make sure to emphasize her new chest while exclaiming feminine outrage!