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Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura, Lulu, Veronica, and Halley are joined by Aoru, Maria, and Mina at the entrance to the cargo bay. "We left Riley in the tool closet where I'd been. She should be safe enough in there," Mina said as she hefted a rifle that seemed comically too big for her small frame.

"Right. Let's head in."

The seven women stepped through a narrow tunnel where every surface had been covered in a fleshy red substance that pulsated as though it were alive. Every girl was thankful that they were wearing their protective extreme environment suits so that they didn't have to have any skin contact with this gunk.

"Where are those crawlers you said you saw on the ship's motion sensors?"
Laura asked.

"We don't know. We thought you would have encountered them by now." Answered Aoru.

"Oh my god..." Halley said, pointing to a far wall in the nest.

A familiar figure with a messy mop of green hair was seemingly affixed to the red substance itself, with her arms and legs receding into the the alien flesh. She was covered in the all too familiar white goo of the alien extract, and most disturbingly of all, her belly was swelled as though she were pregnant. Between her legs, a large fleshy tendril protrusion was actively violating her, but poor Mako looked as though she were very distant. It was only when they drew nearer that her dazed eyes seemed to sweep over them, and an insane smile came to her lips.


"So...so good. Captain... it feels so wonderful... They want me to be their mother. They want all of us to be mothers. They'll make us feel so good, so fulfilled. All we have to do... is let them take us. Ahh...ahhh.... so many children. I've made so many for them already... Can you hear them? They're coming. I can hear the pitter patter of their tiny feet. Come my darlings! Come to mommy! Ahh! Ahhh! Ahhhhhhh!"

The thing between Mako's legs began to piston harder within her, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her tongue lulled to the side. The violating appendage throbbed and widened visibly as it poured in a fresh load of alien see inside the crazed Mako, just as the woman appeared to reach orgasm.

Suddenly, the area filled with the noise of screeching aliens, and all the nooks and crannies came alive with the slithering bodies of the now familiar crawlers.


"Open fire!"

The seven remaining girls began to unload their arsenal, destroying the creatures en masse. They seemed to be doing a good job of keeping them at bay, almost too well.

"Hold it! Stop firing!" Veronica shouted. "They're baiting us. Trying to make us use up our ammunition. See! They're hanging back on purpose."

Mako laughed from where she still hung, impaled and abused on the wall. "They're waiting for him. My wonderful boy... all grown up..."

A chill ran down their spines as a powerful, inhuman roar, shook the cargo bay. Followed by powerful stomps that made the deck tremor with impact. At last they saw what the deranged Mako was referring to, and as soon as it made eye contact with them, it bellowed a final challenge before tearing its way towards them at full speed.


"This is it! Kill that thing!" Laura shouted.

Opening salvo - seven ladies, one of which is Laura, means 8 dice. Needing 6 successes. Every result of 3+ is a success.

Rolls: 5, 4, 3, 6, 2, 5, 3, 5

7/6 successes achieved. Toxic? Any alien response?
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

With all their guns aimed at such a large singular target, it seems they would most likely be victorious by riddling the thing full of ammunition as it charged in a straight line at them. With their guns at the ready and their focus on the giant alien creature, it would be hard to miss. After all, what else could throw their aim and focus off of the progeny of their former crewmate, Mako?

Tentacles along the Walls: Cancel 3 successes

They would soon find out just how alive their surroundings are, as the pulsating mass started to shift at their peripherals. With little time to spare, they could only hope that the fright of their gigantic enemy didn't force all their senses into a rush of tunnel vision. The ends came out in long almost hollow tubes, eager to ensnare the huddled formation of the crew and add several new heads (not that it was their heads the alien was interested in) to the breeding station.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"You gotta be kidding me..." Laura mumbles under her breath as she watches the cargo bay itself seem to turn against them. However, she manages to stay calm and empty out a few rounds from her sidearm into the walls, towards the bases of the tendrils in an attempt to hold them off for now. By doing this, she would hopefully buy precious seconds that the remaining crew needed in order to focus fire on the larger threat ahead.
"Don't worry about those--I've got it taken care of. Worry about him!"

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." 2 auto successes, need pilot; OR discard during a Tentacle Attack, with this card worth 2 cards.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Even with the shouts from their captain, they would still find not find comfort their friend as the walls continued to shift. Despite Laura's successful efforts at the tendrils from their sides, the fact that they continued to pulse would make it difficult to see if they were reaching out for them or merely moving in place. The constant motion would play tricks on their minds, the illusion seeming like it would never stop reaching out for them.

Movement in the Shadows: Cancel 2 successes
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Playing card:
"I'd say this ice sample is over a million years old, at least." : 2 auto successes, needs planetology.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Getting rather desperate at the last moments, the large alien was quickly being shot down as it ran out of distractions, though it still managed to charge forward through the hail of gunfire. The crawlers, which had once remained dormant, shed their roles as spectators and flew themselves at the girls, trying to completely flood the hall with bodies so that the creature could overwhelm their small grouping before it took too many wounds to go on.

Tentacle Hounds: Cancel 1 success for each PC involved in this encounter.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"Maybe we'll heat things up a little around here." : 3 auto successes, needs Pilot.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(We're at 6/6 by my count. Anything else Toxic?)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Toxic has said that he will not be playing anymore cards. No NPC is revealed as another Tentacle Monster.)

Shrike, if you are an Alien, you may choose to either Reveal, discard your hand, and force Tass and Taki to succeed at the encounter again OR Not Reveal and remain hidden for the final event.

If you are a Human, you may only choose to Not Reveal. Please post here for posterity and then I'll write the next scene accordingly.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

I will choose to Not Reveal, let's keep this moving.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

The battle was intense, and frightening, but the crew of versatile and talented women fought back with incredible discipline and acts of heroism - outwitting and outgunning the brute. With a final death cry, the creature went down in a hail of bullets and waves of flame.

a deranged Mako screamed, as the tentacles along the wall went wild in anger, but the tortured girl and the alien walls were soon silenced by another spout of flame. Feeling pity for what once had been their friend, a bullet was put between her eyes before the fire could begin to consume her.

What followed was a systematic approach to burning and cleansing the rest of the nest. All the alien horde seemed to have been subdued. But in the back of every surviving crew member's mind was that niggling doubt: had they truly won? Or had the alien still managed to hide amongst them somehow?

"The ship's systems have been badly damaged, I doubt we can make it back to Earth without putting all of us into cryosleep, setting a course, and hoping for rescue. It's not guaranteed, but it's the only way I see us making it through this." Halley said once they had regrouped.

"Maybe we shouldn't make it through this," said Veronica, voicing the hidden fear that was shared by the other girls.


We arrive at the final event.

Taki, Shrike, and Tass must each choose to either Self Destruct the ship to make certain the Earth stays safe or Wait and See what happens, hoping that you have indeed killed off the alien menace and you'll all make it back to Earth to live to tell the tale.

The choice is yours. This is not a majority vote. If even one of you chooses Self Destruct, then the ship goes down. If Shrike is an alien, she must choose Wait and See What Happens.

Currently Shrike is the only PC exposed, and Halley is the only NPC exposed.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

There wasn't much discussion. The eight surviving girls merely regarded each other tiredly across the cryosleep chamber. Mina had confirmed that all communications were down permanently, and Lulu told them that the ship's life support system was damaged - it wouldn't last the return trip to Earth. The only course forward would be to power down the ship entirely and send everyone into cryo stasis.

If this happened, they would be able to last until the next supply ship arrived at New Eden. Many of the girls wanted this, but there were those, like Veronica, who suggested that if they were wrong, and there were an alien still amongst them, it was not only likely that none of them would wake up human, but that an unprepared rescue team would be overwhelmed as well, opening up the Earth to an invasion.

Taking both sides of the argument into consideration, Laura stood up. She was tired, exhausted both mentally and physically, like they all were. "Let's get inside the cryo sleep chambers. I think we're all ready for this to be over, one way or the other."

Over the course of the next hour, each girl took the time to record a final journal entry on a data disk, which hopefully could be used as a reference just in case the worst occurred while they slept.

Just as Laura was finishing her entry, the warning klaxon went off. She rushed to the bridge to find Veronica at the helm. Some final coordinates were put into place, and then the green-lipped soldier stood back and eyed down the captain.

"We owe it to humanity, to end this now."

She squeezed the trigger on her pulse rifle and destroyed the ship's controls, preventing anyway of offsetting the course she'd just laid out.

"I didn't have your clearance to access the Muse's self destruct sequence, but I can still bury us in the ice. It's over."

The rest of the crew had gathered by this time and stood watching through the the viewing screen as New Eden grew bigger and bigger in front of them. Halley gritted her teeth angrily, then growled low...

As the Muse entered the atmosphere, Halley's body had begun to reveal itself as a tentacled alien, but by this point it was too late to save itself. These humans had made the ultimate sacrifice - and all those long centuries of being covered under the ice of this forgotten world would amount to nothing in the end. Earth would remain safe, thanks to these women, particularly to the stoic Veronica.

Minutes later, the Muse crashed into the icy crevices of New Eden. Hours passed as a snowy blizzard began to cover the broken hulk of metal.

Then, slowly, an emergency hatch opened, and a figure crawled out onto the icy tundra.

The End.

The Humans win!
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Thank you to all the players for their patience and perseverance. The game dragged at points, and sometimes there were issues with clarity, but all in all I thought the game went well. Crushing victory for the Humans, although Toxic almost managed to sneak a win in the end with a corrupted Halley.

Lulu/Shrike was human. The huge play that altered the game was when Taki used his cancellation card to discard the PC-Alien exposure card being placed on Laura. That was early on and could easily have flipped the tables.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2
