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Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"No, I haven't," Laura replies to Veronica. "She's supposed to be researching the cell samples along with Faye, though..."

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face as she watched the biologists go to work on the mysterious cadaver. The captain stood on watch, unable to stay completely at ease in the presence of the body. Her more sympathetic tendencies would cause her to wonder about the terror Marlisse went through, seeing one of these things just come to life and attack.

Ever determined to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again on her ship, Laura kept her trigger finger indexed along her sidearm. At this point, she could only let Reiko and Mako do their thing, hoping for the best.

Captain's Sidearm: Roll 2d6
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Sidearm rolls: 3, 6 (2 successes)

9/8 successes acquired for the encounter. (Toxic any cards being played or have the humans succeeded?)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

(Hmm, that's strange. Where is auro and faye?)
(No, no cards)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"Reiko, take a look at this," Mako said as she unearthed some gooey organs from the corpse's innards. "What do you make of it?"

"They appear to be human organs. Nothing exactly alien about them. Strange." Reiko placed aside what might have been a liver and picked up another blob of tissue, examining it closely. "It doesn't make any sense for a species this different on the outside to have evolved internal organs that match our own - which suggests that it's more than likely a mimic of some sort. What we're dealing with here is an organism that can infect a host body, perfectly. But it was also trying to breed with Marlisse, indicating that along with perfect mimicry, it can propagate via intercourse with its host's species."

"So it'll look like us, then rape us. Great." muttered Maria from the doorway, sharing a concerned glance with Veronica.

Suddenly a buzzing alert crackled over the Muse's intercom and Riley's voice could be heard.

"Captain, we've got the cargoloader up and running, but I think you should come down here right away. The lab animals are going crazy and --"

Her voice is suddenly interrupted by a scream from Halley in the background.

"Shit! That dog isn't a dog! It looks like it's exploding from the inside. We need weapons!"

"Captain, did you hear that?" Riley asks urgently. "We need people down here, asap!"

Moving on to the next encounter unless Toxic wants to resolve a Tentacle Attack while there's a perfectly good Cargoloader rev'd up and prepared... (let me know Toxic.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura grimaced upon hearing the new bit of information from Reiko. At times like this, she was certainly glad to have the esteemed researcher on her side, but either way, this wasn't exactly reassuring news. "That's..."

As Riley's report came up on the intercom, the captain turned back to Reiko, about to ask a question that was quickly answered upon hearing Halley's exclamation.

The blonde woman exhales sharply before responding over the intercom in an urgent, yet controlled manner. "Hang on--get out of there, if you need to. I don't want that thing getting ahold of anyone. We'll be right down!"

Nodding to the others in the room, she immediately takes off in haste.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Veronica reacts as soon as she hears the scream over the intercom, breaking from the lab at a steady job and rushing down the hallway toward the endangered crew members location. 'No more casualties.'
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Exposure phase - Alien plays a PC exposure card on Captain Laura (Taki).

BUT, Taki plays the card Cheating Bitch! to cancel the card as it is played.

Alien player, do you wish to play any non-exposure cards?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Selected Team for Encounter:

Selected Team for Tasks:
Powerfist Battlesuit - (completed)
Satellite Array - Mina
Research - Aoru, Reiko
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Lulu (Shrike) plays "Hey! Is anybody in there?" to look at three cards from Crew Deck 3. She chooses one to keep and puts the others back on top of the deck.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Task Rolls

Satellite Array rolls: 6, 2 (1 success)


Research rolls: 2, 4, 5, 3 (no successes)


Encounter rolls: 1, 5, 1, 1, 6, 1, 6, 3, 4 (5 successes)

5/10 successes achieved. Cards?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Laura arrives to the cargo bay with a pulse rifle raised to shoulder height and at the ready, clearly having prepared herself for any hostile contacts in the area. "Riley, Halley! Is everyone alright in there?!"

Pulse Rifle: Roll 4d6
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

("Maybe it comes in peace?" : 2 auto successes, needs lucky.
I'll play this.)

"Maybe it's all a misunderstanding.... Maybe these things are peaceful." Veronica said, and then turned the corner into the lab, and saw the mass of tentacles that was the dog within. "Or maybe not."
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Pulse Rifle Rolls: 6, 3, 5, 6 (4 successes)

Task is currently succeeding on 11/10 successes required. Alien? Any negative cards?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

The rounds scattered, one pelting the dog-creature in the corner. Trying to hide in between the boxes seemed to have failed as it's position was revealed, but what couldn't be seen was all the tentacles sprouting from it's back. By hiding, it used the shadows of the hold to try and lay a trap with it's appendages, reaching out for Laura, the one aiming at her with the rifle.

(Tentacles along the Walls: Cancel 3 Successes)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

("Aww, poor baby. You're getting tired aren't ya?" : 3 auto successes, no skill req'd.
I play this to counter Toxic's card.)

Veronica spotted the creature going for Laura's back, and grinned. Interposing herself between the captain and the reaching tendrils, Veronica casually leveled her heavy rifle at the thing on the ceiling and squeezed the trigger. "Awww, poor baby! Did that hurt? Are you getting tired yet?" She spat, a maniacal grin spreading across her face as she splattered the alien across the ceiling.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

As she was far too focused on the elusive dog-like form, Laura reacted a second too late to the tentacles that stretched out towards her, but manages to duck out of the way thanks to Veronica's sudden intervention. She turns around to see the lifeform riddled with bullets by the quick-acting pilot.

"Thanks for that, Veronica. How many of these things are there?"
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

"Too many."
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

The creature whined back in pain as it's trap had failed and was unable to protect itself any further from being struck down by the gunfire, it's tentacles falling limply to the ground with a cold, wet thump.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

Nearly all the women aboard the Muse take up arms in the Cargo Bay as slithering tentacles and drooling alien dog beasts attempt to lash out at them. Unearthly screams echo through the labyrinthian halls of crates and storage containers that make up the large area. By the end of the prolonged firefight, the intrepid actions of the crew have resulted in the cornering and destruction of the dog-thing without the loss of any personnel.

Laura's expert accuracy pierces the beast twice through its chest and twice again through its brain pan, dropping it to the ground. The stunned group move closer towards the fallen enemy to examine the body -- just as its back skin opens and a smaller tentacled crawler bursts out at them!


Veronica wasn't caught off guard. With a small rapid-fire burst from her own rifle, the emerging creature is put down as well. For the time being at least, all is quiet.

Any Tentacle Attack Toxic? If not the next encounter is upcoming.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #2

With the battle over, the crew decided to reconvene back on the bridge. It was time to review whatever evidence Lulu and Mina could manage to scrounge from the recordings on board Outpost 31. Any information at all would be useful at this point.

Some of the girls tried to sound upbeat, as if the encounter in the Cargo Bay had been the last they would see of this creature. The wiser women on board knew better. This thing was still out there, probably even amongst themselves.


Next Encounter:

Review Evidence -- All players my now draw from Deck 2. Everyone draws one card.
--Crew: 4-6
--Skills: Planetology, Languages, Computer Systems, & Communications.
--Successes Needed: 8
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.

Alien (Toxic) to declare any exposures then play other cards from his hand.