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Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

The away team consisting of Marlisse, Maria, Faye, and Mako suit up and walk through the airlock docking tunnel. With a nod, Maria opens the door to the outpost and the foursome walk into what seems to be the charred remains of a battlezone. Scorch marks litter the corridor ceiling and walls. Debris of broken furniture is strewn about the rooms and some strange, slimy and sticky residue coats various areas of the chambers and circuit boards.

A few rooms down they spot the first body. A man lying face down with three bloody gaping holes skewered through his back. A few of you remember his face from the briefing videos about the other personnel at outpost 31. A brilliant scientist this one. Looks like he couldn't out-think whatever attacked him.

More bodies are soon discovered, other men, some researchers, some staffers. Then the first female is found. It's a scene more shocking than though possible. She's obviously been stripped of her clothing, her legs and arms are splayed wide and stuck to the far wall of a storage room by that weird slimy substance. Her belly seems oddly distended, as if she was pregnant, and it's clear even to the untrained eye that she shows obvious signs of copious rape and double penetration. She has a bullet hole in her head, like an execution or perhaps a mercy shot.

In the next room over, a room completely scorched, lies a strange corpse, charred black. Part of it looks human, probably but not certainly male. It's impossible to be immediately sure because of the extreme distortion on the body. Perhaps a dozen stringy tentacles sprout from the upper torso area, and the face has become an alien mask with large maw and what appears to be a long whip-like tongue.

"The fuck is that?"

Current Encounter

Humans roll only 2 successes. they need 5 more to succeed. Penalty for failure is to add a die to the Alien Ship task.

Crew may now play cards to give auto successes and roll extra dice. Alien may play cards to cancel successes. These cards ONLY AFFECT ENCOUNTERS, not tasks.


1 success on Battlesuit Task (1/2)
1 success on Lifeboat Shuttle Task (1/6)
1 success on Communications Relay Task (1/5)
0 successes on Research Task (0/3)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

As she enters the outpost, Marlisse's keen eyes scan the room, widening a bit as the chaotic scene is taken in. Regardless, she's seen a few things during her time as a doctor--granted, nothing quite as awful as this, but the esteemed expert manages to keep her cool nonetheless. Upon noticing the bodies and the slimy substance that often accompanied them, she raises a brow and lifts her right hand in warning. "Don't touch that."

Not that she needed to be so explicit with such a competent team accompanying her, but one could certainly detect the hint of concern in the doctor's voice. This situation with extraterrestrial life forms, evidently hostile ones at that, was not something she had an extensive amount of experience in.

Reaching the charred monstrosity, a disgusted look momentarily comes over Marlisse's normally solemn features. She's careful to keep a relatively safe distance from the thing, erring on the side of caution, given the clues to what may happen otherwise--such as with the female corpse encountered only moments beforehand. That kind of fate was not something that the current leader wanted happening to her or her teammates anytime soon.
"What in the world is going on here... Some kind of parasite?"

Cards being played:
"Hey, thanks for thinking of me." : 1 auto success, needs pilot.
"They taught the Egyptians how to build the pyramids!" : 1 auto success, needs pilot.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

"Ask and you just might receive..." the redhead pilot replied to the rather straight answer from the doctor. It was hardly unexpected for the fit pilot, and she prepared towards the operation with the rest of them.

Once everyone had completed the preparations, the captain creaked open the door for the group. The inside areas were a mess, the signs of battle everywhere. "Someone had fun here. I'm not liking what this someone is though." Faye shared her opinions about the scene, not going to touch any of the dead personnel even without Marlisse's order. Who knew what weirdness there might be in the bodies or the strange goop covering the heavily inflated female still hanging on the wall. "Would hate to be in her... position." the pilot thought as they went past the executed woman. Keeping herself alert and ready to unleash hell with her trusty pistol, Faye went to the next room with her companions.

Yet another grizzly sight awaited them beyond the door, something that the fiery pilot could only describe as a strange hybridized alien being. Not keen on going within reach of it, she remained near Marlisse in case something suddenly came up and her gun was needed.

(Going to use a card har. "The Government knew all about this, right Veronica?" for one auto-success with pilot. So Faye, this card '.')
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

((Can those of us not in the encounter play card affecting the encounter))
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Maria simply tried to occupy her mind, keeping her eyes to floor as they suited up for the mission. She was a little more uncomfortable than most getting into the suit, due to her height and slightly larger frame. As a stock girl, she was well defined and much more preferred the looseness of her cargoloader.

Seeing everyone prepared, she walked to the door, comfortable with taking point. What she wasn't so comfortable with, as she would soon come to find out, was the sight of dead bodies. Wishing to move on past the sight of the dead bodies, she couldn't help but freeze, her stomach turning from looking at the used and stuck shell of a corpse hanging on the wall. She shook her head after Marlisse spoke, as if to say aloud what was going through her mind, "Like I'd want to touch the poor girl.

In comparison, it was almost a welcome sight to happen upon a charred body.

-"I don't know what's in there, but it's big and horny as fuck!" : 2 auto successes, needs cargomaster.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

@Alk: Nope, they left you behind, so your talents and your card hand don't help. Don't worry, you get to go on the next mission.

Current successes: 7/7, Humans will succeed unless Alien plays a card now.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(No cards from me.)

Riley stumbled upon Lulu with the offending canine standing against her, licking her face exuberantly as its tail wagged in excitement. The dog on its hind legs was easily two feet taller than Lulu, but the little girl's mechanical body parts allowed her stand against the beasts' added weight without even really noticing it. It took Riley a moment to extricate the animal from the hysterically laughing girl, and when she did a brief conversation allowed the two to return to the main group and receive their tasks. Riley managed to keep track of the dog this time, at least, but before Lulu could go off to her work, a short in one of her leg actuators left her momentarily rooted in place. It only lasted for a second, however, and she continued to her task as if nothing had happened a moment later.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

***Humans Succeed at the encounter***

Moving on past the charred corpse for now, the away team reaches the central lift tube. The doors have been blown off the hinges, but there is a security ladder hatchway that they use to access the lower levels. The scanner readings show that beyond a few blast doors, the lowest two levels have been exposed to the vacuum of space, so they can't access them safely at this point, but they do find the data room and within it several more bodies in various horrible positions, especially the females. The four of them immediately begin collecting anything that might give clues as to what happened here. Security footage, recent crew holovid recordings, and finally various tissue samples from some of the corpses are taken.

"Right, we have enough to go on. It's getting a little late. Let's head back upstairs, wrap up that strange corpse and get it into the Muse lab. We'll want to take a look at it right away, I should imagine," Marlisse said.

About ten minutes later, the four of them returned with several boxes of items and a large, plastic wrapped charred corpse, held tightly between Faye and Maria's collective grip.

Most of the crew was just coming back to the bridge of the Muse from their own individual tasks when suddenly a loud shriek sounded through the corridors. It sounded as if it came from Mina.

"What's going on?"
Laura asked, to which she received only mild and unsure shrugs. Then there was another scream, closer this time, and the diminutive form of Mina Trent, the communications officer burst through to the bridge, huffing and puffing in side her little space suit with the helmet having been lost apparently.

"It's Lulu! She started convulsing and then something started growing out of her own leg! It kept growing and growing and it grabbed her! Come quick!" she squeaked, and with everyone else in tow, she ran back down the corridor, leading them towards one of the more open corridor intersections where they were all greeted to a horrid, shocking sight:


The tentacle creature pushing in and out of the helpless cyborg girl seemed to turn and go wild after realizing that it had been discovered and surrounded by the rest of the human crew. Various tentacles spontaneously shot out of its chest and back, lashing out at the other girls who quickly dodged aside.

"Somebody kill that thing!"
Laura shouted.

"But it's got Lulu!" whimpered Mina.

"That thing isn't Lulu anymore, look!"

And as they watched, the soaked, exhausted, and full-looking body of the dismembered girl went rigid. Her eyes became pools of inky black and her mouth opened to unleash a horrible, unearthly screech!

"The flamethrower! Somebody burn it, now!"
shouted Veronica.

Lulu is revealed as a Tentacle Monster. Humans must discard 3 cards each to defeat her. For each card they fall short by, an NPC will die. (Remember that one Flamethrower card can cancel this sort of attack.)

Tassadar draws 1 card because of Lulu's alien bonus.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako lets out an ear piercing scream as she backs away from the creature, her hands fumbling around the release for one of what she called the Portable Organic Material Remover, also known as a flamethrower, bracing it against her arm as she hesitated on pulling the switch, calling out feebly, "L..Lulu! It's me! Mako! Don't you recognize me....?" She hesitated again as she looked frantically at the captain, "W...We need to try to contain her! We can't kill her! It's Lulu! S...She survived the accident all those years ago, w..we can still save her right? Right...?" Mako's voice wavers near the end, "...right...?"

(Going to play flamethrower unless anyone objects)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Heaving a sigh of relief to herself, Marlisse managed to relax just a little bit on the return trip--the dilemma was certainly not one she enjoyed, but considering things could have been much worse during the outing, luck appeared to be on their side...

However, such feelings were apparently a bit hasty, as the doctor arrived just in time to bear witness to Mina's state of panic. "Can't leave you guys alone for a second, huh?" Though her words could have been interpreted as snarky, deep inside Marlisse was fully aware of the dangerous implications of it all, especially when taking into account the nature of the corpses seen earlier.

No stranger to emergencies, the woman immediately rushed to the scene, where she beheld a horrifying sight--Lulu, being visibly violated by an abominable creature, and her form soon being assimilated.
"God dammit... Of all the possible vectors..."

Frantically digging through her black leather bag for something to throw or shoot at the monstrosity while backpedaling away from the flailing tentacles, she turns to see the little biologist already armed with the flamethrower. Sensing the hesitation in the younger girl's voice, the physician feeds her some rousing words in an urgent yet controlled tone.
"She's gone, Mako... You saw what happened to the women on the station. It has to be done, before any more of us get taken by that... thing!"

No objections here.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Past the hybrid corpse, there was realy nothing further to see than more death. It was something that made Faye's inner conspiracy nut pace around, but the redhead pilot refrained from mentioning anything about them in the middle of the mission. Looking through the chaos, she collected a few things to take back so the scientist types could go through them. Finally, she and Maria bagged up the corpse from the previous room and hoisted it up to take back with them.

Back at the Muse, the operation crew layed down their findings. But the possible investigations had to wait, as there was a yell of panic. In came Mina, raving about terrible things happening to Lulu, that cybernetically augmented computer girl. Going along with the rest of the crew, Faye readied her pistol, looked like it was needed.

Looked like the monsters had somehow gotten into the ship. As the terrible scene unfolded in front of her, the pilot's conspiracy paranoia got even more fuel. Soon, there was no Lulu there anymore, a hideous alien borrowing her form. With the flamer in Mako's small hands, Faye urged her to toast the thing. "The doc is right Mako. This monster is Lulu no more..."

(Night of Fire)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Maria wasn't used to searching for things out of the ordinary, she was happy with the loads of things she was familiar with, memorizing and categorizing storage, but she figured her skills were best put in other places. She didn't imagine that meant carrying dead bodies of.. whatever this was.

Happily being rid of the corpse when her and Faye set it down, she felt she needed to go wash and go back to her duties until the higher ups can tell her more about what was going on. But that opportunity was not to come..

Running down the hall after the hysterical Mina, they all happened upon a horrific sight. Maria stood stunned as their cybernetic shipmate was being brutally used by.. something. She only could mutter out incredulously, "That... came from her leg? .. What in heaven's name..?" Her eyes teared after turning to the little biologist, armed and pointed at her friend.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako whimpered slightly at the comments by the crew as she shakily broke the seal on the input canister, starting the deadly reaction within the tank as she pulled the trigger, the thermodynamic reaction mixing with the fuel and assisted by the stored oxygen within the device meant that the stream of fire that flared out of the weapon would burn brightly and violently even in the a cold, oxygenless place. Even as she continued to hold the trigger, she called desperately for her friend, her quiet voice lost in the roar of the flamethrower until finally the one time use tool was exhausted, it's payload completely spent on the former crewmate, as Mako fell to her knees, whimpering softly, "I... I killed her... I killed Lulu...I... I'm so sorry.... Lulu..."
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

The flames licked across the large tentacle creature and the morphed, unliving flesh of what had formerly been the friendly and chipper cyborg computer systems analyst. Both targets howled and screeched inhumanly, flailing their bodies about and smashing into the walls wildly until at last, mercifully, their bodies sank to the floor and burned motionlessly. A horrid smell permeated the air around the crew and smoke filled the upper half of the corridors in the immediate vicinity.

"Extinguishers! Limit the fire and put it out!" barked Laura, her voice wavering madly between authoritative command and wild panic. "Put it out!"

Riley depressed the extinguisher's lever and funneled the cloudy flame retardant at the piles of burning flesh and bone and metal limbs.

There was a long moment of silence as the crew stared at the scene in stunned disbelief.

"Reiko... Marlisse... Mako... I want you to perform an autopsy. Right away."

Alien Ship Phase: Insufficient Dice to attempt a roll.

Override the Computer Task: 0/10 Successes. (10/10 = Alien Auto Win)

Alien player may discard 1 card to roll 1d6. On a 4+ add one success.

Tassadar, do you wish to discard a card to attempt the task?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(Nope, not discarding any cards for a roll.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako looks shakily at Riley, "A..Autopsy... y..you want me to preform an autopsy on... on Lulu...?" The biologist slowly stumbled towards Lulu, her eyes half watering as she shakily reached down with one hand, "Lulu.... Lulu... I... I..." She placed one hand onto one of the still cooling metal limbs, jerking her hand back violently as she shook her head, "T..This can't be Lulu! Lulu isn't dead! Lulu! W..Where are you! Lulu!!" Suddenly breaking away in a run, Mako headed back towards the bridge, looking around rapidly as she ran to the chessboard, seeing that it was still undisturbed, except for the pawn she had moved earlier, her eyes fixated on the chessboard as she whispered quietly to herself...
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

"We're not going to start with Lulu," Reiko said, sharply, then she pointed towards to the bridge. "We'll let this cool while we examine the corpse you all found at the outpost."

Autopsy of Alien Corpse -- All players draw one card.
--Crew: 4-6
--Skills: Biology x2, and Medical
--Target: 3+
--Successes needed: 8
--Failure: Add a die to the Alien Ship task.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

An exposure card is placed on Reiko. Dun dun dun!

Halley (Alk) has been chosen to discard a card into the Bad Blood pile. (And has discarded a card.)


After that, the Alien player uses "Something from the Ice." All PCs must discard 1 card.

**BUT, Takimaru plays "You Cheatin' Bitch" to cancel the above card as it's played.**

Tassadar the Alien passes on playing other cards.


It's now the Human's card phase. Humans have 24 hours to post whether they are using cards or not.

Then "El Capitan" Marlisse (Takimaru) must select a PC not partake in the Alien Autopsy encounter. After that, please post here your preferred encounter and task group. The current minimum for this encounter is 4, but you can take up to 6 crew on it. There are currently 11 crew left.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Marlisse raises a brow at Reiko's command. "Not exactly sure why we'd prioritize what could potentially be a spoiled sample over one that's clearly fresh... but whatever," she thought to herself, grumbling.

Taking such peculiar orders from Reiko didn't sit well with her. As a doctor, she was the one normally accustomed to being at the top of the food chain, so to speak, and having the esteemed biologist carry more clout in the ship didn't help things. Either way, she still recognized the stern scientist's credentials, and would go with it for now, albeit begrudgingly.

"Well... I'm sure you and Mako know what you're doing here, but needless to say I'd take caution until we can establish the method of transmission," she added. With a sigh, she looks over the corpse that they retrieved from the station, trying her best not to think of Lulu and the humiliating state their latest crew member was found in.

No cards to be played.
Proposed encounter team:

Proposed task team:
Powerfist Battlesuit - Riley
Lifeboat Shuttle - Veronica, Laura
Repair Satellite Array - None currently
Research - Aoru

Maria set free to do whatever she wishes in terms of tasks.
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Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

As Marlisse suggested Maria be dismissed from the lab to see to the more mundane tasks about the ship, Reiko took the opportunity to pass a large glass-sided box to the cargomaster after the body had been set up for autopsy.

"Here. If you're going out anyway, help me move these lab animals somewhere out of the way. Looks like my amphibian experiments will have to be put on hold."

Maria found herself staring directly at one of the largest bull frogs she'd ever seen. It stared placidly back at her, until a large bulge its neck grew to the size of a basketball and it belched out a loud ribbit.

Slightly grossed out but unwilling to show it, Maria took the big frog box and marched back to the cargo bays, where she had typically felt most at ease for the duration of the trip. But after the events of today, there was nothing about this ship that would ever calm her nerves.