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Tentacle Survival Adventure


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Kinda want to write another Tentacle CYOA, so im going to experiment with this. This might be a short CYOA or a long one, it might have a bad end or a good end, the idea with this is that anything is possible, you could lose on the 3rd decision if you aren't careful.

the idea with this one is you are a group of 5 girls who have just escaped from a tentacle lair, you will need to act as a team, using each other's strengths in order to survive out here. There are many factors which will go into each decision and previous decisions will impact future ones. Protect your group, resist temptation, and survive the outside world long enough to escape for good.

Some key pieces of this CYOA which differ from the others.

- Core of the group which may be captured, raped or impregnated; do you try to save them at your own risk or do you abandon them and move ahead without them. Do you believe in strength in numbers or can you survive as the lone wolf?

- A changing environment with many status effects and unseen consequences; It is raining, so the cum washes off of your body, but you are not used to the chill of rain so you pair up and use another member's body heat to stay warm; or perhaps you'd prefer the warm embrace the the tentacles once more?

- Employ various techniques and tools for the job; perhaps you find a new source of food, how will you distribute it? what if someone becomes greedy? who will be put in charge of rationing out said food? what if one of your members has a problem with this and steals some? will you discipline them? how? Every interaction, tool, and technique will mold your group's competency, attitude toward one another and overall chance for survival.

Good Luck!

Tentacle Survival Adventure:

The five of you run furiously though the dense jungle, unsure of what horrors might await behind or ahead; this is a rag-tag group of girls, who escaped with their bodies but little of their sanity.

The open air feels cooler against your skin than the confines of the Tentacle Lair, almost uncomfortably so, you truly feel naked out here, but any sense of humiliation has long left you, you have been naked for decades, enduring the tentacles as they used you in which ever way pleased them.

'Stop!' one of the other girls yells from behind, you look to see she is completely exhausted with her hands on her knees and her body bend forward.

'If we don't stop moving, they will catch us' a petite girl with long black hair says.

'And if we collapse from exhaustion, they will catch us again too' The worn out lady replies, she has curly blonde hair with DD tits which still lactate uncontrollably even now.

'Yes, we should rest, theres no point continuing to run, we'll run right into more of them and be too tired to fight them.' Says a redhead with freckles and average breasts, you can see the caked dried-cum against her thighs and her own vaginal juices running down aside.

Another girl with black hair stands next to you, she is mute, but she wasn't always, not until a few years ago , she just couldn't take it anymore, you are surprised she still has a mind of her own.

You are a tall girl with pale skin and dark brown hair which was drawn into a ponytail, you would often find roots or rope and bind it yourself, the tentacles didn't seem to mind, but it reminded you of your past, your life before the day the tentacles came to your small farming village; they fucked all the women and carried them off, while simultaneously strangling all of the men, you didn't see your father and brothers die, but you saw plenty more as you were carried away; tears in your eyes and cum in your mouth, ass and pussy, it was surreal, and still hurts to think about.

Your new life began within the lair that day, you remember being bound against the warm walls of the tentacle lair, a place which seemed to breath on it's own. Countless tentacle creatures slithered through this place, choosing a girl to stick it into and then going about their way, you still had warm semen dripping out of your pussy when the first one came, you remembered fighting as much as you could as it squirmed it's way into your ass and deposited it's hot load.

After that, you struggled a little less each time, there was simply no point, the creatures like little mindless drones would fuck you, cum inside and then leave so they could rest up until they did it again. You never understood what the place was until you left it, 'The Nursery' was what the girls called it, but in truth there were many places like this where tentacles could feed, this one was simply one for tentacles aged 2 months to 1 year, after that, they get bigger and are allowed to leave the Lair and find their own prey to rape and bring back; for the good of the brood..

You had been captive at this place for many years, so many that time seemed to fade, what had it been? years? decades? Centuries? it didn't matter, you never aged a day.

There was something about the semen they force-fed to you, it would arouse and satisfy you, but it would also slow down or stop your aging process at a cellular level, in this regard, every slave the tentacles had captured would live for virtually forever, though the price for immortality was eternal rape and slavery to these hungry creatures.

You remember the day they moved you, a large tentacle creature can in and wrapped around your arms, legs and belly, then it started carrying you around, you went travelling through this place for what seemed like hours before you were placed down, the tentacle which had carried you then took you in all 3 holes, and when it left you there on the warm ground, cum was oozing out of all of them, you could only lie there exhausted and twitching, coughing up semen and swallowing the rest. When you awoke, you saw that you were not bound anymore and weakly tried to move around.

the tentacle creatures here were much fewer in number, but when they detected you, they would fiercely attack and hold you down as they raped you, soon you realized that it was better to spread your legs and invite them in, rather than struggle with the creatures. And thus this was life, you wandered for a while before giving up, too tired to fight it anymore, you let yourself become a walking meal, as you yourself dined on the cum they left behind.

Occasionally you would come across another girl, but they were usually so far gone that they just walked past you, acting quickly only when a tentacle was close, bending over and giving it up much like you did, a truly obedient slave.

It wasn't long before more girls started showing up, this time they were held to the walls like you had been, more tentacles appeared and more fucking ensued, and thus the new wing of the lair was complete.

You found yourself moved again, another tentacle came for you, and you willingly climbed atop it, accepting whatever came next, you had lost all of your will to fight, it had been at least 50 years since you had been first brought here and though your body didn't age, you mental state did.

You were brought to the true nursery of the lair, a place where Ovipositors dripped and the floors were higher than ankle deep with warm semen, the girls here all were held against the floor, their asses and pussies submerged in the cum while their bellies were enlarged, full of fresh eggs from the overhead ovipositors.

There were hundreds of girls here, each more mindless than the last, you heard the moans of pleasure from some, but for the most part, these girls would carry the eggs for a few weeks and then the newborn tentacle creatures would slither out of their pussies while they scared off into the distance; and then the process would repeat itself.

From under the pool of semen your feet, legs and thighs were held open, and your back was placed against a protuding meaty part of the wall, almost like a column, many more tentacles gripped and held around your neck, pelvis and just under your breasts, you could freely move your arms and hands, but were held in such as way that accessing your own lower orifices would be impossible.

Occasionally a tentacle would come down and fuck your face, leaving you with a fresh dose of tentacle fuel, but the real prize was your vagina.

The large ovipositor would come down and insert itself into you, and begin pumping the eggs inside, you could look down and watch as your belly got bigger and bigger and became a home for many unborn tentacles.

Occasionally a tentacle would come to you and inseminate your womb again in order to keep the eggs nice and marinated, but for the most part you simply sat there helpless, waiting for the eggs to hatch inside of you.

You felt as they hatched, there was a small popping sensation and then you would feel the little creature moving around inside of you, the shells would quickly dissipate after the creature was born, at least thats what you thought.

A few hours later, the creature would find the exit and slither out of you and immediately begin exploring the body of it's mother, most of the time the creatures would climb upward and start sucking on your breasts for milk or enter your mouth, occasionally some of them would enter your anus and hide there for days.

When all of the eggs were hatched, the process would start anew and your children would wander off and begin fucking other women, not usually other breeders however, but fresh ones.

This went on for many years, until finally, you were released.

At this point, your mind was so damaged that escape seemed like an impossibility, most days you would simply lie down on the ground and stare at a wall, wandering tentacles would come by and fuck you, leaving an ever growing pool behind.

you had no purpose, no goal, no ambition other than to take the pleasure.

But one day you found yourself being helped to your feet, not by tentacles, but by other girls, they each had their own signs of tentacle rape, one of them had cum oozing down her leg, another had the impressioned circle of the milk suckers against her large breasts, another still had a large belly; full of eggs.

you moved your legs with them, following them until the fight of day blinded your eyes, and then you left this place, and immediately felt the chill of the world once again.....

You sit down next to the other girls, the petite one of the black hair helps the mindless girl, guiding her down.

'Whats wrong with her?' the blonde asks.

'She is still in a state of shock, but it should pass in a few weeks.....or months'

'How did she make it this far?' the petite girl said, before sitting down herself

'I held her hand while we ran, i promised that i wouldn't leave her behind' the redhead said.

'Shes still got the eggs inside of her' you say, breaking your silence for the first time

'I had to rescue her from the Ovipositors, they were only able to put about 6 eggs in her before i pulled her free, im lucky i don't have 2 or 3 inside of me myself'

'Is there anything we can do?' the blonde asks, while massaging her aching breasts and squeezing more milk out

'Not really, the Ovipositor deposits the eggs directly into the womb, our hands couldn't reach up there and even if we could, the eggs are too big to pull out, plus it would hurt; alot. when the tentacles put eggs into us, we are in a state of calm, and the semen acts as a sort of painkiller.

'speaking of which.....im getting hungry' the petite girl says

'We can try to find food, but our bodies haven't had real food in a while so we might not be able to get anything out of it, we might have to find it elsewhere.' the redhead says.

'what do you mean?' the petite girl says

'This wasn't my first escape, i know there are wandering tentacles around here, as well as a kind of tentacle/plant hybrid, either of which will be our source of nourishment.'

'Why did we escape the tentacle lair in the first place if all we are going to do is go right back to eating their semen?'

'We haven't truly escaped them yet, even though we are physically out of the tentacle lair, we may not ever be able to break our mind's from their prison'

'What are you talking about?' you ask

'Look at this one here, massaging her breasts, the tentacles stimulated her for so long that she lactates at an incredible rate, i hate to say this, but the pain you feel now will only get worse, your body has grown accustomed to having the milk being drained, without the tentacle suckers to do it for you, it would build up and it will become painful....but we all have something like this'

'They never used my body like that' the petite girl says

'You will feel the void, the absence of penetration, your orifices will cry for stimulation and for the sweet release of tentacle semen upon them, you will grow mad with desire and begin sticking objects into yourself, but you won't feel any release, not until you are back within their appendages'

'Why are you telling us this? i though you wanted to escape?' the blonde says

'you can't go cold turkey, you will lose your mind, it is a gradual process which will take many months before your body returns to a state of normality, after that, you may function as a regular human again, though your mind will always be damaged, you will always desire it, but you will have to resist.'

'What do you suggest we do?' the petite girl asks

'There is only one thing we can do, we must walk a tight line between being human and being a slave, we need to capture tentacle creatures and feed from them maybe even let them fuck us, but we can't get caught again; if we do, we will become just slaves once more, this is going to take alot of patience and team work, which is why i offered for you all to come with me'

'What do you suggest we do first?'

'There are 3 things we need to do soon.' she says, before explaining

'We need to find a tentacle creature or a Tentacle plant hybrid and gather it's semen, we don't have any bottles or anything, so we might just eat it for now so we can keep ourselves from going into withdrawl'

'Next, we need to wash ourselves, we have all been captured in a Tentacle Lair for many years, and the scent of the place has built up on us, it will be easier to track us while we are dirty, additionally, if any of us ever get raped, we need to wash up as soon as possible, because otherwise it will attract alot more tentacle creatures'

'Lastly, we need some kind of tools that we can use as weapons, Tentacle creatures have all of the tools they need to bring a woman to their knees, in a way, they are the perfect predator, and we can't even attempt to fight them without weapons'

'What do you think we should do first?' she asks, looking at you.

What do you do?

A. Start looking for a Tentacle creature or Tentacle plant hybrid, you need to feed from it in order to prevent yourself from going into a withdrawl state, which will make it difficult to fight or think.

B. Look for a lake, stream or river to wash yourself off in, right now you smell like you have been fucked by tentacles for years, dried cum sticks to your bodies and it is like a beacon to powerful tentacle predators such as abductors or behemoths.

C. Fighting Tentacles without tools or weapons is almost impossible, they are like the perfect predators against women, able to attack their bodies physically and sexually and bring them to their knees, only by having weapons will you stand a chance against a powerful Tentacle creature.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

A would be my first choice.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

C seems like it should come before A. Not sure where I'd put B on the priority list but doing A first seems like the quickest way to get captured.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

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Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

B first because the more difficult it is for the group to get detected the less need for weapons or fighting (and the easier it will be to surprise a Tentacle creature or Tentacle plant hybrid)
Then C because sooner or later fighting will be necessary, plus A will be a lot safer if the girls are armed.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure


'We should find some weapons, we arent going to be able to fight them off without them'

'I think that is a good idea' the redheaded girl says as she get up fast.

'but i'm so hungry' the petite girl says

'Yea, i don't know how much further i can go, i'm getting really tired' the blonde says

'Maybe we can look for them while you rest for a bit?' you say

'No, that is a terrible idea, we can't split up, not even for a moment, there may be weak tentacles watching us right now, waiting for an opportunity to strike' the redheaded girl says

lets go guys, she says, clapping her hands twice, like some kind of coach.

you and the others get to their feet, you notice an obvious annoyed groan coming from the other girls as they move.

you start to follow the redhead, who is eager to lead, the others are behind you, taking their time and going at a slow pace, the traumatized impregnated girl actually seems to be moving faster, with such a languid speed, the redhead drops back to talk to you.

'I'm Kacie by the way, nice to meet you' she extends her hand which you grab and lightly shake.

'i......i can't actually remember my name' you admit

'Ah, you must have been through it then, but thats fine, you'll get better, i can't promise you'll remember your name though'

'What is happening to me?' you ask

'You have been under the influence of tentacle semen for a long time, it messes with your memory and willpower, until you reach a breaking point. You arent quite at that point yet, but she is' Kacie says, pointing behind her at the mute girl behind.

'We're partners you see, or used to be, she never used to shut up truth be told, but now she can't say a word, its actually quite nice' she giggles to herself.

'What happened to her?' you ask

'She accepted responsibility for our previous escape and was relentless raped and force fed semen until her mind broke, but she will recover, i've seen worse'

'worse? shes pretty bad.....is that drool coming out of her mouth?'

'She is here with us, she is just unable to respond verbally, her body is still in shock, but her mind is still inside, locked up tight.' she sighs

'Stage 3 Mind Break; and i'd say with your memory loss, you are about Stage 1, if you consumed enough semen you might reach Stage 2, though that would be unlikely out here'

'Stage 2?' you ask

'Yes, the initial stages are that you would be unable to resist the temptation of tentacle cum, you'd surrender and continue to feed until your belly was full, without a care in the world.'

'So does that mean?'

'Yes, my friend here will be incapable of defending herself, though she may be useful as bait'

'I can't believe you'd sacrifice your own friend like that' you reply, appalled

'Not permanently, but just to lure a tentacle into a false sense of security, a nice easy meal before the axe comes swinging' kacie says with a smile on her face

'I can't believe you think that way' you say

'If you wan't to stay free, you'd better start thinking the same way'


you group walks until they come to an old cabin, it is covered with moss on one side with many of the wooden planks rotted, one side of the roof seemed to be caved in.

'Alright!' Kacie says as she sprints ahead, you struggle to catch up as the others walking slowly behind with a lot less enthusiasm.

Kacie tries the door, but it is predictably locked, so she crouches down and picks up a rock and starts smashing at the doorknob.

you watch her until the knob busts off and the door creeks open.

'Ha!' Kacie says in celebration as she walks though the door; just as she does, you hear a scream from behind you.

the blonde girl is holding onto the petite girl as two tentacle creatures are pulling on her ankles; the mute girl just looks on with drool coming down her mouth as this epic struggle takes place, suddenly, one of the small tentacles selfishly abandons it's quest to pull her and slithers between her open legs and penetrates her pussy.

The blonde yells out in pleasure as the tentacle fucks her, and with the other one realizing that abduction is going to be impossible, it quickly slithers over to the petite girl and starts fucking her in the mouth.

like the weakling she is, the petite girl closes her eyes and accepts the tentacle cock into her mouth, hoping it will sate her hunger.

you can't help but get wet as the see the two girls being raped, in the back of your mind you feel a sort of comfort seeing the assault on their bodies and yours begins to ache with desire as well.

The mute girl falls to her knees and starts playing with herself, and the blonde one yells out as the tentacle inside of her cums and splurts out of her; before backing up and wiggling it's head in the air for a moment prior to burrowing inside of her other nearby orifice, the blonde screams in pleasure again as the creature enters her ass.

Meanwhile, the petite girl just sits there with her legs crossed, savoring the taste of semen as the creature cums into her mouth, the tentacle has coiled around her small breasts now, after realizing how easily it's prey has accepted it's fate.

suddenly Kacie comes out swinging a hammer of some kind, its a pathetic weapon against tentacles, but it scares them just enough to exit from their victims and attack Kacie instead, Kacie swings the hammer and nails one of them as they leap toward her, but the other one wraps around her knees and pulls them together, causing her to fall.

'Help!' Kacie yells looking up to you.

You run over to the hurt tentacle and begin kicking it until it runs away, then you turn your attention over to the other girls who are just kind of sitting there defeated.

'Help me before it..it..!'

you get to knee level with the creature as it coils up Kacies legs, you put your hand over Kacies pussy and press against it, so the creature can't enter, then you put your other hand's fingers into your own cunt and get some of the juices before offering it to the creature. enthalled, the creature releases Kacie and starts moving towards you, you run as fast as you can away from the creature but feel your ankles pulled together, you flip your body over and look down to see the tentacle creature slowly coiling up your legs, ready to enter the first orifice it finds.

'Catch!' Kacie says as an old jar hits the ground and rolls towards you, thinking quickly, you open your legs again and wet your fingers in your pussy again before wiping them off inside the dusty old jar, the tentacle makes it's way up your legs once more and you position the jar right in front of your crotch, hoping the creature doesn't enter your ass first. With Viper-like speed, the tentacle dives into the jar and you quickly flip it over so the end is facing the ground, then you sit on it.

'Holy shit' you say, wiping the sweat clean from your brow.

'Good work!' Kacie says as she claps enthusiastically as she runs over to you.

'Come here guys, this girl has caught one!' Kacie yells to them.

The Petite girl and blonde come over, the petite girl is still licking herself clean after her meal, you can see the cum oozing down the blonde girl's leg.

'Did you find any tools?' the petite woman asks

'Only a useless old hammer and that Jar' Kacie replies.

the blonde girl begins to reach down toward her snatch. 'Hold on there, we need to decide how to distribute that?'

'Distribute what?' the blonde asks

Kacie looks down at her oozing snatch

'You've got to be kidding me, i think i've earned this' she says angerly.

'All you did was lie there and get fucked, nice initiative by the way, way to take one for the team.' kacie says with a smile

'You can't be serious' the blonde says, crossing her arms.

'I think our hero here has earned a meal, without her help, there would be a lot more where that came from'

'Are you really going to listen to her? this is crazy' the blonde asks you

'I don't know, she did fight them off' the petite girl says, licking her fingers now.

What do you do?

A. You defeated the tentacles, without your quick thinking and action, you would have all been defeated by two puny tentacles, all the others did was get raped, you deserve the spoils of victory; Eat the Cum out of the Blonde's Pussy.

B. Are you some kind of animal? no. you won't resort to getting a meal like that. Even though the Blonde didn't earn it, it is technically hers since it is in her body, Go hungry and perhaps gain some favor. Hopefully these girls put up a better fight next time.....
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

Can't you really write a story instead of starting twenty? It's gettin' annoyin' to try to follow your CYOA. So bad, the first ones were really great -- and they went to and end.

I'd like to address this complaint which came in the form of a neg rep. Basically if i have interest in writing something, i'll write it, if i lose interest in something, i'll move on; or i'll disappear for a few months, which would you prefer?

It's not like i have any obligation to stick with one thing or another, i don't get paid for this, i do it during my own free time. I have noticed that the Tentacle CYOAs i write are much more popular than the monster girl stuff, i can tell this by the number of thread views and the number of replies i get for a vote, if you follow both genres, Great! But the last post on the other Cyoa thread i made was 2 weeks ago and only 2 people cared to vote for that one.

You are under no obligation to follow any of these, so if it is too much work to keep up with it, feel free to move on.

I had a new idea and i wanted to experiment with it.

As far as giving closure to open CYOAs, i agree that far too many of them have been left unfinished, but writers shelf ideas all of the time and sometimes they don't come back to a project for years. This is my hobby and i want to have fun doing it; if you have a big problem with that than i suggest you find someone else's CYOA to read.

Due to the lack of interest in some of my other Cyoas, i may convert them into narratives and delete the cyoa thread in order to clean up unfinished work.

Here is the status of the other projects.

Tentacle Lair Escape: Chapters 1, 2, 3 have ended, Chapter 4 is open, Chapter 5 is on the shelf.

Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar: Chapter 1 has ended (unofficially), Chapter 2 is on the shelf.

Annwn: Chapter 1 has ended, Chapter 2 is on the Shelf.

Monster Dungeon Escape (Annwn sidestory) is open, but may be converted into a narrative.

All the other shit is already a narrative and has probably ended, Succubus Chronicle is open, but slow.

I wish you could see the amount of shit crap i've worked on privately which i've had to abandon for one reason or another.

Edit: I also want to say how tough it is to come back to a cyoa after i've left it for so long, firstly, if a thread is old, chances are new people arent going to want to catch up to it and there are some people who won't notice it was back and won't read it because they don't know. Overall, the number of potential readers is lower when restarting an old thread as opposed to starting a new one.
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Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

B not sure if its the best choice but we can potentially get some food from our new tent-in-a-jar instead.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure

B: seems quite weird currently.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure


You can't even fathom being desperate enough to eat tentacle semen out of another woman, but Kacie looks like she almost expects it; you've been humiliated for decades by the tentacles and forced to eat tentacle cum; but you've never done so willingly, at least you don't remember doing it...

'I'll be fine.....thanks' you say to the blonde.

'Good' she says, as she begins to finger herself, bringing small globs of cum to her mouth.

'You disappoint me' Kacie says as she turns to go fetch the hammer.

The petite girl and the blonde can only shake their heads 'what is with her?' the petite girl asks.

Below you, the tentacle within the jar struggles mightily, it is a young tentacle, fresh from the nursery, only about 2 feet long. Such a creature is nearly impossible to grab, it has speed and agility as well as it's slimy body, which is able to wiggle though any kind of grip or orifice.

Tentacles really are the ultimate predator against humans, the smaller ones are impossible to grab, the larger ones have unbelievable brute strength and the older ones are smart enough to strategize.

Once a tentacle is inside a woman, they immediately feel a debilitating pleasure, and the longer they are inside, the weaker a woman gets. Pulling a tentacle out of a woman once it has burrowed inside ofher is nearly impossible.

The little tentacle below you could theoretically fuck you all until you were too weak to run away leaving you prey to all sorts of similar creatures, whats why i was so important to protect your lower orifices, the fact that the tentacle decided not to slither around your hand blocking Kacie's pussy was blind luck, the mistake of a hungry young tentacle.

'Well, what should we do with that little guy' Kacie says, wielding the small hammer, the mute girl at her side, looking down at the jar with hunger in her eyes.

'We should find a rock and leave it here, we can't risk letting it loose' you say

'We don't have to let it loose, we just have to control it' Kacie says

'How are you going to do that?' the petite girl asks

'There are two ways, we can either press the jar against our mouth and when it cums, we quickly spit out the creature and seal the jar, or we can try to domesticate it'

'Domesticate it? Are you insane?' the blonde asks before shaking her head and laughing

'Young tentacles are mostly mindless, but they can sense fear and that attracts them, if we willingly accept the creature, it will calm down and not try to rape us all at once; the energy it drains from us will be negligible, but it will cum inside us and we can in turn, eat that cum'

'Doesn't that seem risky?' the petite girl asks

'Its a risk for sure, tentacles are wild creatures and once the cat is out of the bag so to speak, it will be impossible to know what it will do' Kacie explains

'Here, i found this' Kacie flips you the lid to the jar

'No holes?' you ask

'Holes? no, tentacles only need a very specific kind of hole to survive, they don't need air' Kacie says

You take the lid of the jar and try to tip the jar, but as soon as you do, the tentacle tries to squirm though and escape, but you press it down again.

'How am i going to do this?' you ask

'Use your body, think like a tentacle'

you open your legs and stick one of your fingers inside of you, then you sit down with your pussy pressed against the top of the glass, the tentacle leaps toward the top of it, and you quickly slide the lid undernearth and turn the jar.

'You've got a gift' Kacie says with a smile.

'So what now?'

'By now we've been hanging around here for a while and we still smell like cum and sweat, i'd gamble that a big tentacle is on it's way to retrieve us; we should really try to wash off, but i didn't hear any nearby rivers or streams while we were walking, so that could be an issue'

'How big of an issue?' the petite girl asks

'We won't know until it arrives, We're still close to the Lair, and once the creatures sense some of their girls are missing, they dispatch a few bigger creatures to track them down'

'What kind of creatures?' you ask, picking up the jar and carrying it

'Various types, specialized tentacle creatures which have their own strengths and weaknesses' Kacie continues

'Chances are most of you were originally kidnapped by Tentacle Abductors; these creatures are about 5 feet tall, but have a thick base, they have side tentacles which grab onto a woman and 4 tentacles imbeded into the core, they will stick 2 of them at a time into both of your lower holes and fuck you senseless, alternating between the two sets as the creature quickly rushes back to it's lair.' Kacie explains

'Tentacle Behemoths, large masses of tentacles 8 feet tall, with a mouth on top for swallowing girls, it has numerous large and meaty tentacles it can use to grab and lift a girl and place them inside of it where hundreds more tentacles await, it can hold up to 3 girls at a time, but this creature is slow, its mostly good for clean up duty after a tentacle attack.'

'Parasites are incredibly faster tentacles which enter your vagina and ass, then they create a tentacle cock and mind control a woman to fuck others'


'Impregnators, Milkfiends, Impalers, Oozers, Vorapods, Outfitters'

'Outfitters? what is one of them doing to knit me a nice dress?' the petite girl interjects

'Outfitters will wrap around one of your body parts and begin to create a parasite-like creature in the from of tight fitting clothing, like a creature which sticks to your breasts and sucks milk from them and is constantly introducing a lactating chemical and aphrodisiac.'

'oh' the petite girl responds with a frown.

'lets see......have i mentioned Overlords?, well hopefully we don't run into any of them out here.'

'So basically we don't want to run into any of them?' you ask

'No, i'd say that would be very bad, and this hammer? it probably won't be very useful.' Kacie says

We should probably get moving, before something catches us.

'right, and we should get something to eat, you don't feel it yet, but soon your body will be crying in withdrawl symptoms, i'll be ok, but you won't know until it hits you, oh, and Leslie here needs some as well, she is getting restless'

'Leslie?' you ask

'Our quite friend here' Kacie says, using her thumb to point at the mute girl

What do you do?

A. With two girls recently raped and you still smelling like dried cum, you need to find someway to wash yourselves off before something really big and bad finds you.

B. You don't feel any different yet, but Kacie says you will begin to feel tentacle cum withdrawl symtoms soon, you had better find another source of tentacle cum and fast, otherwise who knows what will happen to your mind.

C. Try to 'Domesticate' the trapped tentacle.
Re: Tentacle Survival Adventure
