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Tentacle Souls

Re: Tentacle Souls

You gotta be sneaky, Charlie, sneaky (2)
Re: Tentacle Souls

2. Seems the least suicidal
Re: Tentacle Souls

This is a time for stealth! AND CUNNING! (maybe)

Tell Meera to start Operation Sexy Attack! We find the guard that looks the most bored and hit him with a low grade Lust Aura which makes him think, "Hmmm... I am distinctly horny right now and those women look damn fine. I shall now go open up their cell doors on my own and take one of them for fun." Then all we have to do is stand near by and bash him on the head with something blunt once he starts trying to sex some of the girls. Then take his magical weapon and cut the chains ourselves or possibly find some keys on him and open the cuffs ourselves. Which ever works.

Actually scratch that... The guards work in pairs... It'll never work! ....Maybe..

I'll go with option 2 X (evolve Stealth II).
Re: Tentacle Souls

2 but let's evolve stealth 2 too if we can.

Okay this might work:

Tell Meera to start Operation Sexy Attack! We find the guard that looks the most bored and hit him with a low grade Lust Aura which makes him think, "Hmmm... I am distinctly horny right now and those women look damn fine. I shall now go open up their cell doors on my own and take one of them for fun." Then all we have to do is stand near by and bash him on the head with something blunt once he starts trying to sex some of the girls. Then take his magical weapon and cut the chains ourselves or possibly find some keys on him and open the cuffs ourselves. Which ever works.
I'll go with option 2 X (evolve Stealth II).

with the addition of hitting one of them not with a low grade one but directly with the lust 3 one and attacking the other guard with entrapment 2 to hold him still while the other one tries to have his way with the women. Might want to get dread 1 if we are going to do this to hit the one we trapped with our tentacles to make him more panicked and finish him.

Edit: Sorry, just wanted to edit the other one. :/
Re: Tentacle Souls

We don't have enough energy to be getting more than one evolution unless they are level ones. if we go with option 2 we can only afford option stealth II and that's still risking extreme exhaustion. Also if we go with option 2 Meera said there might be some other security around the magic stone.
Re: Tentacle Souls

@ Gargoyle,

My only problem with the plan that I put out is that it more and likely has a high chance of causing some kind of alert.

Can we ask Meera if she still has that necklace?
Re: Tentacle Souls

2, ask the women prisoners if they'd willingly part with some energy so we can have a better chance of succeeding.
Re: Tentacle Souls

@ Gargoyle,

My only problem with the plan that I put out is that it more and likely has a high chance of causing some kind of alert.

Can we ask Meera if she still has that necklace?

Yeah man I see that, but the problem with the stealthy way is that we are so big already and we only have stealth 1, so I don't think we are going to make it unless those are some moron guys with only weapons and armor.

Yeah I agree with asking her about the necklace.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Option 2!


You ponder the choices Meera has outlined for you; what's the best route to take in this situation? Then another thought occurs to you.

"Meera," you whisper. "Last time I met you you had a necklace that was practically glowing with magical power. Any chance you've still got it?"

She gives you a very dry look before responding. "Yeah, of course, in fact the guards here are fine with us keeping all sorts of magical talismans on our person. That's definitely not the first thing they took from us."

You get the feeling she's being sarcastic. You try a different approach. "I'm a bit low on energy at the minute... if I'm to break you all out, any chance any of you could... you know... top me up?"

She snorts, then glances worriedly into the corridor to see if the guards noticed. They didn't. She bends down to mutter to you again.

"Wow, that's an incredibly tempting offer. You make it sound so romantic. Unfortunately none of us are quite that desperate to escape just yet."

Oh. That's disappointing. "Well, in that case, you can't blame me when it all goes tits up," you reply. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to break through that trapdoor."

Waiting until both the guards are walking away from you again, you hurry out of the cell and over to the trapdoor. Meera was right, there is a sense of great power beneath it - but unfortunately it's locked.

Wonderful. Whilst Meera looks on with a wry smile on her face, your press your tentacles all around the perimeter of the hatch, feeling for any weakness. You try to catch a grip, using the stickiness of your slime to its full advantage, tug on the door... but nothing.
Behind you one of the guards completes his walk to the end of the corridor, and turns around... spotting you right out in the open battling with the trapdoor.
Oh fuck. You try blasting magic into the stupid thing, straining against it, heaving with all your strength. Behind you the guard with the black iron mace approaches, not increasing his pace, not saying a word, slow and inexorable.

There! That blast of magic did the trick and the trapdoor flies upwards, arcing as far as its hinge will allow. You dart through it as fast as possible then slip it shut behind you. A sense of deep relief fills you as you sense magic resealing it in place, although it doesn't last long - a series of deep thumps suggests the guard knows exactly where you've gone and is quite keen to find you again.

But where are you? It was just a short drop from the trapdoor into this room. It appears to be a basement, and constructed of the same solid water as the rest of this god-forsaken tower. In the center of the room is a cube forcefield, completely magical, and in the centre of that is a jagged lump of glittering magical crystal. It appears to be fueling its own defensive cage, and thin tendrils of magic extend up to the ceiling and out to the walls - its keeping the water vapour in place, holding the tower up.

But as you approach the cube, the floor starts to shift and change either side of it. Cautious, you watch as two streams of vapour rise, twisting and contorting, until they coalesce into two distinct humanoid shapes. The cloud doesn't allow for much detail, but they're thin and wraith-like, with no eyes and hollow-looking faces. Each holds a slender, glowing grey weapon of pure magic.
Without a word they stalk towards you, weapons held aloft. You scuttle backwards, as far as the room will allow, and observe; they barely seem to walk at all, instead drifting or floating through the misty floor, but they're certainly set on you.

More in forlorn hope than anything else, you toss a Magic Sting II at one of the Cloud-Wraiths. It passes straight through his head and out the other side, blasting apart the smoky vapour... which instantly coils and spits, reforming his head exactly where it was. The two have you almost cornered now, backed right up against the wall. Throwing up a Magic Shield II, you speed between them, hoping to reach the central cube... only to feel something sharp and cold cleaving through your central core.

"Ow..." is all you have time to whisper before your body dissolves and the Cloud-Wraiths sink back into the floor.


Your body reforms at the pale-blue Archcrystal, and you immediately find yourself in not the best of moods. Furious, in fact. "Rescue the prisoners," Black said. "It'll be fine," he implied.
Muttering rebelliously to yourself, you slither across the empty cloud plane back to the tower; having been there once you can remember its location, though everything looks so damn similar here you almost get lost once or twice.
Indeed, at one particularly scary moment you almost fell down one of the Dimension's gaping holes, your front two tentacles swinging blindly out into empty space. Fortunately no spikes or teeth appeared to impale you, which is interesting in itself.

Anyway, you soon arrive back at the base of the Tower (no Harpies having spotted you this time, thankfully). You stare up at it, and as you scale the outer surface (a most bizarre sensation, with your body dipping in and out of the solid fog that its built from) you begin to realize you need a new plan.


Option 1) Look for Meera's necklace. It might be in the Tower somewhere, and with it she might have the power to break free.

Option 2) Attempt to kidnap a Harpy from the roosting group, and force it into helping your friends escape. Who knows, it might be able to subdue the armored guards outside the cells at least.

Option 3) Go back down the cells and try and trick the guards into breaking the bars and letting the prisoners out. Going to have to give up on the crystal holding the Tower in place, too well protected.

Option 4) Other.

Health: 80/150
Energy: 50/200
Morality: 10/100

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Holy Beam
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...
- Plague (30 Cost). Fire a wave of sickly green energy that makes people ill. If left untreated, it can kill within a day.

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

The Necromancer is a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, but she's currently being held prisoner in Black's lair.

Succubus: An ally.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Desperate? Aren't these the same that were having an orgy when we first met?

Anyway, we're incredibly weakened at the moment so for the short term I see our best options as either
2. Kidnapping a harpy then raping it for all its worth, then we go find the necklace
3.Going back to the cells and grabbing the attention of the guards by the moans of the women as we fuck them

I'm going with option 2
Re: Tentacle Souls


We are pissed. Meera is being a bitch and not helping us when we need help the most, hell she's even being 'sarcastic' about it. Black has cheated us. "It'll be fine," he said. Yeah right! We grab the necklace and keep it. Suck it dry for all it's worth. Then, no more of this sneaky bullshit. We attack with everything we have. They will learn to fear a Tentacle Lord (saintly one at that).

Oh right, if we spot another wraith, we should use teh Holy Beam of Awesomeness. I'm assuming it should destroy evil sounding things like that pretty easily. I also have a mind to kill ol' blackie with it when we meet him again.
Re: Tentacle Souls

1 I don't see how we would've done any better against the knights and if we failed the prisoners would be worse off. At least they are really slow so we can probably hit them easily with magic cannon, although we don't know how many hits each one could take. The wraiths wouldn't be weak to holy power, since they are mist based. We might able to take them on with higher level fire or maybe ice bolt.

The necklace would either be in the store room or on one of the harpies, hopefully the 1st or were in trouble.

If we can manage to get anymore energy get Entrapment III to use on the gaurds.
Re: Tentacle Souls

4. I say we get illusionary duplicate or some such if stealth wouldn't do much cause of our size, and use it to trick guards. Unless the prisoners are in some sort of anti magic stuff we should just use Teleport III since we do have it, we can then zap them to the nexus and lead them back to black.
Re: Tentacle Souls

Teleport 3 seemed to take a lot of energy last time for just one person. ok looks like i was wrong on the cost but it still took a while and involved very bright light, not very stealthy, illusion might work though. depends on getting an advantage form the necklace.
Last edited:
Re: Tentacle Souls

Sorry for the delay, but I'm incredibly busy at the minute. Updates may be kinda infrequent for a while.

With that said, Option 1 away!


As you ascend the tower, you ponder where the guards may have taken Meera's necklace to. It's not as though there's a huge variety of places they could have put it...
You climb over the ridge of the tower, and spot your Harpy victim in the same place as before. She's still out cold, her wings twitching feebly, juices leaking from her mouth and slit. You slide past, paying her no regard.
The top floor of the tower is, again, as it was; a vast group of Harpies roosting on the ceiling, the watery layer shifting and coiling around their feet. All of them are asleep, and you briefly consider capturing one and using it as bait... but it would be a little hard to capture one without waking the whole group up. Anyway, a scan with your Aura Detect reveals no powerful artifacts among them, so you press on.

Ah. This is much more promising. The second-from-top floor is still full of dull, rusty refuse... but there's so much of it it'd be easy to hide something small like a necklace within its depths.
You slither over and begin to rummage through the pile of discarded crap, taking care to be as quiet as possible. Rusty chainmail, dented helms, discarded weapons... some rings, a queer cylindrical object... aha! A necklace! You shove aside the plate armor that was on top of it, and extend one of your tentacles. You can feel the power in it without even using your aura sense... oh yes, this'll be good.

You briefly consider trying to return the necklace to Meera, but really, what would that achieve? She's not been at all co-operative so far. Besides, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.
You coil around the necklace and draw on its energy. A mental gasp escapes you; thick, fiery energy pours into your body, lighting up your nerve endings, shuddering down all four of your tentacles. It lights you up, healing and rejuvinating...
Then it stops. The necklace cracks, splitting into one long silver chain, then dissolves into dust.

And damn, you feel good.

You glide cheerily down the remaining stairs to the bottom level. One of the armored guards is still crouching over the trapdoor; you fire a Magic Cannon into his back and he goes soaring forwards, crashing into the surprisingly solid wall at the end of the corridor. His metal amour burst open where your spell hit, tore apart along with most of the body inside - all you can see are blackened remains and smoke rising from the hole.

The other guard spots you instantly, and advances, silver sword held aloft. You use Entrapment II, and tentacles spring forth around his legs. He stumbles, before reaching down and shearing through them with his sword. It's all the distraction you need, however; a second Magic Cannon sends him flying back against the opposite wall, chest and body inside torn apart.
Whistling, you scoot over to the nearest guard and pluck the heavy iron mace from his hand. Wrenching it free, you hold the thing in one tentacle and swing it wildly at Meera's cell. The thin shards of cloud that make up the bars shatter on impact. A quick trip to retrieve the other guard's sword, and you break their chains as well. 5 prisoners in all, including Meera, and she's the only one not looking completely shell-shocked.

"I thought you went down the trapdoor?" she asks, frowning deeply. "It's complicated," you explain. "The important thing is we've got to get out of here."

She nods, picking up the gleaming silver sword you cut the chains with. She motions for one of the other prisoners (a man, thickset and balding) to go and collect the iron mace.


Do you suggest:

1) Going down the trapdoor and breaking the magical seal holding the tower in place? It'll remove the Harpy threat, at any rate.

2) Climbing back up to the top of the tower, try to sneak past the Harpies roosting, and infest your special friend to fly everyone down?

If you get away from the tower:

X) Do you go back to the Archcrystal and report back to Black?

Y) Or find one of the holes in the Dimension and take the risk of jumping down it?

Health: 100/150
Energy: 120/200
Morality: 13/100

Currently unlocked:
Fire Bolt I
Magic Sting I, II, III
Magic Cannon
Scale Armor I, II
Slime Ooze I (just sticky/slippery, no other effects)
Magic Shield I, II
Aura Detect I, II, 2.55, III
Perception I, II
Teleport I, II, III
Lust I, II, III (Magical Bolt)
Stealth I
Body Shock I
Entrapment I, II
Swim I
Levitate I
Holy Beam
Holy Closure (a fine golden mist that prevents undead from being rewoken)

Still available:
- Thunder Bolt I (Like Fire Bolt, Thunder element).
- Water Bolt I (...ditto).
- Ice Bolt I.
- Ovipositor I (Allows you to lay eggs within the orifice of a host. At low levels, these eggs are weak and may not hatch properly. Further upgrades reduces this risk. Each egg costs 10 energy to plant, but the hatched tentacle is autonomous and commanded by you).
- Dread I (Releases pheromones that make organisms more afraid. The higher the level, the stronger the effect it has, and the better it works on people (lower levels are effective mostly against animals).
- Confusion I (Launch a magical blast that can disrupt the brain-waves of a foe. Useful against well-armored creatures that aren't very vulnerable to normal attacks).

- Levitate II (allows you to hover straight over even wider gaps).
- Firebolt II (Like Magic Sting II, but Fire Element).
- (Lust) Slime Ooze II (your slime induces lust in those that contact it).
- (Sleep) Slime Ooze II (your slime makes those that touch it sleepy. Very... sleepy).
- (Healing) Slime Ooze II (your slime heals those that touch it. Like with all slime effects, it can be turned on and off at will).
- Stealth II (20 energy required. Become even sneakier).
- Swim II (20 energy required. Can you guess what this evolution does?)
- Body Shock II (20 Energy required. A powerful wave of magical energy runs over your skin. Akin to picking up a live electrical wire. Obviously limited to close-range combat, though).
- Tentacle Arts II (20 Energy required. Recover HP through sex).

- Magic Shield III (30 energy cost. Lasts longer and tougher to break than Level II).
- Entrapment III (30 cost). Small tentacles appear from the ground around your enemy and bind them to it. The tentacles are strong but not unbreakable.
- Re-Skinned Illusion III (30 cost). Use magic to change the outward appearance of a surface. Useful for laying traps, though not much help in the heat of the moment.
- Minor Telepathy (30 Cost). If you're close enough to another sentient being, you can pick of very faint snatches of their thoughts and emotions. Which of course can be very helpful for a variety of reasons...
- Plague (30 Cost). Fire a wave of sickly green energy that makes people ill. If left untreated, it can kill within a day.

- Illusory Duplicate (40 Energy Cost). Creates a magical duplicate of yourself that can slide around causing all sorts of panic, though unfortunately it isn't truly alive and can't perform any magic of its own.
- Aura Detect IV (40 Energy cost. The pinnacle of Aura Detection - see Cursed and Holy objects from far afield, allows you see even the faintest magical trap clearly, and can allow you to perfectly judge the magical aptitude of your foes).

People and Places:
This is to help me keep track. I've been doing everything from memory so far 'cause notes are for wusses.

Dimensional Nexus: An enclosed amphitheater with an abundance of people and Archcrystals to link to other dimensions.

Blue Archcrystal: Water Dimension. Something stirring in the deeps, but you have already released the central mountain from the control of the Necrofish.

Red Archcrystal: Fire Dimension. Vast dry plains overlook an endless sea of lava, with wooden ships improbably lined up against the cliff-face that separates them. Known for its demons and the wyverns that fly through the air.

White Archcrystal: Ice Dimension. Leads to a snow-encrusted mountain. Currently under the control of an army of metal men that you unleashed.

Green Archcrystal: Forest Dimension. Blue had a lair just outside of it, which you ransacked, and the forest holds all sorts of surprises, included a wooden town in a central clearing.

Stone-Grey Archcrystal: Unknown

Pale Blue Archcrystal: Cloud Dimension. A vast, barren, empty waste sandwhiched between two layers of cloud. Structures are few and far between, but there are many openings to different worlds below.

Dirty-Yellow Archcrystal: Sand Dimension.


You are the Tentacle Overlord.

The Necromancer is a close ally of yours. You joined forces with her in Blue's lair, but she's currently being held prisoner in Black's lair.

Succubus: An ally.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Martha: Mermaid ally. Currently holding the Subtle Knife.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Paladin: Somewhat bitter ally. Powerful but unfriendly.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Dragon: A colossal, intelligent red Dragon that you freed (accidentally) from Blue's lair. He feels that he owes you a debt.
Current Location: Unknown.

Atta: An insectile female humanoid, with hard, shiny exoskeleton, lengthy antennae and timid demeanor. Powerful user of magic, but feels a strong connection to her home nest.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Elene: A woman wrapped in a fur coat. She suffered a terrible ordeal in the Ice Dimension, but you rescued her from the metal men and she's currently recovering thanks to the Paladin.
Current Location: Dimensional Nexus.

Necrofish: A half Merman, half-Angler fish monstrosity. Resides underwater, last seen when you defeated him in the Water Dimension.
Current Location: Unknown.
Re: Tentacle Souls

I was going to suggest sneaking them out but then I remembered these guys are with Black, so who cares if a few eggs get broke.
