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Tentacle Ranching

Re: Tentacle Ranching

So many managers, so many choices~!
Re: Tentacle Ranching

So, do we want to contact nunu to get the subforum nexus set up?
Re: Tentacle Ranching

I've got some suggestions before I join fully. Firstly, that there is some form of colour-coding, given at birth to each tentacle. Something like, "green thinks heavily of itself, blue thinks more of others, brown is completely unintelligent, red is extremely intelligent, white has better magic abilities, black is <joke>far larger</joke> more endearing..." something like that. With possible 'rare' colourations. We'll go the full pokemon! *Grins* Since we seem to be staying away from adding stats, it'd be limited to stuff like personality and, I dunno, probably "productiveness".
Second, I'd like to expand the ol' ranch eventually, get more tentacle breeds, I've got many ideas for 'em (I've basically thought up a Flintstones-esque society, with the animals that run things replaced by tentacles). There should be a way to expand, eventually... maybe using this money we're trading around? (ah, whoops, Wallpaper already mentioned this.)

I'd like to be a ranch owner, but there's just not enough farmhands currently. If we're allowed multiple characters, I may make a farmhand first and start up a ranch with another character later on, when more farmhands become available.

what are peoples ideas on races? Any generic fantasy (Elves to catgirls to humans), just humans, only non-humans, etc?

I'd say... don't limit it species-wise. Since we're in a high magic world, the chance of random and weird species popping up out of nowhere should actually be fairly high; if they wanted to play some horrible fiend, I say let ‘em. Of course, you should only allow them to be aesthetically different – if someone wanted to make some powerful magic user, they couldn’t due to magic advantages, or if they wanted to make a giant or a dragon, they couldn’t due to size and weight advantages, but if they wanted to make a lizardman or some demon, as long as it was the general size and strength of a person, and didn’t have too many unhuman advantages, (flight, for instance) that would be fine. Also, while there may be many varied humanoid species, the main ones would be humans, along with elves and the ilk, with the other species being far smaller in number. Gah, 6am post, bedtime now.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Well, this sounds like it might be fun. I'm not particularly interested in the ranch owning part (just yet) so I'll sign up as a ranch hand. ;)
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Okay... lets see

Ranch Managers:
Phoenix (I hope)
Rule 34
Master Bei shun on Psp

Ranch Hand Applicants:
Innocent Mischief

There! Added with my own quote. Any others? Also note Host, your idea is.... Hrm just leave at that. It's just there.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

XD Tentacles with individual personalities is something I haven't seen before. Maybe instead of colour-coding it can be personality/variances by breed, so that each breed has a function+personality/predisposition type to go with it?

Can we write stories for other people's characters, by the way? Or maybe on safer ground, have NPC's working the ranch that we can all borrow to use in writing? I think I'm just confused over if this is a largely RP-based game or a largely writing-based game.

Instead of all owning different ranches, it might be neat if we were all playing characters who were working a different section of ranch; say, some big-wig is in charge of the lands but we're allowed to keep herds/patches/packs of tentacles to grow according to our fashion, so that there's more chance for interaction between characters. I just foresee not a lot of interaction as it stands because there'll be maybe on owner and one farm-hand on each stead (unless we can make multiple characters... not sure I wanna do that, though. XD)
Re: Tentacle Ranching

And here I was somehow imagining a modern day setting. =)

Well, I'm fine with any. It occurred to me on the way home yesterday, that this could be an excellent time to launch that "Tentapedia" idea I remember being discussed some time back. It would tie in nicely as a sort of sister project, listing and recording everything we come up with.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

That sounds good. The only question I have is, who will be the overlord of the town? Or aka Mayor.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

*Would volunteer, but he's not the maker of the RP.*

I say Phoenix should be the mayor, since it's his idea.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

I say coppar with her massive bosom.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Although it can be anyway, I had originally envisioned this to be a good portion of writing based (Since in open rp's that are interaction based it is very easy for players to get lost if there isn't someone to interact with for a while). Given that, I had also planned to have several NPC's per ranch that could be controlled at the whim of those on the ranch (Although people would have to be careful not to control them at the same time). I don't think it would work logistically to have at most only two women per tentacle ranch anyway.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

The forum is up... Although once you decide on a name for your ranch you may wish to pm nunu. Heh... Kind of forgot to specify that area.