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Tentacle Ranching

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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An idea has come up from an odd conversation in the toonpimp thread of the hentai board:

Essentially, this would be a more or less community based game where some or all of the players would run ranches or farms where they raise tentacles for various purposes (Steeds to pleasure pets to milk sources to fruit producing food sources). The owner of each ranch would have his or her own sub forum of the game forum of which they were the mod while someone who is elected mayor would have modship over the entire thing. In each ranch thread players could write stories of the daily activites of their ranch or interact with people who either have decided to have their character work at that ranch or who have come visiting.

The main area of the forum would be the town where characters could come in to do more interacting, to buy and sell goods, or to show off their hand raised tentacles in contests and fairs. There would also probably be an ooc thread as well as a thread with the full listing of the different types of tentacle creatures and who ranched that particular breed (Speaking of which, in order to have variety each ranch would probably only be allowed to have a certain number of tentacle breeds).

However, since this would be a more community based game than a gm run game, I'd like to open the floor to ideas and interest.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

I'm in. Through if anyone wants to come to my ranch and post PLEASE sign this.

Gender: (Only Females. Herms kill the tentacles.)
How many do you not want to ride a day:
Hip Size: (To see how many tentacle births you can give a day.)
Bust Size: (If your above D cup, please do not come to this place, the tentacles become a little too fond of nipple stretching.)
Healthiness: (You better be chunky. Tentacles break Anorexoics.)
Favorite Tentacle: (Yes, what is your favorite tentacle)
Anal: (Do you want this?)

X___________________ Please sign here.

Terms 1.0
I pledge not to sue the tentacle farm/ranch/breeding pit on the account of if I do, then I must give birth to an endless cycle of babies.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Ah, day to day tentacly goodness. This sounds way too awesome to pass up.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

I almost posted on the other thread the idea came up, but managed to spot this. Indeed sounds fun, though not sure quite how to visualise how it would play out yet. I reckon it would play best with less ranches, so each can gather a few staff/lodgers. I imagine this would be the case anyway, since some will prefer to manage/work a ranch. We'd get a nice friendly rivalry thing going between the ranch teams. Dunno how you decide how successful a ranch is though? I'd go for working or some other misc role since my connection probably isn't suited to running my own.

You thinking this is a create a character thing, play by forum name, or something else?
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Well, by your way of doing things squid, more then likely create a character thing. If we go by forum names I don't know.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

XD I'd like to see some kind of shop or something in which there's several breeds of tentacles; plant and animal based; 2 to 3 of each (players can come up with ideas for more, for special imports perhaps?). X3 You can purchase them with money won from a weekly show (or every-other-weekly~!) maybe have participants base their favorite entries (bits of writing, RP, whatever?) from most to least favorite, first place gets X money, second gets Y, etc. (increase the pot that can be won by number of participants?)

Run team-based ranches that are compartmentalized enough that each player can do their own thing within the ranch OR RP, each player can enter the contest and pool money together for the more expensive breeds?

I think I might be over-complexifying it.... and I'm too busy to participate until the end of June, but I'm interested. X3
Re: Tentacle Ranching

We could probably have that, although it would be a few seasons before a ranch had a viable population to play with.

Also, I'm thinking we should have each ranch have maybe 2 common tentacle types and 1 unique to start with? Like a plant type that produced fruit in addition to being a tentacle monster, which could be farmed, as well as a horse or cow analogue as two basic types (Tentacle milk anyone?) and then each ranch can design one special tentacle that is unique to their ranch.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

I concur with pheonix on his ideas. Any other agreers?
Re: Tentacle Ranching

One other thing that is probably mandatory: magic. There is probably at least some magic in the world, although the characters probably wouldn't have much talent or power (Otherwise they wouldn't work on a ranch). This could mean fun events such as finding a mana spill, or a crazy pervert wizard comes to town, or my favorite: Damn it the wizards contaminated the ground water with magic and now I'm a futa.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Oh, fuck yeah! Count me in! although I won't be operating my own ranch or whatever it is. I'll probably be just a random farmhand >.>

In any event, count me the hell in. And Phoenix's ideas are pretty good, to tell the truth.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Oh, fuck yeah! Count me in! although I won't be operating my own ranch or whatever it is. I'll probably be just a random farmhand >.>

In any event, count me the hell in. And Phoenix's ideas are pretty good, to tell the truth.

Which? I can't take full credit for the ranch idea (Check the toonpimp thread for that), or do you mean the stuff I've posted in here? (And I'm actually thinking of doing the groundwater thing a little bit in for my character, just because)
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Anything that this RP relates to is epic, 'nuff said.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

So we currently have two people interested in having a ranch (Diaga and myself), 2 farmhand type people (Burrito and squid), Wallpaper doing something eventually, and whatever rule is leaning for.

We have some details:

Each ranch gets 2 generic tentacle types (Possibly a food producing plant tentacle and a horse or cow analogue) as well as a ranch specific tentacle.

The ranches gain mone either by selling produce or through events in town. Money which they can spend to purchase more tentacle breeds or possibly tools or larger buildings.

Probably high fantasy magic levels, but noone can actually cast worth a damn in our town (Probably).

Of course, while we could try for inter ranch rivalries, I'm currently leaning towards my ranch's starters being a cow analogue, some fruit producing plant tentacle, and the unique being another plant tentacle that produces fruit likely as a large tree of some sort, so unless we get a third ranch, there won't be that much rivalry until new stock gets bought for the ranches.

Also: what are peoples ideas on races? Any generic fantasy (Elves to catgirls to humans), just humans, only non-humans, etc?
Re: Tentacle Ranching

A tentacle version of Harvest Moon...

Why didn't I think of this?

I think I'll run my own, But with PSP posting, long posts turn to double posts, the said sub boards would need "cleaning" (H8 512 char limit)

But for my crop:
Pleasure tent- The Raping Tree
Flora tent- Sellable Flower
Unique tent- some small, fast growing, egg layers will do... =3
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Re: Tentacle Ranching

I could help out as a ranch hand if anyone needed extra to balance out the 'teams'. If not, no worries.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

XD I'd have more fun playing a ranch hand, too.

a breed of plant-based tentacles could be used for guarding or filtering (said mana from water, for example. XDD)

I'm entertained by the thought of tentacles that you could actually ride around, no pun intended. Saddle up and don't mind the occasional diddling!
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Okay... lets see

Ranch Managers:
Phoenix (I hope)
Rule 34
Master Bei shun on Psp

Ranch Hand Applicants:
Innocent Mischief
Re: Tentacle Ranching

I didn't specifically say I want to be a Ranch manager.

NOW I do.
Re: Tentacle Ranching

Then I guessed right didn't I rule?