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Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I am in full agreement with Shrike. We need more info. If the runestone is like what we found with Hul,jet or something to grant further evolution/energy it may be worth going after. If not we can skip it. As far as tentacles go we should go for the weaker purple ones. And again as Shrike said we could use the blues abilities but itd be pretty much a suicide run at this rate. We need more details.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

By overwhelming request, here's a few clarifications:

First, your sense are good enough now that you could do some tracking. Following the harpy is a test of perception.

Option A.) You can always take evolution - Perception (100 Energy) to boost this.

As far as the rest goes:

1.) Runestones -
  • can be freely drained of energy like the mana fount
  • may be able to grant attunement bonuses if you know the correct incantation
  • may have other special properties depending on their alignment, e.g. a chaos-aligned runestone might cause random effects or warp space-time around it
The potential energy will be even larger than the mana fount here.

2.) Other Tentacles -
  • Are useless to you dead
  • Bear no love for their kin, especially if competing for energy
  • May be storing energy for more expensive evolutions
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Right, that makes the decision much simpler, i would say. Also, overwhelming, heh XD

Option 2! Save energy for now, we can evolve a solution for anything unforseen later.

Hmm, I have an idea for when we reach it as well...
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I again agree with shrike. Go for the rune stone, and possibly if were lucky absorbing a purple tentacle. 2
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

For now I am not inherently interested in the harpy directly. I am however wanting to get the information from Hul'Jet in that if he/it is likely more aware than we are at the time being. An energy source is there in front of us and I think being able to gain from the runes themselves (assuming that does not diminish the recall point ability to function) would be a tremendous asset.

The only thing that should be a concern is how to gain more power. It is after all the one thing someone with power is concerned with.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

the harpy is a possibly easy way to gain a host, if we can hunt down the nest. Apart from that, you're completely right, not of much interest.

Accumulating power is exactly it. Our current font gave us 100 energy from a partial tap, we didn't even drain it entirely. The runestone apparently holds a fair bit more, if that isn't a viable source of power, then i'm not sure what you're after. just as importantly, if the purple one gains that much energy, chances are it will have enough to outstrip us entirely and make it a rather formidable foe. If we can beat it there, we can set up an ambush, absorb it, and get the runestone's power as well. Win-win, as far as I'm concerned.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Fucking other tentacles, I wanted that bird. :mad:

2. Sneak dat shit.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I have no opinion on this latest choice of options toward actually choosing one. I however think that focusing on what is readily available with the runes is a far more profitable endeavour compared to chasing down a harpy at the current moment.

Gaining power is what matters now.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

2 – Sneak down to the second floor on the double.

Current Status:

Tiny Black Tentaclespawn
Health: 25/25
Energy: 25/50
Overlord Energy 200
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I
Status: Dark Blessing

Time: Midnight
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt)
Known Entities: Human Male (North), 3 ?? Humanoid Males (South), Harpy (North), Runestone (Floor 3), Purple Spawn (Floor 2), Green & Blue Spawn (South)
You decide time is of the essence and descend to the second floor. The runestone is just too valuable to lose to another spawn. Glancing at your surroundings, you notice that the stonework here is a pale tan, and even more overgrown than it was above.

Your attention quickly shifts to the sounds of battle echoing down the hall. You creep towards it, down the hallway and through a large atrium supported by four columns. A shriek pierces the gloom, followed by silence. Is it over?

Then footsteps, and again the sound of steel on steel. You dart through the shadows, seeking the source, until from the hallway beyond you’re able to spy on the proceedings.

A dark-cloaked man faces a trio of armored adventurers from behind a cadre of skeletons. With a sweep of his staff he conducts the undead as easily as a maestro his band. Against the surging tide of the dead the adventurers can do little.

One, a dwarf already engaging three of the skeletons, is knocked from his feet by the overhand swing of a fourth. You note approvingly that even as he falls he holds onto his warhammer, blocking a thrust aimed at his heart as he strikes the ground. Their leader, a woman clad head to toe in metal plate, charges into the attacking skeleton and shatters it’s spine with her shield.

The respite is brief, and followed by a reign of blows that neither of the surrounded mortals can block entirely. They begin to pull back as a third raises a celestial symbol in his hand and chants, turning the trio of skeletons separating them into dust. The cloaked man watches grimly as he completes his own invocation, and you can feel the energy draining from the holy man and replenishing the necromancer’s supply.

As the young cleric collapses his companions rush to him. With skeletons hot on their heels they help him to his feet, then flee down the southern corridor. The necromancer raises his hand, halting the skeleton’s pursuit, and with that the combat is halted.


In the battle's aftermath you have chance to take stock more carefully. The first thing you note is that the necromancer seems to have a captive of his own, a blond woman in robes similar to his. Though standing, she is bound and gagged, and two of his undead minions guard her. He says something to her which you can’t understand. In response she shakes her head defiantly. Before your eyes the gesture turns into a squirm of discomfort that brings her to her knees. The man smiles cruelly and says something else, dragging the woman up and summoning his undead minions to follow him east.

Disappointing that you couldn’t understand the conversation, and perhaps worth an evolution? As a spellcaster he may know more about the runestone’s whereabouts, an invaluable boon in your search. On the other hand something seemed off about the two of them. You can’t quite place it, but neither can you shake the feeling that not all is as it seems.

Remembering your goal, you quickly advance into the room and examine the site more carefully. Its structure is similar to the last one, though without the columns. What really sticks out, though, is the trail of green liquid leading north. By scent and consistency it looks like the blood of a Mandragoran, the humanoid plant-creatures of the Arborean realm. That makes it useless to you as far as energy is concerned, but reminds you of a bit of wisdom from your former incarnation.

Human legends hold that Mandragorans are blessed with the magical ability to cure ills and enchant potions with their roots and sap. Rarely said outside the sages’ circles, though, is that much of this blessing comes from the magical ground on which they take root. If that’s the case there may be a source of energy on this floor as well.

There are two other options before you as well. You could always pursue the wounded humans. Though you’re loathe to associate with anything celestial, they’re wounded and thus more vulnerable. The difficulty is the dwarf, who is more attuned to the underground and is worth a thousand skeletons in detecting you. With your current aura the mindless dead would practically have to step on you before they could sense you.

On the other hand you could also head to the west, the only unoccupied corridor. Particularly smooth and quiet, it may allow you faster access to the lower reaches of the dungeon. Without knowing the layout you can’t say, but you muse that at least you wouldn’t need to deal with these vexing mortals for a while.

The decision lay before you, and an evolution might make things easier…
A.) Just wait for now, conserve energy until we’re sure
B.) Aura Sense I (150 Energy) to gain a better sense of energies in the area
C.) Perception (100 Energy) to help detect threats and understand the conversation
D.) Something else (specify)

Now what to do?
1.) (East) Follow the Necromancer’s group, he’s the clear winner combat-wise.
2.) (South) Follow the retreating adventurers. There’s more of them, but they’re hurt.
3.) (North) Follow the trail of sap, let’s see if what they say about Mandragorans is true.
4.) (West) Follow the empty path, it’ll be quicker if you don’t have to worry about mortals.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Well, aura sense may help us find the runestone faster, and perception would allow us to make a host out of either the necromancer, or one of the adveturers much easier. So we have to ask ourselves, what do we want? Shouls we keep our current priority, or switch targets to one of these new interests?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!


If we get to the rune, we'll make our energy back, right? All we have to do is not fuck up.

B, then uhh whatever direction the rune is in.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I have a feeling the purple tentacle may be hanging around this necromancer as well, we may be able to rid ourselves of the competition early, with any luck.

And since we're actually going to tag along with a speaking creature, we should really pick up Perception. It should help us detect purple as well, if it's hanging around nearby.

1 and C
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Mrph. I like B for the ability to actually sense the runestone or other energy sources, and 3 because the Mandragoran soil (if it exists) is most likely easy to lay our tendrils on.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

If we get to the rune, we'll make our energy back, right? All we have to do is not fuck up.

B, then uhh whatever direction the rune is in.

Yeah, once you can drain the run you'll have plenty of energy, and good point. Would it help to break up the vote into evolution plus a quick choice based on its results, or to give some other info?
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

I think it would, yes. :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Well all righty then! :D

B – Evolve Aura Sense and go from there!

Current Status:
Tiny Black Tentaclespawn
Health: 25/25
Energy: 5/50
Overlord Energy 125
Abilities: Stealth I, Infest I, Symbiosis I, Aura Sense I
Status: Dark Blessing

Time: Past Midnight
Allies: Hul’jet (Floor 1 Sigil Crypt)
Known Entities: Human Male (F2 North), Harpy (F2 North), Mandragoran Soil (F2 North), Runestone (F3 North), Purple Spawn (F2 East), Green & Blue Spawn (F1 South?), Demonic Aura (F2 West), Adventureres (F2 South), Three ?? Humanoid Males (F1 South?)
Aargh, you need more information than this to pursue the runestone!

Steeling yourself, you call upon your reserves of energy and begin the evolution process. You briefly consider enhancing your ability to understand those humans. No, the runestone is far more valuable, and sensing it’s aura will be the best guide to it.

Time seems to fly past, and in moments it is done. You feel a great clarity of mind, as if everything before now was just a drunken stupor from which you finally awakened. Sensing the subtle ebb and flow of mana currents as they stream by, you realize that there was far more going on here than you suspected.

Most pressing was the fact that the purple spawn was already with the necromancer! It’s aura was now stronger than yours, giving you pause to consider a strategy. If the direct approach was out, then what of the runestone?

-critical success!-

Senses sharpened by your dark blessing, you easily pinpoint the runestone’s massive mana flow. It’s right to the north of you, one floor down! Of course! If the runestone is unstable, the mana leakage would make the ground above it perfect soil for a Mandragoran! You can feel it seeping upwards, strong enough that a usable remnant persisted even on this level.

Searching the other paths, you feel faint demonic aura from the west, weaker than you’d expect even from a minor demon. Perhaps a taint? The adventurers in the south were now moving to the southwest as a group.

But there were also some approaching your position right now!

You hadn’t noticed while evolving, and they were difficult to detect even now. With barely enough time to react you hide beneath one of the shattered skeletons. In the worst case you could rush to the necromancer and try to escape in the confusion… As you run through possible scenarios in your mind the auras reach you. You’re actually surprised – it’s the human with the blades, accompanied by the harpy from earlier! The scan the room carefully before entering, looking over the remains of the battle. Their gaze goes from shadows to debris before finally fixating on the mandragoran blood.


Your vantage beneath the heap of bones is apparently good enough concealment, and after a few words that you can’t understand they nod. The two rush to the north without a second glance, leaving you with a now much more informed choice of actions.

Do you…

1.) Head north stealthily, searching for a direct way to the runestone and absorbing residual energy as circumstances allow. You know there are two mortals there, but they seem to have other things on their mind. Their base aura is worried.

2.) Follow the necromancer and the purple spawn. If they are together then odds are even stronger that one of them knows about the runestone. On the other hand it is risky. The necromancer’s aura is stronger than any other on the floor, and his captive’s is very faint.

3.) Head to the west. The demonic aura has many possibilities, some of which might give you a greater edge depending on what you think it is. If the adventuring party is looping back around you’ll catch them on this route as well.

If you choose 1 or 2 then you can mix or match these with it.
Option x.) Actively try to get their attention and lure them towards the other group.
Option y.) Evolve Perception right now (100 Energy). If you follow either group of mortals this would allow you to catch most of what is said without delay.
Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

Whoa, where did that extra energy come from?

1 for sure. We don't want to mess with Purple directly, and hanging around will likely just mean we have to watch as he nabs all the good stuff, while we have to stay hidden.

Y as well, I think. X seems a bit too risky for now, but keep it around as an option. Best possible gain from that is the two groups wear each other out, and we can swoop in and take the prize, but I'm wary to do so unless we can gather some more energy along the way, or possibly set a trap.

EDIT: Earned an 'Overlord Approves' ability, single-use. boosts success chance on one thing. Changing my choice to include X as well (aiming to draw blades and harpy into conflict with the necromancer), saving said ability until we can swoop in to handle whoever is left standing. Hoping the Dark blessing will be enough to make it successful up to that point.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Evolution!

1 Y The Bladesman will be our slave!!!!

Do to the sporadic nature of my involvement in the voting of this CYOA. If i make no post regarding a choice, assume i agree with shrike!
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