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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

sorry, my internet has been screwy lately, im almost done with the next entry, but it probably wont be done until the weekend at some point, i realize im slacking ass lately here but it has nothing to do with my interest!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

at least we all know it, and you, are both still alive :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I am wrapping up this CYOA, this will be the last choice that you make, i will do a full Epilogue based on the decision and all decisions made up to this point.


you Tell Cecilia that you want her to pull the egg out of your ass.

Cecilia nods and instructs you.

"bend forward and spread your legs out as far as you can, then put a hand on the ground and push while trying to masterbate"

wow, she really knows what she is doing, you take her instructions and spread out wide, you start trying to masturbate to distract the black slime, leaving your asshole open and vulnerable.

cecilia spits on her hands and rubs it together then goes as small as she can, she walks up to you and pierces your ass with her small hand then gently glides along the inside of you until she reaches the egg, you feel the discomfort of her intrusion but you fight through it.

once cecilia reaches the egg which is about 4 inches deep, she sneaks along the side of it to get a handle on it from its top, she pushes it down and behind it comes a flow of trapped tentacle fluid which spills out of you but helps lubricate its exit, you work hard to maintain your composure as well as you can, within seconds, the egg slips down to your anus.

"spread wider"

you open as large as you possibly can, she slips her other hand in there and cups the egg, then she pulls it out and it drops to the ground undamaged.

you collapse to the ground breathing heavily, wow, that was hard.

"i wonder what we can do with this" cecilia says to you, already thinking about what she can learn.

soon you feel must better, much less bloated and more like normal, you see Cecilia study the egg while you sit on the ground recovering.

"This is a very hard structured egg, with that much force, it might have broken inside of you, but it didnt, it stayed intact"

"fascinating" you feign interest, you are just glad to get rid of it.

"Im going to take it with us"


"you cant be serious." you say to her in shock.

"i want to hatch it and see what happens"

you want to protest, but she just helped you get it out of you.

"Fine, but keep it away from me"

cecilia picks up the egg and cups it between her breasts.

"hopefully my body heat alone will be enough to incubate it"


you get to your feet and start walking again, you are surprised how much more comfortable it is to walk again without a 5 pound rock jammed up your ass.


The Two of you walk up a ramp which seems to go on forever, you think you hear the chirping of birds but it must be just your imagination, you get to the top and you cant believe your eyes, there is an exit to this place, cave walls replace the meatwall texture you've known forever and green grass in front of your eyes.

you the two of you run towards the exit as quickly as you can, Cecilia clutches the egg to her chest securely as not to drop it, you are both suddenly ensnared from behind and you trip, falling to the ground, cecilia loses the egg and it falls to the ground, bumping alone but otherwise no worse for wear.

you are captured and spread as you have been several times by black tentacles, placed in vulnerable position as the tentacles raise you from the ground and spread both of your thighs apart, hungry tentacles wait impatiently ready to feast.

"Bravo Laura" you can hear the overlords voice in the back of your mind.

the overlord appears from the ground beneath you, his menacing eye upon you and cecilia.

"you've found the exit, but i cannot let you both leave."

you struggle mightily against your bonds, your freedom is merely feet away from you.

"you've earned your freedom laura and i will allow you to leave, but you"

the overlord's tentacle mass slithers over to cecilia.

"you were captured you for a reason girl, you'll make a fine birthing vessel."

tentacles begins to rub against cecilia's pussy, making her wet and ready.

"you are free to go laura, unless you wish to take her place"

you are placed on your feet and unbound, you look outside and see the sunlight for the first time in months.

behind you, the overlord and his tentacles work on cecilia, they grab the egg near her and position it in front of her vagina.

you step outside, the sun on your skin makes you feel incredible, but screams and moans of cecilia behind you still make you uneasy, you turn to face her again.

facing that place makes you feel sick, and it isnt just what they are doing to cecilia, the tentacles push the egg past her vaginal walls and it slips securely in place, tentacles shoot into her mouth and her ass, fucking her feverishly.

you turn back to the beauty of nature, something cecilia may never see again.

What do you do?

1. Walk out of the tentacle cave leaving Cecilia behind.

2. Offer yourself in Cecilia's place that they may let her go instead.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I am sad to see you end it. But as dickish as it may be I am wanting good ending ( or as good as we can get); so I choose 1. :\
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

yea, theres just no time for it anymore, and rather than leave this hanging i figure i should end it.

ill try to cover everything, it will be a good explanation of everything, how it went down and how it will go down.

i may do something similar to this in the future when i have more time and ideas on my mind, anyway, i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did and i hope i didn't disappoint anyone too much, thanks for participating!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. She's way too into experimenting with the shit around here anyway, she'll probably be okay with this.

Or not. Whatever, let's just make sure we don't get mauled by bears or get jumped by some bandits or slavers or other form of ne'er-do-well assholes or giant hungry wildlife on the way home.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. We probably stand a better chance of making it safely back to civilization rather then deciding to see if it's true that wolves don't attack people or something stupid like that.

(Of course, we'll probably accidentally use the egg still inside us to start a second lair, but we can't have everything.)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Eh, I'll go with 1 as well. Whether it's our heroine or Cecilia who escapes, the overlord's sending out an egg either way.

I suppose that the black slime we're wearing will be an additional problem, but I can't imagine that the overlord would let Cecilia go without giving her her own coating to keep her from messing with her egg. And that's, of course, assuming that the overlord actually does let Cecilia go if we offer ourselves in her place.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


Through weeks or embarrassment, you've earned your freedom, you wont just give it right back, you look Cecilia in the eyes quickly to see her tearing up, you turn away and walk into the forest, hear muffled screams becoming softer behind you.

your feet feel the grass between them and for the first time in what seems like forever you arent walking across the slick meaty surface of the lair. the sun in your eyes partially blinds you and you begin to tear up. this was the right decision you think to yourself.

you walk for minutes looking at nature, your mind can see the corruption in it, plants with their leafs and stalks grasping around structures to support themselves, coiling around. it is all too familiar to you, you see honey bees drawn to flower buds, being used and tricked to distribute pollen from other flowers.

further you walk, until you come across a narrow steam, you kneel down into it and feel the cold against your skin, you are unusually sensitive to it, all you have felt has been calming warmth from the lair for quite some time, although you were naked, the humiliation has been gone long and you are comfortable with your body and your nakedness, you begin to wash yourself, tending to your skin and hair, washing out dried tentacle semen which has coated your body.

when you are done bathing, you get up and start walking again, a loneliness sets into you, which is crushing, you begin to tear not because you feel guilty but because you feel alone, you cannot describe your depression.

you are lost, you have no idea where you are going, but you have a growing urge to keep going, the further you walk and the more you see, the more you think about how pointless life is. you see animals eating and birds nesting, doing daily chores to survive, you are reminded of yourself on the farm, doing your chores daily simply because it was what was expected, you try to remember a time in your life when you were as excited as when you tried to escape from the tentacle lair and you couldn't do it, everything there wanted you, outside, you are simply just another person, living a pointless life.

you begin to feel hot, like the sun is getting to you, you walk underneath a tree and find some shade, sitting against the tree, you crouch up next to it, and tears begin to stream down your face uncontrollably.

you hate to admit it, but you made a mistake. you've never felt such warmth, such embrace, such desire from anything else in your life. you feel as through you've run away from the only thing you've ever loved, and you'll never see it again.

suddenly a sharp pain erupts from your womb, you wince as the egg pulsates and vibrates inside of you, you sit up and hold your belly in your hands.

the egg hatches inside of you and the tentacles slither inside of your womb, causing immense pleasure, a tentacle exits your womb and reaches out for something to grab, you offer your hand in assistance and notice that the tentacle in blue in color.

the tentacle notices your hand and wraps around your wrist, instinctively trying to hold onto you, the tentacle grabs your wrist and pulls itself from you slowly, you cant help but smile as tears of joy run down your cheeks, and you suddenly feel fulfillment once again.

you bring the fully birthed blue tentacle creature to your breast and its tentacles find your nipple and starts sucking milk from you, you embrace the creature as you would your own child and that is when you hear it in the back of your mind.



It was 6 months since Laura gave birth to the blue tentacle creature, she carried to to a cave she found somewhere close to the tree where she gave birth to it, she loved it as a child, and did her best to nurture it.

the creature grew quickly and with its growth came new changes, it developed a long tendril with an eye attached to the end, similar to the overlord from the tentacle lair, it communicated with Laura through her mind and it learned everything she knew due to their mind-link. she would have conversations with it, about topics she knew about which would be impossible for anyone else to know. it talked to her about the farm, her mother and the relationship between itself and Laura, its mother.

the creature rooted itself into the ground and from that spot, meaty substance began to grow from the ground, the familiar texture under her feet made Laura feel more comfortable, the temperature from the creature kept them warm through the cold nights.

eventually, individual tentacles began growing out of the ground and the walls, which by now were completely covered in meaty texture, Laura felt no shame in being fucked by them, as she knew the creature would become stronger from her submission.

months went by and soon the intelligent creature had a mind of its own, Laura had no problem being its servant, she felt it was now her purpose in life to make the creature stronger by any means necessary.

one night, the creature sensed a woman who was camping nearby, the creature told Laura to lure the woman back to this new lair of theirs, so that it may make her its slave.

Laura convinced the woman to come to the lair to investigate something, the blue tentacle beast ambushed the woman and stripped her naked in seconds, penetrating her and binding her, laura felt nothing but pride for her son and lover and as the beast grew and expanded, so did Laura's desire to serve it.

the creature burrowed into the earth to expand its own lair, meatwall surrounded the vast depths of the place, which would be used to store and bind women who would be captured by it and Laura, the creature set its sights on the town which laura was from through knowledge it has remembered from Laura's mind, where many young woman come be found to mount the walls of the lair, in the dead of night, blue tentacle abductors would bring back 4 or 5 at a time until there were almost a hundred women moaning in pleasure underneath the earth, being impregnated and fueling the growth of the blue overlord.

Laura finally became the 'hunter' she had always wanted to become and she had never been more happy in her life. laura lived gathering women for her master to enslave, sometimes Laura would become impregnated and be bound up for months at a time to help the creature grow and expand, it didn't matter to her anymore, her life belonged to the creature and through all of the confusion and befuddlement which clouded her mind, she felt nothing now but endless pleasure to be in its service.

The End.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrmph. Have to say, I'm kinda disappointed in Laura. Raising the baby blue tentacle? Expected. Obsessing over it? Less so. Hunting down other women to feed it? Poor, Laura, very poor.

Eh, well, awaiting the "subplots & loose ends" with bated breath...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Laura Ending Detailed:

In the end, she didnt have much of a choice, her mind and body had been corrupted by her time in the lair, it became all she knew and she couldn't see past it anymore, in a combination of guilt and loneliness, she gave birth to the blue tentacle creature and nursed it until it become strong, when it finally grew strong enough, it slowly mind controlled her as blue tentacles have proven they can do, she began to believe that the creature was her family and through the story, laura struggles with a purpose, the blue tentacle gives her one.

Eventually laura believes that her purpose in life is to protect and make the blue tentacle grow, how she arrives at this decision is a combination of the mind control and the creature filling a void in Laura the character.

The Black Tentacle Overlord:

The Overlord is the most elder and powerful tentacle entity in the lair, it takes it upon itself to deal with the overcrowded tentacle lair, but it feels that it must ensure the survivability of the other tentacle species, which the overlord sees as its children.

The overlord concocted a plan where he would capture women as he always had, but then release them into the lair and allow them to somehow find empathy for the creatures, once they did this, they would be more likely to assist them, the overlord knew he could break women down, but it needed them to be strong enough to leave the lair impregnated and give birth outside of the lair, in order to do this, it would allow the women to talk freely through the halls of the lair, being preyed upon but never fully bonded, through trial and error, it would eventually find women strong enough to keep going and that is when it would introduce them a 'friendly' tentacle who would promise freedom in return for service.

Laura, Rachel, Sylvia and Sarah all passed the test, but Laura had been the only woman to actually ever leave the lair. for all it knew, Laura may have went right back home and figured out a way to destroy the egg.

3 candidates remained in the lair, and it would need to somehow create the opportunity for them to escape while impregnated with the spawn of the tentacle creatures they had empathy for.

the overlord hovered over Sarah who was being slowly fucked again beneath it, with sadness and tears in her eyes she laid there helpless, she had given up hope weeks ago and her mind was becoming thankfully numb.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I feel like bitching some more about Laura, so here.

All that effort to escape back to the farm, and she goes and gives in to the blue tentacle's needs the instant it's born? Yeesh.

It takes six months for the new blue to grow into a full-grown overlord tentacle, complete with lair. Six months during which Laura is taking care of it, not the other way around. Six months while she has to get her own food and drink, because the tentacle surely can't while it's still growing. Six months where she's almost certainly raiding a nearby village for food and stuff. A chance for her to recall what she liked about life before her imprisonment; a chance to discover a purpose beyond being a tentacle monster's servile plaything.

And she throws it away.

Why didn't she just pick up her baby and walk back to the original lair, if she was so despairing? It's not like she forgot where it was.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Laura's old life was boring and monotonous, she craved so long for escape but didnt think what escape would mean, her journey was as much about escape as it was discovery and adventure, when she finally did escape, she felt as though she was leaving something behind, and when she was finally forced to give birth, she came to understand why she felt so lonely.

laura would not be able to find the entrance of the old tentacle lair after she left, the overlord did not wish for her to return and would have hid the entrance from her, once she decided to walk away, that was the end, but in her mind at the time, escape was the ultimate prize of 'home'.

Blue tentacles have an ability to mind control their victims, throughout most of the blue tentacle story, the blue tentacles are taking advantage of laura in ways she would otherwise protest, making her promises she knows they have no intention of keeping, at one particularly vulnerable part, they flat out rape her even though she is supposedly their ally. at first, a young blue tentacle would only have minor mind control, but as they grow, their power increases, and this is what happened to laura.

laura births the blue tentacle overlord because she must, but when she sees it is blue, her guilt and fascination cause her to protect it, as it grows, they begin to communicate, the overlord becomes a friend to laura and they have conversations between each other with knowledge from laura's mind (the blue tentacle is able to mind meld with humans), laura begins to think the blue tentacle is her friend or lover, eventually, the blue tentacle overlord grows immensely powerful and needs little to control laura. with some vague suggestions that laura should be a hunter from laura's long departed mother, the tentacle overlord suggests that laura hunt down other women, she tries it, and is artificially pleased with the result, via the overlord.

As months go by, the blue overlord grows it stock of women in its depths growing more powerful by the day because of them, eventually it realizes that laura can be its breeder as well, and she is brought down into the depths of the new lair and bound against the blue hued meatwalls, her mind still muddled with confusion and misguided loyalties, her orifices are inserted with tentacles for feeding and birthing and she is left to live a life of ecstasy serving her child as a slave amongst the other women she helped catch for her child.

an unfortunate end for sure, but she was doomed to this existence one way or another once she was dragged away to the original lair from her home that fateful night.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I was chalking it up to rapid onset stockholm's syndrome, but mind control works just as well XD
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


Well I called it in the end. Choices kind of went the way of the dogs in this CYOA, since you ended up just sticking us with a catch-22 anyways. Stay behind and be fucked and give birth to the tentacle, or escape, have a chance at freedom, and then decide to give birth and be fucked anyways for no real reason besides "you were secretly brainwashed seven choices back and I didn't tell you about it".

That and it became pretty clear you just wanted to get it over with. Tip on that - it's not a bad idea to, before starting one of these, write or think out the various possibilities like a CYOA book BEFORE starting to post it. CYOA posters rarely enjoy getting essentially told "screw your choice, this is what's happening anyways". You can't have nothing but bad ends, and since the escape also got twisted into a bad end, it's really clear that nobody was getting a happy ending out of this. Not even us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

first, let me just state that I dont owe you anything and frankly dont give a damn how you feel about how i operated it, this was a creative piece by me which was put in certain directions by choices people made. the fact that you are so angry about the dramatic shift in story means that you had something invested into it and if that is the case, it must have been pretty damn good, the fact of the matter is, all you had to do was choose a option, the rest was left to me to form a scenario from the option, in this way, you are helping me decide the direction of the story, of which i have no idea how it would turn out.

I had no time or inclination left to continue the story after a certain point, there is only so many ways to write about someone being raped by tentacles, unless i was going to rehash old ways and make it an endless cycle which went on forever.

the shift to make the tentacles an ally was a terrible mistake by me, it created a security blanket atmosphere where you could rely on something else, it really took away from the dread atmosphere i wanted to create, where the wrong move could potentially make you a sex slave to tentacles for the rest of your life, i had originally intended for this story to be quite a bit more dark than it turned out, and when it took a shift towards allying yourself with tentacles, that went out the window.

i dont understand why people are so upset with the ending, i did not originally intend for laura to be in a doomed situation, but after the story got going, the tentacles grew into villain who was always a step ahead of Laura, because of this consistency, it made no sense that they would simply allow laura to leave, therefore i had to create a reason for them to allow her to leave, and that is how the whole overlord egg situation came up.

regardless of how it turned out, i had fun doing it and though it had flaws, i consider it a success.

i may do something else like this in the future, it may be another cyoa or it may simply be a piece i write with my own ideas on how i want it to go.