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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

3. If we're done cooperating with them (woo!), then lets get some attitude back.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

3... yes i've been here the whole time...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


"Fuck you! let me go you monster!" you yell aloud, squirming as best you can, trying to escape again.

"Defiant as always i see" the menacing eyeball lowers itself down to your crotch region to take a better look for itself.

"Laura you are an impressive specimen indeed, it is a shame that have to let you go for now, i would value you highly as a breeder."

your struggling continues, all of this anticipation is killing you, and you know that this overlord creature has something nasty in store for you.

"Such a young delicate, tight pussy, are you always this wet laura or are you really that excited"

"stop it!" you shout

"And look at this beautiful asshole of yours, i bet it is pretty tight and warm in there.

you clinch your asshole shut with all of your strength.

"ill send you along on your way with a lesson in manners laura."

from below the table, a large tentacle with a tapered point rises,first reaction to it is shock followed shortly by dread and terror. it is a solid black beast, oozing slime from its maw, its throbbing veins run down the side, pumping blood or something else.

"i will now impregnate you laura, open wide." the overlord states.

your legs are lifted and spread apart more as your ass is elevated slightly above the table, the ovipositor lifts itself to just outside of your pussy and presses inward.

with a wet, slippery puncture sound the appendage penetrates into your vagina and slowly descends into the depths of your cunt, its slightly ribbed edges knock against your vaginal walls as it enters sending waves of pleasure through you, your vision is locked on a bulge which is appearing at the base of the ovipositor, the overlord is hovering around so he can get a better view of the action.

a bit more length and the ovipositor stops, a light liquid is released and splashes inside of you causing a slight feeling of warmth, it begins to seep out of your cunt as it rolls down and off of the table.

among your trembling breathes you take a deep one and brace as the bulge begins to move toward you, you clinch your teeth as the bulge reaches just outside of your vagina, you close your eyes.

There is a massive feeling of force, the bulge presses against your vagina as it resists the over sized and unwelcome intrusion, but soon the battle is over, with one quick action, the bulge presses through your vagina and your vaginal walls all at once and it is deposited inside of you, another round of liquid splashes out of you and runs off of the table, the ovipositor pulls out quickly leaving the bulge behind securely placed inside of you, you feel the bulge of its mass and squirm uncomfortably as you adapt to the feeling.

"Are you prepared to become a mother Laura?"

"what did you just do to me?"

"i just impregnated you with an egg, it will be protected and incubated inside of you from your body heat until it is ready to hatch"

"Will you let me go now"

"We're only halfway done Laura!"

you look down to see that ovipositor arrive again below you, this time in front of your asshole, you begin to weep in anticipation.

without much hesitation, the ovipositor jets into your clinched asshole, you immediately lose the war with one well placed strike, as it did before, the ovipositor takes its time creeping up inside of you, your eyes again fix onto the bulge taking position at the base of the appendage.

the jet of liquid squirts inside of you again, but this time it travels up your colon, immediately causing abdominal discomfort, the egg begins its travel once more and slides down until it reaches the base of your asshole again.

"Think happy thoughts Laura" the overlord mocks.

you immediately clinch your teeth, close your eyes and think about the farm as fast as you can, the cows the cows, the chickens, the fiEEELD--
the egg pushes past your asshole, causing a terrible pain, the egg works its way up your colon until it is at the end of the ovipositor there it is deposited inside of you, more liquid flows out, partially flowing up inside of you, when the ovipositor pulls out, the other half escapes with a small splash which flows down the edge of the table.

"Congratulations Laura! twins!"

"i hate you" you stare at the overlord with burning hatred in your eyes.

the binds against your arms and legs are released and you pull them back towards you as fast as you can, the sticky substance seems to dispel quickly from your hands and feet and soon feels like water instead, you turn to sit up on the table.

"Ill be keeping an eye on you laura."

you get to your feet and touch the floor, the heaviness and feeling of the two eggs inside of you hit you immediately, you feel like you are carrying an extra 30 pounds in weight, and you feel like you need to take a shit.

"will this feeling pass?"

"the liquid in your colon will numb you soon, but you will feel pregnant because you are."

"how long til i...."

"give birth? a couple of days and dont bother trying to harm those little ones when you birth them, they will be 4 times stronger than you, they might even try to rape you then and there."

"where should i go?"

"Anywhere you want"

you begin walking away, you see many of the woman better now, many of whom are very pregnant but the looks on their faces is of nothing but joy, as you leave, sarah is being prepared to be imprenanted as well, her muffled screams behind you make you uneasy and cause you to walk faster, as painful as it is.

"Laura wait" the overlord stops you.

"Take this"

a tentacle lifts a black loincloth looking thing to you, it shimmers with a dark aura, it is obviously powerful, although it scares you a bit.

"what is it?"

"a consolation prize"

What do you do?

1. Accept the Black loincloth

2. Reject the Black loincloth

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. It may be useful later? :s
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

At this point I would have to say 1. It already fucked us, and if the 'gift' is to make it easier to do so again later, then we can always throw it away. Right?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Accepting magical gifts and aid from tentacle monster rapists? Seems like the same thing that got us in trouble with the GM last time (though why he keeps giving us the choice to work with/accept things from the tentacles if he doesn't want us to is beyond me).

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1 clothing is never a bad thing, even evil clothing, i think... maybe... possibly...... shit.:mad:
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Lets look at it like this:

We will likely NEVER get any clothing or items that's not tentacle powered. Even if we managed to beat another princess/queen normally and took HER clothes- theyd still be magically tentacle empowered. Same with weapons. It's all enchanted and the likes by the tentacles here. And if were wanting to have decent odds even, of escaping, then were going to need some gear........ So might as well go with 1.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Accepting magical gifts and aid from tentacle monster rapists? Seems like the same thing that got us in trouble with the GM last time (though why he keeps giving us the choice to work with/accept things from the tentacles if he doesn't want us to is beyond me).


Its her (your) choice, not mine, if it really is help is yet to be seen, of course some people dont want it to help her, they want to see her continue to be raped and molested and don't lie, if you didn't want that either, you wouldn't be here reading this now.

Laura as a character doesn't know my intention as a GM, perhaps she still wants to help the blue tentacles, maybe she feels bad for letting them down, either way, her character and progression as a character has more to do with your choices than which way i personally would wish the story would go. that being said, i felt like i had no choice but to intervene in the way that i did to continue the storyline at that point, and i guess that may have been my fault as a GM.

if people REALLY want to see laura reunited with the blue tentacles in a huggy lovey reunion then perhaps there may be some way for her to be steered in that direction, as i said, you choose it, i write it.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

you are correct, as a GM it is in fact your responsibility to intervene in such a situation. and thus you have my support, but you must remember to never apologize for you actions in that vain, you are the GM, and you should only have to explain yourself if you yourself see it as necessary :eek:
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Wrap it around our hand instead I guess, 1.

Also, self-falcon-punch.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


you decide to accept the black loincloth, after all, thats the worst that could happen?

you reach over to the tentacle holding the item and grab it, immediately you see a sticky sensation as the fabric molds to your flesh and moves along it.

you think you made a mistake, this isnt cloth at all, it appears to be come kind of slimy black fabric with a life of its own!

you try to reach and grab the item from your arm as it slowly creeps up your arm, but with your touch it hardens and secures itself elsewhere, its slimy feel along your skin is accompanied by a comfortable warmth, too tired to fight at this point after your previous ordeal, you simply allow it passage.

The slime-cloth makes its way down your arm, then around your shoulder, then down your waist until finally it wraps itself around your upper thighs and arches over to create a small protective layer over your vagina, your thighs are securely held by the two sides of the black slime but you allowed to walk freely as the restriction gives with movement.

"Allow me to demonstrate its usefulness"

a black tentacle is summoned beneath you and it hovers below you just at your ankles, you instinctively pull your legs together, as the tentacle rises, your legs spread themselves apart.....the black slime is spreading you apart..

the tentacle reaches just outside of your vagina and the protective slime melts away to allow free access to your pussy, the tentacle inserts itself about an inch deep and you brace until it suddenly pulls back and you regain control.

the protection in front of your pussy builds up again and you go to reach down there to touch yourself, but are denied.. the slime blocks access to your own pussy, you cannot touch yourself to masturbate even if you wanted to.

"This isnt fair!" you say to the overlord.

"Your pussy belongs to me now, the only pleasure you will recieve will be from black tentacles, but don't worry, they will always know where you are and we'll be happy to oblige, should you become too lonely."

"how will they know where i am?"

"that fabric acts as a homing device, i can send black tentacles anywhere where you are, in order to defend you..........or fuck you"

"defend me?"

"you are a carrier, we must protect the young nesting inside of you and you with them." the overlord responds

"so you are protecting me?" you reply.

The overlord does not answer, it hovers away ominously.

"Hey!" you yell to it, but it is no use, it has floated away into the darkness.

you let out a sigh, you reach down and try to touch yourself again, becoming frustrated not because you wanted to masterbate, but because you cant, the warmth that the black slime creates around your loins causes you to become turned on faster, but if the overlord is correct, black tentacles would appear when i was ready to be fucked again..

you continue walking through the room, as the slight murmur of soft moans fades behind you, it seems as through you have been walking forever, the black tentacles appear to has a wide area that they control, black tentacles take notice of you are you walk through here, they leave you alone...for now, the walls slowly shift from black to.........orange... you've never seen orange before, and it worries you a bit.

the path you walk down is slimy, the orange slime squishes underneath your feet, giving you a slight tingling sensation. along you walk, careful because you dont see any orange tentacles, only the slime.

from beneath a small pool of slime behind you comes an orange tentacle which immediately shoot towards your asshole, you turn just as you see it but cannot react in time, the orange tentacle would have free entrance but the black slime shifted slightly and deflected it, you turn to run and two more orange tentacles rise out of the ground and block your path, the fear grows inside of you and without warning, four black tentacles erupt from the ground beneath you.

you watch as two of the black tentacles wrap around you, one around your legs which tighten around you and form a large protective barrier around your pelvic region, the other one wraps around your chest protecting your breasts and heart, it coils up around and ends right in front of your face, about ready to insert itself incase something else tries to first.

you notice the two remaining black tentacles are thicker and stronger, like they are big manly fighter tentacles, one of the black tentacles takes on the one behind you while another takes on the two in front by itself.

in front of you the tentacle pounds away at the tentacles bases, the orange ones try to grab hold of it to stop them, behind you the orange tentacle is no match for the black one which has coiled around its base and is choking it to death.

after a moment it is over, the lifeless orange tentacles lie and the black ones all scan the area vigilantly, when the threat is over, the tentacles covering you unwrap, slithering over your soft skin copping a feel as best they can before they disappear into the ground again with the larger ones.

and suddenly you are alone again, pleasure begins to build inside of you from the black slime and all of this action, you dont know what is wrong with you, but your libido is raised significantly.

the heaviness of the pregnancy weighs you down and tires you, although the pain of the pressure in your bowels has died down, you still feel like you could use the bathroom to relieve yourself, as you walk the eggs bump against you in a certain way that catches you off guard and you feel awkward feelings down there, movement perhaps....

you dont even really know where you are going, but you feel the urge to continue trying to escape and as long as you are free and there is a path to be walked, you will walk it, dangers or not, the overlord said that was what make you different from the rest, you would not quit until they stopped you.

you continue along the way through the orange slimed path until you reach a large room similar to the others with the pods which you have seen before, there are sparsely scattered tentacles throughout the room, but you look up at the pod and see that it has been evacuated, perhaps the blue tentacles evacuated themselves in such a way themselves?

you remember the blue tentacles, you had kind of a partnership with them, but you dont exactly know what it was. you feel bad for letting down them, they trusted you and put their faith in you, and as far as you know, Rachel that green princess woman killed them all, you wonder if they would forgive you, take you back....you stop yourself there. take you back? why? so that they could continue to rape and use you again like these others do?

you hear a noise on the far side of the room, it sounded like a scream, you quickly run over to investigate and see that a cute young brown haired woman with small tits is being assaulted by orange tentacles, there are 4 of them, two are spreading her thighs apart and another has caught one of her arms, the last prepares to enter her as it decides if it wants the front door or the back, these tentacles look weaker than most, they are barely overpowering her and struggle to hang on to the limbs they have taken.

you might be able to save her, and you think that if you get in trouble the black tentacles would rescue you again.

What do you do?

1. Rescue her!

2. Let her be.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. If we have a chance to get an "actual" ally, we should take it. Lets just not sacrifice her this time.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1 indeed
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


Lets give orange a real bad day... Two possible prey encuontered... Two possible prey escape...