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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1 and A. And here's why:

Judging by the description of the woman, it sounds like she's in league with a different color of tentacle and has been granted boons by them. So I'm curious what her story is. At the same time, I say drink the slime for heightened senses because since we are allied with Blue Tentacles, she may attempt to either attack or deceive us, and heightened senses will help us see through that. And since we have a full jar of the slime, we can take a drink and still have a fair amount left over for another time.

Keep in mind folks that it's quite possible that every single color of tentacle is out to deceive the humans and take control of the "hive" for themselves. Blue, Purple, Yellow, all of them. Therefore, it's better to see exactly what the other side is being told compared to our side, and see how well they jive, but at the same time wait to make any decisions about our own allegiance until we hear three or four sides to the story.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I'm curious, but...

Well fuck it, what the hell. 1A. Mitebbadend.

Also Centipedes_in_MY_Vagina?.jpg
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


Curious about this dark woman, you decide to follow her up the left side path, you take a quick look at your jar of blue slime and decide to save it.

you slowly creep up the path behind her, keeping an eye on her as you advance so that you dont lose sight of her. the path you are on is dark purple, it makes you unease traversing these this area, the air seems cooler and the walls seem slimier.

you see a few purple tentacles laided throughout the path, you get a good look at them, unlike most other tentacles, these ones are ribbed and have a sharper phallus at the tip, this must make it easier for them to penetrate, you think with about force them could penetrate through clothing as well.

you follow the woman up into a large dead end purple room which is slightly more illuminated, and you hide in a dark corner out of sight. you see the dark woman and what appears to be another woman in the far corner, you cant see all that well and move to reposition.

with your enhanced reflexes from the blue clothing, you have no problem sneaking across the room undetected, you crouch down in the dark and hide, watch and listen.

The other woman is entrapped by purple tentacles they hold her securely in place as you have been so many times before yourself, she looks normal like you, but she has smaller tits and sandy blonde hair, you notice she also has a yellow bra on and a yellow tinted short sword, which is disarmed from her and on the ground at her side.

the dark woman begins to rub her finger up and down the other womans pussy, causing her to react from the pleasure, "i thought id see you again Sarah" the dark woman says to her.

Struggling to keep her composure in her current situation she responds as best as she can "look what they have done to you Sylvia, you are their minion, they are using you".

Sylvia, the dark blue skined woman with all of the purple colored clothing on laughs underneath her breath. "Sarah, you dont understand, these purple tentacles have promised me so much"

Sarah, the sandy blonde woman wearing a couple pieces of yellow clothing in full captivity now responds "At what cost Sylvia? you've become a monster"

Thats enough from you, sylvia pounds her petrified purple tentacle staff against the floor and a rumbling starts from the wall above sarah, all of a sudden, a purple tentacle sprouts forward and shoots into Sarah's mouth.

"I shall take this entire lair for the purple tentacles, and then i shall be made their queen, you would only get in my way Sarah, you and the others." Sylvia, reaches around Sarahs back and unties the knot holding her bra in place, then she lifts it off of her.

you notice as she does this that she is apparently immune to the warding power of corrupted clothing, even though she is clearly an agent for them.

she throws the yellow bra to the ground and moves up to sarahs tits where she begins sucking on them, sarah moans in protest.

she releases from her victim and pulls back "alright then, lets get this over with then, i suppose you've earned it." with that, she steps back out in front of her exposed and elevated vagina and pounds her staff onto the ground again, a rumbling beneath her shakes the room, and exploding from beneath her is a mass of tentacles, which shoot into sarah's pussy and asshole, sarah's muffled screams fill the room.

Tentacles plunge into Sarah's pussy and ass and immediately ejaculate, they then pull out and are quickly replaced by new ones, countless tentacles penetrate her as she is utterly ravaged, you've never seen such viciousness, you cup your mouth in horror as you watch this terrible display, as cum begins to pour out of her, her belly begins to grow, sarah writhes in a combination of pleasure and pain shaking her head and letting loose her muffled screams, all at once, the remaining tentacles aim towards her and ejaculate, sarah is covered completely in cum, her stomach, her face, her legs all drip with the thick monster seed.

Sylvia crouches down and begins masterbating, her hums of pleasure can be heard clearly across the room as she soon produces the bug from her vagina which she had placed there recently, it appears to have grown, it now appears to be longer, about 4 inches long and wider as well. Sylvia, picks up the bug form the ground and gentlely places onto sarah's stomach.

The tentacle in sarah's mouth ejaculates and pull out, sarah quickly spits out as much cum as she can before she screams "NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT".

Sylvia brings her left hand to her face and she can only giggle. the bug creature on sarah's belly crawls towards her abused vagina, sipping up the tentacle cum as it does. with extra lubrication, it has no problem slipping into her vulnerable hole and burrowing deep inside of her as sarah begins crying louding.

"you should be proud sarah, few woman get to experience the full gestation period of a cum hungry nitty worm"

"damn you sylvia, i hope you suffer the same fate at the hands of your new masters" sarah says.

"Goodbye Sarah" with one last pound of her tentacled staff against the ground a massive rumble shakes the room and you almost lose your balance.

the ground beneath sarah splits open as a mouthlike purple pod emerges and eats up sarah into it, strugglng til the end she tries one last futile attempt to throw off her tentacle bonds before she disappears into the pod, several tentacles retract, but many of them stay and enter the closing sides of the pod, when the pod is fully encasing sarah, more tentacles wrap around the pod and lock her inside, the pod is illuminated from within and shows the tentacles inside and you see a silhouette of sarah being ravaged by tentacles inside once again, the illumination dims and the pod glows externally with power.

Sylvia picks up sarah's bra and casts a spell on it, smoke and runes and the familiar flash of light turn sarah's bra into a purple tentacle rod, similar to her own, she drops it next to the glowing pod and blows it a kiss.

"My gift to you, ill see you shortly" blowing the pod a kiss.

Sylvia walks away back down the path she came, you wait for her to leave and then walk up to the pod carefully. this thing is impenetrable, squirming tentacles still protect the outside of it, and you really dont want to mess with it.

you look at the ground near the pod and see the two items left behind. sarah's yellow hued short sword and Sylvia's purple tentacle headed staff, neither of these items are blue, so you are afraid to touch them, but perhaps you could bring one of them back to the blue tentacles and they could alter them for you? or maybe you like these items just the way they are.

What will you do?

1. Take the yellow hued short sword and go back to the nearest blue tentacle room, asking them to change it for you.

2. Take the purple tentacle headed staff and go back to the nearest blue tentacle room, asking them t change it for you.

3. Take the Yellow hued short sword and use it as it, follow the dark woman, Sylvia.

4. Take the purple tentacle headed staff and use it as is, follow the dark woman, Sylvia.

5. Dont take anything, follow the Dark woman, Sylvia unarmed.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. and 2. We just got two weapons dropped and I think we should be able to carry them both. And if we do go after the purple priestess both we and the blues are going to want us to be as prepared as possible.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Well, then...

1 AND 2. If Sarah's been corrupted, we can't have TWO people running around with that kind of power with the staff. Even if she hasn't, I doubt she'll be any use to us and we can likely use the sword better than she can right now.

I'm guessing that, whatever the case is, the purple tentacles are going to be the main antagonists. Therefore, regardless of anything, we need to corrupt the staff to be blue or outright destroy it. The yellows are an unknown, but they can't possibly be as bad as the purples. Maybe we can try to ally with them at a later point and the blues can tell us more about them when we bring them the sword.

So, yeah, 1 and 2.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

1. We know the blue's can corrupt yellow artifacts (even if the last yellow weapon got us a dildo that in turn got us pregnant...) but are they powerful enough to corrupt the purple, or could a tentacle staff corrupt them? Maybe we should ask.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

I just realised that the first woman we encountered was wearing white panties. We just eliminated the white tentacles. Are we going to re-encounter this woman, maybe learn her motivations, what the whites told her?

On top of that, what happened to the woman stuck in the old white, now blue chamber?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


You think to yourself for a minute, wait a minute, ive got two hands, why dont i just carry both of these items? you move over to pick up the yellow sword and as soon as you touch it, you begin to feel weaker, your power is being drained from you, you feel as though you are being returned to your normal - no enhanced strength that the blue set provides, you go to grab the purple tentacle staff and as soon as you touch it you feel sick, like you have instantly come down with an illness, you drop to one knee before you release the purple staff and immediately you feel better, you drop the yellow sword next to you and touch the staff, you feel weaker, but about the same as when you were carrying the yellow sword.

you dont think you can carry both items, they seem to draw too much of your energy, perhaps the blue tentacles would know more about this..

(long story short, you cant pick up both items, so please specify one!)

you move closer to the purple tentacle pod containing this 'sarah' woman, you touch the pod and feel a sting on your finger, ouch! it feels like you've just been shocked. whatever this thing it, it prevents you from getting in and most certainly prevents 'sarah' from getting out. for the moment you cant do anything about this, you shrug and look back at the weapons on your floor.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

In that case, take the staff. As I said, we can't have two of these things running around. If Sarah's being corrupted to be purple, at best, she'll have a sword that isn't as useful to her as it should be, at worst, it'll take a while to transform the sword into something useful.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Can we not remove our bra and use it to protect our selves, like proteus wrapping metal in cloth, or superman wrapping kryptonite or something similar in a bag or something to keep us from actually touching it and suffering the negative effects. And then take them to see what the blues have to say?

If not then I guess I will have to concede with Alicias vote and say take the staff. :\
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

(The bra is corruptible, : P )

i choice the staff, 2
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!


You bend forward and pick up the purple tentacle staff, you feel the weight of the object as it works against the strength given by your blue clothing, there is something about this staff, strange words enter your mind, like mental instructions, you carefully keep the staff from knocking against the ground, something which you have personally just witness can cause the summoning of tentacles.

you slowly make your way down the purple corridor again and down towards the blue tentacle room, upon entry, you immediately notice that there is another woman there, being bound by the blue tentacles.

you look into the air and see that the woman is high up in the air, suspended by tentacles all around her, you got here just in time, they were about ready to abuse her, you can tell by the many blue tentacles positioned beside her lower orifices, the woman is yelling, screaming in horror of her current predicament.

"Hello laura, it is good to see you again" a voice enters your mind.

"just what the hell is going on here?!" you yell to them.

"oh this? we caught her sneaking around here" the tentacles quickly shut her screaming up by inserting a tentacle inside her mouth, then they lift he straight up to the ceiling and latch on tight, pinning her to the ceiling.

"Laura! you seem to have a very powerful item here!" the blue tentacles excitedly respond.

"what are you going to do with that woman?" you ask them

"laura, please dont be ignorant, you know exactly what our plans are for this woman and any others who make their way here."

"you cant, this is not right" you protest to them.

"Laura, you walk freely amongst us unsolicited because we have a mutual agreement to further each others cause, you must understand our nature, you dont have to like it, but you should at least tolerate it."

"fine, whatever, tell me about this staff" you reach up with the staff high into the air where they can grasp it from you.

the tentacles reach for the staff and take it out of your hands "this is a great find indeed" the tentacles on the ceiling begin to stroke and rub against the young woman's pussy above you, you try to keep your eyes off of her.

"Laura, this item is an attunement staff, it allows you to mentally connect with tentacle creatures and control them, you could literally summon tentacles anywhere you are with this item, it is powerful indeed, but unfortunately, it is heavily protected by purple magic.

The tentacles drop the staff at your feet.

"You wont be able to use that item while you wear all of our blue clothing, it blocks the frequencies, furthermore, because it is corrupted by purple tentacle magic, you would only summon purple tentacles, which is something we highly advise against if dont want to be caught and raped repeatedly by your very own summons."

"so it is useless to me then? you cant do anything?"

"we didnt say that." above you, the woman yells a muffled scream as blue tentacles plunge into her asshole and vagina.

"can you at least wait until i am gone for this?" you ask, pointing at the ceiling.

The tentacles pull out of her and begin fondling her entrances again. "we can attune that tentacle staff to become blue, and you should be able to summon us anywhere you go"

"great, lets do that then" a small smile appears on your face, you dont think you've ever been so excited at the prospect of MORE tentacles.

"Unfortunately Laura, the attunement requires alot of power"

"how so" you ask

"well for one, we will need to use up the power in both your skirt and panties, they will become regular articles of clothing and wont protect you against much of anything, except for maybe a bit of dirt, and then, there would need to be a ritual"

"yes, an attunement ritual which would bind your will to the staff, but you are in luck, we have all of the reagents we need right here"


in an instant, the woman bound to the ceiling is lowered down to you quickly, she shakes her head and looks at you with tears in her eyes and a sad face, you look away from her uncomfortably.

"you must command YOUR tentacles to take this woman, once your will and their lustful aspirations are in sync, you will control them with the staff from then on"

"So the ritual is that i command...............my tentacles to rape this woman before me?"

"correct, that is the only way for a staff to be reattuned"

you look the sad woman in the eyes, she is clearly terrified of you and the tentacles.

"And what if i refuse?"

"then you might as well destroy that item now, because it may fall into the hands of someone else far more sinister than yourself, but please laura understand that this is an opportunity you may not come across again, the ability to summon tentacles in a tentacle lair such as this one is invaluable to you...and us, it would make your escape and our goals much easier to accomplish."

you stare at the staff and then at the girl, tears run down her face as she stares you in the eye.

"regardless of my actions, you will rape her anyway wont you?"

"it is in our nature"

you lower shake your head and say.....


What do you do?

1. " Let us begin the Ritual". hold the staff above you and let the blue tentacle infuse their magic into it.

2. "I refuse" take the staff and break it over your knee.

3. "Damn you all" Drop your skirt and Rip off your bra, Pound the staff into the ground and speak the words of the Purple Tentacles.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Out of curiosity what would have the sword been like? I imagine we would have to go through the ritual either way, but I would just like to know. In any case, I think going against the Blues would be stupid so 3 is definitely out of the question; 2 would also be unwise as we need all the help we can get, not to mention being able to call tentacles for support anywhere and anytime would unmeasurably helpful and valuable in the long run, so 1 really would be the best course of action here.

tl;dr: I vote 1.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape!

Hrm... well, taking the most optimistic view, doing the ritual would sacrifice our protection for the ability to summon more tentacles. I mean, the woman's getting fucked either way.

On the other hand, somehow I don't think it would stop at one woman. And it would probably end with the blue tentacles ruling. And if we're lucky, they let us out for helping them, then continue abducting women. If we don't help them too much, then at least some of their efforts are spent fighting other tentacles, and maybe it's easier to purge them entirely should we escape and inform the authorities.

On the gripping hand... at some point we're going to come up against a woman wielding a purple staff, and at that point having no staff of our own might be bad. Hrm.

In the end, I think I'm going to have to base my decision off what we might call the tattered remains of Laura's innocence. Letting tentacles fuck us is one thing. Not participating in a suicide mission to rescue them is over with as well. But ordering tentacles to rape a woman is another, even if she'd end up in the same position either way. 2.