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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Laura has been mind-linked with blue tentacles for hundreds of years, so she has a kind of sense for them, she can find you the same way orange would be able to find April if they were looking, they just sense her location.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

G & 6 wee need more resources
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Laura has been mind-linked with blue tentacles for hundreds of years...

... as a Tentacle Queen. This is why I don't understand why everyone wants to use her as another lowly powersource/incubator. It's like we've gotten a second princess. Just because she's doesn't have Tentacoo Powah!(tm) anymore, doesn't mean she's useless as an agent. In fact, as she isn't enhanced but a loyal blue tentacle lover, it means she can go places without ever being noticed.

I say that since she's here, we apprentice Olivia to her for a while. Later on, we can have Laura act as an advanced scout, infiltrating human settlements and scouting it out for easy/rare pickings. And then, when we make a new overlord to settle another hive, she can be its Princess.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


You Decide not to spend any Enhancement runes, saving up for something big.

"Olivia and Xozz, you will raid the nearby encampment, bring back as many women as you can, Xozz, do not consume any of them, we need them to grow our numbers and forces quicker, we cant afford to lose any of them now."

"Alright Lazuli, we've got this"

"Who is Lazuli?" Xozz asks, stepping up to you from his usual position of tending to the spawn.

"Our Overlord's name is lazuli, it is the name ive chosen for him" Olivia says to them all, with a big smile on her face.

"An overlord with a name....interesting" Laura Ponders.

"Laura, i need you here to tend to the spawn while Xozz is gone, i dont suppose it will be a problem for you to work while i am sustainability fucking you?"

"No, it wont my lord, my body is ready" Laura says, opening her thighs and spreading her pussy lips for you.

You curl a tentacle around and insert it into her, she barely flinches, biting her lip just a bit, trying to hold back a bit of a smile, she grabs the tentacle and repositions it slightly inside of her.

"Xozz, any managerial advice before you leave?"

"Drain Fuck April now and Sustainability fuck the rest of them"

April overhears the conversation and begins to blush, looking rather embarrassed.

As Olivia and Xozz go to leave the lair, Laura walks towards the wall where Xozz usually manages the tentacle spawn, the tentacle inserted inside of her drags along the ground with its extra slack, she begins picking up the spawn from the ground and placing them onto her breasts so they can feed, once two are placed, she sits down and closes her eyes, she starts to hum nursery rhymes as she pets the tentacles light while they feasts upon her breastmilk.


Olivia and Xozz leave the lair, it is a bright afternoon, the sun beams down on the both of you, Olivia raises her hand to block the sun from getting in her eyes.

"What does your radar pick up Xozz?"

"The Encampment still contains many humans, unfortunately i am unable to detect whether they are male or female"

"im not coming back with less than 3 of those pathetic cattle Xozz, i dont care if we have to raid purple's main lair"

"Understood Princess"

They walk into the desert, the sun beams down on Olivia and Xozz, causing Olivia to sweat heavily, Xozz doesnt appear to have too much trouble, already his metallic claws heat up.

Sweat runs down Olivia's chest, running over her breasts and dipping down into the sand, it forms in droplets as it runs down her thighs, she wipes her brow and shrugs it off.

Finally after a long walk, they reach the encampment, they see tents pitched in the desert, but no one outside of them.

"Where is everyone? inside in the shade?"

"Not likely, my sensors still pick up multiple humans closeby, but on the far side of camp" Xozz says

"Lets get moving" Olivia begins walking down towards the encampment.


Olivia and Xozz walk into the encampment, Olivia sneaks carefully around, lifting up sides of the tents to see if anyone is in side, after peaking into 3 of them she sneaks back to xozz


"lets keep moving" Xozz says

you make your way through the encampment until Olivia spots a person lying lifelessly on the ground.

"There" Olivia points them out, and walks over to them quietly, Xozz trying to be as quiet as possible following her

Olivia walks up to a guard, in full plate armor, lying lifelessly on the ground, his pants have been pulled down and his penis exposed. his sword is in hand, she lifts up his helmet to see that his throat has been slit, dark tentacle slime coats his shirt just below his cut neck.

"This is bad." Olivia says as she looks at the camp all around her

Xozz moves in and scans the body.

"Tentacles did this, it appears he has been dead for hours."

"We have to find those women if they are still here, where is the signal coming from"

"Further north, im picking up a cluster of humans there"

"Lets hurry, try not to make any noise." Olivia says as she moves quickly and quietly though the sand, xozz follows with long silent strides.

As Olivia walks she encounters more and more bodies of men who's throats have been slit with their pants pulled down, many of them wearing no armor or weapons at all, whoever did this appears to have simply just raped and murdered them quickly.

As Olivia walks through the tents, she finally encounters a woman, but she is no regular woman.

The strange woman has pale skin, just like hers, but his hair is jet black and her skin has a Grey hue rather than blue, she wears several trinkets and beads around herself, around her neck, her wrists and her ankles, she wears a Gold Tiara with a large Obsidian Jewel imbedded into the middle, with what appears to be golden tentacles reaching for it, some of whom bowing down to it.

the Woman appears to have caught a man life, she is in the process of raping him.

The strange woman fucks the man ruthlessly as she holds him down into the sand, the man desperately tries to reach for his sword but she moves one of his powerful hands onto his.

"Dont Struggle, Human" she looks into his eyes and he becomes mesmerized, unable to move anymore.

her jewelry clinging together as she violently thrusts Her vagina down onto his penis. she screams aloud as he ejaculates inside of her, yelling himself as the pleasure takes him, moans of satisfaction leave his lips.

She produces an Obsidian blade and slices his throat, he goes to grab for his throat but she holds both of his arms down.

"shhhhhh" she plants a kiss on his lips as the last of his life leaves him.

The woman gets off of his his penis, her vagina leaking small amount of the mans cum, she scoops up a bit of it and licks his fingers, she holds the blade in her hand as it drips with his blood onto the sand beneath her.

"You there, Tentacle Princess"

A bolt of shock runs down Olivias spine as the strange woman turns around slowly, wiping the blood from her blade with her other free hand.

"What are you doing here, And dont lie to me"

Olivia comes out of hiding, and takes a couple of steps towards the woman who is clearly more powerful than her.

"We were send to raid this encampment by our Overlord"

The woman walks towards Olivia, his jewelry and bracelets causing noise as they clang against each other once again.

"A Blue overlord, in the desert, Strange."

"yes..." Olivia says to her in response, her heart pounding in her chest.

"My name is Cecilia, and i am a Black Tentacle Queen."

"h..hello" Olivia takes a step backward, as the woman approuches with the knife still in her hand, already in no position to strike.

Cecilia begins to laugh, she looks at the knife in her hand "Oh, you think that i" she laughs a bit more before throwing the knife into the sand, where it sticks out perfectly, ready to be taken.

"What is your name princess?"

"Olivia" Olivia tells her

"Olivia, these humans are not like us, they are our cattle to be subjugated and harvested, i was just culling their males so that they don't cause any problems for us"

"What about the women?"

"The Women we take for the same reasons you want them, to feed from and breed with."

"Will you take them all?"

"Hmmmm" Cecilia behinds to ponder as she walks back and forth.

"Ill allow you to take one of them, as a gesture"

"Why would you allow me to take any?"

"Black Tentacles are not your enemy, we are the master race of all the tentacle races, we see them as our subjects"

"What do you mean your subjects?"

"i think you need a history lesson from your overlord, princess" Cecilia kneels down on one knees, adjusting her trinkets. "very well, i shall enlighten you."

"Thousands of years ago, A Great Demon created the Tentacle Species as punishment for the sins of man, his original creation was a black tentacle race who would oversee the others he created as their methods of punishment were different, some tentacles would punish humanities Greed, other would Punish Humanities Sloth, black tentacles would oversee the punishment of these humans, we were the lords of all tentacle kind."

"The Queen is correct, her statement matches the data in my logs" Xozz speaks

"I see you have found an old lair management unit Princess, what a rare find."

"What do you want from us in return?"

"We dont expect anything in return, except your fealty when our race takes this planet back from these human cattle."

"follow me"

Olivia and Xozz follow Cecilia over to a section of the encampment, Cecilia picks up her Obsidian Blade as she walks about she brings you to an area of the encampment where about 12 women are all naked and captured by hundreds of black tentacle raiders, they surround you, held back only by the word of their queen.

"I'll show you our best captures"

Cecilia directs you to three women who are all bound together.

"One more question, what do you plan to do about purple? they have destroyed one of our lairs and stolen all of our females"

"Purple will be held in check, we shall send a representative to talk with them and make sure they understand that they cannot attack other tentacles without consequences, we will force them to cease all aggressions against you and other tentacles in our area"


April has been drain fucked, Kim as been Pod Drain fucked, you gain 3 additional Expansion Runes!

- Drain Fucking April has unlocked the genetic blueprint for "Tentacle Guardian" which costs 7 Expansion Runes

Creates a Gigantic Tentacle Monstrosity which wanders the halls of your lair, guarding it, any threat it discovers will be immediately engaged in combat, the tentacle monstrosity is a hulking behemoth who requires its own power source, it will take one of your women randomly and fuck her for the rest of turn, she will be returned afterwards and another shall be picked up, The Tentacle Guardian is almost indestructible unless the female it is fucking is taken from it.


2 Tentacle Spawn have evolved from tentacle spawn to Tentacle Adolescents


What do you do?

A. Take the young woman with long red hair, pale skin and average breasts and go back to the lair

B. Take the young woman with short black hair and small breasts and go back to the lair

C. Take the young woman with long blonde hair and large breasts and go back to the lair.

D. Refuse to take a woman in protest and go back to the lair emptyhanded.

you have additional options

You have 7 Expansion Runes

1. Use 1 Expansion rune to Create 'Tentacle Sentries'.

2. Use 1 Expansion Rune to create 'Hungman'.

3. Use 2 Expansion Runes to create 'Incubation platform'

4. Use 3 Expansion Runes to Create 'Tentacle Abductor',

5. Use 4 Expansion Runes to Create 'Vaginal Wall'.

6. Use 5 Expansion Runes to create 'Impregnation Pool'

7. Use 7 Expansion Runes to create 'Tentacle Guardian'

8. Save all expansion runes
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Can we take two? If so I would pick A and C. If not, then I think take A. So sayeth the coin of power! XD
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Added rune option as well, dont forget to vote for both.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

So Purple is overly aggressive, while Black is stone cold murderous. Looks like if we want to cover the world in one big orgasm, we'll have to take out the power-mad Purple and cold-hearted Black. At the very least, it looks like Purp and Black may end up duking it out for a bit.

A Take the red head.

1&3&4 Make some damn sentries, the incubation platform, and the abductor. In fact, double up on sentries. Defences, unit production and resource collection, all at once.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Purple just wants to kill you and take all of your women, black doesn't want to kill you, they want to kill all of the male humans (who took their throne away) and of course, subjugate everyone else.

The big difference between purple and black is that black doesn't want to kill you, they see themselves as some kind of masters of the entire race, and sees the rest of their species as servants who they have lost control of.

If things go Black's way, they will take the world back from humans and all of the tentacle races will fall in line and become their loyal subjects once again.

Cecilia is giving you a gift, but is it really a gift or is it a bribe? black is in your territory taking most of the local women, why? because they feel that they are the master race and can do whatever they want, they don't believe in territory, the entire world is their territory.

Do you trust Cecilia to keep her word and force purple to stop their aggressions against you or will this be a typical case of taxation without representation? only time will tell.

Regardless, you don't have an army, Cecilia is at least 10 times more powerful than Olivia is right now and she is surrounded by hundreds of black tentacle raiders, you have little choice but to accept her 'gift'.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

with no choice's but to take the "gift." i suggest taking the one we think is the most healthy of the girl's. so i am going to say C and 6 and 3 and get the some tentacles breeding faster.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C take the blonde and y say 1&3
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I'll vote for C. I'm not sure I like A, pale skin living in the desert sounds like she may have issues.

For evolutions, 1,3,4 sounds like a good plan.

So, our encampment is gone, we have two powerhouses around us, and the easiest lair to try and steal from has only a single woman in it, last we checked. Is it possible to fold up the lair into some boxes, throw it in a U-Haul, and take off? XD
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

So, our encampment is gone, we have two powerhouses around us, and the easiest lair to try and steal from has only a single woman in it, last we checked. Is it possible to fold up the lair into some boxes, throw it in a U-Haul, and take off? XD

Hell, yeah! Our beach front property turned out to be a bust. Let's move into the city!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I throw my evolution vote in with Shrike's 1 ,3 and 4.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"ill take the blonde, i guess"

"good choice, young and fertile, you can never have too many women like that around"

"Release her to the blue princess"

The Black tentacles holding her release the woman, xozz quickly moves over to her and grabs onto her, forcing her against himself and clamping down with a couple of his claws.

"Remember, Olivia, we are not your enemy, we simply wish to restore our empire to its former glory"

"You better make those purple bastards pay." Olivia says as she turns around and leaves.

Cecilia throws her dagger into the air and catches as it falls down with amazing reflexes.

"Move out" she orders her raiding party as the women in their captivity cry and struggle.


"Son of a bitch!" Olivia yells outloud, kicking sand into a nearby tent.

"Encountering Black tentacles here is most unfortunate." Xozz observes as he moves in behind her.

"That was our encampment, its right outside our door, and they move in from who knows where and take it right out from under us? those bastards!"

"Black Tentacles believe themselves above territory, they take what they want because they see themselves as the true rulers of the planet and everything on it, lands, humans, other tentacles.."

"So what will we do about them?"

"That really depends on whether we want to oppose them or not, purple is our biggest threat, but black will expect our cooperation and loyalty many years from now if we go on the offensive against the humans."

"What do you suggest we do now?"

"We need to get back to the lair and secure this woman, then we should discuss how we move forward, i dont think we can afford to believe that purple will simply leave us alone, black may not be able to convince purple to stop their hostilities against us, especially if black thinks purple will be loyal to them later on, black wont care if purple slaughters us now if they can get the loyalty of purples larger forces".

"Fine, its not like we have any other choice, we need to get back and discuss this with Lazuli."

Olivia and Xozz walk through the desert, trying to make their way back to the lair as quickly as possible.


The Lair is in good condition you think to yourself, integrity is near 100%, the walls look healthy and this location is well hidden, you have several expansion runes spinning their the air majestically, when Olivia and Xozz bring back those women from the encampment, you should be in decent shape.

Laura sits in the corner, the tentacle spawn continuing to feed from her breasts as she rests, eyes closed in the corner.

then you detect movement moving towards the exit of the lair.

A large pink tentacle is carrying Linda away from you, Linda has a tentacle planted into her mouth, and struggles to free herself from its grasp, but it is too strong, you fire a tentacle outward to grab her but she is too far.

You hear April and Amanda screaming behind you as you turn towards them, pink tentacles are raping them and draining their energy, you try to reach out and grab the pink tentacles but they are too quick, evades your attacks as they continue to fuck your women.

Eventually they ejaculate inside of them, their power drain completely, the two women pass out, you struggle to try and smash the pink tentacles as they slither away but you are too slow, they escape your range and leave with the pink abductor.

you just lost a woman and had two of the others drain fucked in your own lair by pink.

Its time to build some improvements for this place....

You have lost Linda


One rune spins down from the air and plants itself into the ground, four bulges begin to form and eventually 4 tentacle sentinels pop out, they are quick, fierce defenders, who need meatwall to sustain themselves, they wont be able to leave the lair, but should help defend against raiders and prevent your women from escaping. Meatwall Integrity down to 80%


Two Runes spin down from the air and plant themselves into the ground next to the voracious pod, a large fleshy pedestal begins to form with several grabber tentacles, when this improvement is finished, you should put an especially fertile woman onto it so she can help incubate your tentacle spawn.

This Improvement will be finished by the end of the turn


Three more runes spin down from the air and plant themselves into the ground next to you, a large bump forms out of the meatwall and grows, the monster inside is large and strong, the fleshy meat around the bulge breaks and a large tentacled beast exits with several tentacles, it is an abductor like the one you just witnessed take linda away from you.

The abductor immediately leaves the lair, sensing the smell of a female nearby, it immediately gets to work capturing her for you. Meatwall integrity down to 60%


Meatwall integrity has been lowered to 60% do the conversation of tentacle beasts from its flesh, the wall glows a bit less and loses a bit of its slimy texture, but is otherwise healthy, more women should be sustainability fucked to increase its integrity once again.


2 Tentacle adolescents exit their place in the meatwall and begin roaming around the lair, hungry for flesh, one of them rapes kara in the pussy, and the other rapes kara in the ass, they exit her body feeling stronger, yet hungry for more, they look around the lair to see that April and Amanda are exhausted, Kim is being fucked by the Pod and Laura is being sustainability fucked, they continue to roam around the lair until these women recover or more of them are brought in.


Olivia and Xozz walk through the desert as they see a large blue tentacle approaching them.

Olivia jogs up to the creature and it lays its tentacles onto her stomach, recognizing the symbol etched onto her stomach, it moves onto the woman in Xozz's captivity.

"What is this thing Xozz?"

Xozz lowers the woman her is carrying onto the ground, where she tries to escape, the tentacle abductor quickly lashes out with its tentacles and wraps them around her ankles and chest, drawing her in quickly and placing her on its back.

"its called a tentacle abductor, it will help us find and capture women, Lazuli must have just constructed one"

The Tentacle abductor taps Xozz a few times with a couple of its tentacles, making drawings on his sides, trying to communciate.

"It says that the lair was raided by pink tentacles and we need to get back immediately"

"Understood" Olivia begins running through the desert, Xozz follows with long strides of his claws on the dune, making noisey mechanical sounds as he moves, the tentacle abductor flies ahead of them with impressive blazing speed.


Olivia and Xozz return to the lair, and are greeted by tentacle sentries, the sentries all four glide their tentacles across Olivia's belly to detect the symbol etched onto her, so they know she isnt a threat or possibly an escaped woman.

Olivia sprints down the walls of the lair, until she reaches you, not tired at all from her exertion.

"What happened?"

"While you were gone, Pink tentacles raided. they took Linda and drain fucked April and Amanda."

"what about Kara, Kim and Laura?"

"They are fine, Laura was mediating and tending to our young, Kim is still in the voracious pod and Kara was feed on by a couple of our young."

"Are you ok?" Olivia asks, concerned about your health

"Im fine, they cant hurt me with a pathetic force like that, but im not agile enough to protect the lair by myself anymore."

"When did you build all of these improvements?"

"Right after i realized that we were extremely vulnerable."

"We probably should have created them sooner"

"no point crying about spilled milk now, whats done is done, how many did you bring back? The blonde is being attached to the Incubator, she will make a good incubator."

"shes the only one"

Xozz walks down to you, finally having caught up.

"She was the only woman in the entire encampment?"

"We must explain"

They explain to you about how when you got there all of the men were killed by the Black tentacle queen and all of the women were enslaved by black already, they explain that they were surprised the queen let them leave with their lives.

"That is very unfortunate, we must discuss our next move"

What do you do?

A. Discuss your next move with Olivia, Xozz and Laura.

B. Have your entire party rest, try to fortify the lair, discuss amongst your group what the situation is.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A is like go directly to the next mission.

B. is like rest and talk with the rest of the party, get everyone's thoughts and perhaps have a better plan going forward, but a turn will advance.

example, a woman is caught at a tentacle lair, if you went to save her now, the tentacles wont have time to decide what to do with her, if you wait the tentacle have decided to rape her ect, the time in the world still goes on even if you take a break.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Go with A we need to act quickly to gather our forces
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A We have some token defences now and those should handle small raids. We should retrieve Linda, for Kim's sake.

How the hell did Pink drain fuck while mobile? Could we have done that beforehand?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Meh. I go with A then I suppose. No real point in sitting on our tentahaunches letting other tentacles deplete one of our invaluable resources. Plus Taken makes a good point.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

"Well hidden." I guess only to humans. So we know there's a dying Orange nearby, an arrogant Black near our once coveted prize and some Pinks sneaking in.

I guess I'll go with A. The best laid plans can always be undone, especially with information we don't have.