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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Manly-ass motherfuckin' PINK motherfuckers.

Also, as what is probably a dumb question: I was watching someone play Battletoads today, and I was wondering if we might ever have a Turbo Tunnel sequence in these games. You know, on account of them organic walls and shit.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Manly-ass motherfuckin' PINK motherfuckers.

Also, as what is probably a dumb question: I was watching someone play Battletoads today, and I was wondering if we might ever have a Turbo Tunnel sequence in these games. You know, on account of them organic walls and shit.

Fuck yeah Turbo Tunnel! I got this shit :cool:
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Tiebreaker - blue or purple. coin flip - heads - blue, tails - purple -> Heads -> Blue.


Once again you dream of yourself and your brethren, you are of blue-hued lineage, your ancestors were the most noble of the tentacles, relying less on holding and breeding your victims and more on capturing new ones.

A blue tentacle acts to empower themselves first and foremost rather than give birth to new generations, because of this, there was several of Elder blue tentacles hundreds of years old with immerse power they have gained over the years...

Blue tentacles prefer vaginal sex, and gain the most power from it.

Blue tentacles have slime which allows them to transfer conscious thought between humans, it is useful in communicating with them or manipulating them.

As a Strength based blue tentacle, you gain significantly more power from your conquests, and have a bonus to new women you rape for the first time, unfortunately their power is significantly reduced when raping the same woman or women in captivity.

Blue tentacles are must more gentle than most other kinds of tentacles, they try to inflict the least amount of pain possible on their victims, and gain more power from a woman if she is experiencing pleasure rather than pain.

You Gain the Ability: Blue Slime!

You can force a woman to ingest your blue slime so you can communicate with her and hear her thoughts.

You Gain the Perk: One Night Stand

Increases the power you gain from fucking a woman for the first time, subsequent rape of the same woman or women in captivity will result in significantly reduced power gain.

You Gain the Perk: On a Missionary.

You Gain increased power from Vaginal sex.

You Gain the Perk: Fuck her Gently.

You Gain increased power when your victim is experiencing more pleasure than pain.


You Wake as a full grown Blue tentacle beast, you feel power coarsing through your slick blue appendages and are ready to hunt.

You make your way over to a nearby meatwall and dive into it, moving effortlessly as though it was a (turbo) tunnel system.

You reach the entrance of the lair, where you and a couple other blue tentacles are leaving to go hunting for the day, you exit the entrance to your cave to find yourself in the middle of a forest, the sunlight shines through the thick trees in spots and you can hear nearby streams flow.

You travel onward out of the cave in search of a young woman you can fuck today.

you travel for a few minutes before you happen upon a small encampment near a stream, the person here is probably camping by themselves from the looks of the camp, you hide underneath a bush and observe.

out of a tent comes a beautiful woman with bright blonde hair and small breasts, she is below average height, maybe 5'6'', she is wearing a night gown.

This woman appears as though she will be easy prey for you, she doesn't appear to have any weapons on her, and you might be able to ambush her fairly easily with the denseness of the forest around her camp.

What do you do?

A. Try to creep closer to her using the underbrush, then grab her ankle and drag her to the ground.

B. Charge out and tackle her using your weight to prevent her from getting up.

C. Sprint out as fast as you can and try to catch her off-guard, grabbing at her wrists so you can pull her to the ground.

D. Try to sneak over to her food supply and coat it with blue slime and wait for her to eat it, then communicate with her.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

C Direct and least likely to harm her.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I vote D.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

sigh...ok C
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I know you said "probably camping alone" but I'd like for us to check the tent anyway for a possible partner, if we can.

Other than that, I vote C. Sneaking as the class we chose probably will just get us noticed.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

She's probably not alone out here.

A and D involve sneaking. We're bad at that.

B and C involve speed. We're bad at that too.

B sounds like the most likely to succeed. I dunno what D would accomplish, beyond enabling a nice during-rape chat - we probably can't diplomance our way into her pants.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

D. We want them to think we are smart, manipulative and not eager for direct combat.

We want them to run straight into us so that they have no chance of escaping.

We are strength. We are cunning. We are Blue.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Your first victim stands before you unaware of your presence, you can barely contain your lust and excitement, you lunge forward out from under the bush and try to grab onto her wrists.

the young woman hears you behind her and turns around quickly, seeing you lunging towards her, she screams and jumps back quickly just as you grab for her wrists, you miss completely as you land down next to where she would have been, the woman falls back down to the ground and lands on her back, looking up at your powerful towering form with fear in her face.

once again you attack, but the petite woman is quicker than you, and rolls away aside, gets up and runs full sprint away from you screaming at the top of her lungs.

For a moment you give chase, but she is much faster than you, and you stop shortly after as she disappears from sight, what a disappointment.

you continue your search for your first victim and it takes hours of lumbering through the forest before you come upon a small outpost, it looks as through it is a hunters outpost, but most of the hunters are out, you see a hut nearby which probably houses many of the hunters, you cant tell if anyone is in it.

suddenly another young woman emerges from the hut and approaches the nearby well to gather water, she is a woman of average height and normal sized breasts, her short black hair partially covers one of her eyes as it stops at the bottom her neck, she appears to be wearing workers clothing, a long button shirt with blue jeans and a thick leather belt.

you lurk behind a tree directly behind her, only a few feet away as she rolls her sleeves up and prepares to draw water from the well.

What do you do?

A. Reach out to her ankle so you can grab it and drag her back over to you behind the tree.

B. Rush out and grab her neck and choke her into submission so you can bring her someplace safer.

C. Sneak around to the back of her so you can get to a better position to grip her and prevent her from scream too much by grabbing her neck.

D. Try to put blue slime in the water she is carrying, hopefully she drinks it and you can read her thoughts.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Consider everything before you make your decision, your strengths, your surroundings, her defenses.

that first girl was a tough matchup for you, petite girls are generally quicker and can evade your attacks and run away from you with their speed.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B. Hurry and choke her out so she can't scream for her hunter pals to come out and shoot us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Intermission 2: Amanda

'Sometimes you just need a little alone time' she thought as she walked through the forest. Amanda took a break from her job as a shopkeeper so she could go camping, originally she wanted to bring her boyfriend Michael, but he had to work though the weekend, she wasent about to sit at home bored all day long, so got all of her camping gear and wandered into the forest, a beautiful place she had been to with her family several times when she had been younger, they always camped down by the stream and that was exactly where she wanted to be.

The forest was exactly as she had remembered it, the sunlight shined through the trees overhead, the chirping of the birds and the moss on the trees, all she could do was smile as she carried her heavy bags.

finally she reached her destination, a cleared out section at the side of a stream, she dropped her bags and took in the familiar scenery of this place, she remembered it like the back of her hand, the rocks, the trees, fond memories of playing with her brother as her parents prepared supper as the sun went down and glared through the trees.

After Amanda had finished setting up the camp, it was almost that time again, dusk brought a familiar sight, and as she sat on an old downed oak, she wondered what it would be like to be natural like these animals here. not a care in the world, no shop back at town, no worries about the future, just freedom and the forest.

Amanda took off all of her clothing, looking around to make sure nobody was watching, she left it in a heap near her tent, she walked over to the stream and into a beam of fading sunlight which radiated against her skin. the cool breeze blew across her body, and the small chill made her nipples hard.

she grabbed her small breasts with both hands and cupped them, then sat down on her butt on the dirt, imagining herself as a wild animal, she really wished her boyfriend was here now.

she got up and sighed, starting to put her nightgown on and go to bed, she promised herself she would run naked through the forest tomorrow, she wouldn't care who saw her, at least she would have a story to tell. she went to sleep inside her tent with a smile on her face.

Next morning she woke up to the chirping on the birds again, she licked her lips to find them dry and exited her tent to get a drink from the stream. she looked out past the stream and saw a forest rabbit way out past, and she froze there for a moment with a small grin on her face.

She suddenly heard a small bit of movement behind her and looked quickly behind to see a large terrible blue monstrosity charging towards her!

Amanda quickly jumped backwards with her deftness as she saw the creature slam directly in front of where she would have been, its large tendrils flailing, swinging through the air to try and grab her. Amanda yelled with shock as the beast lunged forward again in attempt to grab her, but amanda was quicker, she rolled aside and got up quickly, sprinting as fast as she could away from the terrible beast, yelling for help for anyone who might possibly hear her this deep in the woods.

she ran forever, until finally she looked back and the thing was gone, she had outrun it, and she flashed another smile, laughing.

"what the hell was thing?" she said to herself, happy she had beaten whatever strange species of predator that was.

Amanda shook her head feeling more confident than ever, when a long purple tentacle suddenly grabbed her waist and pulled her backwards.

Slimy Purple tentacles suddenly engulfed the young girl, she found her ankles, her wrists, and her neck all were bound.

Amanda tried to scream but the monster was tightening its grasp around her neck, making it difficult to breath, a tentacle inserted itself into her mouth and amanda thought that this was the end for her, she was about to be killed and eaten by a predator in the forest.

A cool liquid was squirted into Amanda's mouth and the last thing she saw as her vision faded was her nightgown being ripped open down the front by a powerful purple tentacle...

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Blue is the choice. Everything must begin with B.

We are legion.

We are Blue.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B even when our color dont mix with our class type.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


peering from begin the tree you wait for the perfect opportunity to dash, just as the woman turns towards the well you sprint out as fast as you can.

The woman turns quickly to see you coming but the fear in her eyes paralyzes her temporarily, you extend a tentacle and wrap it around her neck, tightening quickly, the woman makes a loud scream before dropping her bucket onto the water ground with a reverberating clang. she uses both hands to try to pry herself loose from your grip as you tighten with her struggles.

for good measure you take this opportunity to grab onto her wrist so she cant run away somehow. your strength is no match for her and soon she is completely tamed. your tentacle around her neck regulates her breath and she has no choice but to cooperate or risk being choked to death, you allow her just enough air to move as she uses one hand to try and free herself still.

with all of this noise, you are surprised nobody has come out of the hut nearby, but they must all be gone except her.

you drag the woman a short distance from the encampment, and find a nearby waterfall, checking behind the waterfall you see there is a small carved out cave behind it, you drag the woman inside and get to work on her.

The sound of the waterfall mutes her cries for help she may have as you hold her down against the ground by her neck, looser than before, the tears in her eyes build up quicker.

with a free tentacle, you rip down her shirt as buttons go flying to reveal her bra carrying her normal sized breasts, another quick snap over the center frees them as you pick up and throw the useless bra aside.

you cup her breasts with your tentacles, feeling the familiar warmth of her skin and the familiar quick beat of her heart behind, you feel a serenity in this moment, like you have come home.

for a while you grope and squeeze her breasts, she makes noises of disgust and protest, but it has to feel good for her, you try to make her relax as you caress her body, taking time to build her excitement so that she almost wants it, your tentacles nip lightly at her breasts as small shocks of pleasure are triggered. she is beginning to enjoy the foreplay, you can see the embarrassment in her face.

you begin to work on her pants and belt, the leather belt is trick and difficult to pull off, it takes several minutes before you are finally able to break it, good thing you brought her here, it would have taken forever to get this thing off at the well, you slide the belt off from behind and coil through her jeans, pulling them down to her ankles, revealing only pink silky panties, which you quickly creep underneath and rip upward off of her.

you see her glistening young pussy before you, ready to be penetrated, you can see her face now, she isnt struggling anymore, she wants you, her delicate lover to pleasure her.

the woman opens her legs to you, beginning to moan slightly at the work still being done on her breasts, you oblige her offering.

you gently place a tentacle outside of her vaginal walls and slowly thrust forward, her face lights up with joy as she feels your girth enter her, and you slowly begin to gain power from the woman's womb.

her well-lubricated insides were ready for you, and you delicately thrust in and out of her, the woman thrusts her hips in rhythm with you so that you plunge deeper inside, the woman reaches towards her breasts with her free hand and begins groping herself.

after several minutes of gentle fucking, you reach your limit and ejaculate inside of her, the flood of juices coats her thighs and the ground beneath her and she yells one last scream of pleasure.

you release the woman entirely, and behind you, you hear the dirty sounds of her playing with her ejaculate coated pussy.

You have gained 500 XP!

You have reached level 2! You feel stronger and more powerful, you develop new skills!

You have gained the ability: plug it!

you fire a tentacle into your victim's mouth, immediately silencing them.

The woman lies in pleasure before behind you, happily masturbating.

what do you do?

A. Go back to the lair by yourself and rest.

B. Continue hunting.

C. Feed her your Blue slime and communicate with her.

D. Take her back to the lair.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.
