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Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


You struggle to get up at first, your body is notably heavier and it fatigues you greatly to lift yourself. your distended belly hangs out in front of you, causing strain on your back before you cup it with your hands which become fatigued themselves shortly after you begin to carry the weight.

you look ahead, the path seems endless now, you don't know how you could make it all the way, one step at a time you suppose.

you see the other eyeball creatures staring at you, not at your mouth or your pussy anymore, but at your stomach, as you move close to the next one, you wonder whether you will be raped all over again if you cannot avoid it.

you move your foot forward with trepidation, keeping an eye on where you now know the tentacles come from, you are surprised to see that this eyeball creature just looks at you with confusion as you do so, eventually you are able to get close enough that you are only a few feet away from the eyeball, much closer than you were when the last one attacked you.

You pass the eyeball unmolested, looking back to make sure it isn't some kind of trick.

As you move along you pass more eyeballs, your stomach rumbles as the fluid inside you shifts, you are brought to your knees once as the eggs inside of you shift and move.

you feel dizzy now, the short trip has taken its toll and you find yourself lazily placing one foot in front of another, you close your eyes and take a step, then two steps, soon you seem to be sleepwalking. you open your eyes and your heart stops as you behind to fall forward, a change in the path causes you to begin falling towards the sea of white, you scream and suddenly, you feel a grip against your ankle.

you turn your head as you are held upside down and see that a nearby eyeball has saved you from falling, you grit your teeth as you prepare to be raped again but instead, the tentacles draw you in you place your back against the eyeball, several tentacles come from behind and bind your arms and chest, holding you with a loose grip which nonetheless makes it impossible to escape, all you can do is hold onto your belly partially, your knees up with your legs spread, you find yourself in a similar position to before, but bound now and helpless to escape.

you think for a moment why the creature saved you and soon you come to the realization that you are carrying their next generation in your belly, they cannot afford to lose you to the cum-filled sea.

you weakly struggle against your living manacles, but quickly abandon any attempt to break out of them, you are used to being held down by now, theres little you can do to free yourself, and so you resign your efforts for now, lay your head back and look up, the sun comes up from the east and with it, pink hues of beautiful skyline with a bevy of clouds.

you doze off to sleep....

You find it difficult to dream of anything other than sex, you feel yourself being fucked in your mouth, your ass and your pussy, though the prospect has been against your will, you find yourself gaining nothing but pleasure from the experience.....are you starting to like being raped or is this the work of the tentacles manipulating your mind and making you want it.

you open your eyes to see another woman standing in front of you, she is a small girl with black hair which goes down past her shoulders, she has pale skin like yours and small breasts, her hips are covered with dried crusty semen which is peeling off of her.

You look into her eyes and see that she isn't looking at your face at all, but down at your crotch instead.

you look down as see that you are dripping with cum, a couple of spawnlings must have fucked you while you slept and left their present inside of you.

the girl before you lick her lips and slowly gets to her knees, without saying a word she puts her arms around your thighs and puts her face on your cunt.

you feel her tongue enter you.

while you weakly rock your body as much as you can to get her off, she only increases the intensity at which she sucks the cum out of your pussy.

She draws back quickly and puts two fingers together, she does quickly look in your face with no emotion of her own before she plunges the fingers into you and starts to scoop out more of the cum from deeper down.

pulling her cum-covered fingers from you, she immediately brings them to her mouth and starts to suck the semen off, as she stands up, she flashes you a quick smile and proceeds to lick her upper lip and the side of her mouth before turning to walk away.

You feel a new level of violated, it had never occurred to you that you might be raped by another woman here in this place, but you suppose she only did what was necessary to pervert herself from being raped in order to receive her meal.

thinking about eating makes you feel hungry, and even though you are ashamed to admit it, you would have loved to eat the cum left behind had your hands not been tired down by the eyeball'd creature behind you.

Almost as if commanded, a tentacle appears into your vision and comes down dangling from above your head, you look up and see that it is one of the many tentacles this creature possesses, you lick your lips as it curls and comes within range of your mouth, the creature is offering you a meal.....perhaps it read your mind?

The tentacle before you is close enough for you to lunge forward and take it into your mouth, though you are loathe to admit it, you really want a meal right now.

What do you do?

A. Lunge forward and capture the tentacle inside your mouth, then milk it for a meal.

B. Resist, turn your face aside and refuse.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A. I get the distinct feeling refusal is not currently a choice. Besides, I don't think we'll be escaping anytime soon. That belly won't let us get far.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A it will only hurt us if we don't get food
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A. If there were any other source of food, maybe not. But starving to death isn't a good option.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


You quickly lick your lips and open your mouth to take the tentacle inside, it immediately recognizes your submission and slides in gently between your lips. With soft rocking motions it glides along your tongue as you massage it between either side of your tongue, it is far too big to fit neatly inside of your mouth so you are only able to slobber it as it does most of the work.

Finally it pulls back and deposits a heavy squirt of cum into your mouth, filling it until your cheeks bulge to capacity, taking one large gulp, you manage to down it all, then the tentacle unexpectedly forces it's way between your lips again and you lazily continue licking it as it fucks your mouth.

Soon enough you feel the tentacle pull back across your tongue again and leave behind another thick offering of cum; like a hose it continues to come until you can only continue swallowing, the tentacles removes itself entirely, leaving a trail of cum on your lips, chin and between your two breasts, you mindlessly lunge your head forward to catch it, but cannot.

you feel a wetness spill out from below you, immediately you feel pressure from your stomach and abdomen clearing and you see hundreds of small eyeballs spill out onto the ground below you.

your continue to push and hundreds more come, your distended stomach begins to shrink and you feel a great strange pleasure come upon you, a satisfaction you can't quite put your mind around.

you are released once you cannot push anymore out of you any longer, your back slides down the back of the huge eyeballed creature behind you until you are on the ground, your legs surrounded with the eyeballs you just birthed from your ass and soak in some of the fluid which came with them.

you get up as quickly as you can and step around them, careful not to step on any one of them as you do, you continue along the path, looking back just once feeling what could be guilt for leaving them.


As you walk along, the eye ball creatures continue to look at you, but they make no further attempt to capture you as you move, you can't understand it, but you think perhaps they don't attack again because they are grateful in some way.

With a belly full of cum, you feel stronger than you have as you continue past the eyeballs and into the next part of the narrow path.


Now about 60% over the path, you feel completely tiny, you are surrounded by a massive sea of cum beneath you, the living path you walk upon is the only structure you can see, all else is a sea of milky white. The air here smells particularly salty, the thick smell of cum surrounds you and you have to admit the smell makes your mouth water.

You had never tasted cum before coming to this place, life was much different where you were born and raised, you ate fruit and drank water, you were raised naturally and allowed to grow into a strong woman, that was likely the goal of the tentacles, to ensure that your body was no corrupted or altered in it's development; now that you were an adult, it was finally time to ship you off to this place so that you could begin your life as a slave like all of the other women here.

You didn't have much of an opportunity to think about it before this, your journey had been long, but it was seldom full of long stretches of boredom like this walk has been.

You never understood what the tentacles were, perhaps they were conquerors, maybe they were parasites; it didn't really matter, fighting them was like fighting the wind; every single aspect of their bodies was ment to defy the resistance of a woman; you began to wonder what the point of resisting at all was. why continue to run, why not simply accept your fate, accept the pleasure and the comfort of captivity.

The ground beneath you was more slippery than normal, a wave of cum would occasionally splash up against the living wall and dash up the side, splashing over and spilling against your body or at your feet, you had gotten surprisingly good at walking through the warm muck, though you dared not move any quicker than a slow walk, lest risk being tossed into the white pool below.

As you walk you can't help but state at the massive tentacles which come out of the sea, they are taller than even the phallic tower you had seen earlier, reaching high into the air and swaying back and forth softly as if a wind could push them.

you look at them and smile, not exactly sure why, perhaps you feel a bit of pride in the power of your captors.

you hear a rumbling sound coming up from behind you and you look back, your smile fades to worry as you see a massive tentacle sentry coming up behind you, almost two miles away, it shambles along the path with massive tentacles gripping the sides of the narrow path as it moves, at this rate it would be upon you within five minutes.

Your heart starts to race and you look down, if you jumped in what would happen? would these creatures let you drown? would you be saved? maybe if you started running you could find some way to avoid being caught.......or maybe you should just allow yourself to be caught....what is the worst than could happen?

What do you do?

A. Run as quickly as you can down the path, there is little chance of escaping, but you might as well try.

B. Just sit down and wait patiently, if you don't resist maybe the tentacle creature will go easy on you for escaping for this long.

C. Jump into the Cum Sea, hopefully you don't drown.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

A. Running might be risky, but the worst that could happen is that you fall into the sea, or get caught. And since those seem to be the only other options anyway...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Run ! ! we must...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat


You turn as quickly as you can and plant a foot into the soup morass, you break into a run and move as quickly as you can.

The sloshing splashing sounds as you run are matched by your gasps for air, your footsteps fall and your traction is so bad that each step is only a half-step, half-slide, something prevents you from falling, perhaps luck more than anything else.

you look back over your shoulder quickly to see the tentacle creature gaining on you, it is closer now and you can make out it's tentacles all wiggling and shaking excitedly, a shiver runs down your spine as you can only think about every next step.

your ankles and your calves burn and the burn turns to pain, you gasp air as quickly as you can, your lungs and your throat burn as well, your mind buzzes with activity when terror strikes you before anything else.

your foot lands in a deep puddle of cum and the top of your foot rubs against the side of the hole, upending you and sending you sliding along on your face and chest after slamming into the wet ground with a gooey splat, your face and chest behind to hurt as you slide along, and then your heart stops again as you find yourself fully airbourne now as you go over the side.

your arms flair and you begin to scream as much as your tortured lungs will allow.

'It was a good try' is the only coherent thought that goes through your mind before you land belly first into the cum sea and find yourself engulfed, your body feels warm immediately, but your mind panics and screams for more air, but there is nothing to be gained but white gunk.

Pure terror goes though your mind, you are going to drown, you know it now, your pathetic life is over, you continue to hold your breath as long as you can, but your body refuses to let you stop, the breaths you take are airless, your lungs fill with cum instead and you feel an agony overcome you and then peace......and darkness.

Feeling returns subtly, a pressure inside of you, an excitement and warmth.

you open your eyes and see nothing but white before you, you dizzily look around more to see the tentacles beneath, holding you in place around your ankles and thighs, the pressure you feel is the tentacle phallus forced between your legs and inside of your pussy, locking you in place.

You begin to cough and realize that your lungs and throat still burn, but the daze which has come over you seems to nullify your pain and your senses, your energy seems to be leaving you through the bottom of your body, as if the tentacle was sucking your energy out of you, you bob your head lazily, your eyelids are heavy, and your body seems to be incredibly fatigued, but not from the earlier escape attempt, but from something else.

Your mind seems to be absolutely glowing, you feel high and stimulated, but your actual thoughts are faded, like your mind is being dialed back, you know it has something to do with the amount of semen you have consumed and probably enough more to do with the proximity of yourself to the tentacle creature carrying you.

you look down at the ground and quickly recognize it; you are back on the narrow path, but moving at a slower pace, you turn your head slowly, blinking and struggling to keep your eyes open to see another girl pinned to the monster right next to you, she seems completely unconscious however, her chest raising and lowering peacefully as she sleeps with the tentacle fucking her, you have no doubt you had looked similar a few minutes prior.

you begin to think what happened and quickly realize the monster must have jumped into the sea after you, rescuing you from certain death, but it had enslaved you as a penalty.

your eyes grow heavy again, you hear a squirting noise from below and feel a bit of pressure as the tentacle inside of you ejaculates and the white flow of cum begins to run down your thighs and the monster itself, leaving a trail as you move along.

you feel so tired, perhaps you shouldent fight it anymore, if you go to sleep maybe you will make up later and feel better.

What do you do?

A. Go into a deep dreamless sleep.

B. Go to sleep and have a dream.

C. Fight to stay awake, maybe an opportunity will arise.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Fresh Meat

B. Dream Sequence! Deedlideedlideedli~