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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Awesome dream, exactly how a corrupted knight should end up, although the way things been going, I thought she'd end up as a renegade knight instead of working for someone...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 23: Olivia

Ella was on the surface just a woman, and like any other woman who could be manipulated and controlled, Olivia had taken thousands of women in the years since becoming a matriarch, she had originally been the overlord of the blue tentacles since her maker, Lazuli, a tentacle overlord whom she loved, had died at the hands of the purple tentacles.....and Xozz.

Olivia had been forced to give up her quest for vengeance against Xozz in order to save someone very close to her, Amanda, a childhood friend who remained friends with even though she had evolved into what she is today, the most powerful humanoid in the world.

On the road back to their home on the plains to the west, Olivia walked along with Evelan.

"Who do you think that was who won the bid on Ella?" Evelan asked Olivia.

"Theres only one person it could be......Xozz"

Evelyn stopped and thought for a moment, thinking to herself before Olivia turned around.

"Why did you let her get away then?, you could have easily taken her back there"

"Xozz will always be my enemy because of how he murdered Lazuli, but his motives have always been for the sake of balance in this world"

"I dont understand what you mean" Evelyn said as she started walking again behind Olivia

"I've been observing Xozz from afar over the years, ive learned that his motives are not simply to serve himself, but to serve balance as well, he ensures that whenever one race of tentacles gets too strong, he intervenes in some way, he also has prevented the extinction of males by keeping a significant amount of them in captivity"

"Why would he do that?"

"I dont know, probably because if the human race is no longer able to reproduce, the women would also eventually die out and then both humanity and tentacle-kind would become extinct"

"What does that have to do with Ella?"

"I have no idea, but if Xozz is willing to give up his entire collection of slaves, it must be incredibly important"

"That doesnt mean you cant stop him" Evelyn said.

"No, but im one of the few tentacles who has enough foresight to not get in the way of balance.....tell me...what did you think about Ella?" Olivia asked as she herself stopped.

"Well, from a pink tentacle queen's perspective, she would make an incredible breeder, she is a very strong woman, who is capable of incubating several eggs at once."

"And as a human?"

"She has a certain aura about her.....im not sure what it is"

"When Xozz is done with her, i plan on taking her and teaching her a lesson, after that, ill give her to you as a gift between our people"

"Thats very considerate of you Olivia"

"Friends are important in this world Evelyn, and the bond between our race will be important when the war comes"

"What makes you think there will be war?"

"As the Tentacle lairs expand, there will become a shortage of women, and some tentacles will want to take them...make no mistake, war is coming and we'll need to be prepared for it"

"What will you do with the girl?"

"Ella?" Olivia asked

Evelyn nodded

"I'll show her the time of her life, ill play with her mind and make her feel more pleasure than she ever has....then i will leave her addicted to me, never able to attain it any longer......all she will think about for the rest of her life is finding me again and that satisfaction will never be hers"

"Twisted" Evelyn said

"Us blue tentacles only act kind and caring, at the end, we just want to fuck women and dominate them just like any other tentacle"

"What about Laura?" Evelyn asked

"Laura.......she my be the only exception" Olivia said as the two walked on, the sun going down before them.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Awesome dream, exactly how a corrupted knight should end up, although the way things been going, I thought she'd end up as a renegade knight instead of working for someone...

If Ella or anyone else were to become a 'tentacle knight' they would need to draw their power from somewhere, just as the princesses and queens do, meaning a powerful tentacle would need to lend their power, becoming a tentacle knight would be impossible without a willing overlord.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 24: Cecilia

She knew her overlord would not be pleased, but Cecilia wasn't about to give a rival tribe over one-thousand women in exchange for a single trophy, although black could spare it easily.

The Overlord was likely the most powerful creature on earth and for over two-thousand years it had sat in the great lair, becoming more powerful every day as it drained the significant collection of slaves it had accumulated over the centuries.

the tentacles of her overlord were burrowed deep into the ground, releasing semen and slime into the earth, causing the flora surrounding the great lair to show signs of corruption.

Plants and trees themselves started to grow tentacles and started to emit pheromones which attracted nearby escaped slaves into their clutches.

The Great Lair itself was the most ancient lair in the world, having tunnels which once housed the ancestors of all of the tentacle races which lived in the world now, watched over by her overlord, who protected them from themselves for all of the years before they were finally allowed to leave and find their own way in the world.

The other tentacles had now become competitors and frankly, a royal pain in the ass, but her overlord didnt care, thinking that they would come to heel eventually, where they were destined to be.

But it was Cecilia's order to outbid the other tentacles today to show them their superiority once again, losing only to the Naive demon and one of Xozz's mechanical puppets, Cecilia was actually glad that she had lost, Her overlord had enough trophies.

It was no secret to black that the demon known as Alumae had taken up residence far to the northwest, far enough away that she wasn't a hassle, it was actually quite humorous watching a demon try to manage all of the humans, it was clear that she had no idea have to adequately break their will but eventually she would be dealt with, and Cecilia secretly wondered whether energy could be drawn from her as it could a human.

Xozz was another story, he has been feeding his unnatural spawn women from the islands for hundreds of years now, and it irritated the overlord that such an abomination of a race would be allowed to feed from humans as feedly as they had for so long, But Cecilia figured that if Xozz wanted to foolishly give up all of his resources in exchange for one measly girl, so be it.

How exactly Cecilia lost the bid against an android would take some explanation, but she was confident that logic would prevail... 1200 women was enough to expand into 4 large lairs where ever they wanted, perhaps she would organize raids on orange soon in order to prevent them from utilizing all of the new resources they would soon find themselves with.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Out of all the ways to psychologically break someone into submission you've nailed probably the majority of them so far, well done. It seems we've finally arrived at a more indirect approach to get us to follow their bidding, the best choice here if we plan to resist our fate is not choosing.

That said, I'll have to pick B, as that pretty much accomplishes what we've set out to do without directly involving another party that is trying to control us.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Not quite what I had in mind when I read 'knight' but this is a rape story, so...
In any case, I vote E.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B she crossed the last line we end her now any other choice except A will only leave her to brood on dark thoughts and darker emotions
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 25: Sylvia

Women screamed as they were grabbed and drawn screaming into the group of tentacles Sylvia had brought to their lair, the sentinels outside were quickly dispatched by Sylvia herself as she cleared the way into the blue lair where was on the perimeter of the plains in blue territory.

Sylvia stood in the center of the room with her arms crossed, a large and sinister grin across her face as her tentacles scattered throughout the lair and attacked each of the women there, killing blue spawnlings along the way with their razor blades which a few of their tentacles had.

The lair was in chaos, women who had just minute previously had been enjoying their day were forced against the ground or the meatwall and had purple tentacles savagely inserted into them, causing their screams of pain to echo through the lair joining the others.

Blue tentacle soldiers came from deeper in the lair and tried to fight, but the purple tentacle abominations made quick work of them, their quickness and strength easily grabbed the rival tentacles and sliced or smashed them until they were dead.

Soon, the screams would die down as the women in the lair had passed out, their anuses defiled as they were left unconscious, their only reprieve from the violent rape which had taken them earlier, purple tentacle semen flowed across the floor as it seeped from the unconscious bodies of the women around the lair.

A woman was brought to Sylvia by the tentacles, she was a blue princess, her breasts were small but her skin shined with sweat as she walked towards Sylvia, glistening in the light of the meatwall around them.

"Where is your Overlord, Girl?"

"We dont have Overlords, we don't need them"

"Who manages your lair then? who is the creature in charge here?"

"We are not ruled by anyone, we give our bodies willingly for the good of the brood" the princess said proudly.

"And as you can see, ive taken their bodies unwillingly"

"You are a fiend to attack us like this, Queen, we have done you no insult"

"Your lifestyle is insult enough.........raise her"

The woman was grabbed by her ankles and raised into the air, her long blue hair flowed downward and brushed lightly against the meatwall beneath them.

"You wont break our spirit, we live freely and of our own will, there is nothing you can do to scare us back into slavery" the princess said as she looked at Sylvia sternly, with hatred in her eyes.

"Maybe......but i can still make you scream for mercy"

Sylvia took her tentacle staff and shoved the handle down into the woman's anus, its barbed edges tore into her causing her to scream out in pain.

Sylvia took her time with the woman, ensuring that she felt as much pain as possible before her staff drained her of the last of her power, she would continue into the blue lands until these blue cowards could stop her or until she found Laura.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D. Also death or enslavement to the other purple!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Updates take a couple of hours to write usually, and keeping up with characters and their thoughts is usually a good idea as well.

As a rule of thumb, i will usually write about 3 Intermissions, Random Encounters, Field notes or something else like them before each update, just to keep tabs on all of the other characters in the story.

At any rate, ill probably start working on the update Today or Tomorrow when i have some free time on my hands, i never want to rush anything, especially not Updates for Ella which are especially critical to the story.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I've already put the majority of work into the next update, it is all just a matter of having the time to finish it, i wont put a time table on it, but i haven't forgotten.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Good to know you're still alive ;)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


"Bring her to April at the Orange Lair...im sure she will find some use for her"

Morrow retracted the blade back into his arm.

"As you wish" he said as he motioned for the two Morrow androids to bring the woman to the orange lair, as you commanded.

"Not a very heroic decision, hopebringer" Kara said to you as she passed by, a wicked smile on her face.

It had not been a noble decision, but between killing her and letting her go so she could cause more havoc, enslavement to the orange tentacles was about as merciful as Ella could allow, still, to commit any woman to enslavement went against everything she had believed previously, but she had learned an awful lot about the world since a few weeks ago.

"Shall we go?" Morrow said, bringing his hand forward and motioning toward the shore.

Ella simply nodded her head....escape was pointless, even if she tried now, she wouldent be able to move at all in these manacles....this 'Xozz' person was the only one who could remove them, so she would be forced to hear him out..


After travelling for about another mile through the desert, Ella and Morrow finally reached the transport, which was sitting on the shore, all around were the corpses of purple tentacle creatures, their slime ran down the beach and was being carried away by the tide.

Morrow opened the door to the transport with a small decide he carried with him.

"Ladies first" Morrow said as he adjusted her broken glasses.

Ella stepped into the transport and sat down on the bench, Morrow placed Ella's belongings in a storage unit beside the bench and closed it, it snapped shut, locked.

Morrow clicked another button and the transport door closed behind them, the engine started and as the door shut completely, the transport fired off from the beach and out to sea, towards the compound.

"Why are i here?" Ella asked, as she looked out the window of the transport out to the sea.

"I think you'd better ask Xozz that question" Morrow said as he adjusted his glasses again and took out a pad of paper from his jacket, clicking a pen which came with it, prepared to jot down notes.

"Who is this Xozz?" Ella asked

Morrow ignored her for a bit, as he scribbled quickly onto his pad of paper, before he looked up at her.

"Xozz is an organic-synthetic servant unit created by the black tentacles thousands of years ago"

"And who are you?"

"Im sorry, we havent been formally introduced yet have we?"

The Strange android put his noteback and pen down on the bench he was sitting on and got up, adjusting his glasses and and offering his hand, lowering it down to Ella's level, but she refused to shake it.

"I cant say i blame you for being cautious, but we only have the best intentions for your race" Morrow said as he moved back over to his side of the transport.

"I'll be the judge of that" Ella said with a serious tone.

"Oh look, were almost there now, try to relax, ill make sure you get inside of the compound" Morrow said as he smiled, looking out one of the windows, adjusting his glasses again, taking the remote out of his pocket again and pressing a button on it.

A strange gas entered the transport from the vents above them, causing Ella to become dizzy as she breathed it in, she struggled to stay awake, but her eyelids grew heavy and she passed out quietly, watching Morrow smile as he stood there before her.


Ella woke up to the familiar caress of tentacles across her inner thigh, their warmth tickled her as the sensation shot a feeling of excitement and dread up her spine, ella opened her eyes to see that she was in some kind of facility, her legs spread open naturally, the same as they would be in the possession of any overlord.

The Red tentacles slithered around her as they went about their business, Ella had not been penetrated yet, but with all of these tentacles nearby, it was just a matter of time she thought.

she tried to pull free but was held down by some kind of machine which held her hands and ankles inside, the warmth of which made her think it was organic, even through the device which held her appeared to be made of metal.

her back was up against some kind of seat, which was made of metal and was uncomfortable, to be pressed against, from behind a red tentacle came up from underneath her armpit and slithered across her chest, moving up underneath her large breast and nestling itself there for a moment before retreating back.

"I see you've met my creations" a machine voice spoke as a monitor above Ella turned itself on and revealed a large construct connected to what appeared to be a mainframe by several differant wires.



The seat in which Ella was placed inside of started to arch back as the monitor followed Ella's face.

"What are you doing to me?" Ella asked as her voice trembled.

"Simply running some tests on you"

Ella looked upward to see several metallic tentacles above her, watching them descend slowly.

"c....cant we just talk?"

"There will be plenty of time for that"

Ella tried to pull herself away from the position she was in again as the large metal tentacles lowered themselves further, only a couple of feet from her now.

"Did you know that each woman on earth produces her own variation of energy?" Xozz asked as the cold tentacles touched Ellas body and started to slowly move across it toward her various orifices.

The first metallic tentacle slid up her neck and glided itself into Ella's mouth, meeting the surface of her tongue and resting there.

Ella closed her eyes and tried to shake her neck to get the device out of her mouth, but it followed her, reacting instantly to her movements.

the cold steel of another tentacle looped around her abdomen and slithered between her legs, finding itself just outside of her anus, the tentacle also slide forward gently and penetrated her, its cold feeling sent an uncomfortable sensation through her, causing Ella to whine as she struggled to get the metal appendage out of her mouth again.

The segmented tentacle in her ass slowly entered Ella, pushing itself up further into her ass as another tentacle slowly worked its way across Ella's stomach and worked its way down to her pelvis, entering her vagina immediately and causing her to wince again in response to the cold sensation.

Ella whined and cried in pain again as the tentacles in her ass and pussy worked their way deeper inside of her, showing no signs of slowing down as the one in her Pussy coiled up inside of her and pressed against the walls of her uterus.

"Uncomfortable, i know. rest assured, the remaining tests wont be quite as unpleasant" Xozz said with his monotone machine voice.

The tentacles started to warm up and energy started to build within them, the cold sensation started to shift into a warmer sensation which was uncomfortable in its own way.

"Interesting...." Xozz spoke.

At last, the tentacles started to pull themselves from her body, apparently done with whatever test Xozz was running on her, the tentacle in her mouth was the first to be removed.

"What are you doing to me!" Ella screamed as the segmented tentacles in her ass and her vagina pulled out, rubbing against her insides as they did, creating a unique sensation within her.

"I was determining what kind of energy your body produces.......are you interested in the results?"

Another red tentacle came up from Ella's side and slithered onto her belly, rubbing against it gently as Ella just stared up at the ceiling with a blank expression.

"Your body produces a form of energy which can be detected from miles away, its potency is able to grant double what the average woman's body would be able to, and may cause certain types of tentacles to become addicted to the energy that it produces"

"What do you mean addicted?" Ella asked, as the metal tentacle in her vagina finally left her, causing an embarrassing popping noise which they both seemed to ignore.

"Tentacle creatures could become addicted to you if they feed from you enough, just like you can become addicted them to, it is a rare trait and im even more impressed that you managed to stay free for so long"

"Why am i here?" Ella asked as the tentacle came free from her ass.

"You are here so that i can use you to stop the coming demon invasion?"

"how do you know about that?" Ella asked, remembering the dream she had

"I've seen it before, and i wont let it happen again, for the sake of all life on this planet"

"How can i stop demons from invading?"

"You have been imbued with power from a mysterious source, and this power allows you to cross between our world and the demon world"

"Because i am a champion?"

"That is what some people call it" Xozz said as his metallic tentacles raised out of sight above Ella.

"How am i suppose to stop the demons from invading our world?"

"That depends on the level of cooperation........you see, i dont need your cooperation at all in order to use your power now that you are in my possession, i could simply use your body as a vessel to transport my creations into their world"

"What if i agree to help you?"

"Then perhaps we could come to a mutual understanding." Xozz said.

More red tentacles started to crawl across Ella's body, coming up from beneath.

"Before we speak more on this subject, there is one more test we must conduct"

What do you do?

A. Agree to take the test.

B. Demand to be released at once.

C. Volunteer for more tests, in order to learn as much about yourself as you can.

D. Struggle and Look for the earliest opportunity to escape.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I wonder if you people realise Orange will probably get roflstomped by Purple now

I vote C
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

The Coin of Power(TM) saids C.