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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D I've always been a big fan of knights. Besides, just because she is empowered by them, doesn't mean she is subservant to them.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Wouldn't mind C, but since that isn't going to happen, voting for D (and hoping to go to blue)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. I'm hoping this will be motivation to escape. I'm still hoping for an outcome where we destroy the demons and the tentacles, even if we have to martyr ourselves to do it.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 22: Annie

Annie had been born in a tentacle lair, so this had been all she had ever known, her mother was pregnant with her when she was caught by the blue tentacles, her mother birthed her inside of the lair, brought into the world by Laura, a matriarch who was kind of a like a mother to everyone there.

Laura was very unique, she was half human and half tentacle, her body could feed from women as a tentacle would, but she had the mind of a human and the heart of a saint.

When Laura pulled Annie from her mothers body, she placed her gently into her mothers hand "Its a girl" Laura said, smiling and comforting her mother as best she could.

"She is your child, raise her as your own" Laura said to the woman, who held her child close.

And so Annie was raised as any human could would, her mother left the lair and walked to the plains where a small village had been build by the other women in the tentacle brood, the village grew vegetables and raised livestock for the children to eat from so that they would be able to grow into adulthood separate from the Brood.

As a child, Annie barely understood the role of the tentacles which watched over the village, they would come and go, visiting the village and feeding the adult women there, other tentacles stood watch over the town, acting as sentries incase some other predator came to raid the isolated place.

Annie would play with them sometimes, playing tag with some of them while their mothers tended the gardens or stitched together clothing for them to wear, the tentacles would very good at tag and hide and go seek, they always knew where to find Annie and her friends.

When Annie came of age, it was time for her to officially join the brood, it was expected of all young girls and boys to officially join the brood on their 18th birthday, when their bodies had matured to the point where they could assist the cause of the ever-growing community.

Annie took off her clothing which she had worn for the majority of her life and set it down on the bed, it would be the last time she would wear anything like that.

Exiting her hut, the warm sun beamed down on her face as the tentacle sentry which she had played games with all of her life came to say goodbye, it wrapped it's soft and slimy tentacle around Annie's waist and drew her closer, wrapping around her neck and chest gently as she too drew closer and put her hands around the creature, a gentle hug and a way of saying goodbye, as she moved with her small group of young adults toward the main lair, Annie looked back with tears building in her eyes.

Upon reaching the lair, the ritual was about ready to begin, the 6 young adults sat in a circle around the center of the lair, Laura and Samantha, the overlord were there to welcome these newcomers into the brood, surrounded by hundreds of excited women and tentacles.

"Today you come of age, and officially join us as a people" Samantha said as she stepped down from her tentacle throne and approached each person individually"

First she came to a young man, who was afraid and shaking, nervousness about what role would be chosen for him.

"Your name is Charlie is it not?" Samantha asked him

"Yes, my Overlord"

"Dont be afraid Charlie, each person has their role, and i think i know what role would best suit you"

Samantha reached down and grabbed the man's scrotum, feeling his testicles gently.

"A breeder, you shall help to bring more human children into this world, welcome to the brood" Samantha said as she stood up, holding Charlie by the arm, bringing him up as well, Samantha planted a small kiss on the cheek of the man, a sign that his fate had been decided and welcomed him into the brood officially.

there was a roar of excitement amongst the crowd, being named a breeder was a rare honor for a man, it allowed him to remain as a male and continue his duty through natural means.

Samantha walked to the next person, a woman named May

"Your name is May"

"Yes, my Overlord"

"I see the look of doubt in your eyes child, is there something you'd like to tell me"

"Yes, my Overlord, id like to leave this place and become a free woman"

There seemed to be a roar of disappointment through the crowd, people seemed to be saddened and frustrated by her choice.

"Now now, my people" Samantha said as she rose up and calmed the crowd around her.

"We must each walk our own path in life, May here has every right to explore the world as she chooses"

"Thank you, My Overlord"

"Go now May, you are free to leave our lands and find your own destiny....should you ever choose to return, we will welcome you back with open arms"

May rose from the ground and left the lair, many tentacles and women opened a path for her as she walked by them towards the exit.

"We are a free people, we are here of our own free will, any of you are welcome to come and go as you please, but the world is a scary and desperate place now, and here you are amongst friends who care about you, do not judge anyone who chooses to leave, it is their life and their decision should they choose it"

Samantha walked down the line to the next person, another man who sat up confidently, his back straight and his face serious.

"You are Benjamin, are you not?"

"Yes, My Overlord, i am prepared to serve you"

"How do you believe you could best serve our brood, Benjamin?"

"My Body and Mind are yours, i request the rite of transformation"

Thunderous applause and joy erupted from the crowd, who were pleased to here that someone would so eagerly accept the rite of transformation.

"Are you sure? Benjamin? The Rite of Transformation is permanent"

"I am Sure, my Overlord, nothing would please me more than to volunterr my body for the betterment of the brood"

"Very well Benjamin" Samantha motioned for Laura to come forward

The crowd erupted in excitement again as Laura moved from the center of the platform towards Benjamin.

Benjamin closed his eyes and lifted his head as Laura placed her hand on the man's chest, filling him with energy, his face became smaller and more feminine, his chest grew as his breasts became larger and full, his muscles shrank and became smaller and his short hair grew long and soft, finally, his genitals transformed into a woman's genitals and moments later, Benjamin was a beautiful woman with long brown hair.

"Benjamin, you shall now be known as Jamie, an honorable woman of the brood" Samantha placed a small kiss on the cheek of the new woman.

"Thank you, Overlord" Jamie said which her new womanly voice.

Samantha moved on down to Annie and knelt down before her.

"Your name is Annie"

"Yes, My Overlord"

"You were always a playful child, always getting into everything, are you prepared to bring the same enthusiasm into serving the brood?"

"I am, My Overlord"

"Then i Welcome to the Brood Annie" Samantha said as she kissed Annie on the cheek, as she moved on the down the line, more thunderous applause followed as Annie was filled with happiness and purpose, she looked behind her to see her mother there clapping and smiling ecstatically, as tears of joy rolled down her face.

Annie had purpose now, and she was excited to get started and help her brood in any way that she could, she couldent help but smile as she looked around the room and saw all of the people who were smiling, proud of her. She would be like them, and the Brood would grow stronger because of it, the community had flourished and would continue to flourish because of new additions like Annie.

At that moment, Annie couldn't imagine a more just cause than giving back to the community which had protected her and raised her throughout the years.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Random Encounter 2: Liliana

"No more, please!!" Liliana pleaded with her captor.

"Your body is not yet fully drained, Slave" The black tentacle creature spoke to her in her mind as it spread her legs open with its powerful tentacles, the cum from the previous assailant was still dripping from her pussy and flowing slowly down her thighs.

"I dont want to give you my energy, i need it!"

"You dont need your energy, you exist to feed us, that is your purpose, creature!" the black tentacle spoke to her again as it slowly rose its tentacles up from between her legs.

"Please, just let me stay awake, ive slept enough, i just want to remain conscious"

"There is no reason to keep you awake, your body is all we desire, not your happiness" a tentacle sprang forward but was deftly blocked by Liliana's hand which came down at the last second to stop it from penetrating her.

"Tell me a story then, to keep my mind occupied!" liliana pleaded.

"Will you resist no more?" the tentacle asked, as another tentacle came and wrapped itself around her wrist, dragging it aside.

Liliana nodded her head and opened her mouth.

The black tentacle creature placed a tentacle into the woman's mouth and slowly fucked her there as it told a tale.

"Have you heard the story about the three sisters and the big black tentacle?"

Liliana shook her head, with the tentacle still placed firmly between her lips.

"Once there was three sisters who lived in the dark forest, they were all fertile and delicious but had never been touched before, and one day came along a big black tentacle, who had smelled their delicious scent from miles away"

Liliana just sat there patiently sucking on the tentacle gently as she listened.

"The three sisters saw the tentacle creature coming and all ran apart, as the creature chased them down. One of the girls found herself in a bush, and the black tentacle called out to her;

"'come little girl, let me in, let me in'" said the tentacle as it waited outside for her to leave'

"To which the girl replied 'not by the hair of my juicy little bin'"

"our hero, the black tentacle then relied 'Then ill grab and ill smash and ill rape you within!"

"The black tentacle reached into the bush and grabbed the defiant sister and fucked her until she passed out in a pool of warm cum"

"The tentacle continued on, finding the second woman who was hiding up in a tree"

"come little girl, let me in, let me in"

"Not by the hair of my juicy little bin"

"Then ill grab and ill smash and ill rape you within!"

"The black tentacle reached up high into the tree and grabbed the cowering sister and pulled her down to the ground, fucking her until she passed out, leaving her unconscious against the tree as the cum flowed from her body.

"At last, the tentacle came to the final sister who was hiding behind a large rock"

"Come little girl, let me in, let me in"

"Not by the hair of my juicy little bin"

"Then ill grab and ill smash and ill rape you within!"

"The black tentacle reached and it grabbed, but couldn't wrangle the girl, the rock could not be bypassed"

"But the sly tentacle would not be denied, it leaped up high and blocked out the sky, descending on the girl with its mass and its frame, it made the girl pay with a tentacle which came"

"The tentacle fucked the girl hard in her mouth and her ass, it would be several days before the pain finally passed"

"The tentacle gathered all of the girls and went back to its lair, where it lived happily ever after....the end"

"That wasn't a very happy story" Liliana said

"Of course it was a happy story, the black tentacle captured three women and fucked them for the rest of its life.......maybe it eventually became an overlord and captured all of the women in the land, you can believe that if you want"

"What if the sisters eventually escaped again and fought off the tentacles heroically? earning their freedom?"

"What kind of lame ending would that be?" the black tentacle said to Liliana

The black tentacle inserted its tentacles into Liliana's ass and vagina and started fucking her quickly.

"maybe tomorrow ill come by and tell you the story of little black spawnling hood or perhaps the empress's new clothes."

Liliana passed out before she could answer, her orifices were filled with warm gooey cum shortly after.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intriguing Field notes 3 by Richard Morrow

Tentacle Anatomy and function: The Anatomy of the tentacle creatures is unique, it is unlike any organism which has ever been discovered in the world.

The Tentacles of one of these creatures actually conducts and draws a specific kind of energy from the human body from their mucus membranes, As the Vagina and Colon require alot of energy and bloodflow, the creature is able to best draw energy from these areas, especially when their victims are sufficiently aroused.

The Energy drawn from humans is very mysterious, it is understood however that humans are the only creatures that tentacle's can draw this energy from at humans, which the tentacles themselves then use to grow more powerful or grow larger.

Tentacle Semen: In much the same way that Tentacles are designed to draw energy from humans, tentacle semen has a unique functionality when interacting with the human body as well.

Tentacle semen contains hundreds of beneficial vitamins and nutrients, each of which improve the health and longevity of the consuming human at a cellular level, a Human who has recently consumed tentacle semen will heal faster, regain their strength faster (especially after it has been drained by a tentacle creature).

Tentacle semen also has shown the ability to suspend cell degeneration and cell death, meaning that if a human has had a diet of tentacle semen, it would be possible for that human to not only stop growth, but become immune to some age-related diseases.

Semen is still not entirely understood, when gently applied to physical wounds, it has shown signs of increasing the rate of healing by 500%, and if fed to a human who has become sick, they will quickly be cured of whatever ails them.

What would initially seem like an incredible panacea comes at a cost, the substance is incredibly addictive, once the human brain becomes accustomed to the heightened functions the body experiences because of it, it quickly begins abandoning some of its own processes in favor of the superior substance, therefore, several severe instances of withdrawl have been reported in studies of women at the compound.

This of course works in favor for the tentacles as their slaves become physically attached to the effects of the semen they are forced to consume and are thus, less likely to rebel against their capture.

Tentacle Slime: Tentacle slime is secreted from tentacle creatures naturally, or secreted from the meatwalls of a tentacle lair, the functionality of the Tentacle slime is to allow the human and the tentacle creature to communicate with one another telepathically, as well as allow the human mind to think faster and become aroused.

Tentacle slime is also addictive, causing victims who consume it to feel slower or more lethargic if they were to consume large amounts of it and were to stop, although it is less addictive than tentacle semen.

Mostly, Test subjects who have stopped the usage of tentacle slime complain about how lonely it is not being able to communicate with their captors, even through they are slaves.


Careful observation of a woman in custody of a tentacle almost always shares the same kind of progression between their relationship.

At first, the woman is naturally defiant and fights what can only be described as rape by the tentacle creature which have captured her, the creatures force their tentacles inside of the woman and drain her of her energy, it is a process which can be painful and stressful for the woman.

After a couple of days, the woman starts to become addicted to the tentacle semen and her body starts to feel aroused by the effects of the slime, it is at this point that the woman starts to become less defiant and will instead willingly accept the tentacles without much of a fight.

After a couple of months, the Woman's body has been trained to crave the tentacles and their semen, many women will cry out in desire to be fucked by the tentacles so that their body can feel what can only be intense pleasure and release.

After several years of captivity, the woman has effectively forgotten everything in life except being a willing vessel for the tentacles, there is no more struggling as the woman willingly accepts any and all commands from the tentacle creatures, this is generally when the tentacles begin selecting women for impregnation.

Each tentacle community is different and have their own methods of enslavement, though some make promises of freedom and preach about their duty to the brood, however there is in actuality, no freedom, women are bound to their tentacles by way of a subtle mind control, which although a woman may feel free, is actually being subconsciously drawn to the tentacles though use of their slime, making the defying of them almost impossible.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A - mot, censuur, mrme, dracodar, bloodshifter, mineve, dorl, zephyrion.

D - tentanari, nightshade, ogrebattler, genius, neko, archangel, aguy, xgfx, daverah,

8-9, real close, but D takes it.


Ella found herself surrounded by the familiar illumination of the meatwalls surrounding her, but for some reason, she couldn't understand exactly what color the lair was.

The Lair Ella was in seemed to be all of the colors and yet, none of them at the same time, her mind was blind to them.

Ella picked up her sword, which was half metal, half organic, the hilt of the sword wrapped around her arm as she rose it from the ground, latching onto her skin was the living substance which felt like a tentacle had grabbed onto her arm, but she was not afraid.

On the hilt of the corrupted sword was an eyeball which looked at Ella eerily, seeming to be interested in her face and chest area, but it also spent alot of time looking down at her privates, which were revealed through the armor she was wearing.

The Armor Ella had on was unique, it was living like the sword, and gripped close to her body as the soft interior caressed her gently with tiny little feelers.

On the exterior, the armor covered her body, entirely, except for her head and her lower regions, the living armor wrapped around her chest and squeezed her breasts together, giving her great support as small feelers within penetrated her nipples and slowly drew milk and small amounts of energy from her body.

On the exterior of the armor around her pelvis on each side of her hips were four medium sized tentacles which floated mindlessly around as Ella started to walk towards who she recognized as 'her' overlord.

"You have returned Ella, what do you have to report?"

"Our enemy has been vanquished, it's slime liters the floor of its lair.....it wont be causing us anymore trouble"

"Good work, my Knight.....and the women?"

"Scattered mostly, i caught a few of them as they ran away and drew their power from them"

"It must have been a long journey back, you must need to replenish your energy"

"My Armor is weakened and my sword is tired, i believe that is a good idea"

"Go then, re-energize your armaments, your body and your mind, when you return, ill have another mission for you"

"Understood, my Lord"

Ella said as she knelt down in front of the overlord, a acknowledgement of her fealty.

Ella walked down the hall, the tentacles around her pelvis were becoming increasingly agitated, and if she had still been in the field, she might have needed to allow them to drain power from her just to survive.

Ella walked for a few minutes before entering her chambers, a room which had many decorations around it, a chair which had erupted from the ground made up entirely of tentacles, there was a table right next to it which had long and stern tentacles laying flatly, acting like a surface.

Along the wall were her trophies, her collection of women which had been her reward for her years of conquest.

"Arent you going to welcome me home?" Ella said to them as they continued to try and ignore her

"i killed another one of your overlords today, i never get tired of seeing their slime seep from their bodies as they die what must be a terribly painful death"

"You are a monster!" one of the girls yelled to her.

"We're all monsters in this world, its just a matter of which kind of monster you choose to be"

Ella took her sword out of her fleshy hilt around her waist. "Its feeding time"

The blade of the sword quickly transformed into a tentacle, which dripped with its own lubrication and wiggled with anticipation as Ella shoved the tentacle into the woman who had just called her a monster.

The blade started to recharge quickly, soaking in the energy from the woman's body with amazing speed.

"Do you know what the difference between you and me is?" Ella asked another girl as she stepped over to her.

"You have forsaken your own race Ella! you are a corrupted monster!"

"Wrong, we're all corrupted monsters in this wasteland" Ella reached behind the woman's legs and pulled her forward, lifting her butt from the wall as she positioned her pelvis against the woman's, the tentacles against her hips growing increasingly excited as they knew it was time for them to free.

"The difference is that i won" Ella jammed her pelvis forward into the woman's, rubbing against it as the tentacles felt another woman's presence and fired into her body, into her pussy and asshole, thrusting in and out quickly, draining the woman's power.

"Yes.......feed my pets" Ella said as she flashed an evil grin at the terrified woman's face, her eyes shined with dark energy as the corruption in her body manifested itself there.


Ella woke up to find that the lair was incredibly busy, many of the other women had relocated to other sections of the lair as representatives from each of the other tentacle races now looked upon Ella, many with satisfaction.

Each of the representatives appeared to be humanoids, princesses or queens for every tentacle overlord in the land.

There was a few faces she recognized, the most recognizable being Evelan, the Pink tentacle queen whose rosy skin and bright blonde hair made her stand out from the rest of the ground.

Next to Evelyn was a robed figure who stood beside Evelan as they discussed something together, probably in relation to the auction.

There was a representative from Black who stood by herself, against the wall, carrying a dagger in her hand as she flipped it through the air and caught it, the woman wore a large Tiara with an Obsidian gem inside of it, which would only mean she was the Black Queen.

Another Princess stood away from the crowd, she had purple hued skin and had a mean look on her face, which was to be expected of a purple princess Ella thought.

Green's representative had a soft glow about her as she smiled happily, in contrast to what Ella had seen of Rachel, this woman was more like Zoey, happy and content with herself.

Missing was white's representative, who Ella guessed didn't believe in this sort of thing, two more mysterious hooded figured stood away from the crowd, trying to remain unnoticed.

The total amount of bidders was 7, accounting for 5 tentacle races, and of course, April, who conducted the proceedings.

"We are ready to begin the inspections, one at a time, please step forward and inspect the Hopebringer"

The green princess stepped forward first, and immediately started conversation with Ella.

"Im not actually here to bid today, Ella, but i just wanted to send a message from our overlord to you" the girl said as her smile grew wider

"Which is?"

"The path to happiness is servitude, be humble and accept your place in this world, We will accept you with open arms and promise you peace and tranquility, should you ever desire it"

"Is that all" Ella asked, already bored with whatever this woman was trying to sell.

"Thats it! good luck cutie!" The green princess pat Ella on the head gently and skipped away back into the crowd, looking excited as always. Ella could only roll her eyes in response.

The next woman came forward from the crowd, she was a direct contrasts from the other woman, it was the purple princess who came with a scowl on her face.

"You'd better hope we dont win this auction Hopebringer, otherwise you'll experience pain beyond belief for the rest of your life"

"Oh yeah? and who is going to inflict it? you? weakling?" Ella said in response, to the princess, obviously not afraid of her.

the Princess rose her hand to strike Ella, but April quickly came in and stopped her.

"that's enough, no damaging the merchandise!"

The purple princess just glared at Ella, who stared back into her face unafraid.

"My name is Kara, Hopebringer, remember my face"

"Turn around bitch, Ill remember your ass for when i kick it" Ella said as a smile of her own spread across her face.

Kara turned around and went back into the crowd, seething with rage.....she was likely going to place a huge bid, but Ella still wasent afraid of her.

April came close to check on Ella really quick.

"Are you ok?" April asked

"I'm having a blast, keep these clowns coming" Ella responded

"Next" April said as the black queen came from the back, everyone grew silent as she moved through them all.

"Hello, Ella" Cecilia said to her

"Wonderful weather we're having" Ella quipped, determined to make a mockery of whatever this was.

"Im not a fan of the dry heat myself" Cecilia said as she knelt down before Ella.

"Haven't you come here to impose your will and make me shiver in my boots at the prospect of becoming your slave?" Ella asked

"Not really, I just had to see what all of the fuss was about" Cecilia stuck two fingers into Ella's vagina and felt up around the inside of her.

"Into girls are you?" Ella said, determined to not let the molestation get into her way of being a defiant pain in the ass.

"If i win the bid, you'll be placed inside of the main chamber of the great lair for the overlord to feed from, i just want to make sure that you are worth that honor"

"the overlord, as in the only one? if you believe that ive got a bridge to sell you.."

"My overlord is special, it is the father of everything you see around you, it is the most powerful entity in the history of the world"

"Ill believe it when i see it"

"Perhaps you will be so lucky" Cecilia said as she removed her fingers from Ella's body and licked them clean

"See you soon" Cecilia said as she left and walked back into the crowd.

"Next" April said as the next person came up, a robed figure from behind the rest

"Ella Carter i presume?"

"Whose asking?"

the robed figure remained cloaked, Ella was unable to see any of her face or body.

"The Angels have chosen well"

"How could you.............?" Ella stopped herself

"Your body is naturally that of a breeder for your race, do you know what this means here" The mysterious woman reached out and glided her hand along Ella's hips on the perimeter, her nails were long and her fingers were dark pink, looking extremely unnatural, even for a corrupted human.

"What does it mean?"

"It means you were ment to be a mother in another life" the face looked up and showed the woman's dark red eyes, which burned with power.

this woman wasn't a woman at all, she was something else.

"See you soon, Ella Carter"

The hooded figure disappeared back into the ground, her butt swinging in the air in the most seductive way, as Ella looked down and saw a spaded tail swinging across the floor of the lair for a split second.


Evelan to Ella and immediately crouched down without saying anything and placed her fingers inside of Ella, feeling around inside of her.

"Why is everyone so interested in my crotch?" Ella asked

"Have you mothered a tentacle creature before?"

"I dont remember"

"Dont lie to me, i can tell that you have"

"Are you a doctor or something?" Ella asked

"Yes, im a fertility doctor" Evelan said as she took her fingers from Ella's Pussy and stuck them into her asshole.

"Hey, do you wanna stop that?" Ella said as she winced.

"Tentacles can impregnate a woman in either their Vagina or their Asshole, but i suppose you know that by now"

"So what are you doing, checking me for diseases?"

"You'd make a good breeder Ella, your body could carry multiple eggs in both orifices and you are a strong enough woman that you wouldn't need much rest between births." Evelan took her fingers out of Ella's ass.

"What would you bid for me?"

"Maybe 25, but that wont win any bid on you, but i'll tell you what, ill have my hunters and scavengers keep an eye out for you, if we see an opportunity to steal you away or snatch you up in the wilds, we'll have you birthing pink tentacles in no time"

"Thanks.....i guess" Ella said as Evelan went back into the crowd.

"Next" April called as the second robed mysterious figure from the back came forward

"Target identified"

"Excuse me?" Ella said, confused

"Bid sequence initiated"

"huh?" Ella said, confused as the robed figure stepped back into the crowd.


The final robed figure stepped forward, she had been talking to Evelan this entire time, but now was ready to ask her own questions

"Here" the woman's blue fingers came forward, containing a bit of slime

"No giving slime to the woman" April said as the woman stopped

"Thats ok" A voice entered Ella's mind "I don't need it"

"O......Olivia?" Ella said in her own mind as a it of induced fears ran down Ella's spine.

"You tried to kill my child Ella, i warned you"

The fear was building in Ella's mind, it wasent something she could control, Olivia was incredibly powerful and could make any human feel any way she wanted.

"I promise to punish you for this"

visions of Ella being grabbed by Olivia and raped entered her mind as her vagina started to become very wet and her mind started to fill with pleasure.

"Your futile quests ends today Ella, you will not kill another tentacle creature and you belong to me"

"I dont belong to anyone, i am my own person....screw you!" Ella said in her mind, trying to fight the visions Olivia was sending her as tears started to run down her face.

"Ella.........you are mine..........your mind, your body, your soul.....every fabric of your existence exists to serve me now"

Ella grit her teeth as the tears started to flow down her face, she tried to close her mind as Olivia's forceful whispers tried to capture her mind

"You will be mine Ella, and you will pay for your sins with your body" Olivia released Ella from her mental grasp, which allowed her to breath again.

"Are you ok Ella?" April said as she put her hands on Ella's face and started to wipe her tears away, Olivia had already disappeared back into the crowd.

"Yes....im fine" Ella tried to regroup and shake off the mental assault which Olivia had just inflicted her with, she was still scared, mostly that Olivia would win the auction and be mentally tormented like that again.

"I have to say that im sorry Ella" April said as she wiped away more of Ella's tears

"Sorry for what?" Ella said, still trying to speak through the emotions which Ella had brought on.

"Im sorry to have to do this to you, i feel guilty all of a sudden" April said as she fixed Ella's hair, straightening it out

"Dont be guility, you are doing what you believe is right"

"This doesn't seem right anymore" April said as she looked troubled

"Just do it April, it is out of your control now, i can take care of myself"

"I hope you are right Ella and.........im sorry"


Several minutes passed before April was ready to begin the bidding.

"Let the bidding start at ten women" April said

"ten" Evelan said as she raised her hand

"twenty" Kara said

"Twenty-Five" Evelan said

"Fifty" Cecilia said

"One hundred" April said suddenly, placing her own bid.

Everyone looked around strangely as Ella looked over at April as she smiled at her.

"One hundred and twenty five" Kara said

"One hundred and fifty" April said

Ella looked at April and shook her head to her as she looked on, trying to convince her not to do this.

"Two-hundred" Cecilia said with a devilish smile on her face

"Four Hundred" The Mysterious woman came forward and said suddenly, causing everyone to pause for a moment

"Six Hundred" Cecilia said as she crossed her arms confidently.

"Seven Hundred" The mysterious woman said crossing her own arms.

Suddenly, from the back, came a robotic voice "One-thousand, three hundred and seventy one"

Everyone paused from that point on.

"Going once......going twice" April said with hesitation.

Cecilia uncrossed her arms while shaking her head and left the lair in disgust.

"Sold, for One-thousand, three hundred and......seventy one"

"Unbelievable" April said as she sat down and started crying, each of the other bidders started to leave, except the winning bidder in the back, who just stood there as everyone else walked by.

Kara was swearing and cursing as she left, and Olivia and Evelan left together not unhappy at all.

The Mysterous woman in the robe just shook her head and left, clearly disappointed.

"Im so sorry Ella" April said as she herself started to cry.

"Don't be sad, it had to be done" Ella said as she tried to comfort her

"You deserve better than this, you know" April said

"Im not sure that i do"

"Ella, if you ever get away......please come back....ill find some way to protect you" April said, holding back her tears of guilt as much as she could.

"Dont worry about me April, i can take care of myself"

"Are you ready to go, Ella Carter?" The robotic voice spoke to Ella, the creature held out heavy manacles for Ella's arms and legs.

Ella nodded as the cuffs were placed on her wrists and ankles and she was released from the lair's binds.

The Mysterious figure picked up Ella's belongings, her Kris and her leather pants and held them together under its arm, prepared to leave.


Ella and the mysterious hooded figure exited the lair when the Hooded figure immediately took off it's hood, revealing the face of a bald man with glasses.

"My name is Professor Richard Morrow, head of the tentacle research division on Compound island"

"A male human?"

"Not exactly, my dear"

Morrow held out his arm and showed the damaged metal and gears which allowed it to function.

"What are you?"

"I am an android, created to serve the purposes of our creator, Xozz"

"Android?.....Xozz?" Ella asked, she was extremely confused.

"I shall explain on the way to the transport, it is located only a mile away from here, i hope you dont mind walking in those manacles"

"I can manage"

"Will you actually be able to trade all of the women you had promised to orange in exchange for me?"

"Yes, the exact number of women in our possession will be immediately transformed to the Orange Overlord's control as soon as you have been secured in our facility"

"Why would you bid so many...just for me"

A beeping noise went off in Morrow's pocket below causing him to pause for a second and take a small gadget out of it

"One moment, madam"

Morrow opened the gadget and immediately spoke into it.

"Number 472 here.......yes.............acknowledged.........understood..............right away" Morrow clicked the gadget closed and put it into his pocket.

"It seems as through an ambush had been set up for us back at the transport"

"An ambush?"

"You are an important person Ella, im not sure even you realize how important you are to not only us, but the world"

"Who is this Xozz....what is the compound.....who are you people?"

"All will be explained in due time.......ahhh...here they are now"

Two more Morrow units, each with various damage to their bodies appear, one of them had half of its face ripped off, showing instead a mechanical face underneath, the other was missing an arm entirely, but both of their lab coats were covered in purple tentacle slime.....the blood of the would be ambushers, with them they carried a woman, who had been beaten, as they moved closer Ella recognized her from earlier......it was Kara.

"Good Evening Morrow", one of the damaged units said to the one next to you

"Good Evening Gentlemen, who do you have here?"

"This troublemaker was setting up an ambush at the transport, she and her accomplices proved to be no match for us and our red tentacle comrades."

"Understood, well done Morrow"

"I see you have secured objective 1A, Morrow"

"Indeed i have Morrow"

"What shall be done about this one then?"

"Please......" Kara said, almost begging for mercy

The Morrow unit turned to you crisply "As a token of goodwill, we will allow you to decide the fate of this one who would cause you harm"

A mechanical spring shot forward from the android at Ella's side and revealed a shiny metal blade, which morrow took into his hand and pointed at the woman.

What do you do?

A. Tell Morrow to kill her.

B. Tell Morrow that you will kill her yourself

C. Tell Morrow to let her go.

D. Tell Morrow to take her with you, and add her to their their own collection.

E. Tell Morrow to bring her to the orange lair, as a down-payment.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I would say B, but I prefer killing those who are capable of putting up a fight. So E
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D.) Hrm...... that dream was a bit darker then i anticipated....... I don't want us to be a complete monster. I actually want us to be a more physically capable, more powerful, version of Zoey. We believe in coexistence with tentacles but we hunt down our enemies our anyone who wishes to harm humans or tentacles, like a tentacle knight. Maybe second only to matriarchs like Olivia and Laura if not equal to them. At least it's what I'm hoping for.

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

E. It looks like a revolution of princesses might be starting. If we leave Kara to April and the oranges we might have two sympathetic and possibly renegade princess as allies instead of just one.

It is unlikely that even we holy powers that we alone could free the world of tentacles, redeem humanity and fight off the demons, we will need allies that can act where we cannot.

Hopefully we don't end up as a mind controlled red puppet princess that Xozz will use to exert better control over the overprotective yet emotionally lacking red tentacles.

We should also tell Xozz about the coming demon invasion, it might not believe us but he may begin to factor the possibility into its projections and plans.

A possibility is that we could manipulate the tentacles and demons into wearing each other out so we could swoop in and finish them both off.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Just cause
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Mostly I just feel like keeping her close and under control to be the best option, and execution is something i will not even consider. While I don't really want to hand her over to red giving her to orange and risking purple attacking them to get her back and stealing all their women in the process could be an even worst move, or maybe we can find out why she attacked and if she can be of use to us in the near future

PS. TentanariX I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on that in more detail over in the discussion if you'd like to share your thoughts more
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

What the fuckin' bloody damn holy Fuck !?!?! :D Awesome Serif' !

By the way, I would really vote B but ... Shit, E is good enough.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

E. She can take the place of someone else.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C I say we should just let her go. it'll either make her grateful and we will have a possible friend in purple, or it will make her hate us for showing that we are better than her.