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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A 1 and 2

I fail to see why she can't wear pants and a shirt.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C1 I would say the leather pantaloons would be good cause better crotch protection would be awesome. but i wonder if we could wear the cotton tunic and the robe with it. as for the shield and mace, well the shield is additional protection which is always nice and i would think we cold strap it to our back for ease of travel. also i would recommend looking for something we could use as a belt so we can make a sheathe for the kris cause having more than one weapon would be helpful should we be disarmed.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 19: Xozz

Over the past 200 years, the complex where Xozz oversaw the growth and development of his children the red tentacles had become overrun by signs of not only nature, but the tentacles which lived there themselves.

The complex had originally been a secret research facility 20 miles off the coast of the main continent, about 25 miles from Barkholm and its ominous overcast, a sigh of a great evil building over the forsaken town.

Outside of the complex, The red tentacles lived as any tentacle would, holding their slaves captive and feeding upon them daily in order to grow more powerful.

The Red tentacles themselves were a complicated race, borrowing several of the best features of many of the other races while leaving out several of their weaknesses, In many ways, they were the perfect tentacle, designed to reign superior over the other tentacles in time, which would allow Xozz to effectively control the world, The red tentacles had properties such as mind control from blue, the strength of the green tentacles, the speed of the purple tentacles, the cunning of the black tentacles and the reproductive prowess of the pink tentacles, various other genetic enhancements were added, such as their ability to stop themselves from draining a woman's energy completely, which would allow her to re-energize faster.

The Red tentacles also had a personality which closely reflected that of their mother, Olivia, being stalwart protectors of their property, allowing no harm to come to them, captives of red tentacles rarely escaped, yet almost never tried, the pleasure a red tentacle could make a woman feel was unmatched, another choice enhancement Xozz decided to include for resource management purposes.

As powerful as his minions were however, the omen above Barkholm could mean only one thing......he was running out of time...

No one else knew exactly what the omen was, women who saw it were far too occupied trying to escape or avoid being raped, and most tentacles were so close-minded that they chose to ignore it.

But Xozz knew what the dark and swirling clouds ment, the demons were opening a gigantic portal into this world.

It had been thousands of years since the demons last came to this world, Xozz recorded their arrival himself, as their legions of bloodthirsty marauders entered, everything came to a halt, the black tentacles sent out their representatives and were met with massacre, the demons flew throughout the land bringing death and ruin to all, human and tentacle alike, a reminder to all who resided in this world that there was a power greater than them.

When the demons left, the human population and tentacle population was severely crippled, even other bio-synthesized units such as Xozz weren't spared as many other models were destroyed simply to appease the demon's desire to kill something whether it was living or not.

The humans called the invasion of the tentacles an Apocalypse, but that was nothing compared to the ruin and destruction that the demons would bring with them if they were allowed to enter our world.

Xozz thought himself the only chance for human and tentacle kind to survive now, not only that, but he also considered himself the most powerful entity on this planet due to his superior red tentacles and his vast knowledge, in due time the world would be his, and all life would exist to serve him, not because he wanted to rule, but because balance between all of the creatures in the world were part of his ultimate design, his desire for all life to function harmoniously, to each conduct their role like each individual gear in a machine.

In order to stop what would inevitably be the end of the world, Xozz had created a plan which would not only stop the demons, but ensure that the red tentacles would become the prime race in this world.

He sent his Morrow units out to retrieve the most important piece of his plan. Ella Carter, the Champion of the Angels....
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Ella placed her Candelabra down on the ground gently and untied the knot around her waist, sliding the robes off of her creamy skin and folded them up neatly, placing them under the table with the weapons on it.

Ella then picked up the leather pantaloons and unbuttoned them, sliding her smooth legs into the leggings as she felt their caress against her skin, she lifted them up and glided them over her butt, bringing the ends together as she buttoned them up again.

Ella moved a couple of steps and did a quick somersault in the small space of the tent, nodding as the pants appeared to be not only snug, but flexible around her body.

She walked over to the table and picked up the Kris, holding it out to see what the balance of the blade was, feelings its weight as she quickly switched hands with it, jabbing it forward into the air and swinging it upward and down, side to side.

Ella nodded as she placed the blade inside of her new pantaloons and exited the tent.

Upon exiting the tent, a gust of air and sand blew over her body, causing Ella to turn around and block the sand with her back, alot of the sand flew into her long blonde hair, causing her to lean forward and shake it out quickly.

"lets see if i remember how to use this thing" Ella said to herself as she quickly pulled the Kris from her pants and rolled forward, lunging forward and stabbing the air before her. she stood up and bent her knees, then sprang upward doing a backflip as she kicked the air in front of her and landed on her feet, doing a quick cross with her blade. Her breasts flopped out in front of her, with no support, it was not only uncomfortable, but potentially dangerous.

She would need to find a real shirt before she could start preforming the real agile stuff, Ella slide the blade down into her pants again and exited the encampment, walking to the south into the desert.


It didn't take long for someone to find her, Ella looked up across the hot sands to see someone hiding from below a rune, it was a scout, a human.

Ella didn't know exactly what kind of human would be in the middle of the desert watching her, but she knew she had to be careful.

She continued on as if she had not soon anyone, as not to give the person or persons watching her the indication that she had spotted them, she continued on, feeling a keen ear to the wind in case she detected any changes.


Ella continued for quite a while before she hear a small change behind, her, the sand was being moved on and the wind which blew past her was being blocked....she was being followed.

She continued on as if nothing happened, the light footsteps behind her grew closer as she walked, she kept up her pace as the person behind her started into a sprint.

Ella turned around just as the person reached her back, her put her hand on the woman's chest and neck and used her momentum to lifted her up off of the ground and throw her down in front of her.

The orange woman hit the ground with a thud, dropping next to her what was a crude mace.

"Ouch!" the woman yelled as she looked up and saw Ella's dark face and disheveled hair which blocked out the sun behind it.

"Who are you?!" Ella said, putting her bare foot down on the woman's chest.

"who you YOU?!" the woman responded, with a bit of confusion in her voice as to how she was defeated by a woman who wasent even a princess like her.

"Im Ella, and im here to kill your overlord" Ella said as she shook some more sand out of her hair.

"Then you'll have to beat all of us, Ella" the woman said as she put her fingers to her mouth and whistled loudly.

From behind a nearby dune, two more of the Princesses charged down, behind them came two tentacles hunters, big and strong tentacle creatures with at least 8 tentacles reach.

Ella quickly kicked some sand onto the face of the woman underneath her heel, causing her to be temporarily blinded and start spitting sand out of her mouth, Ella picked up her crude mace weapon as she did a quick somersault forward, turning around mid air, and landing perfectly on her feet, holding the mace in her hand.

Ella looked at it quickly, it was made of wood, and was used for knocking out someone.....she didnt need it, throwing the mace behind her and entering a defensive stance.

the two other princesses, waited until the third one had recovered, the tentacles at their sides waited patiently for the order to attack.

"This one is strong" the woman said as she continued to rub the sand from her eyes.

"No matter, she cant stop five of us"

"I bet i can" Ella said as she took the Kris from her pants and wielded it in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" one of the other princesses asked

"I'm here to kill your overlord and several tentacles with it, after that, ill leave peacefully, you can go on acting like a bunch of girl scouts if you want afterwards" Ella said confidently, switching her blade from hand to hand, spinning it as she waited for them to make their move.

"This is our Master's land, the Orange tentacle Overlord is not afraid of you"

"So Zoey wasent wasting my time after all" Ella said with a small smile forming on her lips

"Enough talk, get her!" the other princess beside her said.

The three princesses charged in, their tentacle hunters were behind them, charging in as well, Ella waited patiently untl the women were close, then burst into a sprint and slid on the sand crispy between them, sliding her Kris across the tentacle creatures as she hurried by.

two of the tentacles were severed from the creature quickly, but another tentacles reached out and grabbed her leg as she started running back to the other side, Ella quickly took her blade and sliced through it before it could pull her.

Ella stopped and turned around, unwrapping the severed tentacle from her leg and throwing it aside.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ella asked as she flipped her blade midair and caught it so that it pointed downward.

"You bitch!" one of the princesses said as she got on her knees and came to the aid of the wounded tentacle creature.

"You'll Pay for that" a girl said spitting into the sand next to her.

"Make me pay, im right here" Ella said, entering her stance again.

Two of the girls charged with the tentacle creature behind them again, its tentacles lifted way up into the air prepared to descend and capture Ella as it passed.

All sprinted forward and jumped into the air, kicking each woman in the face as they passed, then quickly ducking and dodging tentacles as the creature moved by, slicing upwards and downwards, and side to side.

The creature stopped moving, 6 of its 8 tentacles were severed completely and the creature quickly bled to death on the sand, the women beside it were both knocked out, unconscious.

Ella walked up to the girl and the tentacle creature that she was protecting.

"Move aside"

"No!" the woman yelled, shielding the creature from Ella with her body

"Move aside girl, that creature must die"

"I wont let you hurt it anymore" the girl said as tears started to roll down her eyes.

Ella grit her teeth and reached down, but soon felt a stinging pain in her back.

Ella reached back and pulled a small barb from her back which had been fired from afar.

"Put down your weapon immediately" a voice spoke to her, her image already becoming blurry"

"Jade lotus poison" Ella said as her knees wobbled

"put down the knife" the voice said to her.

Ella dropped to her knees, the knife slide out of her hand and onto the sand below, falling forward onto the sand unconscious.

"What took you so long, April?"

"You're lucky i showed up when i did........do you know who this is?" April asked

"Some woman.....Ella i think she said her name was" the princess said

"This is the Hopebringer she has a huge bounty on her.......shes worth a fortune!"

"A fortune of what?" The girl said as she gently rubbed the wounded tentacle creature behind her, trying to make it feel better

"uhm......the only currency that matters in our world?"

"How many?"

"Enough to make sunny really powerful!!" April said as she smiled widely.


Ella woke up pinned to the Meatwall of the orange lair, in front of her was April, who waited patiently for her to awaken and behind her was what she sought, the overlord of this desert.

The overlord was a large creature, it has hundreds of tentacles which were sprawled across the lair, inserted into many of the women which had been captured over the years, there were at least one hundred of them here, all moaning in pleasure as they were fucked by the overlord, supplying it with a constant stream of power.

Ella tried to pull away, but the meatwall had her locked in place, her leather pants were removed and placed neatly beside her, her kris was on top of them, it had been cleaned, presumably by who ever this person before her was.

"Good morning" The woman said to her, a smile on her face and her hands were wrapped around her back.

"Who are you?" Ella asked, leaning forward and blinking away the last effects of the poison.

"My name is April, im the Queen of this lair, and you are my captive"

"How did i not hear you coming?"

"Im very quiet...........say...............are you hungry?"

"Im not really in the mood for tentacle semen right now" Ella said in frustration

"Neither am i, which is why i brought this" April presented an apple to to Ella, it was red and shiny, Ella couldn't remember the last time she saw an apple.

"Where did you get that?"

"Don't worry about it, its yours"

"No thanks, ive been poisoned enough today" Ella said, shaking her head.

"your loss"

April walked over and picked up the Kris from on top of Ella's neatly folded pantaloons and sliced through the apple with it quickly, its juice leaked onto her hand and she put a small piece of it into her mouth and ate it.

"You know" April said as she continued chewing "its a good thing you were caught by us".

"really? i dont see it that way" Ella said as she was starting to become annoyed.

April cut another slice and put it in her mouth. "Because We're different, we're not cruel like purple and we aren't going to lie to you like blue or pink"

"I'm so lucky" Ella said a she looked down at the apple, not able to avoid licking her lips as she stared down at it.

"Yup, you know how it is, we know how it is.......that's just how it is" April cut off another slice of the apple and offered it to Ella, who shook her head again.

"What do you mean?" Ella asked

"Well, you know that you that you are captured and wont be getting away anytime soon, and we only want to fuck you and drain yours energy, we arent going to fool you into enjoying it, you either do or you don't, its very honest, and probably more fair" April said as she put another slice of the apple into her mouth.

"i don't"

"Your loss i suppose, if i was in your position, id try to enjoy it....its sex, it's suppose to be enjoyable" April said, cutting away the last piece of the apple.

"last chance" April said, holding the small slice of apple in front of Ella's mouth, who stuck out her tongue to accept it.

Ella crewed it slowly, savoring the flavor.

April wiped her hands.

"In a couple weeks, we'll be auctioning you off to the highest bidder"

Ella stopped chewing for a moment "What?"

"Representatives from each race will meet and they will each bid women in exchange for you"

"Why me?"

"You don't know do you?" April asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Don't know what?"

"You've got a massive bounty on your head, girl. You're worth at least two-hundred women"

"No way"

"yup, you're going to be the best thing that ever happened to sunny here" April said with a big smile on her face.

Ella just remained silent, thinking about it.

"Ill bring by some more apples later....and some pears....if you need anything let me know, ill be keeping a close eye on you"

"How about my knife" Ella asked seriously.

April just laughed as she put the knife back down on top of the leather pantaloons across the room and exited the lair.

Ella just sat there pinned against the wall, watching the overlord and the women around the room who moaned in ecstasy as they were slowly fucked....how anyone could live like this was unbelievable.

Ella just closed her eyes and went to sleep, disgusted and afraid.

What do you do?

A. Have a Dream.

B. Have a Nightmare.

C. Think about your Past.

D. Think about your Future.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C. Try to remember something that might help in our current predicament?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Reminiscing about past won't do any good, as well as thinking about future because it is grim and we don't have enough data to make anything of it.

Furthermore, actively thinking of something requires you to be awake, and Ella is asleep. If the options mean that she will wake up then better to keep sleeping to gather energy.

I'd say have a dream but if we have a nightmare then we may learn about Ella's worst fears which could be usefull in the upcoming events so I vote B.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C then A if we have time, you never know what dreams may tell you.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C. I don't like dreams, nightmares or things pertaining to the future....... Anything resembling visions are never good......
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. Have a training montage dream, where an angel teaches us how to channel holy energy which we can use to free our-self, kill the orange overlord and escape.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C : We need to understand how Ella, while she's a so big badass, did to stay alive. Yes : she never kills her enemies O_O" !! Yes, they're human but ... War is war. If you went to Irak or Afghanistan, you should know that when someone who want to kill you is just in front of you, it's a choice but either you kill or you die (I didn't go there but I know one personne).

So, Da big question she has to think about is : how the fuck did she to stay alive, 'cause she needs to do the same if she wants to continue.

And, if we have time, D, thinking about tentacles to get her angrier ^_^ !
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A go training montage
Killing a human is a lot harder then killing a animal (or tentacle) believe me its not as easy as pulling the trigger or throwing a grenade. Our society raises us to view the act or murder in a very negative light and shuns and "corrupts" those that do it. Killing is one of the worst crimes that can be committed in any country.
(note: some countries try to enforce this but its too deeply ingrained into it's citizens to effectively combat it).
Yet hunting or animal abuse is seen as something good or a light infraction.
(note 2: some states and countries do punish the killing of "pets" or endangered animals equal to damage to public / private Goods).
as for corrupting a person it's true after your 1st kill you either keep on killing rationalizing the deaths or enter a state of shock (almost) in which your emotions are shut down yet you can still act rational IE *numb* ( being numb though reduces your combat effectiveness)
Note 3: these are the two ways I have noticed during my deployment haven't seen anything else ( of course there are those who commit suicide after but still)
lastly soldiers have a hell of more desire to kill then Ella either through pay, National Identity, or because they might actually die.
unlike Ella who just gets fucked
sorry for the big post, but Minerve never again bring this subject up till you either joined the army (at least) or actually were put into a situation where you had other options to deal with a aggressor but still killed him/her
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. Have a training montage dream, where an angel teaches us how to channel holy energy which we can use to free our-self, kill the orange overlord and escape.

^ this would be good :p
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

In our past we killed plenty of tentacles... but most of the time we had a good sword. And armor. And weren't stuck in the meatwall of a tentacle lair. I don't see terribly much help there. And it's not like our past is full of roses and laughing children.

The future hasn't happened yet, and while considering our path is great and all, it's pretty obvious that we're going to start with "escape this lair" and we already made the choice about our eventual goals in the last decision. Plus we could end up thinking about our future as a captive of the tentacles.

Nightmares could go either way. Maybe it leaves us tired and scared, or maybe we face our fears and overcome them. As someone who has been a hunter for most of our life, the latter seems more likely... but then again we haven't been doing so great lately, and certainly the tentacles consider us prey.

A dream... well, it's hard to see how it might go bad. We could get complacent or something, but waking up and still being in a tentacle lair should probably fix that. If we were captive to the blues they might try the psychic wammy while we we let our guard down, but we're not.

The upsides aren't as great either (a training montage? really?) but so far in this adventure we've been surprised by things going badly far more often then we've been surprised by them going well. So I'm picking the dream.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

@Bloodshifter :
Yes, I know. Actually, I would rather see this world as a medieval world.

Though I'm not a soldier, I've never been and I will never be (I do not believe that killing is a good option), I know that when you've got a weapon and when you've got enemies, humans prefer to kill than to be killed : I've never said it's easy and I'll never (I know someone who is still under trauma [and after almost thirty years]). But, I won't compare the "real" world with a "game" (after all : being raped by monsters ain't a good thing too :p), so, as in video games, she could kill her enemies, no ?

On the other hand, when you say that she "just" get fucked (raped), is it "realistic" ? I don't think that anybody can think that being raped by monsters is a good thing => to kill these son-of-bitches before they rape her.

But I do not want a polemic, it was just a question ^_^
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A dream will make it all better
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A go training montage
Killing a human is a lot harder then killing a animal (or tentacle) believe me its not as easy as pulling the trigger or throwing a grenade. Our society raises us to view the act or murder in a very negative light and shuns and "corrupts" those that do it.

Also keep in mind that while we're raised to believe murder is wrong, Elle was raised in an environment where males were hunted/murdered to near extinction, females captured and raped (she herself being no stranger to that) What means does Elle have to conclude murder is wrong when the world around her has done nothing but show her nothing is sacred. Her father killed, mother taken and raped into submission, women everywhere around her turned into... unmentionable things, she herself raped and tortured on numerous occasions and the few signs of affection she can see are not humans being affectionate toward humans but humans being affectionate to the very creatures destroying her race(which is why the thought of caring for "ethan" was so repulsive, especially considering who it was named after...) Remember Elle isn't a human like we are, she's a human that was raised in a post-apocalyptic world where men were killed and women enslaved.

Just imagine from your own perspective if aliens arrived to kill all males, how would you treat humans willingly/forced-into aiding those creatures and threatening you? Elle seems to be a lawful good character in a world with no law, this puts her in a rather difficult position where a character who's used to blindly doing the right thing suddenly can't tell right from wrong (she used to run around indiscriminately smiting evil tentacles, but cant deal with the "grey" area of humans mind-bent to help the tentacles, unable to consider them evil apparently)

Keep in mind these are just my interpretations of the situation and for all I know Elle could just be on a blind hunt to kill all non-humans with no regards for good or evil ;p
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 20: Zoey

It has only been a couple of days since Ethan had been born and it had already shown signs of intelligence.

By continuously consuming it's slime, Ethan was able to read Zoey's thoughts and be able to communicate with her fairly well.

Zoey stood by a stream in the dark forest, teaching the creature it's first basic lessons about life and survival.

"You are a tentacle creature Ethan, you are different than me, you have differant parts"

"tencall?" Ethan responded, barely able to understand what it was.

"Yes Ethan, you are a creature with many long arms, you can grab things and pull them in" Zoey knelt down and lifted one of Ethan's small tentacles away from its body, which had also grown significantly larger over the past couple of days, being about the size of a cat now with about 4 tiny tentacles.

"what you ma?" the creature asked, trying its best to communicate back and ask a question of its own.

"Im a woman, a human woman"

Ethan just stood there confused, having no idea what the significance of that ment.

"Tentacles and Humans help each other, we give you our power and you give us yours, it is called a symbiotic relationship"

"sinniotic rebationship" the small tentacle creature responded, causing zoey to giggle.

Zoey thought that it might be time to have the birds and the bees discussion, seeing as how it was a tentacle creature and that was its primary purpose.

"Tentacles and women are perfect for each other, we each have parts which allow us to interact with the opposite"

"parts" Ethan acknowledged.

"these are my breasts" Zoey said as she cupped her small breasts.

"food" Ethan responded plainly.

"yes, food......for now, but you wont able be able to free from my breasts forever Ethan."

"why?" Ethan asked, almost in a sad tone.

"Because Ethan, you'll be too big....you'll need a more direct source to a powers energy"

"Direct?" Ethan asked again, curious about everything as always.

Zoey moved a bit closer to ethan and then sat on the ground and spread her legs between it.

"This is where you will feed from, from now on" Zoey said as she slide one of her fingers between her thighs and stroked her pussy.


"Yes, it is a direct source to a woman's power, it is called her vagina"


"You'll figure it out......would you like to try?"

"no hurt?"

"No, you wont hurt me Ethan, you are little...it will be good for you, help you grow"

"how?" Ethan asked

"Like this" Zoey grabbed one of Ethan's little tentacles and placed it outside of her womanhood

"just go inside and feel the warmth, your body will do the rest"

Ethan's little tentacles pushed up against Zoey's Labia, feeling her warmth as it pushed through carefully.

"Do you feel it?" Zoey asked as she put her arm around Ethan and drew it closer.

"good feels good" Ethan said as it felt around inside of Zoey happily

"yes, it feels good" Zoey said as she smiled.

"you can feed from there as much as you want ethan, but when mommy says she is tired, you let her go, ok?"


"come here" Zoey put her hands out to welcome ethan as it jumped into her arms, one of its tentacle still inside of zoey.

"Mommy will tell you a story about her and all of her children, who she loves very much"


"Yes love, Ethan, it is the feeling between two creatures who like every other very much, they would sacrifice themselves to protect the one they love.."

"i love you mommy"

Zoey brought Ethan close and kissed it on the side "Mommy loves you too Ethan"

Zoey laid down on her back and looked up through the trees to see the stars in the sky.

"You should love all women Ethan, all women are like mommy, but some are confused and may try to hurt you if you arent careful"

"Why would they hurt?"

"They are confused, they cant accept a world where tentacles and humans live together happily"


"I don't know, Ethan, some tentacle creatures are very bad...they treat mommy and other women very badly, but we'll change them both together Ethan, we'll show both of them that our symbiotic relationship is best for both of our races"

"Symbiotic relationship"

"There you go!" Zoey yelled excitedly as she held Ethan close to her chest and laughed.

Zoey felt the warmth from Ethan's mind, and knew that if it had a face, it would be smiling like a happy baby child in her arms, and that is how she saw it.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I go with B and see where it goes, and don't want to clutter here posted thoughts in discussion thread --> (booooooo i can't post the link aperently)

call me crazy but i kind of want to vote for Zoey to make a trip to learn about other blues herself
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 21: Alumae

"I've often found that semen from the source is best" Alumae said as she held the man down against the crimson sheets of her bed in the middle of a chamber with several fiery Braziers around it.

"My Queen i" The man said as he was held down by Alumae, who was at least five times stronger than him

"Be quiet, fool, dont speak unless i command you to" alumae said as she mounted him quickly, sitting on his chest and pinning him down against her smooth ass and the silken sheets.

"Finding good semen isnt easy anymore, the tentacles killed all of the men, if i didnt keep you all under close protection, you'd be dead within minutes, strangled and left to rot somewhere" Her long smooth fingers wrapped around the man's penis and started to stroke it gently.

"Human Semen is delicious to a succubus, the purity of the human spirit is what makes it such a delicacy" Alumae spit down onto the cock between her fingers, landing a bit of her spit ontop of the head of the penis, her aim was excellent.

"Does it matter you horny to know that i brought you here today just so that i could dine on the sweet fluid in your balls?"

"Yes, my Queen"

"Did you know what originally, succubi were created to subjugate your race?"

"I dont know what you mean, my Queen"

"Stop calling me Queen you fool, i didnt bring you here so that i could be reminded of my title"


Alumae's fingers quickened as the squishing noises between her fingers and his phallus intensified.

"We were to be the true rulers of this world, to enslave all of the women and make them watched while we seduced their men with our feminine charms"

the man beneath her started to struggled to respond as he started feeling intensive, but not overwhelming pleasure in his nether region.

"I could dangle you on the edge of ecstacy for the rest of your life, trapping you here in this room where you would never want to leave, that is my power"

Alumae long tongue came down and quickly licked the tip of the man's penis. "But then they were created, the chosen ones"

Alumae continued to stroke the man's penis, holding him on the edge, causing him to writhe in ecstasy behind her.

"It doesnt matter anymore, im fine with it.........im a lover, not a fighter"

Alumae dropped her head down and wrapped her mouth around the cock, shaping her mouth into a tight hole and forcing the cock deep down into her throat, coming up for air a few minutes later as the man squirmed below her helplessly.

"And im not even angry at the fact that foolish Sarynhalt sent me down here to fix his problem, im a succubus, no demon has more expertise on how to dominate the human race than us"

Alumae stuck one of her long fingers in the man's ass and started to massage his prostate.

"But the fact that, i have to come down here, fix his problems and then leave"

Alumae forced her face down on the cock one again, using her other hand to fondle the man's balls while she massaged his prostate, the man ejaculated, squirting a huge amount of semen into Alumae's mouth, she quickly swallowed it all and gulped it down as his balls emptied into her mouth.

Alumae licked her lips and rolled off of the man, who was completely drained, she rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling.

"No way, im not going to go back to the demon realm, im happy here, i get all of the human semen i want you you foolish creatures tremble before me...i refuse to go back and be another demon's doormat....do you know what i mean?"

"Not really....my Queen"

"Get out you worthless creature, send in the next man....i feel like being fucked tonight"

As the man left the room, alumae brought her spaded tail over from between her legs and started to masturbate with it.

"I wont go back.......i've got to close the portal......but how?"

Alumae just looked up at the ceiling thinking to herself for several minutes, then suddenly, she gasped and sat up.

"The Hopebringer!" her eyes widens with excitement as she leaped off of the bed and ran into her desk nearby, looking at scrolls and notes that she had made through the years.

She tossed aside several scrolls before she finally found the one she was looking for.

"Ella Carter, here she is"

She read through the scroll, finding out as much as she could from notes she had made several years ago regarding the mayhem the woman had caused.

Alumae laughed to herself "Shes the one." Alumae held the scroll close and raced out of the room, passing by the next man who was waiting patiently.

"Im coming for you, Hopebringer!" Alumae said as she ran through the dark halls of her citadel.
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