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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Option C has been added as a compromise; more on that soon.

Couldn't help myself, intended purely for laughs:

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


How the hell did B loose last time

I was looking forward to seeing some tentacle princesses turned into mashed potato
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I find it hilarious how you answer your own question, they picked A because they either wanted more rape and/or no killing, your overexcitement over the killing aspect of the B choice is the kind of thing that put people off of picking it.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

@4access69: not sure if this was another of your tongue in cheek ideas, but what the hell. C. for Changing my vote from B to C!CCCCC

All the options seemed plausible in their own way, and I am certain that all would have interesting story lines and choices to make. On the one side Zoey seems like a nice girl, and it would be nice to be reunited with mom. On the other, being an instrument of divine retribution against tentacles and succubi(no I didn't forget about our succubus friend) would have been pretty freaking sweet too. But thinking about it, no one's made of stone, so why not have our young mother do a little soul searching?

So yea, why not C?

Censuur I stopped reading your posts a long time ago. I am here to play the game, not get in an argument. If B is the only choice that makes sense to you that's fine. But why not let other people have their own opinions? Besides, if it was so horribly out of character, I am pretty sure THE WRITER wouldn't have put the choice in at all. That is all I am going to say. And before you post another extremely long, out of place response, just know that I will neither read it nor respond.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C. But maybe hopefully we can still be a warrior..... Just a little more lenient towards tentacles...... Only attacking the very dangerous/violent ones like black, green and purple?

EDIT: BALLS........ *sigh*....... Well, in retrospect, I guess B is the most sensical choice.... Hrm.... Yeah...... B.

EDIT EDIT: C. Were doing too much thinking here. We just do what we feel is natural. Honestly I think we'd be more interesting and fun of a character if we could be more...... Adaptive, flexible maybe? We don't know what the fuck is going on in this world anymore. Who knows, even after birthing and raising the tentacle we may end up even more determined that tentacles are abominations in need of exterminating, or that only certain breeds do, or fight for all tentacle kind. It's supposed to be the point and real fun of this kind of story/game. So let's just roll the dice and see what happens. :p
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Have you been reading... like at all?

Why not C? the entire page is full of reasons...

Look, imagine if your mother suddenly started dating another woman, rejected you as her child and migrated to Mongolia, would this still be your mother? Of course not, maybe in a strictly biological sense, but this is no longer the person that she was before. Even the court recognizes someone acting radically different from their entire life up to that point as insanity (in case of reverting, temporary insanity) You're trying to turn Elle into something she isn't, Elle isn't Zoey, some slave to the tentacles, and while I wouldn't stop you from trying to make her into it (it's your choice after all) I'd appreciate it if you'd stop acting like its somehow sensible and anything but insanity.

C. But maybe hopefully we can still be a warrior..... Just a little more lenient towards tentacles...... Only attacking the very dangerous/violent ones like black, green and purple?

What exactly do you expect will happen when we start taking care of that monster, the damn thing feeds off women and that includes us, you think putting up a fight is possible with that thing constantly fucking you for nourishment? Or will you sell out other women for that purpose? Option C is a dead end, compromise equals surrender, as you have nothing to offer the enemy except your surrender, and they have nothing to gain from you except your surrender, a compromise equals a trade-off of some sort, you can't trade what you don't have (though this concept might be alien to some cultures... but that's a different topic ;p)

What the enemy wants is essentially your soul, or the body it inhabits and the submission thereof, any option besides fighting equals giving that up, and who are you if not your body and soul, what are you after you've given those away?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

You're trying to turn Elle into something she isn't

The Evolution of characters allows them to change into whatever we want. By the end of the story, Ella could be a champion of any one of the tentacle races, moving from land to land destroying their enemies and gathering women.

If the character you chose was any of the other ones on the table, would you have so vehemently believed that the destruction of tentacles was your primary goal?

The fact is, just because Ella is on a path now, doesn't mean that it is the correct one. There is no correct path. there is no 'just' path. Zoey's belief's are just as valid as Ella's are, and whether you believe in good or evil is irrelevant.

Ella's belief is that killing innocent humans is wrong (it is something that ive decided makes the most sense for her character), especially since she is trying to rescue her race from the tentacles, she had her chance to kill princesses and she opted to let them go mercifully instead.

This is a big empty world, and there is much to explore. parts are moving and will continue to move with or without you.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C this is so much to take in all at once I admit lot of you guys make sense but remember all humans are bias in some respect. "in a world without differing opinions humanity ceases to exist" so try to accept that your way isn't the only way. Also Ella world basically got turned upside down her mother isn't free but a slave, she bore her 1st overlord "Ethan" I mean she named him (it?) after her father that is quite difficult for her to kill it just like that.
have a kid and it changes you. well some people at least.
And can we really say that killing Zoey will be approved of in the world she is trying to create? Will our (Divine) benefactor accept our reason? or will (it) he remove our might because we attempted to do what the tentacle creatures do albeit in a more violent fashion?

wow that was long winded for me at least lots of retyping everything past spoiler can be skipped
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C soul searching, plus perspective could do some some, not everything is has black and white has some would believe
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C as well, This option will in my opinion give us sometime to reflect on the information our character has been given. It will also give us the chance to decide if we are a character who can be reasoned with and my change our minds about tentacle creatures or it will strengthen our resolve to try and bring about their end. Either way our character has been through some seriously mind altering situations recently and some time to process it all in my opinion can be nothing but good for our heroine.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Having a discussion about the CYOA and the events is it is great and encouraged, but please try to keep it short, there is alot of clutter between the updates and the arguments, it is becoming a bit of a problem.

Please use the 'spoiler' tag for anything more than a few lines.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Why do people keep acting like we're somehow the parent of this monster, there are plenty of insects that lay their eggs in other animals/humans, those eggs hatching and going out into the world doesn't turn the insect's victims into the parent of whatever was in the eggs, such a thing would be a bastardization of maternity.

Personally, this is the turn of events I hate the most, where the character stops being the character (this isn't development, everything the character stands for is being thrown away at this point and she's giving up on her life so far) and simply submits, submission, losing what you are to someone/something else is a fate worse than death. Losing your mind is the mental equivalent of breaking your back, your mind becomes useless, your body nothing but an empty shell acting on instinct. Rather than having a mind trapped in a useless body, you have a body encasing a useless mind.

The ego is what makes us who we are, losing that essentially kills who you are and turns you into a puppet to be pushed around, if you don't value yourself, you don't value the thousands of lives ended on the behalf of your survival (all the plants/animals you've eaten, all the creatures you've stepped on/or and denied existence simply by being alive. The only way anything can be selfless is by being dead, wanting to be both alive and selfless is like having your cake and eating it. The simple truth is that by being alive you are essentially valuing your life over all the lives that were ended because of it. (this paragraph is mostly about RL and doesn't relate to the story much, though the concept of value of life still applies)

This rant does bring up a question though, where are all the animals in the world? Do the tentacles kill them as they have killed the males, for being useless to them and a threat at worst (many animals could certainly be a risk to the females, if not them).

Anyway, I would like to know why people are voting to turn Elle into a second Zoey (maternal slave). Why can't we just let Elle be Elle, and enjoy Zoey for what she is.

Either way our character has been through some seriously mind altering situations recently and some time to process it all in my opinion can be nothing but good for our heroine.

And exactly how do you figure being fucked by a mind-altering tentacle (not to mention addiction to its cum) is a good way to process the situation? Time? The very reason we started fighting in the first place is because the damn things wouldn't leave us alone, do you really figure we'd get the time to think things through while caring for a monster as well?

The options are the same they have been since before C was introduced, we give up or we fight, C is just another flavor of giving up as it's only a matter of time before we'd be captured, or our own spawn essentially turns against us. Remember the ending to chapter 1 anyone? Where we chose to sacrifice someone to escape only to build a new prison for ourselves? Remember how hollow that ending was, that's what you're now voting for, instead of going to an existing lair you're building one around you, and your fate will be the same.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

You've said almost the same thing at least five times since the last vote, and being a chump I read all of the posts. Explanation is all well and good, but we're (mostly) capable of understanding without repetition.

EDIT: Vote changed to B, having read the intermission.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Prove it, I still see everyone stating things that blatantly contradict what we already know and see little proof of anyone understanding. Its easy to claim something, then do nothing to back it.

I'M THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE! (see, believable isn't it?)

My inbox is readily awaiting proof of your claims, don't wimp out now ;)

My main point is that I have yet to see a single of my "claims" challenged in any coherent way, how can you claim to understand someone's point when you've only listened, I mentioned before the cognitive process of "perception, processing, verification, action, reflection, reaction" and you're missing the same step that was missed back then (proving you understand, clearly)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Remember how hollow that ending was?

i would appreciate you keeping your opinion about how 'hollow' the ending of either of the other CYOAs was, especially in how it relates to the potential ending of this CYOA. After all, that ending is likely to be wrote many months in the future, and by then, Ella could have become an astronaut who trades homemade pie to the ancient Egyptians in exchange for their collection of funny hats (please note that this is unlikely).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I do apologize for that, allow me to clarify in possibly less offensive terms, I said the ending was "hollow" because we escaped one tentacle lair only be be enclosed in another of our own free will. While clearly better off, in the end we were still fucked (literally ;p)

Depending on perspective (in this case, mine) it makes the ending somewhat hollow, though I should be clear in saying that a hollow ending is hardly a "bad ending" sometimes it's the best possible ending, in fact I really liked the way the ending was handled in the first chapter, though it did feel a little rushed ;)

I once again apologize, thinking back I seem to hold a rather aggressive tone as if trying to force the story to go the way I want it to. I'm not trying to say the story should go one way or another, or that one way is "better" than the other.

The reason I am this "offensive" is because I react strongly to contradictions and will try to resolve them (either through learning my mistake in perceiving the contradiction in the first place, or correcting the contradicting logic) and so I challenge the claims made by others regarding the story, in an effort to get a better understanding of what is going on.

Due to the various signals I'm getting, its time for me to back off a bit and take a more relaxed tone, I do tend to get carried away ;)
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

(...) by then, Ella could have become an astronaut who trades homemade pie to the ancient Egyptians in exchange for their collection of funny hats (...)


Also, I'll get to you in a bit on that one censuur. Requires composition
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intriguing Field Notes 2 by Richard Morrow

Finding a tentacle lair within an area is not difficult, in what used to be a location in which the tentacles successfully kept their existence hidden from the world has instead become a bustling epicenter for rape and humiliation, of course, each case is different.

In finding a tentacle lair, the signs are obvious.

- Increased tentacle activity.

This goes without saying, the closer you are to a bees nest, the more bees you can expect to find, the same can be said about tentacles, and while some 'drones' wander far in their search for more victims, most of the tentacles (especially today) are left simply to reap the benefit of their accumulation and to protect the hive. (or Lair) and its Queen (Overlord).

- Decreased population of local wildlife.

Tentacle creatures are unnatural and disrupt the natural order of the environment. their presence has an impact on everything around them, from the water in the streams (although water tainted with tentacle slime or semen has not been proven to have an effect on any species other than human), to the very flora in the ground, more on that next.

- 'Corrupted' Plantlife

Extremely large tentacle lairs which undoubtedly house extremely large overlords seem to change the genetic composition of nearby plants and trees.

Trees begin to grow tentacles which reach out and grab anything that moves (especially if it is human).

Plants start to emit powerful pollen which has temporary debilitating effect on a human's judgement (as well as significantly increasing their desire).

Even the grass starts to wrap around feet and hold victims to the ground.

The signs of such a corruption is obvious, near Barkholm (which great care was taken to avoid detection) the signs of floral corruption surrounding the town were everywhere, each plant had a distinct purple color rather than the usual green, thought easy to detect such a corruption, avoiding it would be nearly impossible.

Even if a Victim had escaped from the main tentacle lair, she would immediately be greeted with the predatory organisms, making escape from the nearby forests another trial.

My programming has calculated that there is only a 64% chance for detection should i enter a small Lair on the perimeter of purple control, for the recording of my next set of research, i have decided that this is an acceptable risk, as our research into the natural lairs is vital to the advancement of our own brood.
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