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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 7: Sylvia

The Purple Queen Lifted her foot and put it on the woman's back, pushing her forward onto the ground.

"If you try to run, ill bring you to my overlord, im sure it would love to devour an innocent little girl like you"

"Please" the girl said from her vulnerable position "Anything but that!"

The Purple overlord had a reputation for tormenting his victims, the pain they felt would cause women to lose their minds as their bodies were wracked mercilessly with it's tentacles.

The tentacles of the overlord were said to be barbed, not sharp enough to pierce the skin, but sharp enough to cause extreme pain in the sensative areas which they were ment to defile.

Sylvia knelt down next to the girl, bringing her tentacle staff closer.

"Dont move"

As Sylvia's tentacle staff came closer to the woman's lower orifices, the tentacles started to become more activate until they were close enough to push into the woman's asshole.

The girl yelled out in pain, but quickly bit her tongue, the tentacles were inside of her now, fucking her in her ass.

"Isnt this nice?" Sylvia said to her as she let out a sadistic laugh.

The tentacles fucked her without mercy, pounding into her delicate hole and draining the woman's power quickly as she felt the pain of the tentacles ravaging her anus.

the woman couldn't contain herself anymore and screamed out in pain, as she did, the staff glowed with power as the woman's arms weakened and she fell to the ground unconscious, her face smashing against the dirt below her.

Sylvia got up and ripped the tentacle staff from the woman's ass, using her hand to brush her flowing purple hair back past the Silver Tiara on her head with the amethyst gem imbedded into it.

"pathetic" Sylvia said as she stepped over the woman "She all yours" she said to the purple tentacles behind her as they swarmed her, lifting her legs apart and ravaging her unconscious body, trying to squeeze what little energy she may have had left like dogs fighting over food scraps.

Sylvia had caught this one just outside of the ruined town of Barkholm, and could hardly believe there were wild women still wandering these woods so long after the raid over two-hundred years ago.

Perhaps she was an escapee from Green or Red? if she was, she would have been better off with them.

Purple was the cruelest tentacle race of them all and Sylvia, their queen, had to provide examples of what real cruelty was from time to time to keep her brood that way, Sylvia was the most ruthless one of them all, and even rivaled her overlord's sadistic nature.

Sylvia had half a century worth of this kind of torment from the purple tentacles, eventually earning their respect, nobody in the world had felt as much pain throughout her life as Sylvia did, and it was time to share that pain with the rest of the world.

Her Tentacle staff glowed with power, having been fed off of the girl, it felt warm in her hand and the tentacles writhed in the air more activate than normal, the staff was ready to help her tear through these lands like a scourge.

Sylvia was on the beginning of a hunt with a small pack of soldier tentacles, she intended on traveling through the lands and torturing every woman she came across, so that when they were captured by other overlords in their lands, they would always fear the purple tentacles more than their own captors.

Sylvia intended to travel south, through the deserts of the orange tentacles, to the thick forests and bogs of the black tentacles and eventually into the plains and deserts of the blue and pink tentacles, so she could remind those fools what pain was.

though there were rumors that the 'hopebringer' was in the black forest which was on her way and she was certainly worth going out of her way to find, her ultimate mission was to find a familiar face who had escaped her in the grand lair more than 400 years ago. Laura.

Though Laura was rumored to be more than a mere human now, a 'Matriach' creature, Sylvia didnt care, she would drag Laura out into the streets of her own seaside town and rape her viciously in front of all of her citizens, then force her to watch as she sodomized each of her beloved followers, by the time she would be done, the streets would flow with semen and blood and the cries of mercy would ring through the peaceful town and turn into screams of agony.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I pick D.

The way I see Ella, she wouldn't be a monster that would pick B, but C is too dangerous, and A would waste an item.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

As I see it, A would (possibly) distract any tentacles coming nearby just as well as D and the women would be able to keep going a bit longer, thus giving us more time. Therefore, I choose A
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I choose C.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D. We are barely in a position to help ourselves, much what anyone else.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


We're a loner we fight better by on our own. Even if we were at the top of our game we wouldn't invite them along, and we are a long way from the top of our game.

Our overall goal is too important to risk by trying to care for two run away children, especially when naked, unarmed, tired and suffering from semen withdrawal.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

With C and D we risk that they strangle us in sleep... Or at least rob us, or sacrifice us, or... etc. People pushed to the edge are feral, you know? Nevertheless B is a bit too bitchy for my taste...

I vote A since it gives us the best chance to finally rest a bit. I hope two tired girls are a more tempting target for tentacles than poor Ella ^^
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

(A) is locked in.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Ella looks down at the bottle in her hands.....though she could use the substance, she was strong, these women could use it more than her while they tried to escape from these lands.

"Wait" Ella said as she walked towards them, they turned around and looked confused.

"take this you'll need it more than i will, just be sure to keep moving, there are creatures all over this place" Ella said as she handed the bottle to the woman before her.

"Thank you" the woman said as she smiled, taking the bottle from her hands and continuing onward with her friend.

Was it the right decision? probably not. there will come a time where something like that would be incredibly useful, but being selfless was part of being human and Ella thought herself one of the last remaining humans who could afford to think that way.

Ella had gone on long enough without sleep, she was passing out where she stood and though it was a risk sleeping in the middle of a place like this, she had no choice. it was either sleep now and hope that the creatures didnt find her, or press on and be defeated.


Ella found a house with an unlocked door and minimal windows, she walked inside and locked the door to the house, walking into a bedroom and immediately passing out on the cold sheets, dropping the knife on the floor shortly afterward.

Ella slept for 10 hours, she rarely dreamed, but this time was different, she dreamed about being held by a mysterious lover as they caressed each other in their arms, Ella felt the warmth of the person who held her lovingly, it was a special thing to give yourself to someone entirely, to trust them and fall asleep in their arms like a child.....it was a feeling that Ella had longed to feel again...


Ella had only seen what a man looked like a couple times in her life. After the tentacles invaded the human lands two-hundred years ago, they slaughtered most of the men, the others had disappeared mysteriously, and others yet were rumored to have been captured by the red tentacles and stored away, deep in their lairs or at their mysterious island 20 miles out to sea.

Though the escaped female slave was rare, the male was rarer still and had to be especially careful, as i they were caught, there would be no second chances, and immediate death would follow.

some men traveled in large groups of escaped female slaves, who did their best to protect their identity.

Ella remembered the first time she saw a man, it was two years ago and she had just killed the overlord in a desolate area in the north, after the overlord had been slain, the escaped slaves and others hiding out in the hills came down to greet and thank her, amongst them was a man who was shrouded by a long cloak, covering his face with a cloak, but he was taller than the other people by a foot.

Ella followed the group for a few days and helped them get re-situated, giving them survival tips and showing them which foods in their lands were eatable.

When the tall person left the campfire to go into the woods, Ella slipped away and followed him until he stopped and removed his cloak, revealing his muscles and chest.

Ella watched from a shroud as this man took his cock out of his linen pants and urinated against a tree, Ella was mesmerized by him, and felt a kind of warmth rise up from deep down inside of her.

she slipped and make a noise as she broke some dry sticks below her, the man turned around and looked at Ella, her beautiful face couldn't stop starring at his penis as she hastily put it back in his pants.

"im sorry" ella said, as she got up and walked over to him.

"Its not the first time" the man said to her.

"i've never seen a man before" Ella said to him

"There arent many of us left" the man said, as he removed his cloak from his head, revealing his long black hair and handsome face.

"how did you survive?" Ella asked him

"I've lived in these hills for my entire life, here in the cold weather where tentacles tend to avoid"

"You are lucky"

"no, im not"

"what do you mean?" Ella asked, looking puzzled.

"My entire life ive had to live like this, hidden away. only a couple of girls know that i am a man, i live amongst the group as an outcast"


"Because if they knew that i was a man, it would create problems within the ground...ive seen it happen before....this wasent always my party."

"Women fight over you?"

The man sighed "its not as appealing as it sounds...it breaks up friendships and creates competition."

"That does sound like a problem..." ella said again

"I wish i were born a woman..."

"Dont say that, you are important to the survival of humanity, without you and men like you, our race will die out or become entirely dependant on the tentacles........if we can ever hope to take this world back, you need to stay safe"

The man stood there silently, looking into Ella's eyes.

"You are brave...and you are strong..........perhaps you can bring hope to these people"

"im just a woman who is trying to survive"

"No, you are a paragon"

The man put his arm on Ella's shoulder, she felt his warmth and her heart fluttered.

"Hopebringer" The man said to her. "Thank you"

The two laid together in the woods talking throughout the night about their experiences away from the rest of the party, coming closer as the night went on, the man finally went to sleep beside her and held her tight for warmth, Ella felt serenity that night like nothing she had ever felt in her life...if she could, she would have stayed in that man's arms forever, feeling warmth, love and protection.

The next morning, the man thanked her and left her, calling her hopebringer once again before he traveled back to his party.

Ella walked on, feeling resolute as ever, determined to feel that serenity once again when this world was free from the terrors which preyed on them.


When Ella awakened she had a pillow in her arms which she had been cuddling with for the entire night.

It was early in the morning with the sun just coming up, Ella looked out the window and immediately ducked as she saw a Black tentacle creature coming up the road into town.

Ella crawled across the house and picked up the knife from the floor.

There was probably more than one of them, and it was unwise to fight them without any clothing on, but the only exit to the house was through the front door or through a window.

She was refreshed and awake, so perhaps this wouldent be a bad time to attack them, she would probably be penetrated if she wasent careful, but all she had to do was finish the fight before the creatures drained her energy.....or she could run.


-Master of Arms: Able to use any weapon or wear any armor.

Status: Ella has a Knife equipped, but is naked.

-Veteran: Able to use a Wide Variety of Techniques perfected over the years to kill and maim tentacle creatures.

Status: Ella is armed with a Knife, able to slice through tentacles with speedy swipes.

-Resolve: Able to shrug off rape while in combat, also partially mitigates the debuffs of status effects such as Semen Addiction, Slime Mind Control, Impregnation and 'Jackhammer'.

Status: Currently afflicted with Minor tentacle semen Withdrawl, which is mitigated by 50% and Currently causes no detrimental effects.


- Attracting Scent: Tentacle Encounters are increased, and nearby creatures roam from farther away to attack her.

Status: Normal

- Grudge: For killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

Status: Black Tentacles just raped her with their lowest tier of humiliating rape, further rapes by black tentacles with result in more severe and humiliating rape attacks. (1/5)

- Loner: Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.

Status: Ella is alone and able to concentrate entirely on protecting herself.

General Status:

Hunger: Normal
Status Effects: Minor Tentacle Semen Addiction (1/10)
Energy: Energized
Awareness: Normal
Body: Clean

Weapon: Normal Knife

Armor: Naked

Special: Nothing

What do you do?

A. Sneak out through the door and attack the tentacle creature coming up the road with your knife.

B. Sneak out through a window and try to ambush the creature from behind.

C. Sneak out of the door and try to leave town without a fight, but the tentacles will continue to follow you and their numbers may increase.

D. Sneak out through a window and leave town without a fight, but the tentacles will continue to follow you and their number may increase.

E. Wait inside of the house and close the door, hopefully they dont notice you and leave town so you can continue to explore it.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 8: Olivia

Olivia spread the woman's thighs open with ease as she looked into her eyes, she had become mesmerized and was frozen in place, Olivia ensured that the woman could still feel pleasure however.

The woman hovered in the air about two feet above the ground, slowly hovering towards Olivia's waiting tentacle cock.

"Don't worry, you are about to feel more pleasure than you have in your entire life"

Olivia had caught the girl while traveling through the desert, the woman had orange warpaint on her body and carried a spear, she had attacked Olivia on her journey back from the mountains thinking Olivia was an escaped slave that she could capture, bad move.

The woman was obviously a princess for the orange overlord, but she was still a woman, and could be fucked like all of the rest of them.

The woman's vagina was penetrated by Olivia's cock and the woman yelled out in pleasure as Olivia amplified the endorphins the woman felt with her matriarch magic.

Olivia laughed out loud as she grabbed onto the woman's thighs and started to pull the woman in and deeper onto her cock, using more of her magic to retract the woman's floating body away from hers, so she could use her powerful armed to pull the woman down once again.

Olivia released the woman from her state of frozen state and she immediately started to scream uncontrollably in pleasure as she grabbed her breasts and started to fondle them.

"You like that, do you?" Olivia asked, as she removed her hands from the woman's waist and started to play with her own breasts.

The woman continued to scream as the pleasure poured through her entire body "MORE!!!! MORE!!!" she yelled as loud as she could.

"You asked for it" Olivia pulled the woman off of her Phallis and she floated in mid air while Olivia's cock split into 2 tentacles.

Olivia brought the woman closer again and impaled the woman, sticking one of the tentacles into his pussy and the other inside her ass.

"YESS!!" the woman yelled as she bend her knees and tried to thrust herself deeper onto olivia.

"Do you humans know how ridiculous you sound sometimes?"

The woman obviously didnt care as she continued to feel incredibly intense orgasms over and over again.

"lets wrap this up" Olivia said as she twin cocks twitched and bulged.

a sudden burst of cum exploded inside of the woman, spraying out of her body and onto the sands below her, the woman was laid to rest softly on the sand by Olivia, still twitching as the cum inside of her bubbled out.

"A good meal....thank you" Olivia said as she left the woman there with a huge smile on her face.

Olivia walked away from her, continuing across the desert towards the black forest and into their home plains, she had news to bring Samantha from the pink overlord.

Olivia secretly hoped that she would find more meals along the way.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D, but only if there's a back window and check outside first rather than just jumping out. Failing that, E - may as well fight on our terms.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

assume that there is a back window.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I'd vote E, but first I have a few questions about it.
Do we smell? Because if we do, it's no use. How far away is the black tentacle? Is it going precisely in our direction? I mean, if it's just a wandering random tentacle, trying to hide might succeed if we don't radiate our fancy tentacle perfume (much). On the other hand, if it's actively hunting us...

Depending on the answer B or E
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Attack is the best defense. B
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. The ambush tactic also means less of a chance that we get surprised if it turns out there's two or something.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. Ambush !
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I Vote D.

First off, while we may be well rested all we have is a knife and we don't know how many of them are out there.

Second, these houses are all at least a hundred years old and in poor repair so either closing a door or going out through one is bound to make a revealing creaking noise.

Third we have Attracting scent so hiding isn't an option that will work out for us. we need to stealthily get out through an open window and the get the hell out of Dodge, saving our energy for travel and scavenging up some more gear so we can be yet again be an unstoppable Valkyrie of tentacle slaying justice.

Though on the other hand if we don't take out some of these tentacles now we may face overwhelming numbers later, so B. might not be a bad idea either. We are supposed to be pretty Badass.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B but before ambushing it make sure it's alone
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

(B) is locked, update later today after i've gotten some rest.