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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 2: Zoey Turner

Zoey reached the lair once again and went inside, the familiar warmth of the lair washed over her skin as she felt right at home, the green walls of the lair were illuminated with a unique glow which shined night and day, providing enough light for humans to see.

Beneath her feet she felt the meaty substance that was called 'meatwall' it was living tissue which moved on its own slightly, acting as not only an insulating surface for young tentacles, but as a place for tentacles to burrow into.

As Zoey walked into the lair, the tentacles living there did not impede her path, they saw her as one of them, although perhaps surprised she would leave the way that she did.

Zoey knew what was expected of her now that she was back, she went to meet her overlord, the largest and most powerful tentacle of the lair, who was the head of their brood and the one in charge of providing and protecting all of them, he would surely like an explanation as to why she left.

Zoey made her way through the lair, passing many women along the way, many of them were pregnant or being fucked slowly by tentacles below them, although Zoey was a woman like them, to the green tentacles, she was nothing like them.

Zoey was a Broodmother, a human of special status amongst green tentacle-kind, before any of these other women were here, zoey was responsible for birthing most of the tentacles who lived here, in a way, she was more important than the overlord itself, and through her years here, she developed a unique relationship with it as they worked together to create what was here now.

Finally stepping into the overlord's chamber, Zoey could see that it was not alone as she saw the back of a woman who was unmistakable to all of them, even the slaves -it was Rachel.

Rachel was a legendary woman, who had been queen of the Green tentacles for hundreds, if not thousands of years. although she looked like she was 21, and had not aged a day since she was originally captured by them, Rachel's hair was dark green, she had average breasts, although she was short, at about 5'6'', her body was muscular, her breasts and butt formed into fine orbs and her thighs were soft and gentle, yet firm and strong, on her head she wore a tiara with a large emerald gem imbedded into the center of it, around her back she wore a tiny green shawl which her arms went through, other than that, she was completely naked, sure to leave her most valuable assets available at a moment's notice.

Rachel's skin a pale white which rivaled even zoey's paleness. Rachel had not spent long in the sunlight as her creamy soft skin dully absorbed the green light emitted from this place.

Most importantly, in Rachel's hand was a most powerful and rare weapon, a Tentacle staff which had been enchanted and imbued with tremendous power, it's long green shaft resembled a tentacle itself, and it the top split into several tentacles which all slithered in their own living way, the weapon was of incredible power, and although Rachel was Small in stature, she was easily the most powerful creature in the green race even without the power of the staff.

As Zoey Approached, her overlord and Rachel stopped their conversation, and rachel turned toward her with her young and beautiful face with a small.

"Hello Girl" Rachel sounded like a mouse, but she spoke with the confidence of a powerful lord, and that was what she was.

"Hi" Zoey said in response, crossing her legs uncomfortably.

"You must be the one ive heard so much about." Rachel spoked again as she turned and walked towards Zoey, Rachel's tight pussy glistening as it dripped with lubrication, catching the light.

Zoey was stony silent, partially in awe and partially in fear.

Rachel turned back toward the overlord and said simply to it "She will do." before turning back towards Zoey and advancing on her, a smile forming on her face as she walked with a kind of confidence that would take years to master.

"Have a seat" Rachel said to her, as she herself sat down on the warm meatwall surface. "There is so much for us to discuss."
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Given that anything except slashing weapons have been said to be ineffective, C. TETANUS, I CHOOSE YOU!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Ella learned that Only slicing weapons worked well against tentacle creatures, maces were too slow and smashing tentacles only rarely stopped them, spears were too difficult to use against smaller creatures, and large creatures could endure their pierce and faster tentacle could grab the spear entirely. she started to became adept at using the sword, practicing for hours at a time before the tentacles inevitably showed up.

A scythe isn't much like a sword, but it still seems like C is our best option.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C, we will advance to glory, among other things, with our rusty scythe to carve our own path!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


without much time to think, Ella elects to choose the obvious slashing weapon, the scythe.

Picking it up off of the rack in front of her, she immediately notices its heft and awkwardness, the shed is almost too small for the tool, and Ella can already tell that this will be a difficult weapon to work with.

Ella opens the door and steps outside, on the cobblestone road ahead of her she sees the tentacle creatures, they immediately react to the noise she has made and gather to meet her.

there appear to be three lesser black tentacle creatures with about 4 tentacles each, if she had her old equipment, this wouldent be a challenge at all, unfortunately for her, she has little experience wielding large scythes in her underwear.

Black tentacles are not particularly strong or quick, but they are devious and elusive, care must be taken not to fall for their tricks.

the tentacles are careful as they approach, they know her skill but do not show fear, only caution as they approach side-by-side.

Ella raises the Scythe, it is a cumbersome thing ment to be swung at harmless strands of grass, not living rapist monsters, Ella cocks the Humongous weapon back, prepared to let loose a mighty swing at the first one which dares advance, in a silent showdown with the creatures, each afraid to make the first move.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ella sees another black tentacle creature closing in, this one trying to flank her.

Ella steps back slightly as the tentacles close in on her, one of the ones in front of her move to her left as the other moves to its right.

Unable to let them continue to surround her, Ella steps forward and with a mighty swing, chops two of the tentacles from a creature in front of her, the swing leaves the scythe in a on her weak side, and as she tries to lift it back, the tentacles of the remaining creatures hold onto it's side.

Ella cant rely on this weapon any many and drops the scythe in it's place while the tentacles are occupied, rolling across the long grass and spinning out of their reach.

Ella turns around and looks on, raising her hands to fight, as she frantically looks around for another weapon to use........anything!

Ella spots an axe buried into a stump from behind the shed, amazing she didnt see it before.

Jumping and dodging, Ella avoiding tentacles which fly into grab her, the wounded creature making a retreat as the others guard it's escape.

With impressive moves to show off her agility, Emma finally reaches the stump and flashes the creatures a smile as she puts her hands around it and lifts..........the rotted wood breaks away from the rusty metal part of the axe and Ella is left with only a splintered handle.

"Shit!" Ella says as the tentacles surrounded her, firing forward and grabbing her all over.

Ella is grabbed by her arms, thighs and ankles, another tentacle wraps around her neck and squeezes, cutting down on her oxygen intake so she wont have the energy to struggle.

The creatures rip though her cotton panties and bra effortlessly, lifting from underneath each and tearing forward. as her vulnerable womanly parts are revealed to them.

As much as Ella struggled, she knew it was over, even one of them would have been enough to rape her now she thought as the creatures spread her legs open wide.

Free tentacles swarmed her body, penetrating her mouth, vagina and asshole and proceeded to pound her ruthlessly. the ribbed sides of their black tentacle cocks caused her enormous sensation as they grinded against her insides.

Ella would grit her teeth, but the large phallus inside made that impossible as it rammed down her throat, causing her to gag.

While the tentacle in her mouth and pussy certainly made things uncomfortable, the one in her ass was the one she was experiencing the most pain from as it joust into her ass 10 inches deep, ruthlessly grinding up her delicate asshole before it would retract entirely and thrust itself in again at full force.

Ella felt like crying, but she wouldn't, she only prayed that it would be over soon.

After several minutes of rough and merciless rape, the tentacles all came inside of her, the ones in her ass and vagina empied into her, causing a pressure which caused the excess to explode out of her and spray the ground and her thighs with their cum. in her mouth, the tentacle sprayed all of it's cum down her throat and caused her to choke on it.

the tentacles pulled away and left ella in a heap on her back, as the semen leaked out of her lower orifices, she coughed up as much of the cum in her stomach as she could.

The semen in her mouth was delicious, it always had been, but it was dangerous stuff which she could become addicted to, forcing herself to spit out as much of it as she could, she knew that whatever she swallowed would still be enough to cause withdrawl for the next couple of days.

The tentacles drained Ella of alot of her energy, she felt as though she had not slept in days as she laid there, naked and covered with cum, but she knew she had to get up, because if she didnt fight through it, it wouldent be the last time she was raped today.


Ella stayed in town for too long, she had to move on, other else the rest of the tentacles which were searching for her would arrive, and she was in no shape to fight them without a weapon, being completely naked and covered in semen.

She walked on the cobble, each step was a struggle to stay awake as she held her breasts underneath with an arm, slowly she walked the road out of town, hoping she would come across another town closeby.


Ella travelled for hours, and as she walked, her strength returned to her slowly. the tentacle semen which she had been forced to consume was making her more energetic....a natural property of tentacle semen, however she soon started to feel the side effects of it as well.

Even as her body regained strength, her mind grew more foggy, she was in the beginning stages of Tentacle semen withdrawl, a feeling she knew well from her earlier days.

First her mind would slip, then her body would become hot and aroused, finnally she would have visioned and desires of being fucked, so she could get more of the semen in her stomach, it was a trick all tentacles possessed, and one which allowed them to almost effortless enslave and vast majority of women.

However, Ella was no ordinary woman, she wouldn't surrender this easily to such a minor affliction.


The road got longer and harder as she travelled on, she had been fueled only by the semen inside of her belly for the past 5 miles, and it didn't look like she was any closer to civilization.

Her sixth sense was impaired by the withdrawl, and she wouldnt have been able to tell if the tentacles were on top of her at this point.

Ella fell to her knees....she needed rest....but here in the middle of this humid forest, it was extremely risky, but ella was in no position to move. she had a choice to make, and it wasnt going to be easy.....


-Master of Arms: Able to use any weapon or wear any armor.

Status: Naked and unarmed: Her Armor and weapon having been destroyed.

-Veteran: Able to use a Wide Variety of Techniques perfected over the years to kill and maim tentacle creatures.

Status: Being Unarmed, Ella is only able to counter grab attacks with her strength as punching tentacles is completely useless.

-Resolve: Able to shrug off rape while in combat, also partially mitigates the debuffs of status effects such as Semen Addiction, Slime Mind Control, Impregnation and 'Jackhammer'.

Status: Currently afflicted with Minor tentacle semen Withdrawl, which is mitigated by 50% and only causes Ella to be semi dazed (cant use sixth sense (doesnt know if tentacles are close to her))


- Attracting Scent: Tentacle Encounters are increased, and nearby creatures roam from farther away to attack her.

Status: After being raped and being sweaty from sex and combat, Ella is giving off a slightly stronger scent.

- Grudge: For killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

Status: Black Tentacles just raped her with their lowest tier of humiliating rape, further rapes by black tentacles with result in more severe and humiliating rape attacks.

- Loner: Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.

Status: Ella is alone and able to concentrate entirely on protecting herself.

General Status:

Hunger: Nourished
Status Effects: Minor Tentacle Semen Addiction (1/10)
Energy: Extremely Tired
Awareness: Slightly Dazed
Body: lightly coated with Tentacle Semen, Small amount of Semen in ass and Vagina.

Weapon: Hands (Unarmed)

Armor: Naked

Special: Nothing

What do you do?

A. Hide behind a tree and rest, hope that the tentacle creates don't find you while you regain enough strength to continue traveling.

B. Reach into your Vagina and scoop out some of the remaining cum, consume it and use the energy to continue onward.

C. Squat down and empty your bowels, scoop the remaining cum out of you vagina and lick the rest of it off of your body, lick it all up and continue onward as fast as you can to stay ahead of the coming predators, hopefully this buys you more time when you reach the next town.

D. Persevere! keep going! you must be close to a town, it is probably right over that next hill......right?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I actually own a scythe and i can tell you that it is as i described. the most awkward and cumbersome piece of shit i have ever seen in my entire life, you just got raped because of how i feel about that damn thing.... so there!

As a note, just because slashing weapons are the most useful against tentacles doesnt mean everything else is useless, Ella is after all a skilled MASTER OF ARMS, and should be able to get some usage out of any weapon or tool.....except a scythe because...just....no..

Btw, Barbarians in Diablo 3 can use Scythes as weapons, but i can personally guarantee that your barbarian would be raped just as quickly if not quicker than Ella if a real barbarian tried to use a scythe for actual combat.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

EDIT: Changing from C to B. Indeed there is a risk to ingesting the semen, but I am banking on finding some sort of town or something where Ella can (hopefully) find clothing and a weapon to better defend herself when the inevitable withdrawal does hit. This as opposed to hiding behind a tree and resting which I feel would likely lead to us being found, raped, and force-fed more tentacle semen anyway since they are attracted to our scent and could probably find us easily. It seems like a lose-lose, but I'm now hoping (lot's of baseless hoping on my part, I know) that option B will be a lose-less than the other options. Reason to not do C, upon further review (cough serifyn), we can always eat more semen later, why not see if less is enough to get us where we need to go?
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Just so you know, consuming more tentacle semen will cause higher levels of addiction and subsequent withdrawal, but it really comes down to consuming it or taking a huge risk by resting here. Eventually the addiction will fade, and your addiction level will go down, as long as it isn't forced down your throat again and again.

But hey, this is your character and if you want to become a cum addicted superslut, i wont stand in your way.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. It seems unlikely that staying and resting will mean not eating any more tentacle cum. Just running might be a possibility... but somehow I think we're not lucky enough to depend on a town being nearby.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

If we were to eat the tentacle cum, it would be best to maximize it's effects, so I vote C. It would be a shame if we ate the shit to keep us barely awake and then we'd be attacked. It's either C and let's rush to safety or risk the rape with A.

As for the scythe thing... (I "spoilered" it because it's my 2 cents about a past event, so feel free to skip it.)

If I may, I'd like to disagree. No sane man (or woman in our case), especially if he/she'd be a "Master of Arms" would use a scythe as it is, a tool used for cutting hay. It's, as you said, heavy, cumbersome and in most cases it's not THAT sharp. The shape of the blade enhances the cutting motion, not the sharpness per se. Beside, you don't need razors to cut grass. So, girls slashing and hacking with that kind of scythe - it's only a tale possible in anime, when the blade is pointing downward it would be really hard to slash anything in battle, stabbing is much more likely (vide: ). Nevertheless, when we adjust the blade upright, along the pole, we suddenly have a pretty nice . The weapons weight works for us, and with a proper grip, the lever force is capable of iron-splitting hits (as long as the pole sustains it's integrity). We can slash, stab and look cool at that. A cheap substitute and a pretty similiar weapon to the . I acknowledge, that Ella did not have time to properly reforge the blade, but most scythe blades can be easily adjusted+grab anything to support and we're done for the moment. Nevertheless as you wrote Serifyn, it was the rotten pole that betrayed us, not our inconvenient weapon, so everything is logical and reasonable - just making a point ^^. It's a shame though, that we didn't took the blade with us - finding a wooden pole is much easier than a good blade. Few minutes with a grindstone and rust is all but a memory :D.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Not to get too hung up on the Scythe, but regardless of whether the position of the blade could be altered, the long handle was the biggest problem, coupled along side the fact that if swung in the usual motion (a long, broad stroke) the weight of the weapon would go into the swing, yet work against you on the rebound.

The Black Tentacles are a devious and smart race, it is the attribute which best defines them, When Ella left the shack and was noticed by them, they immediately started to surround her and there was limited time to make adjustments.

After a mildly successful swing (Ella cut clean through 2 tentacles on a single creature) the creatures then held the scythe so should couldn't use it again, at this point she had to abandoned it.

her speed and quickness (aided by the light armor she was wearing, allowed her to make it to the edge of town where a stump long held an axe, however, like everything else in the town, after 200 years enduring time, the axe handle splintered from the axehead as she picked it up, sealing her fate.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. That's not a good idea to sleep in the middle of nowhere. Specially with her scent.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Ella was desperate, she had to keep moving or else the creatures would surely find her, and she was in no position to fight them.

She didnt like the idea of relying on the tentacles for help, and even though it was a double-edged sword, Ella wasn't in any position to have much of an internal debate.

Ella put two fingers together and plunged them inside of her, using a scooping motion to extract some of the semen from inside of her, it had been kept warm by her own body temperature and as she pulled it out and brought it to her mouth, she tasted the fantastic flavor of it, which made her entire mouth buzz.

The embarrassed woman started to feel the energy return to her legs as she continued to fish out the warm goo from her own snatch, even after most of it had been extracted, Ella couldn't help herself from trying to get more, incase she had missed a bit of it.

She started to walk again, her mind becoming clear again as her legs felt re-energized, she knew it wouldn't last and soon her body would feel even worst hours later, so she needed to make use of the benefit now.

Ella walked on, picking up the pace and utilizing the energy the semen granted her as much as she could.


Two miles down the road, Ella finally reached another hamlet, The place was in better shape that the last town, although it had been deserted for at least a hundred years, the place was noticeably more stable, houses had less damage and fences, though worn, were mostly intact.

The tentacles werent immanently close but they could be anywhere from a half hour to two hours away she predicted and once again there wouldent be all that much time to rearm and rest.

Ella walked into the town, reflecting on similar times like this.


Resting wasn't easy to come by for her, as she sometimes was forced to go on for days before she would be allowed to sit down and get a good rest in.

Some areas didn't have too many tentacles, therefore resting became much less risky and problematic, but this area and others like it were an exception. the activity for the tentacles was high and Ella knew this because she traveled to places like this specifically to hunt them.

It was a constant game of cat and mouse, and for the past couple of months, she had been the cat. Her chain mail armor and sword, which she had the fortune to find earlier in her journeys were her best weapons and this wouldn't have been nearly as difficult if she had still had them.

Fortunately for Ella, her best weapon and greatest defense was her mind, she knew how tentacles thought, how they hunted, how she could trick and manipulate them, but without armor or a weapon, that was all she was....a smart snack.


Ella went door to door, testing the locks, he majority of these houses were locked, and it was probably because they had heard about the attacks around them in towns like the previous one, but no lock could save them from the tentacles.

Moving to the sides of the houses, she saw their entry pathes, a smashed window, an opened cellar door, the tentacles would find a way in, they always did.

Crawling through one of the windows ella was shocked to find a skeleton laying face down as she avoided it, clearly one of their male victims.


Males were killed most of the time rather than captured, tentacles had no use for them, couldent use them for energy and couldn't use them for much of anything else, although they died a horrible death, it was probably better than the life of humiliation and slavary their female counterparts endured for hundreds of years into the future, besides, killing them ensured that they couldn't regroup and become a problem later on.

Not all races of tentacles killed their male victims, they captured them as if they were female, tearing their clothing off and carrying them back to their lairs. Blue and Pink tentacles were known to bring them back to their lairs for god-knows what, and red tentacles were also known to take their victims back to their lairs, keeping them captive as they did the females....probably for future reproductive purposes.

But all the rest she could think of...Green...Purple and especially Black simply murdered their male victims.


Careful not to step on the corpse, Ella wandered through the house and into the kitchen, she noticed a sharp knife on the table in front of her and smiled as she picked it up and ran her fingers over the blade.

Still sharp, not the sharpest, but this blade was about as good as she would find in a place like this.

Her mind began to become fuzzy again as the effects of the Semen were beginning to wear off and her body started to crave more, soon she would start shaking and become weak, still tired from the rape she had endured.

She needed a bath....she needed to find a good piece of clothing and she needed rest most of all.

Ella struggled to keep her eyes open as the artificial energy drained from her again...she wanted so badly to find a bed and rest in it, if only for an hour or two..


-Master of Arms: Able to use any weapon or wear any armor.

Status: Ella has a Knife equipped, but is naked.

-Veteran: Able to use a Wide Variety of Techniques perfected over the years to kill and maim tentacle creatures.

Status: Ella is armed with a Knife, able to slice through tentacles with speedy swipes.

-Resolve: Able to shrug off rape while in combat, also partially mitigates the debuffs of status effects such as Semen Addiction, Slime Mind Control, Impregnation and 'Jackhammer'.

Status: Currently afflicted with Minor tentacle semen Withdrawl, which is mitigated by 50% and only causes Ella to be semi dazed (cant use sixth sense (doesnt know if tentacles are close to her))


- Attracting Scent: Tentacle Encounters are increased, and nearby creatures roam from farther away to attack her.

Status: After being raped and being sweaty from sex and combat, Ella is giving off a slightly stronger scent.

- Grudge: For killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

Status: Black Tentacles just raped her with their lowest tier of humiliating rape, further rapes by black tentacles with result in more severe and humiliating rape attacks. (1/5)

- Loner: Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.

Status: Ella is alone and able to concentrate entirely on protecting herself.

General Status:

Hunger: Nourished
Status Effects: Minor Tentacle Semen Addiction (2/10)
Energy: Extremely Tired
Awareness: Slightly Dazed
Body: lightly caked with dried Tentacle Semen, Sweaty from Travel and recent rape.

Weapon: Normal Knife

Armor: Naked

Special: Nothing

What do you do?

A. Look for a bed to rest on and get some sleep.

B. Continue looking through houses until you can find something you can wear for protection.

C. Look for a way to wash yourself off in order to decrease your scent.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

C. Our scent actually seems the most likely to spiral out of control and doom us at this point. We smell, tentacles find us, rape us, and make us smell even more, then MORE tentacles find us and make us smell even more strongly, vicious cycle, etc. So we take a bath and hopefully don't get raped again...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Cleanliness is next to godliness!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse
