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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Lets go to 5 with this vote, meaning need 3 more votes of either for a final decision to be made, whichever reaches 5 first will be made the main character, the second hero will appear in game and have their progress followed through Intermission-like updates (but you wont control her at all).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A! Slicey slicey choppy choppy tentacle death ftw xD
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A! Why?

(...)tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella.

How is that a disadvantage XD? One more vote to go... someone, quickly make an account! (Joking, of course) :p
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

one last vote for either locks the main character in place, HUGE VOTE, off to write an Overlord update rq.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


I vote A.
Same reason than Dorl :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

^This XD

Come to the dark side~!
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Thanks lol.

I was lurking on this forum for some time and I found the CYOA section thanks to Serifyn's signature. After reading his/her two previous stories, I decided to join the fun. ^^
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A is locked in, Ella Carter will be the Main Character in Apocalypse, Zoey Turner will be followed through Intermissions.

Here are the main Features of Ella Carter along with her status page.


-Master of Arms:
Able to use any weapon or wear any armor.

Status: Naked and unarmed: Her Armor and weapon having been destroyed while she traveled to this new land, she will look for and use what she can in order to defeat the tentacles here.

-Veteran: Able to use a Wide Variety of Techniques perfected over the years to kill and maim tentacle creatures.

Status: Being Unarmed, Ella is only able to counter grab attacks with her strength as punching tentacles is completely useless.

-Resolve: Able to shrug off rape while in combat, also partially mitigates the debuffs of status effects such as Semen Addiction, Slime Mind Control, Impregnation and 'Jackhammer'.

Not currently afflicted with any status effects.


- Attracting Scent: Tentacle Encounters are increased, and nearby creatures roam from farther away to attack her.

Status: The usual amount of tentacles are slowly making their way towards her.

- Grudge: For killing so many of their brood, tentacles generally save their most vicious and humiliating rape attacks for Ella

Status: Ella is neither being attacked nor being raped at this time.

- Loner: Ella prefers to work alone, she doesn't want the burden of having to watch the back of someone else.

Status: Ella is alone and able to concentrate entirely on protecting herself.

General Status: Nourished and Healthy, Energetic and Aware.

Weapon: Hands (Unarmed)


Special: Nothing
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Ella's Status page will be updated at the bottom of every update and certain actions will change the status update.

For instance, One of Ella's Disadvantages is her 'attracting scent', for whatever reason, Ella smells irresistible for tentacle creatures, if Ella isnt able to bath often or if she starts to sweat from doing alot of running around or fighting, her scent will increase as she sweats, being that she also has a energy level (which right now is 'energetic') there is a possibility that she becomes tired and starts to give off more of a scent, You can imagine how problematic this would be, as the number of encounters would increase and become more difficult as her energy wanes.

There are various status effects in this game.

'Addiction to Tentacle Semen' for example, is caused when Ella has consumed too much Tentacle Semen, Tentacle Semen has uses, it can be used as a food source and restores energy quickly without having to rest, but once the character starts consuming it, her mind begins to grow fuzzy and she starts to make mistakes (this can effect everything from combat to decisions.) If Ella becomes addicted to tentacle semen, she will also experience withdrawl effects if she doesnt continue to consume it periodically.

Tentacle Semen can be consumed willingly, or forced down her throat if she loses a fight and becomes raped.

another status effect is 'Impregnated', where Ella's body becomes implanted with a tentacle egg, as you would imagine, being pregnant makes your character slower and run out of energy quicker, she also becomes more hungry as her body must use up its energy to care for the egg, If more restrictive clothing is being worn (such as chain or plate armor) it may need to be taken off as it will not fit while Ella is pregnant.

These are just some examples of the status effects in TLE: Apocalypse, Because of Ella's 'Resolve' Ability, she can mitigate these status effects so they dont effect her quite as badly, however some parts of the debuff cannot be avoided, and if you are effects too greatly by the effects (such as being extremely addicted to tentacle semen or being pregnant with multiple eggs) your Resolve wont be able to pervert the disadvantages anymore.


Grudge is a disadvantage perk which increases the hatred of tentacles everywhere, through your years of travel, you've killed hundreds of Tentacle creatures and built up a reputation from both the humans you've saved and the tentacles you've killed. Tentacles know who you are and actively hunt you.

If you are caught, Tentacles will likely rape you in the most humiliating or embarrassing way possible. some tentacles enjoy inflicting pain while others enjoy causing you enough pleasure for your body to betray you, regardless, Tentacle creatures who defeat you will not treat you kindly and will try everything to get you to submit to them, after all, you would make a good trophy.


Finally, if you are captured, the overlords of the lair you are brought to will try its best to defile you and corrupt you, choices you make while captured will determine how detrimental your capture has become to your character and how soon it is before you escape.

You should be able to eventually escape from any Lair, but be prepared for your equipment, your status and most of all, your body have its toll taken. If you become too weak, you may end up having little impact on the story as you view most of the story from the perspective of a helpless cum-covered slave.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Chapter 1: The Hopebringer

Ella rose up from the bed, she knew she couldn't rest long, especially like this. she looked across the room and saw her Chainmail armor ripped terribly in the worst spot possible....underneath.

The Chainmail she had incredible luck in finding, it was found in a lesser lord's house, ment to be a gift to some lucky woman who no doubt had an interest in things such as chainmail armor. The chains in the front were linked in such a way to specifically to carry the breasts as well, something which Ella was glad of, since her's were quite large as well.

Ella had been fighting tentacle creatures for a while now, it had been years since she left her house in the dead of night, saying goodbye to her mother for the first and last time, since then it had been a test of endurance every day.

At the the small tentacles came, the ones who she thought she could strangle to death with her hands if she met them now. Ella had been raped in every kind of way and left at least a hundred times in a pool of tentacle semen, at last she decided she had enough and trained hard to protect herself.

As she got stronger, she got better at defending herself, but as she got better at defending herself, the tentacles which came for her appeared to grow in both size and strength, it was a never-ending challenge, and if she didnt find a weapon and at least some protection soon, she knew she might be in for a long night of humiliating rape.

Near the broken chainmail laid a sword that she had been using for years, she had made it razer sharp with years of care, and used it to cut what seemed like thousands of tentacles, the blade had served her well, but now it laid there broken, shattered at the base with only a small sharp stub remaining, Ella mourned the sword as much as any person can mourn the loss of an object, but it was gone now, and she needed to find a new weapon...

The house Ella was in was nothing special, a typical peasant lived here, and although peasants were poor, they often had many tools in which to till the fields or cut the wood.

Nothing in the peasants house impressed her, the clothing was far too big and would simply be a burden, the food was molden or well rotten and everything else seemed like it was just some delicate piece of pottery.

Ella shook her head as she surveyed the house, not even a nail to be found with which she could at least use to punch with, Ella exited the house quietly and walked onto the cobblestone walk, which had become ruined by time, weeds poked through cracks and rose a foot tall from the ground, everything around her was overgrown with vegetation and weeds, the warm and humid climate no doubt aided the unabated naturalization of this ghost town.

Ella walked across the street to the next door, holding her large breasts which were at least D cup from underneath to support them as she stepped inside of the next unlocked house.


Her large breasts had always been a burden to her, another challenge in an existence where challenge was all their was. Although a combat veteran, her breasts were always a factor, the extra weight in her chest made her slower than she would like in her core, and the fact that an exposed breast was just something else a tentacle could grab onto didnt help, and from her experience, tentacles loves to grab onto breasts.

the ideal clothing had support for her chest, yet couldn't be simply torn off of her body like a rag, finding a balanced article of clothing like that was rare, and although there was plenty of women's clothing around, fighting a tentacle creature in a pretty dress with all those loose pieces to grab onto was not a good idea, as it would often result in fighting not only the creature's themselves, but fighting the mangled and restrictive wrap's which still clung loosely to her body....speaking of which, she needed to cut her hair again soon...

Of course, that was preferable to fighting naked.

for the next couple of months after she left home, Ella remembered the times where she neglected protection of clothing and started traveling and trying to defend herself while naked, it was a disaster to say the least.

Tentacles are quick and slippery and grabbing them is not easy, although a tentacle would prefer to simply subdue you and rape you afterwards, they have no problem with raping you while you fight with them. the first thing a tentacle will do when they see a naked girl is focus on getting inside of them, and without clothing for the tentacles to rip through or slither around, penetration is virtually assured.

Once their victim is penetrated, all they had to do is prevent you from getting away while they fuck you. Ella knew the feeling of being raped by tentacles, they get deep down into you and you start to lose your energy very quickly, as while you are slowing strength, they are gaining strength, becoming stronger and quicker than before.

Ella had fights where all the tentacles did was penetrate her and then hold her sword arm back until she couldn't fight anymore, it was that simple for them.

Ella supposed she would be better off looking like a princess in an undersized dress than fight while completely naked...


Inside, the next house was clean and neat, clearly it was a woman's house, perhaps a merchant, Ella tapered her expectations as she moved through the house to the woman's room.

Ella was pleased to see that the woman appeared to have a size similar to hers as she opened her closet and started to sort through the clothing.

For the next several minutes Ella sorted through the clothing until she selected 3 items which might help her, but she needed to look at each carefully and determine what the pros and cons of such a selection would be..

Ella knew the clock was ticking, she had a sixth sense about this kind of thing, the tentacle creatures would be in the town soon, looking for her, she needed to prepare for a fight, quickly.

What do you do?

A. Equip the cotton bra and panties, offering very limited protection, but giving Ella support for her chest and allowing her to retain speed.

B. Equip the Merchant's tunic, offering mild protection with its multiple layers, it would only slow her down a bit by offering resilient protection, her only concern was that since this piece had so many loose pieces, one of them could be grabbed.

C. Equip the school girl Uniform, a simple uniform, the school girl's uniform was tight and didn't have many loose ends, its materials were cheap but resilient, Ella's chief concern was the skirt which was not only far too short for a school uniform, but offered almost no protection for her lower orifices.

D. Remain naked, These items all suck and you think you would be better off without them.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 1: Zoey Turner

Zoey left the cabin with her blade and continued her walk within the woods, she was starting to get hungry again and without a tentacle to drink the delicious semen from, she was confused as to how she would nourish herself.

The air was fresh and all of this open space made her dizzy. it had been at least two hundred years since she had left that lair, and although she had been well cared for, she didnt want to spent her entire life as a slave.....or did she?

Zoey started to feel guilty about leaving her lair, the overlord there had always been so gentle with her, to simply leave him now was.......no....what was she talking about! she was his slave!

Zoey looked down at the knife in her hand. why did she take this thing? what was she going to do? kill her overlord with it? she could never do that!

Zoey then heard a rustling noise in the bushes near her, she crouched down and slid behind a tree, carefully looking over it to see what it was.

It was a green tentacle scout, perhaps one from her lair....

Zoey looked down at the blade in her hand and shook her head, dropping it down to the ground as she moved from beyond the tree.

Zoey approached the tentacle creature slowly, it stood in place facing her as she came near.

the tentacles quickly rose up, perhaps ready to grab her so it could drag her back to the lair.

"Wait" Zoey said as she reached outward to the creature, which held in place.

The green tentacle stood there idly, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

Zoey brought her other hand up to her mouth and circled her fingers around it with her mouth open, it was a way of communicating to the tentacles that she was hungry.

The green tentacle knew immediately that this was no ordinary prey, anyone who knew their language was differant.

the green tentacle lowered it's other tentacles and dropped a larger one into her waiting hands.

The tentacle was large and pulsating with strength, its phallic tip was already leaking a bit of semen as Zoey licked her lips and lifted the phallis into her mouth with both hands.

Zoey sucked and squeezed the tentacle as it slowly dripped cum into her mouth, Zoey swallowed it all and removed the tentacle from her mouth, releasing it as the tentacle creature drew it back.

zoey placed her hand down by her vagina and with two fingers together, ran them up the side of her lips, a sign to ask whether or not the tentacle wanted to feed from her now, it was only customary.

The tentacle instead lifted another long tentacle to the side of her face, the side of which it showed was dripping with slime. a command, not a request, that zoey lick the slime and communicate with the creature.

Zoey looked away, embarrassed, but another tentacle slithered slowly towards her and slithered up her right ankle, it wasent asking, it was telling.

Zoey licked the slime from the tentacle before her, its tangy taste light up every tastebud in her mouth for a brief instant before she shook her head and widened her eyes, she then heard the voice of the creature in her mind.

"Why are you outside of the lair, slave?" an monotone yet smoothing voice which all of the tentacle creatures shared entered her mind.

"I wanted to go for a walk..." Zoey said back to the creature, sending the message through her thoughts.

"It is not safe for you here, there are predators searching for you, come back to the lair, you will be safer there" the creature warned.

"I can take care of myself" Zoey said back to the tentacle creature

"you are a woman and are no match for the predators which seek you" the tentacle spoke again as it pulled zoey gently in the direction of the lair.

"no, i want to stay, i want to see more of the forest!" Zoey yelled in her mind to the creature.

"Someday you will, when we alone control it, our women will walk through the forest and be able to enjoy the purity of nature.....but today is not that day, Zoey"

"How do you know my name?" Zoey asked the creature

"A tentacle should know it's mother's name" the creature said to her.

"i gave birth to you..." zoey said, amazed to see one of her spawnlings so large.

"Please Zoey, you must get back.....if i have to, ill take you against your will"

Zoey nodded as she started to walk reluctantly behind her spawn, one of thousands amongst the forest.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

No need to give these tentacles neither more places to grab nor easy access to their target.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. About seems to cover it.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Hrm. I concur, A. we can forgo modesty for now in exchange for mobility and snagless.......ness? :p
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

As with Overlord, if i get 3 quick votes, generally it becomes difficult for the vote to be changed, its set up a trend, there anytime i see 3 of the same votes and im ready to create a new post, it will be locked in, A is locked in.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


Ella took the panties and bra from the bed in front of her, opting for speed and support over protection, in this humid climate, it would probably be more comfortable too, she thought.

The Panties slipped on and tucked around her, their cotton feel was pleasant, certainly more comfortable than chainmail.

Ella put the bra around herself and snapped it together in the back, she pushed her breasts upward and smiled as the bra offered fantastic support, probably the best support she has ever had for her large chest.


Ella knew that if she wasent careful, these small articles of clothing wouldn't last very long, tentacle creatures want women for one thing and don't much patience for a flimsy piece of fabric which prevents them for getting it.

Ella knew she needed more than her bare fists to protect himself, and while she was sure she wasent going to find any fine steel armaments in this tiny town, she thought she might be able to find some farm equipment or something.

Her sixth sense told her that the Creatures were close, and they wouldn't wait for her to rearm when they got here.


stepped from the house, Ella looked all around the town, looking for a shack or a barn where equipment owned by the farmers might be kept, the warm breeze blew across her face as she saw a small shack near an overgrown field, Ella wasted no time running towards it, jumping over a fence which was covered in vines and in terrible condition, she reached the shack and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

Ella looked around for an opening, she was running out of time, she couldn't see or hear the creatures, but she knew they were here, in town. the small changes nobody else knew to look for clued her in....the silence of the nearby creatures was the best clue, anytime she could hear the wind over the wildlife it was a bad sign.

Walking quickly around the shed, Ella noticed a small hole, which was damaged, quicking getting on her knees, she held the rotten piece of board and ripped it out of the shed quickly, providing access to the shack.

As Ella crawled into the shack, she heard them nearby...a subtle slimy noise of tentacles slithering against the cobblestone, they couldent be any further than 100 feet away from her now, and were moving tirelessly towards her position.

she looked a the door, it was easy enough to open from the inside with an locking mechanism she understood.

Looking over to the wall of the shed, she saw various pieces of farm equipment.....

What do you do?

A. Take the Quality Sledgehammer, a medium Two-handed weapon used for smashing.

B. Take the Used Pitchfork, a medium two-handed piercing weapon.

C. Take the Rusty Scythe, a heavy two-handed slashing weapon used for cutting hay.

D. Take the Shiny Screwdrivers, two light Piercing weapons.

E. Take the Dull Shovel, a medium two-handed Slashing weapon.

F. Take the Shiny Hammers, two light Crushing weapons.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

I'll go with C. on this one too.