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Mac N' Cheese Heretic
Jun 6, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A Definitely...But then D if its allowed? it might be useful to know how the girl escaped, in case we get caught by the tentacles.


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. Everything twice would be nice, but people implode after we talk to them, obviously :p


Demon Girl
Feb 19, 2012
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A I figure we can only ask one because something will come up. It always does.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 12: Barkholm

The Town of Barkholm and its nearby forest (known simply as the great forest) is widely believed to be the epicenter for the tentacle invasion 200 years ago which enslaved almost all of humanity.

The truth about Barkholm, is that it stood as a precursor to the tentacle invasion, and was a microcosm of the Apocalypse for hundreds of years before the event took place.

About 400 years ago, women started to be abducted from the town of Barkholm overnight, going missing without a trace and never to be seen from again, the authorities didnt know what to think about it, but werent in a great position to request help from the capital as it stood hundreds of miles away from Barkholm.

The Great forest itself was a peaceful place where many of the citizens hunted or harvested from the naturally lush and fertile land within, but as time went on, the forest started to become darker and more terrifying, as the horrors from inside of the earth crept out and claimed more victims, becoming emboldened by humanities lack of retaliation.


Today, the town of Barkholm is in ruins, its roads and houses are in a decrepit state, and the busy streets of the town are nothing more than dust blowing through the ghost town.

Gusts of wind blew across splintered signs in town, creating a eerie squeaking noise in what would otherwise be nothing but a symphony of wind blowing and dust swirling.

The dark overcast of the town, which has held for several years, is another reminder of the despair this place represents, in time, the entire world would look like Barkholm, displaying the destroyed remnants of a race which had been enslaved once again after thousands of years of freedom from their inevitable masters.


Tentacle creatures occasionally crept through the dusty streets of the town, the sky above them swirling with dark magic which seems to be an omen of some sort, but of what? no one knew.

humans avoided Barkholm like a plague, and rightfully so, Barkholm was very close to several Purple tentacle lairs throughout the forest and the original megalair, 'The Great Lair' which today housed thousands of human slaves, each being sustained and drained each day to empower a great overlord, whose power was unmatched by any other creature in the history of the world.

It's tentacles burrowed deep into the earth, corrupting plants and trees underneath, converting their appearance into a more sinister form, trees and plants grew phalluses and slithered slowly as they stretched their tentacles forth.

The rivers and streams which ran through the forest were tainted with tentacle semen, which if any woman was foolish enough to drink, would immediately feel confused and full of desire.

The Forest had become a nightmare, another precursor for things to come, what the world would devolve into in time, unless something was done.

Above the town the dark clouds and winds swirled and whispering a harrowing gust through the land, a black and unmistakably evil power grew in the sky, and soon, it would consume the entire world in darkness, snuffing out humanities's final hope of freedom.................forever.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Tentanarix has decided to create an RPGmaker Adaptation of this CYOA.

I am truly honored that Tentanarix has decided to spend some of his free time on a project related to my (our) work. :)


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 13: Zoey

After what seemed like weeks of continuous sex, Zoey was finally ready, at least according to Rachel.

Rachel had her hand inside of Zoey and was feeling around inside of her like last time. "You've impressed me, Girl"

"t...thanks" Zoey said in response, her body still ached from the relentless torment of the tentacles, but she felt as through her body was ready to accommodate the egg of an overlord.

Rachel pulled her hand out of Zoey's body, it was soaking with the small woman's juices as she rubbed it along the meatwall floor, which absorbed Zoey's essence like it were a sponge.

Rachel got up off of the floor and flashed a smile "You are ready."

The words were somewhat of a shock to Zoey, who knew all along what she was preparing for, but the act itself was something she had dreaded this entire time, knowing it would likely be painful and traumatic.

"im ready" Zoey nodded, feigning confidence.

Rachel smiled again, putting her arm on Zoey's shoulder "good".

Zoey was released from her bonds, her feet touched the ground and she felt the meatwall on her soles for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"Follow me" Rachel said to her, pounding her tentacle staff to the ground as she turned around and started to walk, Zoey walked behind her, still nursing the ache of her ravaged vagina every step of the way.


As the girls walked through the lair, Zoey again witnessed the women along the way, the main lair of the green tentacles was impressive, and in each passage they walked through, hundreds of women were latched to the walls, on their path, on the high ceilings, some were even held high mid-air above them and being fucked as their juices fell to the ground before their path, the lair was a constant stream of moaning and screaming, the sounds of ecstasy were like a white noise by now to Zoey however.


Eventually after walking through the lair for what seemed like forever, the two women reached the gigantic room with the massive overlord again, and the large chasm with women lined all the way up impressed Zoey again, who couldn't believe a place like this existed.

More juices from women and tentacles slowly rained down on the women as they walked down the narrow path towards the center of the room, the meatwall illuminating more as they stepped along it.

Before the Overlord, waited two more women, one of whom was kneeling down on the meatfloor by the side of the other.


The most prominent of the two was standing there with her arms crossed.

The Woman wore a Gold Tiara, which was similar to Rachel's in the center of it had a Obsidian Gem imbedded inside of it with what appeared to be gold plated tentacle reaching for it.

Her body was dull and grey but her womanly features were sensual and dripping with lubrication, her large breasts were muscular and toned, much like Rachel's. Her eyes were red and glowed with dark power, her hair was Black and coal and flowed down her back, around her wrists and ankles she wore several trickets, and beads, all of which silver, gold or black, and around her waist she wore a black leather strap which held an Obsidian dagger, an instrument which Zoey didnt doubt that this woman had hundreds of years of experience wielding.

Beside her was a weak girl who was knelt down with her hands tied behind her back, her sandy blonde hair was wet with her sweat and her face had tears running down it.

"Is this the Broodmother?" The Grey-skinned woman asked, turning towards Rachel with her arms still crossed.

"Yes Cecilia, This is the one." Rachel shot another smile to Cecilia, whose face remained stern and serious.

"She is ready?"

"She is as ready as she ever will be." Rachel responded as she looked back at Zoey, who held her arms timidly at her sides.

"Very well."

"Is this the woman who will represent you?" Rachel said, pointing to the woman at Cecilia's side.

"Indeed, she is a loyal servant who shall serve us well" Cecilia turned towards the woman at her side, who had tears in her eyes and was weeping silently.

"She doesnt seem like she would be very loyal" Rachel observed

"Black tentacle servants don't feel the need to shout out their cries of ecstasy"

"I see, they show their loyalty with the tears in their eyes." Rachel said as she herself crossed her arms.

Cecilia snapped back "Watch your mouth, Rachel, we may be allies, but that doesnt mean im going to put up with your attitude."

"You tell a tentacle queen to watch her mouth in her own lair, you arent very smart are you?" Rachel responded

"Enough!" the voice of the Overlord echoed through the lair.

Rachel immediately knelt down before her overlord, and Cecilia uncrossed her arms and turned towards the massive overlord.

"Zoey, are you ready to accept my seed?" the echo of the overlord continued through the lair as it shook the walls around them.

Everyone turned towards zoey as she timidly nodded her head. "y....yes".

"Come close child, so that i may embrace you."

Rachel stood up and moved aside, showing Zoey another smile and she started to move, Cecilia looked Zoey in the eyes, her fiery red eyes burned through her as she continued to move, looking down at the poor girl on the ground next to her, who was looking through her long strands of hair in front of her face at Zoey.

Zoey stood before the pit before her, with the hundreds of tentacles below, the massive tentacle creature in front of her slowly lowered several tentacles.

"I will be as gentle as i am able, little one" the overlord said in a quiet tone.

The tentacles grabbed Zoey lightly around her arms and legs, and lifted her off of the ground easily.

Zoey looked behind her as Rachel moved forward next to the other women who were watching Zoey as she floated through the air, beneath Zoey was thousands of tentacles in the pit below her, each stretching out toward her instinctively towards her body.

From above Zoey's head, a large tentacle broke through the very ceiling of the lair and slowly descended downward towards the small woman who was trembling with fear, the hundreds of captive women in the room all momentarily stopped their moans of pleasure as they looked on at what was happening before them.

The large tentacle descended onto Zoey, whose eyes were widened as she saw the tentacle which was ment to enter her, it was easily twice the size of one of her puny arms, and had a pointed phallus which was ment to pierce her effortlessly.

The tentacles holding Zoey flipped her so that her Pussy faced straight up in the air, Zoey looked downward as the maw of hungry tentacles below her wanted nothing more than for her to fall and plunge into their hungry mouths, Zoey's short black hair dangled down and she looked upward across her body to see the ever-descending green phallus creep toward her vulnerable body.

The tentacles around Zoey's legs pulled her open even more, to ensure that the menacing tentacle above had plenty of room to work with.

At last, the large tentacle reached zoey, and lightly pressed against her labia, its superior lubrication parted her lips slightly as the pointed tip entered her by an inch, testing the waters as it were.

Zoey closed her eyes and grit her teeth as the phallus pushed gently into her, the sides of the giant tentacle with warm and lubricated with slime, creating a tight but not quite painful feeling as the phallus entered her slowly.

Inch by inch, the giant tentacle slipped into Zoey's body, its slick and meaty sides pressed against her insides, filling her utterly as the tight fit closed every corner of her, like a finger entering a glove.

At last, the tip of the phallus pierced into her uterus and stopped, drawing back a couple inches and plunging forward again slowly.

Zoey looked up across her body again to see the large tentacle stuck inside of her, her body felt warm and she was calm, perhaps this wouldent be quite as bad as she originally thought, a shock of pleasure ran down her spine as her body shook as the familiar pleasure poured into her brain, she closed her eyes again, soaking in the feeling as she wiggled her hips a bit to feel the mass of the tentacle inside of her.

Zoey had always enjoyed sex, and that was probably a good thing, since she was forced to ensure hundreds of years of it, it might have been one of the only things that kept her sane throughout all of these years.

The pace of the tentacle started to pick up as the tentacle delved deeper into Zoey's body, producing more of a orgasm as Zoey was barely on the edge of letting loose a moan of her own.

The tentacle pushed forward into Zoey's uterus, pushing up into it and against the back, causing a bit of pain, the phallus's edges widened and it latched onto the inside of her uterus, stopping movement altogether.

Zoey looked up at the long shaft of the phallus started to tremble a bit and move.

The inside of Zoey's Uterus was slowly being filled with tentacle semen as the warm feeling pooled into her, the edges of the phallus, which were widened and clasping against the edge of Zoey's Body prevented any of the semen from leaving, and slowly but surely filled her body with the stuff.

Zoey felt the pressure of her stomach as the semen filled her, her belly was becoming distended by the pressure and zoey was beginning to be worried that her body wouldent be able to handle it when the egg came.

A large bulge appeared at the base of the tentacle and slowly made its was down, the pressure in Zoey's stomach was growing and becoming uncomfortable from the semen being pumped into her.

The Egg slide down quickly until it reached the entrance to Zoey's Vagina, its movement hindered by the relative tightness of her hole, Zoey grit her teeth and grimaced as the egg pressed against her.

With one painful motion, the egg pressed down into her, spreading her Labia and vagina wide open all at once and being deposited inside of her womb.

Zoey's belly was very large, and distended, the tentacle inside of her latched away from her uterus and retracted from her body, lifting itself out of her quickly, a spray of semen gushed from her pussy and splattered her body, running down her skin and covering her face as she quickly licked the excess up for nourishment.

The tentacles flipped Zoey again and slowly lifted her back towards the platform, feeling the heavy weight of the semen and egg inside of her, which made it difficult to move.

Zoey was placed on her feet, but immediately slumped to the ground as she was lightheaded.

Rachel pounded her tentacle staff down on the ground and a tentacle emerged from the meatwall below, Rachel quickly grabbed it and put it into Zoey's mouth.

"Drink up, you'll need your strength" Rachel said to Zoey.

Zoey closed her eyes, the egg in her belly was draining her of her power extremely quickly and she would need a constant source of semen just to feel herself from going into a coma.

Rachel put her hand on Zoey's head and pat her lightly "Good job" she said with a smile, Zoey just looked up at her before closing her eyes and passing out, tentacle in mouth and egg in the womb.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Update soon! i promise!


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


"Ive never been impregnated before and i dont know much about it" Ella said to the woman.

"It just so happens that it is the subject that i know most about" the mysterious woman said as she poked her small fire with a small rod she had found.

The mysterious woman looked down at Ella's bulging stomach and began to speak with a small smile on her face.

"Once i had been told that a woman is never happier than when she is pregnant, and throughout my life, i had never been able to object to that statement"

The mysterious woman lightly placed the poker down next to the time and started to walk around the room, telling her strange tale and what she knew.

"The first 20 years of my life were usual and dull, a small girl in a small town where i was insignificant and largely ignored.... i never had a boyfriend because i was so shy, at least thats what i told myself, the truth is, i just didn't try, i was a loner who spent most of her time reading books or enjoying the nearby forest"

"You are much older than you appear" Ella said and she looked over at the woman.

"Allow me to finish" The woman said

"My apologies"

"Everything was fine until that day. I was awakened to the ravings of a madman outside of my house, screaming about how the nearby village they were from had been attacked by horrible creatures from the forest...many chose to ignore the man's story, not that it would have mattered"

The Mysterious woman stood over the alter and put her hands down on it, looking down on Ella.

"We had no chance, the creatures came from every direction around us, overpowering men and women alike, grabbing and carrying the women and strangling the men, girls who i had been friends with for many years were grabbed by the ankles and torn away, their clothing being ripped from their bodies as they cried and pleaded, reaching out back to me for help as they were dragged through the streets and into the forest nearby"

"What color tentacles were they?"


Ella nodded her head slightly "continue"

"I hid as long as i could, but eventually, the tentacles found me and grabbed me, tearing my clothing off and slithering their warm and slimy tentacles across my body, i had never felt such fear, they pushed inside of me, causing me to bleed, taking away my virginity, i had never felt what a man felt like before and i likely never will"

"Im sorry....i know how you feel" Ella said to her, with a bit of sadness

"You too?................of course, few women left in this world have ever had sex with a man" The mysterious woman said as she looked down on the alter.

"I was taken to their lair and put up against the wall there, it was warm and living like an extension of the tentacles themselves, i was forced to endure their rape every day until finally, they started to impregnate me"

Ella grabbed her own belly, wrapping an arm around it.

"You ask me what tentacle impregnation is? well i can tell you that ive birthed thousands of tentacles in my lifetime, im well over 200 years old"


"Women like me are all over this world, ones captured by the tentacles during the apocalypse, who have been kept as power sources and birthing pods by the tentacles all this time."

"Why do the tentacles need women to reproduce?"

"Tentacles are unable to reproduce by themselves, there is no female tentacle, the creatures need women to survive as a species and take exceptionally good care of their slaves throughout their lifetime"

"what is it about the human body that allows tentacles to reproduce?"

"i dont know, but everything about them allows them to prey upon us...their superior strength, their mind altering slime and semen, even their minds are designed to outsmart humans and manipulate us...they are literally the perfect predator of humanity"

"makes you think whether or not they were created"

"perhaps...but many tentacles themselves dont know their origin......i mean, do you know of humanities origin?"

"I havent really ever had an opportunity to ponder anything but my own survival" Ella responded

"Im sure they see it the same way."

The mysterious woman brought herself back down and sat in front of the fire again.

"200 years as a tentacle slave....that must have been rough"

"The truth is........i miss it"

"how can you say such a thing?"

"You'd never understand....not until.........." the mysterious woman looked sad

The two women remained silent for a moment, the fire snapping between them.

"Ella is it?"


The mysterious woman stood up and walked over to Ella and reached her hand out.

"I dont remember my real name, but you can call me Zoey"


"It was the name of a girl i was friends with as a child, i had alot of time to reflect on my childhood while in captivity, and between the muddled confusion in my mind and the addictive propeties of the smile and semen in my system, i had forgotten my name and could only remember hers......Zoey"

Ella reached her hand our and grabbed the small woman's hand, shaking it.

"Ella, im not sure we can be friends" Zoey said to her

"What do you mean?"

"My body, my soul, every ounce of my being yearns to be back within the loving embrace of my kin"

"Your Kin?"

"The Tentacles, Ella....they are my Kin now, my children"

Ella shook her head.

"Zoey, you are a free woman, you can rid yourself of the tentacles forever, we can destroy their race one by one"

"Ella, you just dont understand.....this is our world now, the tentacles are our masters, we have to embrace them"

"You are confused Zoey, let me help you, we'll travel together, ill protect you from them."

"Ella, listen to me, i can help you....my overlord will treat you kindly, there is no need to continue fighting anymore"

From all around Ella, the tentacles started to crawl into the church through the windows, from the back of the church, and from behind Zoey, there was a combination of black tentacles and Green tentacles, the black tentacles were smaller and quicker, the green tentacles were larger and stronger.

Ella looked all around for a place to escape.

"A trap?"

"Im sorry Ella, i had to keep you here until they arrived" Zoey said

"But that black tentacle you helped me kill earlier?"

"It fought valiantly and died for a noble cause, it's death will save thousands of tentacles from you."

The tentacles all around Ella stood still, waiting for an order from someone to strike.

Zoey walked down next to Ella and put her arm around her waist.

"Come with me, it will be easier, dont fight it, ill make sure you are treated well" she whispered into Ella's ear

Ella heart sank as she saw the next two women step through the church doorway.

First was Sarah, who had procured a new whip, which was thick and glossy, she offered a diabolical smile as she looked on to see Ella on the alter next to Zoey.

From behind came a woman of unbelievable power, whose features suggested incredible amounts of tentacle corruption and empowerment, she carried a tentacle staff, and wore a Tiara with an Emerald Gem imbedded into it.

"Hello, Hopebringer" the small woman spoke.

The woman was called Rachel, and Ella had only heard about her through rumors of escaped green tentacle slaves, she was unbelievably powerful and her staff allowed her to utilize powerful magic.

This entire thing was a trap, a ploy set up to cause Ella to drop her guard and become ambushed, the black tentacles were known for their traps, but Ella could hardly believe that she had fallen for this one.

Rachel and Sarah walked down the aisle of the church together, prepared to signal the tentacles around them to attack at a moments notice.

Zoey grabbed Ella's hand again and squeezed it.

"Please, let me take you in" Zoey was almost begging Ella to surrender, knowing that her fate would likely be much worse if she did not.

Ella looked around the room again, surrounded by enemies, armed only with a long candlestick, which was hardly a weapon to begin with, was it wise to fight against such impossible odds?

What do you do?

A. Surrender to Zoey, who promises that she will provide some kind of amnesty for you.

B. Talk to and surrender to Rachel, a being which you know you have almost no chance to defeat at this time.

C. Try to fight your way through the tentacles and escape.

D. Talk to Sarah and Rachel and try to delay your capture until you are perhaps able to find a better opportunity to escape.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

In this world, you can trust no one. Everyone is out for themselves. even escaped slaves would turn you in and secure your enslavement if they thought it would benefit them in some way.

All you have are your skills, your ideals and your mission.


Jungle Girl
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D I've recently started reading this and finally caught up to this point. I figure talking to Sarah and Rachel to stall for time can't hurt and we may be able to still pick who we surrender to if we are left to those choices and nothing happens in the time that we stall for. I had thought about fighting but we are definitely in no shape to try and fight out of this.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


I've got some questions :
1°) Can't we call Olivia and her friends ? We're carrying their child, after all.
2°) We can't trust anyone ? Yeah but for the last crap, we haven't got the choice Oo ... You haven't allowed us to do not talk to the girl and to run away. We didn't really chosen to fall into the trap, by such (we only chose our direction, which one was the bad one ^^).

Edit : Fuck. I want to agree with 4access69. We're gonna be killed (or worst) so ... We need to die with honor : C. (Indeed, I vote C only because D is chosen for a while ^^")
Last edited:


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D. We're not giving up, but we're unarmed and facing pretty long odds. Our best chance is an attempt to play the two factions against one another and escape in the confusion. It might not be a very *good* chance, but it's better then trying to face them combined.


Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

*Sigh* We're fucked? Again? I think we got the point, it's a harsh world and everybody is an enemy, so maybe, give us some breathing room >.>.

Ah well. Let's die with a bang, shall we? ^^

D. As thetwo said, maybe playing the factions against each other will give us a slight chance of escape.


Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

D. Maybe we can play them off each other like thetwo said. Or we could roll a 20 to escape, can't rule that out.

And ok ok, maybe we should have just stayed in the forest like olivia said. I'll go ahead and own the poor vote on my part... I will not fail again!