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Tentacle Hive

Re: Tentacle Hive

2B all the way; nothing like a one-tentacle strike team!
Re: Tentacle Hive


You feel different, like you could spend even longer out here. Not that your energy reserve is larger, just that you go through it slower. Something strikes you as a bit odd. You've had an evolution like you normally do, but you haven't gotten any larger. Oh, whatever, you're having way too much fun out here to head back just yet.

You leave behind the near catatonic hunter girl and continue away from the main road, sticking to the trees, as usual. You keep going down the road and the traffic is dying out as the road becomes more and more remote. The only prospects that have come by were too many. In your current state, any more than a lone woman could be too difficult. On the bright side, you've got both charges of your aphrodisiac back.

The sun has nearly set and you haven't found any good targets yet. You decide to head deeper into the forest, looking for a clearing someone might bed down in. After about an hour of hunting you come across a brown stone structure, large, with a small wall running around it. It looks like one of the local temples and it looks inhabited as there's a light shining in the solitary tower, probably to act as a beacon. Due to the diversity in the local pantheon of Gods, it could be a temple to a god or goddess, meaning this place is either full of men, monks, or tasty, tasty, women, nuns and acolytes. Some of these places even function as brothels though most are simply places of study, worship, and rest stops for travelers. This one is a bit out there so it likely doesn't have any visitors. However, the one group that is very certain of the behavior and commonality of creatures such as yourself is the local temples. Some devotees of the Gods are more against you than others, it's probably related to the aspects of the god they serve.

Decision Time

A. Investigate the shrine cautiously, climbing the tree nearest to it to try to see who lives there. Specify what to do after.
B. Leave this place.
1. Back to the hive​
2. Back to the road​
C. Rely upon your stealth and the fading light try to get an even closer look, foregoing the tree and just entering the courtyard. You will use your aura suppression because some of the people who live here may be magically attuned.
D. Wait along the path into this place to ambush any lone travellers, far enough away that any screams wouldn't be heard or could be dismissed as just the wind.
E. Other.

Energy: 90/110(you lose energy steadily while you travel outside the hive)
Health: 75/75
EXP: 675/900
Size: 8.5 feet long, 2.25 in in diameter

2 doses of aphrodisiac
Re: Tentacle Hive

A. Sneak in with aura suppression if it seems feasible and there are women to be had.
Re: Tentacle Hive

I'll go with A, but be particularly cautious; clerics are trouble.
Re: Tentacle Hive

A. I'll need to see whats in there before deciding on what next
Re: Tentacle Hive

A. First we need to find out whether the priests are male or female. If male, we should leave, and maybe return to the hive. If female, we should try and determine whether the priestesses worship
A) a chaste, virginal deity (like the Greek Artemis, e.g.), are
B) more warriorlike (think Xena), or are, hopefully,
C)following a cult that emphasizes love and fertility (Ishtar and her temple prostitutes would be nice indeed).
In case A, we could maybe try to look for a less-than-virginal priestess (or maybe a lonely, meditating one). In case B, we should consider retreat or, again, finding a lonely priestess or novice with her guard down. In case C, well, depends a bit on whether their fertility-deity is exclusive in its choice of suitable mates for the priestesses...:D
Re: Tentacle Hive

A. First we need to find out whether the priests are male or female. If male, we should leave, and maybe return to the hive. If female, we should try and determine whether the priestesses worship
A) a chaste, virginal deity (like the Greek Artemis, e.g.), are
B) more warriorlike (think Xena), or are, hopefully,
C)following a cult that emphasizes love and fertility (Ishtar and her temple prostitutes would be nice indeed).
In case A, we could maybe try to look for a less-than-virginal priestess (or maybe a lonely, meditating one). In case B, we should consider retreat or, again, finding a lonely priestess or novice with her guard down. In case C, well, depends a bit on whether their fertility-deity is exclusive in its choice of suitable mates for the priestesses...:D

Re: Tentacle Hive

Sorry for the delay, but I've felt like I've had an army attempting to hammer it's way out of my face with a good old sinus infection. It's starting to subside now, so I can finish thoughts without just shouting out "fuck it hurts" or "I'd really like to see if drilling a hole in my face would help."


You scale the nearest tree looking for a vantage point on the little compound here. From your now lofty position, you can see a few robed figures in the fading light. One is attempting to light a fire, another is sweeping the small stone path leading to the main temple, and the last one is sitting crosslegged towards the wall far away from the others, seemingly meditating. The one lighting the fire succeeds and you get a good look at... her. There are women here it seems. She looks older, perhaps 50 or more and she's got some rather mean looking scars marking her face. She most likely had a rough life before she joined the convent or these are warrior women, dedicated to a goddess of victory or, perhaps, a goddess of the hunt.

You hold put to try to gather just what manner of women you can expect to find. It's not uncommon for widows to join convents as a way to survive relatively easily, so this women may not be typical of who lives here. While you're trying to get a look, you hear the dull thud of horseshoes on the nearby dirt path. You only hear one horse.

You change your position trying to get a better look at these new visitors. It's a horse drawn cart with a bench. There's a man holding the reins, he seems to look in his early 30's wearing a sturdy brown jacket and trousers. His passenger is considerably younger, late teens at most, wearing a brown hooded cloak and a long noblewoman's dress, a dark blue color and loose fitting. Plain, but very well made for travel and comfort. What little you can see of her hair is brown and her eyes are a very deep amber brown color, near bordering on red. Despite the age difference, they seem to get along quite well, joking with each other as they go along.

The figures in the temple haven't seen their visitors coming, but the cart driver seems to know where he's going. It looks like they're going to spend the night here.

Decision time!

A. Ambush the man in the cart before the nuns in the temple realize they're there.

B. Observe for now. See how the nuns greet these travelers to better understand them.

C. Go back to the hive.

D. Other
Re: Tentacle Hive

B It would be easier to divide and knock them out separately but the girl could run to the nuns while we attack the nuns, and the horse could panic. What time is it. if they all go to sleep in separate rooms that would make things easier.
Re: Tentacle Hive

B Just bide our time, rushing now would probably end poorly.