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Tentacle Hive

Re: Tentacle Hive

A2. Good story so far!
Re: Tentacle Hive

C2. No need to sit and wait, wasting energy. Let's head back and see what's new and exciting.
Re: Tentacle Hive

C2, merely waiting would drain over half our energy, just waste time in the hive until dusk and move again.
Re: Tentacle Hive

C2: and try to see if we can't fuck some girl(s) there :3
Re: Tentacle Hive

A2, smaller roads offer better chances to encounter smaller groups, and waiting would waste too much energy.
About that mercenary company, do we know enough about weapons to discern wether their equipment was mainly anti-human or anti-tentacle?
Re: Tentacle Hive


Its obvious the main road has too much traffic and too little cover, and staying put would just be a waste of energy until we evolve some kind of hibernation upgrade
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Re: Tentacle Hive

A. Take the new path.

Re: Tentacle Hive

Preface: You know those moments when something in your life just goes to shit? Yeah, had one of those. I'll be updating more regularly, but a bit more slowly.

A2 new path right now.

There's no sense continuing on this main road, far too much traffic to make a stealthy abduction. You head down the new road immediately. It's less traveled, you see a group maybe every 15 minutes to a half hour. Unfortunately, no prospects. A few groups of men and women too large to handle yourself, a lone man wearing a long, large cloak and a walking stick, and a man and a girl of maybe 6, far too young to be a target.

It's now bright out, perhaps around 10 or 11 in the morning, so you must be cautious that you aren't seen directly or you'll cause a stir. It's slower going now, you can't leap long distances without drawing attention to yourself due to the rustling of the leaves. You're considerably larger than most tree dwelling creatures in these woods and traveling fast would cause too much movement so close to humans.

You keep moving on and the traffic dies out until you see a figure beneath you, stalking through the trees, similarly dressed to the lone man you saw before, but wielding a bow rather than just a stick. You create a small rustle, before you can react, the figure draws the arrow notched on the string and fires it near the noise. It thwacks into the tree trunk just 5 inches from you, either very skilled or very lucky. When they made the shot, you got a good look at their face, it's a woman, or very much appears to be. The large cloak obscures her figure. Her hand rapidly disappears into the cloak and draws another arrow from a hip quiver, notching it quietly onto the bowstring. She's suspicious now, knowing her shot missed but not certain if her quarry has fled quietly or frozen in place. You're still watching her, camouflaged as best you can. Fortunately she doesn't seem to have any magical prowess so you don't need to cloak your aura.

Decision time!

A. Aggressive. Bows are not effective close quarters weapons. Leap down and give her a dose of aphrodisiac as you wrap up her arms.
B. Ambush. Move slowly and quietly ahead of her, stay out of sight as you descend a tree and disguise yourself as a tree root as she passes. Then strike.
C. Let this one pass. She's alone, but seems dangerous and perhaps very skilled.
D. Leave the area.
E. Other. Come up with your own tactical plan. Please include details.

Energy: 80/110(you lose energy steadily while you travel outside the hive)
Health: 75/75
EXP: 675/900
Size: 8.5 feet long, 2.25 in in diameter
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Re: Tentacle Hive

A. She's right below us and we're still snake shaped (aren't we?) so arrows aren't a very effective weapon against us