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Tentacle Defense

Re: Tentacle Defense

Aye, I appreciate the concern lad, but as Host stated, we're started to mount this beast now. For a brief moment though, I had considered pulling an LM for the fun of it >3

@Alias: understandable - MSN stands for Must Suck Nuts. I also know that Macs are not compliant with MSN; however there are a fair number of popular IM apps that can still chat to end-users still using MSN. If desired, we can try working something with IRC, or utilize the little java chat app we have here.

What works for you?
Re: Tentacle Defense

The first thought that comes to mind is the IRC. The second thought is that there are any number of sites dedicated to creating chatrooms, and maybe you could set up a dev room for you to hop in to every now and again and see what's up/ berate your peeps for not working.
Re: Tentacle Defense

I've never been able to get it to work properly, but if we can wrangle it, SVC would be a good option. That way we know we always have the latest version. Can't remember if it requires its own server or not though... been a while since I last (failed to) use it.
Re: Tentacle Defense

SVC is nice when you have a lot of actual source code. Since we're operating in flash, and the fact that this project is smaller than your average SVC needing coding project, uploading your most current version to a file host should be more than enough.
Re: Tentacle Defense

hello all sorry i was gone for so long and having read the subsequent posts i must admit that as a fellow dev i have nothing in the way of anything expedient or useful to contribute i may have 4 handmade firewalls around my comp but i write entirely in binary so as to have more minute control and since im the only person i know who would still rather write 6000+ lines of coding in bin rather than use a better system im one of the hardest writers of all time to work with so ill bow out b4 i set everything on fire:p
Re: Tentacle Defense

uh... that's... fine. Thanks for letting us know.
Re: Tentacle Defense

OOO OO i know wht happened screwdriver saw my post and immediately went o_O
Re: Tentacle Defense

1010 0111 0011 1010 1011 0100 1110 1010 0011 1011 0110 1010 1101 1010
1010 1001 1101 0101 0111 0101 1010 1101 0111 0111 0101 0101 0010 1001
0001 0010 1010 0101 0010 0010 0011 0101 0111 0101 0111 0110 1011 0110

. . . . . I have NO clue.
Re: Tentacle Defense

*shrug* 6000 lines of code isn't that much. I once had a term project that was our choice of game, we made a simple tile-based ice-sliding puzzle game (think ice caverns in the old pokemon) and that was around 10000 lines of c#. 6k is just... I don't know, something even simpler. Unless you're talking about writing a hello world program with 6k lines. But then you've completely obliterated any advantages to write in binary. If there were any in the first place.
Re: Tentacle Defense

no i just use 6000 as a good cut-off for a nights worth of work the actual finished project is much larger but to make sure it gets done i stop at 6-7k every night i work keeps me sane:eek:
Re: Tentacle Defense

I guess that makes more sense. What specifically do you gain from working in binary? (Aside from the headache)
Re: Tentacle Defense

I guess that makes more sense. What specifically do you gain from working in binary? (Aside from the headache)

Technically more control I guess? In actuality its ridiculously harder to do even the simplest tasks and a decent modern language allows you all the control you could conceivably need as well as doing better optimization then a human can reasonably expect to achieve by hand in a program of any complexity during their lifetime.
Re: Tentacle Defense

Ahh, he's bullshitting everyone. The rule of thumb is that on any day, the average number unique of lines of code that actually gets written is 6. The rest of it is copy/paste or spent on debugging.
Re: Tentacle Defense

I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt for politeness' sake =P
Re: Tentacle Defense

lol writing in binary allows you to work very carefully and is generally less buggy small problems are also easier to find because the bad line makes everything after it make very little sense and yes it offers you more control since all modern languages still break down into binary at there most basic BUT you're all getting off topic by trying to decide to call bs or not since the point is moot either way i really have been gone for a month a binary writer is basically someone who would rather use hand-tools for carpentry rather than power tools its takes longer but if done carefully turns out extremely well personal preferance nothing more
Re: Tentacle Defense

. . . Every time I read Blind's posts, it feels as though he's talking very fast without stopping at all. o_O

lol :p <3
Re: Tentacle Defense

He kinda reminds me of this one time, back in high school, when a guy came to talk about Crystal Meth. He brought along a recipe he had found on the internet, it was about two pages of complete nonsense, without a single punctuation mark. I managed to get about two paragraphs in before I looked at the guy and asked if there was any punctuation. XD
Re: Tentacle Defense

not nonsense, but instead of punctuation i usually use two or three spaces instead because im rocked on caffeine and pressing space bar4 times is easier for a twitchy diabetic than using the oddly placed punctuation keys. As for talking quickly, i actually do and it leads to a lot of very deep breaths in between run-on sentences. wht can i say, im odd and for some very strange reason this forum automatically spaces my paragraphs so my multi-spacing preferance has never worked here. I've just never changed my sworded ways until now do to shrike's strange post about someone talking about meth...
Re: Tentacle Defense

hehe, you had to be there, it was hilarious imagining someone trying to make Meth from the set of instructions I read. It's really no wonder to me why those labs blow up so often XD