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Tentacle and Witches

Re: Tentacle and Witches

Why is there a regular versions and an HD version? And why is it so freaking expensive? I mean I wouldn't mind supporting them but 46 dollars really?

And yeah reading all the DRM crap now too. Sounds like too much hassle honestly. I don't put up with that kind of stuff on my major videogame releases I will play for hours. Not going to just for a 30 minute hentai vid. If this gets cracked its only going to hurt their sales.

Also while I was looking at this I noticed Chikko just put out a new game. I tried the demo, and its ridiculously complicated looking for a hentai game. Though part of it is just its a screen full of moonspeak buttons. But still there is all kind of pie charts and statistics lol. How complicated does tentacle raping a sailor scout need to be?
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Re: Tentacle and Witches

Japan is very expensive in comparison to some other countries.
I've heard blueray box sets get up in the multiple hundreds over there, like 2-3 hundred dollars
Re: Tentacle and Witches

Rate of currency conversion is also important. A product worth £50 in Scotland, I'd traditionally find anywhere from £25~35 in America, due to the GBP being slightly stronger.

Shipping would take extra, though, so it's such a marginal save. But the reverse holds true: Americans buying products from the UK may as well buy a similar product locally and burn an extra dozen or so dollars.

More on-topic, does anyone know if they're using DRM that groups are familiar getting around?
Re: Tentacle and Witches

I don't really understand DRM on video's. Why not let it play with DRM on and use a video capture like FRAPS? Seems like a solid, unpreventable way of circumventing the DRM.
Re: Tentacle and Witches

now would be a good time to get a rip from the dvd itself. Since it looks like what we hoped for has just blocked everyone in the face.
Re: Tentacle and Witches

Somehow I get the impression that the interwebs doesn't care about my fap schedule. It hurts.
Re: Tentacle and Witches

How the hell do you even DRM a video file?
Re: Tentacle and Witches

I don't really understand DRM on video's. Why not let it play with DRM on and use a video capture like FRAPS? Seems like a solid, unpreventable way of circumventing the DRM.

Most DRM software highjacks your computer in such a way that things like that don't work. I haven't tried it with DRM'd video, but with DRM image sets, things like screen captures/print screen/etc won't work. Also, most DRM software simply won't work on virtual machines - which sucks for those not using Windows.

DRM software is very intrusive, which is one reason I don't like it.
Re: Tentacle and Witches

Looks like they use a specific overlay output and/or hotkey disables. For example with media player classic you can choose DirectShow Overlay Mixer, using print screen will produce a black screen instead of what you're actually seeing. This is because the video is actually "on top" of what the screen capture can see.

Using a virtual device would solve it, as the overlay mixer would be inside the device, and the screen capture device would be on top of the virtual device. As you said (Never tried this myself), the DRM preventing such a device would not make this a solution.

Basically what it comes down to is:

1. Remove the DRM, which is probably the hardest.

2. Have the DRM think it's not in a virtual device through various means.

3. Find a way to have the overlay be ran in a device that can output it into a video that actually can be captured. Think of having VLC run MPC in the overlay mixer.

4. Probably the best, if feasible, run the video in DRM, have a second PC connect to the first one (Remote view, doesn't have to be control) and record the video on the second PC.

I have no clue if the DRM prevents the remote control to work, I would think not, but not surprised if it did with my experiences with Starforce. You seem to know a bit about DRM wintermute, you know of people trying my #4 solution?
Re: Tentacle and Witches


yes it is up, just follow this link and you can pay for your download.

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Re: Tentacle and Witches

startreknerd11011011 where can I download episode 3
Re: Tentacle and Witches

Be that as it may, p2p is ze evul. Not sure if it's worth the risk... goddammit
Re: Tentacle and Witches

Check Hongfire, but it's on a pretty obscure network.... damn Japanese hipster pirates with their vintage p2p technology :(
Re: Tentacle and Witches

i cant find it....P2p....im scurred, anyone have a link up yet? ive been waiting for this for too long... :confused:
Re: Tentacle and Witches

For those that really really want to try to get it, you have to download Utatane (P2P network client) and TRY to connect to the server mentioned here: I'm #9644617 so you see I tried but I failed with that very vague moonspeak error message.

But yeah, if you really want to try it out, knowing moonspeak would probably help you out a lot.