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Teladran Forest

Re: Teladran Forest

Isha obliges, and the three of them set off at a casual pace deeper into the forest, talking as they go. "So does anyone have any special suggestions as to which way to go, or should we just wander?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo pipes up, a little sheepishly, clinging to the provided strap..

"No idea, I'm afraid. I would suspect, though, that the area around the shrine would look different.. different sorts of trees, less undergrowth, perhaps more signs of trimming... are there any tracks, around?"
Re: Teladran Forest

"That's a good point." Isha replies. "Although we have no idea if the shrine is currently occupied, so pruning might not be evident. I have been checking for tracks, but I haven't noticed anything other than a few wildlife trails, nothing that would have been made by a person. I'm far from an expert however, so it may just be that I'm missing any signs that are there. Either that or its being covered by someone, and knowing the stories of this place I would guess by magical means."
Re: Teladran Forest

"Magic...? As if.. there is someone who doesn't want us to find this shrine..?"

Kiyo lets go of the strap for a moment, and leans heavily on her staff. Her limp is slowly becoming more pronounced as she goes on, and it seems to be taking it's toll on the blind woman.

After a moment, though, she forces herself upright, and after a few misses, retrieves the buckle she was gripping.

"I'm.. I'm sorry. My leg.. old war wound. Shall we go on?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha takes a look at the position of the sun peeking through the branches. "It's nearly midday, we usually call for a rest soon in any case. Gives us a chance to discuss what to do next." They continue for a few minutes and find a small clearing near a stream.

"This should do well enough, and a chance to wash is quite welcome, I haven't had a good scrub since before the battle at Calladris. Hey Karyn, tell me you have some soap with you, please?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo's eyes go wide, behind her blindfold. The idea of cleansing, among strangers, was not one that would have occurred to her naturally.. and especially not while she was wearing this damned blindfold.

"I take it we are not afraid of magical eavesdroppers, then? Or pursuing enemies..? Perhaps one of us should stand guard, while the others bathe."

She does, however, release the backpack, and stand, once again leaning on her staff for support.
Re: Teladran Forest

"I was thinking much the same thing, and what do you mean, eavesdroppers? I was at the battle of Calladris, the Imperials hired nearly every mercenary in the land to fight for them, where else would I have been?" Isha gives her a funny look, then shrugs. "You two go ahead and wash first, I'll stand watch."
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Re: Teladran Forest

A shake of a brown-hooded head, disturbing chestnut tresses for a moment.

"I mean to say, anyone observing us by magical means..? I think, I shall for now refrain. It has long been a habit of mine to bathe alone, and away from others.."

Or with servants. But those days are long gone.
Re: Teladran Forest

"Alright then, do you feel up to taking watch then?" Isha asks carefully, a noticeable puzzlement on her face and in her voice.
Re: Teladran Forest

"Och, ye first, lassie. Kiyo and Ah will stan' guard, the' Ah'll trade wi' ya."

Kara pulls her automatic crossbow, safety on but drum loaded, keeping watch for Isha. Silly tall-folk and their shyness.
Re: Teladran Forest

The dwarf's reply saved Kiyo from an awkward situation.. not wanting to expose herself to strangers, nor truly able to keep watch, even in the literal sense of the word, and her gratitude is obvious.

"That sounds like the best plan. Thank you, Kara."
Re: Teladran Forest

"Thanks Karyn, got any soap?" Isha asks as she removes her weapons and armour, removing the skintight leather just in time to turn around and catch the flung soap with a practiced hand, apparently the pair have done this fairly often. She steps waist deep into the stream and begins lathering her upper body, letting the coarse soap sit for a moment before dipping down and washing it off. Her pale athletic body glistens as she steps into shallower water and does her lower half, then washes that off as well. It takes her longer to get back into her leather armour than out, but eventually she is fully enclothed again, weapons back in place and cloak on overtop. She leaves the soap by the side of the stream, then walks up to the edge of the clearing and speaks up. "That was quite refreshing, I believe that makes it your turn, eh Karyn?"

((will edit more in later, nothing of any substance to the story, I'm sure, so feel free to continue, me sleepy now))
Re: Teladran Forest

For her part, rather than stand and feel useless, Kiyo moves through a careful series of stretches - remembering, however, to sweep her staff around her first to ensure there are no trees lying in ambush. With that accomplished, she tucks the red length under one arm to stretch.

After a few minutes, her focus shifts from the one, injured leg. Now, she runs through a series of steps - her movements seem odd, at first, too smooth - but when one looks closer, one realises that it's caused by her feet. She never seems to lift them, instead sliding them across the ground, never losing balance.

One forward, two back, one left, two right, then the diagonals, her steps never seem to stop, sweeping across the ground in wide sweeps, like dance movements. A brief pause, then she starts again, this time incorporating wide staff sweeps into the steps, more intricate movements, turns, sways, avoiding movements, despite a slight gingerness on her right leg.

Sweep low to high left, change grip, sweep from high to low across the body, round, up, and ---

She stumbles. The spinning staff clips a low-hanging branch, and drops from clutching fingers, delivering a smarting blow to the the brunette's head for good measure, before thudding into the foliage.

Kiyo's hands fly to the blindfold in sudden frustration, then slow, and simply cup her face, instead, for a moment.

One day, I'll show these eyes with pride. One day!

With a sigh, she shifts, limping once again, walking like a normal person, and drops to her knees, groping blindly in the grass for her staff.
Re: Teladran Forest

Isha watches all of this with great interest and an appraising eye, quite impressed by her display. She says nothing when Kiyo clips the branch, just checks to see if Karyn is still fine, then walks over and picks up the lost staff, testing its heft and balance with one hand, then doing a spinning routine around herself so quickly the air around her nearly whistles. It stops midway through a strike, and she gently follows it through into Kiyo's hand.

"A fine weapon for a Wind Dancer." She calls the form by it's original name, not the dance that originated from it. "If you ever find yourself in Ilsegard, search out a scholar named Frederick and tell him I sent you, he has in his possession two of the original three teacher's scrolls there, the third is still lost, unfortunately. I saw you're reach, you're not blind, what are you hiding from?"
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo brushes the grass down with her hands, patting in front of her in a circle, until she hears the easy whoosh of her staff being twirled. Her shoulders sag for a moment, in what is close to shame.

To lose my weapon, have another pick it up for me... truly, this blindfold is a curse.

Of course, having it back in her hands was a welcome relief, and the blind woman stood, with effort, and the assistance of the stave.

"Wind Dancer? I have never been familiar with the term.. that was simply an adaptation of an old dancing system, I once learned. As for my blindness... I have not been so all my life. It is only recently enforced, so I still retain the habits, and manners of someone who shows their eyes to the light."

Her accent comes back into play, slightly stronger than before, melodic, unhurried.
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo's answer took Isha by surprise. She had not thought of a recent injury. "I... Apologize. I had not thought..." She manages to say. Then, as if to cover her embarassment, she switches subjects to one she knows better.

"The Wind Dancers were the order of warriors who first developed the style you use. It was made to be used with a halberd, but I had thought a simple staff would work as well. I had also noticed something different about your technique, to have mastered it backwards from the dance it created is truly impressive. I believe you are the best practitioner of it I have ever seen alive. There are still a couple improvements I can help you make, however. If you're willing, of course."

((I'm assuming Kiyo agrees here))

Isha checks on Karyn again as she finds a branch sturdy and straight enough to suffice as a temporary staff, then takes up position in front of Kiyo. "Alright, start that sequence again. I'm your enemy, don't hold back." About halfway through, Isha stops her. "Right there, change your grip just slightly, like so (adjusts Kiyo's hand by rotating it and straightening the thumb), it will keep more power after the direction change, and also make it turn more sharply. Keep going."

They proceed, and Isha only stops her once more, near the end. "And here, you are falling into a too predictable of a pattern. Step about a salf foot closer if they are using a long weapon, a half step further af their weapon is short, and try to change your rythm every few steps. To put it in dance terms, try synchopating your steps or switching to a waltz beat." She says with a smile.

They do the last part over, and though Isha still blocked or avoided every strike, Kiyo felt a couple parries had more give to them than they should, or were at sloppy angles. "Very good, you adapt to new sequences very quickly." Isha says, jumping back to avoid the last strike as it snapped her impromptu weapon in half. "I have taught you what I can of that particular style, but the scrolls in Ilsegard hold more, if you decide you wish to keep learning."
Re: Teladran Forest

((Ara. Well, you asked for it ... :p))

At first Kiyo was confused.. hearing the snapping of wood, feeling the clink of staff on staff. This talk of the Wind Dancers was familiar.. she knew of the halberd origin.. but.. Did she think that was her combat style? She just went through one of the dance routines she was once taught, basically an exercise in stick twirling.. The compliment was certainly nice, though.

With a mental shrug, she starts the sequence again, focusing this time on keeping the tip of the staff -under- the forest canopy. She stops as requested, then nearly fumbles the next grip change - the adjustment for power was a little strange, unfamiliar. She memorised that, though.

Her steps, however, are much more hesitant. Without her eyes to pick out obstacles, problems lying on the ground, Kiyo's footwork is slow. More, her strikes don't seem like strikes at all, simple flashing the staff around more than anything else.

A lucky, reckless blow more than anything snapped the other staff, and brought the impromptu combat to a halt. Kiyo's hands shift, as if intending to move the staff, but she remembers herself, and leans on it instead.

This is not the time for posturing.

"That was.. interesting. Thank you. I have not had the opportunity to spar since.. since my blinding. It is.... very difficult, without sight. Somehow, I don't think I'll dance again anytime soon."
Re: Teladran Forest

Returning to her companions, scrubbed clean, Kara quickly dons her gear and armor, then disassembles, inspects and reassembles her crossbow. Silly tall folk, always dancing at the wrong times.

She reaches into her pack, producing a number of strips of jerky. "Ah've go' deer jerky for them tha's hungry." She proffers the food with one hand whilst biting a piece from the other.
Re: Teladran Forest

((crap, coulda sworn I'd replied to this already, whoopsie))

Isha accepts some jerky with a thankful nod and continues. "I understand, we are very visual creatures, in time your other senses will make up for the deficit. Once you become accustomed to it, you will find there are benefits though, so keep studying." Kiyo can hear kindness and understanding in her voice.

"so, are you sure you don't wish to clean yourself up? If not, we should get moving again, no sense spending more time here."
Re: Teladran Forest

Kiyo accepts the offered gift, a little gingerly, and raises it to sniff at before she tastes it. An unreadable expression flashes across her face, for a moment, then she takes a delicate bite.

"Thank you. I am working with it, as best I can.. I suspect I can never reach the same place again, though.."

She shakes her head, though, and takes another bite of jerky.

"I can manage, for now. Travelling in this way is not terribly exerting. I shall bathe later tonight."

Out of sight, and out of mind.