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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that. Everybody stays where they are and keeps their eyes open. If there's one of these things, there may be more." "Roger."

The sounds come up the stairs, but as there's no light Draven can't really see a thing. The steps sound... off. Not like a human walking.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper merely resumes looking around, making sure to activate thermal scanning, as well as monitoring for electromagnetic disturbances. Since the station's power was offline, he figured any unexplained spikes would likely be caused by something moving.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven cursed the darkness, and stopped to fiddle for a moment with his sensor padd. A few moments later, a small beam of light came out of it, not much, perhaps six inches in front of him he could see now. It was better than nothing though.

Eyes focusing ahead of him, he moved forward slightly, trying to see if he could spot the source of the noise, not hearing Nadia's warning to stay put as his radio was silenced.

He did however, take note of the foot steps and their awkward movements. The fuck is that? It can't be human, or even in a space suit. Christ, I hope it isn't another of my people!
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

As soon as Draven puts on the light the steps cease at once. Instead, a "clunk" can be heard every few seconds - and it's coming closer, quickly!


Something shoots past the Ingrali and hits the stairs above him, producing another, last clunk. He can make out a bulky human form, but it moves - wrong. The arms and legs move as if they're made out of rubber. Draven doesn't have more time to analyze, as the being turns in mid-air and launches itself at him!
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Krysta heard the clunking getting closer and let out a choked sob. She hated the dangers that go unseen.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven doesn't even have enough time to turn misty again, the creature, whatever it is, is moving too fast for a full shift to occur. Instead, he does the only thing he can at this point, relying on the strength of his assumed form. Drawing both arms to the side, he swings both at the creature, much like a home run hitter would at a baseball, only at a level course, attempting to at least put some distance between himself and the thing.

If he's successful, he'll step back while upping the volume on the radio, before trying to shoot it. If he isn't, he's going to have one hell of a fight on his hands when that thing connects.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

As Draven hits the creature he is able to get a glimpse at it - and sees it's not even a creature at all. At least, not entirely.

It's a suit.

Whatever is inside has managed to snatch a heavy radiation suit - steel boots, gauntlets, helmet and tabbard covered in a thick sheet of lead and an amalgam of materials designed to absorb all kinds of rays - including the ones that scanners send out. Draven manages to see a mass of dark blue flesh pressed against the helmet's visor before it floats out of view, propelled against a wall by his hit. As it floats the suit's boots hit the floor now and then, producing something that sounds almost like steps.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven is taken aback, and for a moment his mind can't truly register what he had just seen. Knowing he has to move fast, he turns the radio back on, and levels his weapon in front of him.

"This is Draven, confirmed intruder, outside medical bay. I have no idea WHAT this thing is, but it's inside of a radiation suit and can move like a fucking mini fighter. This might turn ugly, fast."

By this point, he knows the thing likely has gotten back up again, and cuts off, moving backward a few more steps to increase the chances of seeing the thing in time to fire a shot, and shifting back to his normal form, knowing whatever this thing is, a bulky form probably isn't the best way to tangle with this thing. His hope is that he can dodge it faster and hurt it in his true form, though he knows this is a long shot at best.

"I think some help might be a good idea, pad isn't casting enough light to see by for some reason."
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper again turns to look at Nadia. "Objections?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Nadia gives a nod. "Move. Thall?" "On it. Okay listen." The Telarin turns towards Kars. "Follow the tunnel to the end - do NOT turn left or right. There will be a ladder at the end. Climb down and wait there." The Telarin presses a button and pushes himself off the ground. Turns out he has deactivated his mag boots as he floats down the corridor, pushing himself off the walls and ceiling to accelerate. The Telarin seems to be home in zero gravity as much as Kars.
As the being turns around the arms and legs once again move like rubber, the boots and gauntlets acting like weights. The thing seems to hang there for a second before it suddenly starts to glow - and sends a current of electricity Draven's way.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper moves quickly, turning the power to his boots almost all the way off. This enables him to move fairly quickly, with almost no noise. He's also changed the display on his helmet's visor to show full spectrum. As soon as he gets close to the stairway leading to the med bay, his pace slows, and his stance and gait change. Knees slightly bend, and he begins walking slowly, by placing his heel down and rolling his foot forward. His rifle leads.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven has just enough time to mutter, "Oh shit!", before he is sent flying against the bulkhead by the current. Luckily for him, his body absorbs most of it in this form, and he's quickly to his feet again, albeit a bit humiliated.

The residual glow of the creature is enough for him to gauge where it is, and with a grin, he returns the favor, sending a laser blast through the corridor towards the creature. His hope is that the direct plamsa energy bolt will stun it, he of course not wanting to vaporize it just yet.

Of course, over the radio, all anyone would hear would be the deep sounds of some kind of energy weapon being fired. Several times.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The stun projectile manages to hit a soft part of the suit - but it seems to have little to no effect. Instead the creature start moving again, once more hurling it's mass towards Draven.

Viper hears a quiet hissing noise as Thall stops next to him in mid-air, one of his hands stretched forward to emit a spray of water - a concept that humans have used centuries ago to navigate their space shuttles. Much more quiet than jet boots.
Said boots clunk to the ground as Thall lands next to Viper. He readies the heavy rifle he carries and gives the human a nod.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper rounds the corner, and spots Draven. Should he also spot the suit, he'd drop to one knee and try to line up a precision shot on the suit's visor.

Should he get such a shot, he'd take it.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Oh shit, stun is no good.

Draven this time doesn't bother to move, he thumbs the setting to it's highest possible, now no longer seeming to care about if there is a body left. It's simple for him, if this thing get's past him before the others can help, it will go for Krysta next, and he couldn't let that happen. Even if it meant him being injured.

Draven steels himself, then raises the rifle, firing directly at the creature again, with not more than a half second's room left before impact...

"Sit down motherfucker."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

So I'm guessing I should wait in the same place as you Kars? Senkek says before flipping a handle on his small jet pack to move forward again. It wasn't necessary in enclosed spaces, but if they hit a big room it would be useful: he normally used it when chunks of a space wreck were missing.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

The shot cracks a big, smoldering hole into the plate that covered the suit's front. It's forced backwards by the impact - and then the inhabitant emerges through the hole. Everybody's sensors go "ping" at the same time.

Everybody involved immediately recognizes the form. It's a spore of one of the fungal creatures - or is it? It's certainly a lot smaller, and the color is off. It has dark blue flesh and the tentacles are somewhat thicker. They barely have time to study the thing as it turns around in mid-air and speeds towards the stairway - where Thall and Viper stand. Thall raises his rifle, but the spore is too fast for him to take aim.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper, however, doesn't bother to aim. Or worry about overkill. He merely takes a shot from the hip at the creature, using his rifle's heavier setting.

((With Rule's permission...))

The shot connects, and drops the thing. With a very large smoking crater burned into it. There's little doubt that it's not going to be moving on its own, ever again.
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Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven was about to take another shot at it when he saw the other weapons fire. he barely managed to hold his fire back, and immediately looked at his sensor device, recording everything he could off the sudden reading before the thing was fried, or escaped.

"What the hell is that thing?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Viper keeps his rifle trained on the spore creature, just in case. "Unsure. Looks like it might be somewhat related to the spores. Group, Viper. Believe hostile to be neutralized. Hostile appears to be similar to one of the spore creatures mentioned in the briefing. Thall, can you get any information out of what's left?"