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Tales from Sin

Re: Tales from Sin

Yeah I know I'm slow, but I finally read the last two chapters. For once I just read it for pure enjoyment so I didn't spot any typos if they do exist. It was enjoyable as usual and strangely my favorite character is the Polish mercenary. I don't know if it's because he's male or what it is but I find him easier to identify with than any of the other characters. So good job hopefully it won't be such a long wait before the next chapter.
Re: Tales from Sin

Whatever the reason, I'm glad you identify with him. I'm trying to craft varied characters so that different readers have someone different they can attach to.
Re: Tales from Sin

So, as I work along on 'War of the Damned' another little story has been letting its tendrils creep along my imagination like a thick mist. Basically a dark fantasy setting that I'll be using to play around with action sequences over story telling.

However, I'm also offering to the various users of this fine forum to create a character to appear within the story. Just remember it's a dark fantasy setting, and within those boundaries I'd like some somewhat realistic entries, however feel free to let yer imagination run wild beyond that simple restriction. It'd be interesting to see what people come up with if they wish.

There is no guarantee I'll use your character, but I'll try to use as many as I can.
Re: Tales from Sin

Believe it or not, I just noticed the new Tainted Souls story, and I LOVE it. I'm not even sure how to describe it. I really dig the imagery, and I'm Arlenia's biggest fan. Can't wait to read more. ^_^
Re: Tales from Sin

I'm happy you enjoyed it. I really wanted to get some vivid imagery across, as this story isn't about the plot really, but about the action, playing with tropes and cliches, portraying some visceral images through words. It's going to fun to write.

And I should hope your Arlenia's biggest fan :p
Re: Tales from Sin

Yay, more War of the Damned! I really liked the first section. I don't think I've ever read anything like that before and it was pretty exciting. My heart was pounding. And thanks for the tip on part 3. x.x You know me pretty well. :p But anyway, there's SO many things to look forward to for the next chapter. I can't wait. ^_^
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Re: Tales from Sin

Just read Chapter 13! You really do a good job of bringing out my emotions during the story. In this chapter, it was especially sad (in kind of a wierd way that I can't explain w/o spoiler-ing), creepy, and surprise. There's so much I could say... but yeah... spoilers lol. I think you probably know what I mean though.

I'm pretty excited to see what might go on with Hella. She sounds like a pretty neat character.
Re: Tales from Sin

Yeah... I think I know what yer talking about. One of the weirdest sequences I've ever written.
Re: Tales from Sin

I haven't made it to Tainted Souls yet but I'm finally caught up on War of the Damned now. I'm glad Ranger had the common sense to not spoil any of that for me it probably would have ruined it for me, especially since I'm so slow with my reading. You're right it's definitely one of your weirder sequences in a story but it still seemed to accomplish what you were aiming for, at least what i think you were aiming for. Andrezj is most assuredly the most interesting character to me right now, though Karim is a close second. It's amazing how you can make him such a great character without him speaking.
Re: Tales from Sin

When I first introduced Andrzej people were wondering why I even bothered with him, so I knew he had to be an interesting character. While Gwenhwyfar is still my personal favorite it's cool to see that other people have others they like more. His sequence at the end was a way to introduce a cliche background in a not so cliche way. It was weird writing and it was originally longer, but it just started to feel really drawn out and silly.

And Karim is hard to write. I like him, but it's hard to write someone that doesn't speak a lick of English... nor does he understand it. So, it's been interesting writing his portions.
Re: Tales from Sin

Well I've always been a sucker for drunkards with somewhat sordid pasts that they would probably like to escape them but really can't. Which is probably why I connect so well with him. Plus he's one of the few male characters that I actually find likable, he's I guess you would say the perfect antihero.

I would imagine it would be difficult to portray Karim without the dialogue since well it's writing and not a movie where you actually have a picture. You're doing an excellent job there in my opinion though.
Re: Tales from Sin

I suppose one could call Andrzej an anti-hero. And the lack of likable male characters is something I do need to work on. I always find myself making strong female leads that often steal the spotlight.

Well that's good. I like Karim... mostly cause I stole his name from my Arabic sergeant.
Re: Tales from Sin

Well like I said anti-hero may not be exactly the best choice of words but it's the closest term I can think of for him. There's nothing wrong with a strong female lead you obviously do them well, it's just harder for me to connect with them on as deep a level as a male for obvious reasons. I do like the female leads you make though, it is easier to connect with a girl who's not just a pair of boobs who happens to be able to use a sword almost as an afterthought. I hope that came out right.

Beats the Iraqi police officer I worked with who was named Rick and spoke with a New York accent. Not exactly what I was expecting to find in Baghdad I'll tell you that much.
Re: Tales from Sin

Oh that did come out right. My whole goal with the female leads is to not make a walking set of tits... that can use a sword also. But totally understandable that you connect with male characters more easily. I'm also trying not to be sexist towards males either. That would be rather hypocritical of me.

Really? I mean I had terps that took Anglofied names like Bob, John and Mike, but they all spoke with a local accent, and their real names were local. But Rick with the New Yorker accent... that's actually funny.
Re: Tales from Sin

Well good, my eyes were getting droopy and I was afraid I had said it backwards. Nothing comes out as sexist either, Gwen may be condescending but she's condescending to most everyone of both sexes so it's not sexist.

It was funny especially when he spoke to anyone for the first time. He did have an Arabic surname so it wasn't completely off the wall. If I remember right he had lived in the states for a good portion of his youth which explains the accent. Still it was funny.
Re: Tales from Sin

Ah, tired posting. Yes things do come out odd sometimes.

Ah, that makes sense. Still be weird though. I had the one terp that refused completely to show his face unless it was just NATO troops around.
Re: Tales from Sin

I would imagine he was probably afraid of retaliation either against him or his family. Since from what I've gathered about Afghanistan some of the recruits aren't completely on our side.
Re: Tales from Sin

That's precisely what he was afraid of. He was from that area, and was afraid of being recognized.
Re: Tales from Sin

Can't exactly say that I would blame him for wanting to be careful in that case.