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Tales from Sin

Re: Tales from Sin

Two months later and Chapter 9 is finally complete. God Damn
Re: Tales from Sin

I started out only wanting to read the first chapter or two, but I ended up reading all nine! Tres magnifique. :D I don't really have any criticism because I was reading just for pleasure (critques are part of my job and vociferously shunned when I'm at home). A few things I noticed and complements...Have you read The Song of Roland? Some of the action scenes reminded me of that. ;) The story evokes the gamut of emotions really well, and the first part of Chapter 8 made me squirm on my couch! :eek: Anyways, great job! Looking forward to chapter 10.
Re: Tales from Sin

I'm glad you've enjoyed it, and I can very much understand not wanting to do your job when you get home. To be honest though, I just write to vent my own emotions and feelings, as well as to entertain others. I like to think it's good, but as long as other people enjoy it, my main goal has been satisfied.

I've actually not read 'Song of Roland' so if my action sequences read like that, then it's amusing coincidence.

Chapter 8 made you squirm eh? I had originally intended to include an "Author's Cut" of this story where some of the only hinted at sex scenes would play out fully. However I haven't been able to get in a proper mood to sit down and write smut for awhile. Still, if I got something out of you, means I have not gone too rusty with that particular skill.
Re: Tales from Sin

Phew, finally got the chance to read the latest chapter myself. I had almost forgotten to do it, though apparently I actually missed the last two chapters without realizing it.

Anyways, excellent as usual and yes I would say you haven't got rusty in the smut department. Though I didn't quite get the same enjoyment out of it as others, twas still good. No criticisms to be found from me, and once again twas quite good.

Still no inspiration writing-wise myself, but I've got too many vampires running around in my brain right now to focus on just one.
Re: Tales from Sin

Heh, yeah I kinda snuck a few chapters in when you weren't looking. And while it isn't a full fledged sex scene, good to know its enjoyable to read and from the sounds of it doesn't detract from the rest of the story.

When I wrote it I didn't entirely mean for it to be very arousing anyway. It's part of who Gwen is, she has a strong sexual appetite, but if some people did get some arousal from it awesome. If it was simply a good read, also awesome.

Heh, I understand. I didn't think you'd have much more coming out while you were helping run the RP.
Re: Tales from Sin

Yeah it fit well with the rest of the story the way you blended it in. It wasn't that it was so much arousing as it actually added to Gwen's character, though I could see someone being aroused by it too I guess.

Maybe once I get past chapter 1 in the game, I'll be able to finish my story chapter off. They're very similar scenes, so it kinda feels like thy're getting blurred together. Which I don't want since they're different stories.
Re: Tales from Sin

You found that? Perfect, cause that's really what I wanted to do. Happy I managed that then.

Ah. Still, the the RP and your story are set in a similar universe, so I see why it might be hard keeping them separate at times.
Re: Tales from Sin

Yeah I noticed it, though I didn't really think about it till you said something in the previous post. So if that was your aim it worked really well.

I can always do a short crossover if the Cams in the game need an extremely old and powerful kindred to pop up, though technically that may be bad for everyone. Knowing what I do about him that is.
Re: Tales from Sin

It was partially my aim. So yes I succeeded.

Yeah, I don't know enough about yer character to know how bad that could turn out for everyone involved...
Re: Tales from Sin

Oh, I agree that the scene developed her character. That actually was the main reason why I found it arousing - if that makes sense. In that way, my sensation was amplified by her desire combined with smug nonchalance. Without those elements to her character, I wouldn't have felt anything (ok ok I probably would have but not as much!) Anyway, I'm just saying that the elements of the character and the setting are just as important to get that kind of reaction out of me and you were right on with all of those points. So I got both literary enjoyment and squirminess. :eek:
Re: Tales from Sin

Wow. Thank you. It makes sense in a way, but just... you have no idea how awesome I feel right now cause of the two of you.
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Re: Tales from Sin

The first page of this thread is now an archive of all the works I have written on this site... save one which I have no intention of approaching again as I've taken elements and characters from it to make some other things.
Re: Tales from Sin

mmmm...the plot thickens! I enjoyed the new chapter; especially the imagery of the forest and the chess game. Besides, I can't think of a better weapon of choice than good ol' bow and arrow. ^_^ Nice job!
Re: Tales from Sin

I thought it'd be fun to give Gwen a Welsh longbow. Especially since in a way she herself is Welsh.

Glad you enjoyed the story dear.
Re: Tales from Sin

Hmm... been much too long since an update of my work. Next chapter of 'War of the Damned' should come shortly... ish.

In the meantime I'll probly be doing up a quick preview of sorts for my next story. A sci-fi war tale.
Re: Tales from Sin

Just checked the Fenris story, Sin. Looks like it's off to a very good start. Short piece, but you've got a lot of potential backstory, history, and future locations, perhaps, all in that one little bit.

I did notice, though, that in one of the early paragraphs, you have the word "simple" and I think you meant "simply." Other than that, nothing glaring jumped out.
Re: Tales from Sin

Thanks Cop, though... the whole thing really is just supposed to be backstory for the true story I'm writing later, and I plan on rewriting this whole thing still...

Which is the perfect cover-up to finding that typo you mentioned and pretending it never happened.
Re: Tales from Sin

Method. Madness. There usually is one. Like I said, look forward to seeing more.
Re: Tales from Sin

Just read Chapter 11, and it was fabulous as usual. I liked how you developed the mercenary because it feels like he's a "villain," but I find myself identifying with and sort of rooting for him, so it makes things kinda complicated and interesting. I liked the last part the most. I don't wanna give anything away, but let's just say it was quite the spooky picture. And now I want to know what happens!! :eek:

I did notice one tiny little typo in section 2, paragraph 5, I think you meant to put the word "knew" or something similar.
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Re: Tales from Sin

I'm glad you enjoyed it, however I won't be giving anything away about what happens with the characters and the events in the next chapter. Hopefully chapter 12 out faster this time.

And yeah that was a typo. Off to fix it now.