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Tales from Sin

Re: Tales from Sin

This sounds like an exellent sci-fi movie.

*In a mysterious and deep voice.*
IN the not so distant future, Humanity has been enslaved. a race of aliens have come here, not to end us, but to use us. We are their soldiers, we are their builders, we are their workforces and even their sexual servants.

Then another voice comes in, one of the protagonists.

Living in a reality where nothing is yours, not even the gift of choice. Some of the freeminded back then started building ships. Vast, vast ships, storing thousands and thousands of humans. The building went on for decades, then one day, we launched everything we had, ships, missiles, nukes. Everything. Just to get a chance of a new beginning, far away from the foulminded aliens that had taken the earth. It was on this new home that I was born. It was on this new home that I helped rebuild, and advance. We have grown, both in numbers and in knowledge. We have grown for one single purpose. To free our brothers and sisters, still in slavery on the planet we call Earth

In cinemas worldwide december 9, 2010.
Re: Tales from Sin

Would be better than Battlefield Earth anyway. Damn you L Ron Hubbard.

Anyway, are ya interested in taking the reins of this piece Wonderboy?
Re: Tales from Sin

Ooohh, so tempting... I might not, 'cause I'm trying to finish my other 2 books, 3 songs, and keep up to date in my classes of Advanced math, physics, chem AND science & tech...

But on the other hand, the premise of the story is great... Too great for a short story I would say, so atleast some 80-100 pages to fill it out... But then again... TIME!

Hmm, I'll say that you should get someone else, I might write something on it, but I don't wanna let people down, so I'm not gonna accept... (Dull strategy I know.)

I have a friend who writes A LOT more than I do, and this is VERY his kind of story, so he might be interested... He has an account on this forum... But I think he's logged in like twice or something.

So maybe, when you turn your back, your idea will spin around and jump out at you... But I can't say for sure... Of course, I've never seen any idea be destroyed by too much writing about it, and it would be interesting to see what other writers made of the idea. Sooooooo... Yeah... Passive...

TLDR: I might, I might not, someone else should do this too, I'm not making an promises, 'cause I don't make those if I don't know I can keep 'em.
Re: Tales from Sin

Well you should point this out to your friend. It'd be interesting to see what someone else makes of this idea. I always imagined something like battlefield except much darker and vicious in my mind whenever I thought of this.
Re: Tales from Sin

I like the main idea of the universe, but it seems too much like a Sci-Fi movie and not a book.
Re: Tales from Sin

Well it was inspired by video games, but I think if worked right it could be a good book or some such.
Re: Tales from Sin

I might be the person Rey refers to. if you want to I can give it a shot, write the beginning or something and then send it to you in order for you to see if you like it or not.

Be adviced: might take some time.
Re: Tales from Sin

Sounds good to me. Like I said, I have a few other projects on the go so I'm willing to hand this idea off. Time isn't an issue.
Re: Tales from Sin

I'm not actually that far into it yet, but War of the Damned I'm guessing is partially inspired by that King Arthur book you talked about int the hate thread earlier. It's fairly good so far but it seems a bit more flowery than your usual stuff. Not that it's a bad thing, just seems a little different from how you usually write. I'll try and comment more after I've finished.
Re: Tales from Sin

I'm not actually that far into it yet, but War of the Damned I'm guessing is partially inspired by that King Arthur book you talked about int the hate thread earlier. It's fairly good so far but it seems a bit more flowery than your usual stuff. Not that it's a bad thing, just seems a little different from how you usually write. I'll try and comment more after I've finished.

Partially inspired yes. I'm taking most of Gwenhwyfar's back story from the way Mercedes Lackey wrote it. Unless I mentioned the Bernard Cornwell book in the hate thread... in which case no.

As for it being different. Yeah I suppose it really is. I'm trying a slightly different approach this time.
Re: Tales from Sin

I don't actually remember which book you were talking about in the hate thread other than you said Lancelot was a dick. Which is what made me think that it was somewhat inspired. Actually it may have just been the fact the names made me think of King Arthur as far as I'e got into the story.
Re: Tales from Sin

Gwenhwyfar is Guinevere from Arthurian legend, so yes the names should remind you of Arthurian legend.

And if I was mentioning Lancelot as a dick, than it was definitely Bernard Cornwell's book trilogy. I hated him in that one, whilst I wanted to sleep with the one Mercedes Lackey wrote.
Re: Tales from Sin

Who knows I've read so many different versions of Arthurian Legends I'm probably mixing various legends together along with what you said in the hate thread. Lancelot is a dick every other story or so is every on else for that matter.

I need to finish reading sometime, but I keep getting distracted. Maybe that's why I'm getting confused.
Re: Tales from Sin

No worries. However, I've taken pieces of different versions of Arthurian lore to make some of my characters... and most of em aren't from the legends.
Re: Tales from Sin

So Galahads going to be a womanizing dickhead, and Mordred's going to be the coolest person you could ever meet then. Different, but I'm still interested.
Re: Tales from Sin

Doubt Galahad and Mordred are even going to show up. Perhaps mentioned.
Re: Tales from Sin

Well, I started and finished this on Wednsday... It's well written, and I want MOAR!
Re: Tales from Sin

Writing chapter 6 right now.
Re: Tales from Sin

Gah only up to chapter 3 so far.

Too bad about Mordred though, he was always my personal favorite even if he is a bastard in every way possible.