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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

With one sentence, the arachne managed to completely turn any interest that Cassandra might have had in co-operation and turned it into a huge mess. "Nononononononono, I'll go alone, ALONE! I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS! NOTHING!" she exploded into a verbal torrent of denial, the very idea of what was being suggested going against her good sense in all the ways it possibly could. It would probably end the same way regardless, but accepting such an offer would not work with her.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The arachne was struck silent. Cassandra's reaction left silence to take over for a time. But eventually, the arachne would overcome her 'shock' as it were. "Well... What the hell. It's like you'd prefer to be raped!" the arachne replied, looking a bit shaken. "Look, I just banged a sexy dude and these eggs need to go somewhere! Ready or not, willing or not, friend or not, here I come!" the arachne announced, before pouncing on Cassandra, getting her legs open a little more and shifting her panties to the side.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

And as expected, there really was no getting out of the situation without something bad happening. The explosion of words was only a brief prevention act, but soon the arachne was doing things like nothing had really happened. Talking sense would not work with these creatures, it appeared. Not really having much in the way of resistance, Cassandra bit her lip and prepared to take what was coming, even though she was against the very idea of it. "You better help me afterwards, you fiend..." the busty cleric stated, as uncertain as that was.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony waited a few moments, turning his attention self-ward to try and detect any abnormalities... but, nothing.

He looked at Alexia (trying not to stare at her chest), and shrugged. He didn't feel anything.

Also, it was okay. Still, he would have to find a proper chef sometime, with properly high-grade ingredients, to share a proper meal with his lady.

(Meanwhile in the not so distant past or something)

"Well, so long as they seem all right to you." Alexia would stop worrying for a change and actually eat. She'd try not to think about any strange goings on or unusual occurrences. Someone must have been playing with her. When she finished, she'd look to Anthony.

"Not bad. Certainly not your typical well to do fare, but it's passable. If you're all finished, maybe we can head elsewhere? Maybe a walk or something like that.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Assuming nothing weird happened, Anthony would (of course) oblige his Lady, raising his hand for the check after an inclination of his head and an "Of course, my Lady."

He hid his surprise quite well, he thought - even if it was but a mere 'acceptable' for him, he would have thought her palate would find their set more exceptional - soldier fare was no gourmet cuisine. It seemed Milady had a far more groomed tongue than he expected - disappointing... he would have to impress her dearly, if this courting was to leave any impression.

"An after-lunch stroll sounds delightful, milady. Would you have us take in this lake, they have set here? I imagine the water will keep it cool, despite the afternoon sun... alternatively, we could browse the town's markets. I'm sure they're lively, this time of day."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alex and SHM (Beware, massive post)
The lake looked as Anthony described it, rather refreshing, cool, and calm. Meanwhile, the market was far busier and crowded, but housed a few shiny trinkets that might appeal to a fine lady.

Other than the sights around them, and the noise of mixed conversations of the other patrons, nothing happened, or would happen until the two would get moving.

"You're suddenly ready to take me up on my offer now!? From here on out, that is not allowed! You're to be consistent and compromising! Understood? Good." she enforced her rules upon Cassandra, before climbing on top of her. The arachne carefully parted Cassandra's panties with her sharp fingers, before admiring her pussy. "Ah~ It looks recently used." The arachne giggled at the sight, before trailing her tongue up along Cassandra's thigh, and biting into it suddenly. Venom flowed forth, not paralyzing mind, but a rush of warmth that flowed through Cassandra's body quickly, heading to her head and erogenous zones and making her feel quite needy for some intimate attention. "Shall it be used again?" She inquired, before slipping up, delivering soft kisses along Cassandra's body before roughly gripping her large breasts. When they began to leak, the arachne found herself interested in the sight. "Oh, a wonderful treat!" she cheered, before taking one of her pink buds into her dangerous mouth, sucking on the tip and draining her breast of her magical healing milk.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Since it appeared that she would have no further say in the things that would happen next, Cassandra decided that it would probably be for the best if she kept her mouth shut. It was clear that she had really gotten herself into this by saying the wrong things, so maybe it would be less bad if she did not do it anymore. The comments that she got were poking at her to talk back, but she would not do it, only failing the supress herself once there was a bite. The effects were almost immediate, and reminded her all too much of what had happened before. "Is everything out here equipped with lust poison of some kind?... Damn it..." the damsel in distress cursed in her mind, knowing that she would succumb to pleasure again thanks to that poison bite. "Do... what you want to..." she answered once the question was asked, though it did not appear to matter right then as the spider lady's attention quickly moved away to the obviously more noticeable pair that Cassandra had. And like before, it appeared that her boobies were a delicious target to the assailant, milk getting taken just like before, only now it was sipped straight out and drunk instead of being stored for later use. That was how the rape began, and Cassandra did still not like it.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The arachne cooed at the helpless healer. "Your mouth isn't as honest as the rest of you~" she said, indicating towards how Cassandra's squirming was moving to the pleasure she was feeling from the arachne sucking on her magical teet, and then to her legs squirming from the arachne's hand soon down below and gliding along her slit. "In fact... What will you do if I stop?" she inquired, before the arachne pulled her lips and hand away just as Cassandra wouldn't be able to help but give a needy moan. "Quick to complain~ Such a needy girl~" she cooed, before her breeding tube soon emerged from where her human portion ended and her spider part began. "If you want it that badly..." she licked her lips at Cassandra, before moaning as she slowly slid her ovipositor into Cassandra's needy pussy.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

For all her unwillingness towards the situation she was in, Cassandra was also getting tired of being treated like a toy after her hesitant approval of what was coming. More than anything she wished that the terrible event would go as fast as possible so she did not have to endure it any further and get something done. "Shut up... and do what you want already..." she tried to coax the spider into talking less and doing more, ignoring the taunts that were thrown to the best of her ability.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

All this walking around and wandering around was really starting to bore the usually energetic naga. Sure the lake sounded nice and the atmosphere would be comfy, but for someone who was use to adventuring and exploring, the idea of just lazing about bored her. And the only reason she'd have to go to a market place would be to buy supplies for the next leg of a trip. Not just to browse. She wasn't cut out for this stuff. "Anthony...not to be rude, but I'm more then a little bored. I mean, the locations sound lovely and all...but I just can't get thrilled about anything. How bout you pick somewhere and I'll follow. No complaints. How bout it?" She posed her offer to Anthony, knowing he might jump on the idea of further guiding the trip.