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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

It appeared that her quick response had only served to cause further interest towards Cassandra. It was not something she welcomed from a strange person like this boar lady, who had been quite hostile just a few moments ago. "T-t-t-that is something I'm not going to tell openly like this!" she almost shrieked the answer as the conversation went too personal far too quick. Quickly seeking a way out, she dashed behind Anthony, knowing that the man was a trustwortny protector type when need be.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Anthony, face flushed bright red and zoned out, was fairly useless at this particular point in time. He sorta followed the conversation, but only to mutter to himself quietly as he wondered what kind of tool they were talking about.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The snake warrior was more than a little upset with the actions of their "guest". Picking on her or Anthony was one thing, but Cassandra was entirely different. clearing her throat in a loud and noticeable manner, Alexia addressed the rather rude woman. "Miss, I'd prefer it if you not badger my companions. If you must say something, say it to me. I lead this little band of misfit warriors after all." Sure it was an odd gesture, but she was doing just what a good leader should. Nothing more, nothing less.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The mistress laughed at Alexia's words, putting a hand at her side before noticing something. "Oh, I lost one of my potions?" she questioned aloud as they made their way outside. Where the potion went was obvious, as the one bandit the others left behind was laying on his belly, downing the potion the boar mistress must have lost. "Oh god..." the man sighed with relief as if he downed a refreshing beverage. "I thought I was going to die..." he said, the thick blood trail behind him that hinted at him crawling the whole way evidence that he very likely should have died.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Doing her best to keep the boar lady as far from herself as possible, Cassandra went along with the rest of them, the way leading out from the cave. Along the way, there was something being said about a missing potion, but it was not apparently a big thing as no effort was made to recover the bottle. Once outside though, the suspicious liquid was found, if not in a way that Silk might have wanted. One of the demolished bandits had chugged it. "Well, there it is... Was..." the busty cleric stated the obvious for some reason as she saw the thing happen.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

" Well shoot. That isn't what we needed today. Bandits running off with extremely potent potions. The scaled warrior sighed at the boar womans rather forgetful nature. And to find one of the rogues quaffing it? That just made it even better. " Well mistress, have any bright ideas?"


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"I forget, do we get a reward for turning their heads in?" Anthony asked, his voice rather dreamy as he retained his place on Cloud Nine. "We could just kill him more thoroughly this time~" He pressed his bootheel against the bandit's head, shoving a few times.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The bandit cried and squirmed as everyone seemed intent on killing him. "W-wait stop! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!" he pleaded, putting his hands over his head to shield himself from the boot. "Look, all I am is a man suffering from unemployment! All I do is steal from those more wealthy than they should be, but those other guys are the normal bandit sort! You gotta believe me! I'm a politically correct bandit! I don't rape!" he swore.

The mistress shrugged. "I don't really care what you do with him. He's just a bandit."

The bandit looked at the mistress, outraged. "J-just a...!? That's classism! Bandits are people too!"


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie listened to the blunt words from the boar mistress. The orange goblin still stewing in her miffedness from the lack of reaction from Pinkie when she had shoved the prissy noble into her!

Still watching the bandit and then he's cries she just shook her head from the shadows, uninterested in the going-ons. Well up till the fact something embarressing happened. Still she begin to look for a stone on the ground to throw or some rotten fruit.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

While she had tried to stay back from further interaction with the boar lady, Cassandra had to risk going near her again. She was not about to let the man get killed, he couldn't pose any real threat to the group by himself at this point and didn't deserve to die. While she did step forward, the busty cleric still didn't dare to get between the participants to avoid any possibly physical hassle that might occur. "Mister Anthony, please! Let him go, he is no longer a threat to us. Killing him is not necessary, he should just flee and consider s new start." she tried to save the bandit's life. She knew one's life was the most precious gift they could have, so taking it was a thing not to be done lightly.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Alexia wasn't going to be dealing with these moral dilemmas much longer. They were getting annoying and were slowing the group down from their true objective. Some people wanted the bandit dead, others (Mainly Cassandra) wanted her to live. Using her authority as party lead, she decided to put her foot down, as it were. "He lives. Let the bastard go. I don't want to hear any objections. As for you..." turning her attention to the bandit.

"Leave and go find honest work. Gods know this world is messed up beyond all reason, but that doesn't mean honest work is hard to come by. There is a town nearby where I'm sure you can get work digging graves or ditches or something menial. Better to do something menial and live then to live as a bandit and die young. But I hear one word of you doing anything terrible again, I will personally find you and wring the life out of you with my tail. Do I make myself clear?" She said, pointing her halberd at the man. This was her ultimatum. Whether he took it or not was up to him.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"I don't think you understand..." the bandit sighed. "ALL OF THE DITCH DIGGING JOBS ARE TAKEN! NO ONE NEEDS ANYMORE DITCHES!" he shouted, tears forming in his eyes, a pitiful sight. "I didn't become a bandit because of some reason like that... It was that or starve! I can't stop being a bandit until a better opportunity comes along!"


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

She was prepared to slam her weapon into the mans head when she remembered why she offered him a second chance to begin with. Well, if he wasn't going to do that, then she could at least make one more suggestion to the rather annoying bugger. "Fine! If that won't work out...go be a bodyguard or a mercenary or something. Just get off the highroads and stop trying to steal from people. Theres a good chance the next band of travlers you run into could be warriors well beyond your ability and they would cut you open as soon as look at you. Do you understand now, or do I have to shove my halberd down your throat?"
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The man listened to her, never really getting up from the ground, before he smiled, hope filling his eyes as he shot right up, giving Alexia a salute. "I will defend you with my life! For food!" he announced.


Tentacle God
Sep 7, 2010
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

"Wait...You...You can't be serious. I just...God damn it. FINE! Just stay out of the way when we're conducting serious business and try not to make too much noise." She said in a huff as she began moving again, not really caring about the situation anymore, given how frustrating it is. "How the hell does this keep happening. I just want this job to finish." She mumbled and grumbled to herself as the trip continued on.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Nnnnnghh. Given the aid so recently lent to him by Cassandra and his devotion to Lady Alexia's wishes, Anthony reluctantly didn't pull the trigger as he ground his foot against the man.

When he spoke back, though, a vein bulged from infuriated Anthony's forehead. He bit his tongue... until somehow, he managed to worm his way into Lady Alexises' service. The thought of having to share her presence with him was almost as degrading as having to share it with that fucking goblin!

"You pathetic, snivelling maggot!" Anthony snarled angrily as he yanked the bandit up off the ground by the his collar. "'Don't think we understand'? I don't think -you- understand! Your 'better opportunity' has come, in that we aren't going to rip you into pieces searching for your non-existent spine! Of course no one wants such a sad waste of air as you! Are you a man? If you are, then grow a backbone and find some work to do! If no one needs a body for such menial drudgery as digging ditches you should be elated! Find proper work under an artisan or in a lord's militia or somesuch, and for Liches' sake, grow a backbone and at least make yourself look like you would be a benefit to any that would put you to work!"

"We mean to fight demons themselves, and have no use for such a craven louse as you. Now remove yourself from our presence and fetch yourself a reason to continue breathing!"

With that, Anthony's hair came alive and wrapped itself around the bandit. With a twirl of his body and a snap of his neck, he hurled the man bodily into the shrub of the forest.

Grab that nerd and activate Fling!

That Alexia threatened to squeeze him to death in her coils miiiiiiiiiiiiight have also been a factor in earning Anthony's enmity. Those coils were his Lichdammit! If anyone was going to get crushed inside those shiny, powerful, oh-so-exquisitely-scaled muscles it was him!
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Gripped by Anthony, the bandit first showed confusion, and then sheer terror. The bandit gripped Anthony's hand lightly and began to plead for his life while apologizing profusely, before letting out a high pitched scream as he was thrown by his hair. "I'M SORRRYYYYYY-" they all heard him scream before he was thrown much further than Anthony may have expected, as the bandit became but a dot in the distance, before gleaming as if he'd become one with the stars.

"Nice throw." the boar mistress commented, before continuing onwards with Alexia.

Should none of the group decide to make a fuss, they would return to the town with the bandit's ill gotten goods. Townsfolk rushed to the group, singing them praises while taking their belongings back in order to become a fully functioning society again.

"Holy. Matthias." announced a familiar militant voice. "YOU AREN'T DEAD!?" shouted the military fairy that sent the group out on their mission to begin with. Suddenly, she began the loudest applause any would have ever heard, as if she was full of nothing but the pride of her country. "Well done, you maggots! No! You are no longer maggots! You are now Meat Sacks! The things maggots depend upon! All other maggots will look up to you in envy of your juicy meat! I take it you're already prepared for your next journey, so guess what! I'll prepare a horse carriage to carry your lazy asses across the roads! Do your shopping ladies, and then meet at this point in twenty four hours! DISMISSED!" the fairy announced.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

While Cassandra's plea had managed to save his life, it looked like the one-time bandit would still not get off the hook without some kind of punishment. After Alexia's berating and a phony vow of loyalty, it looked as if Anthony was not listening to the man anymore, getting furious at them. It culminated in the bandit getting thrown by the nobleman's strange powers, the power of the throw being enough to send him away from their sight. "Looks like... He's blasting off or something..." the busty cleric thought as she waved in the direction of the departure. Somehow, she felt like it had to be done. Considering that issue dealt with, she focused her efforts back to reaching town with the rest of the party.

Back at town, the people were soon taking their stuff back, becoming a less primitive society once more. And their recruiter had not missed the success either, almost giving them some compliments along with the new instructions. "Go shopping, she says. Maybe we should go and see how much that loot we got is worth and split it up so we can do actual preparation. There is decent time, but I think it should be taken care of first." Cassandra offered her idea of what they should do now.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie stamped on the ground! The bandit flung into the sky and becoming a starry star before she even got to do anything! The orange gaboo girl felt such anger even as she glared up at the sky before glaring at Anthony and breaking her silence as she let out a whine "Awwz! Couldn't you waitz for mez to humiliate himz?" As Eeyie folded her arms underneath her hefty breasts on her small frame.

The orange goblin perked up the fairy's words before the orange goblin let a crooked smile cross her face as she thought of all the pockets that were begging to be picked while in town! And fondled. Yes definitely fondled. With that thought in mind she turned to look at Pink Snake Lady Naga Leader Lady! Pinkie for short! For direction as of right now, otherwise she was going to go running to the nearest town!

(Is the nearest town where we dropped off the woman?)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

(It's your starting town, where it all began, and where you dropped that woman off, yes.)

As the group was left to their own devices, a man hunched over and wearing a dark and shabby coat came up to them. "Welcome, strangahs!" he announced, before opening up one flap of his coat to show everyone his wares. "What are ya buyin'?"